Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 31 Mar 1982, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3111982e WHITBY FRISE PRESS LTTERSTO THE DITOR Ontarj*oHeart,'Fund. commi*tts,$8.6 million to research Dear Sir: "Heart Month" ln Canada 18 flow over for another year and on behaif of the Canadian Heart Fund, Ontario, Division, please ac- cept out heartfelt thanks fi your promotional sup- port '.during February 1982. Our objective for the 1982 "Heart Fund" campalgn was $7.7 million and although all returns are not yet Kn we are quite hopeful that our ob- jective wiil be at- taine d. Without your wIllilng co- aperation ln com '- munlcating our Se nd letters to Box 206 Whitby LJN- 5S1 THE CORPORATION 0F THETOWN OFWHITBY PUBLIC NOTICE FOR IN FORMATION TOWN 0F WHITBY The followlng projects have been included ln the approved budget for 1982. The plans for these projeots wiiI be on display In Committee Room One of the Whltby Municipal Building, 575 Rossiand Road East, Whitby, at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, Aprîl 6, 1982. The plans are being dispiayed for Information purposes and to ailow the public an opportunIty to view the plans prior to construction., 1. Euciid Street Reconstruction 2. Perry Street Reconstruction 3. Ash Street Reconstruction 4. Green Street Reconstruction 5. Gilbert Street East Reconstruction 6. Coiborne Street East Reconstruction 7. Bayvlew Avenue and McCuilough Drive Storm Sewers - Phase i From Dundas St. West to Mary St. West From Mary St. East to John St. From Dundas St. East to Mary St. East From Gilbert St. East to St. John St. East From Brock St. South to Green St. From Green St. to Athol St. Alil affected and lnterested cîtîzens are lnvlted to attend. The Staff of the Public Works Department willI be on hand to explain the details of the projects and the construction sohedule. R.A. KUWAHARA, P. Eng., Dîirector of Public Worlçs. needsta the public, we wouid not be able ta express such a positive outlook. The medîcai comfmittee of the. Ontario Heart. Foundation met at the end of January, to revlew research applications sub- Dear SI r: Thank you for your coverage of the launching of the Heart Fund Cam- paign in February. The aid addage "many hands make light work" has been proved again in ttue Whitby Heart Fund Campaign thîs year. To the mltted ta us for support. You wili be pleased to know that af te r deliberations, 1 $8,,650,000 have been committed to cardilovascular and cerebrovascular re- search projects ln Ontario commen- cing July 1982. The hands that were receptive to the knock of the many valunteers, ta the captaîns and zone captaIns for their organization and participation and the Rose Lady, Mrs. Kathleen Bowes and her' many heipers we are In- deed grateful for ail M PROUD TO INTRODUCE LORAINE FOSTER TOi April Spec Monday to Thursdi .35% REGULAR PRIC ON PERMS COLOUR HENNA HIGHLIGHTS' Senior Citizen WOMEN'S HAIRCUT Senior Citizenf SET Senior Citizen GENTLEMEN'S HAIRCUT .106Lupin Drive m Blair Park Plaza Tt Whitby 668-5441 Si OUR STAFF Diails layOnli OFF ES Reg. financial support of many indivîduals' and businesses ln our- Province has made thîs commit- tmnent possible. Thank you agaîn for-your support, and for helping us to ensure that research agaînat our natlon's num- the busy hands that moved ta meet another need. To the folks who didn't open their hands to assist ln the campaign we- trust you wlli open your enveiope and iearn how the heart fund dollar Is spent and how to keep a family healthy for ber one health enemy will con- tinue. With best wlshes. Yours very truly, CANADIAN HEART FO UNDATION-, ONTARIO DIV. Esther M. Richards, Director of Public Chapter president writes.... Local fund, ca-mpaign successful after ail a Healthy Heart is a Family Af fai r. To- al the people, of Whltby who lent a hand, Thank-you for putting "your Heart i'nto 1V'. Mrs. Jackie Guthrie Canadian Heart Fund, Whltby Chapter. Thank -you Dear Si r: On behaif of the above Society, i wouid like ta thank you for your free advertising you gave us for our third annual Stamp Show and Dealers' Bour- se, "Apex 82" held on February 27 and 28, 1982. The show was a great success due in no smail way to our advertisers. We appreciate your heip. Yours truiy, J. Fairbairn, Vic e President, The APS. Thank -yo u ly Dear Sir: The Parent Advis- ory Council of St. Theresa's School wishes ta express Its sîncere thank $45 you toaai of hs a osupported aur $1 8 recent "ui' i-Cper Dance". Vour $22 $42, Reg.8 Reg. $7. Reg. 16. $5 $3 $4 Ion -Wed 9-6 'urs -Fr! 9-8 ;aturday. 9-5 donations and parti- cipation were great-' iy appreciated. Mrs. JoAnne Prout, President, St. Theresa's School, Parent Advlsory Council. Thank-you Dear Sir: The Henry Street High School Band Parents Commit- tee would like ta thank you for your support of the fashion show "Mave 1in to Spring" in your coming events calendar recen- tiy. The. fashlio'n show was a suc- cess and our commlttee ap- preclates the service your paper performs with the calen- dar.' Sincereiy, J' Meagher, Band Parents Committee, Henry Street Hlgh Sohool. 4. j DENTU RE THERApy CLINIC 214 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-7797 Hours: Mon. - Sat. & Evenings By Appointment OnIly (across from Beer Store) E* NKawasaki , ~(ONTARIO 00W!) We slaughter the compoetition - by glvlng you a dolicous deal on a new BEEFY BIKEI ~~~~ON OVER4 133 TAUNTON RD.W.,NO. 14 T U OSI-IAWANEW KAWASAKI4 433-1022 DEALER TODAVI The Whitby Free Press apologîzes for the omi- ssion of Loraine Foster's start date of March 30 from the Tony's Halrstyling advertlsement that appeared ln last week's edition. We regret any ln- convenlence that may have been caused. ..........

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