Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 31 Mar 1982, p. 21

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-- WHITBY FREE PRESSI WEDNESDAY, MARCH31I 982, PAGE 2t iej U à11 Pl'OF38IOIAL I TRACTOR TRAILER, TRAINING For Class A & D License Cali PARTICIPATION 416363-8031 lesid ef aCl71fre 1-800-26&U989 Day, Ev,. & Sat. courses fCAIRPEÏYTRY HOME IREPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchons, Ceramic TII- ing, Drywall, Roc. Rooms, Cedar Docks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES LCALLO668-4686 NEW &USED FURNITURE Bought, SoId & Exchanged Ail yaur furniture & appilance needs. 210 BROOK ST. S., WHIT BY 662214 "WEEK'LY SPECIAL" 9-pc. Wainut Dlningraom Suite, Exo. Cond., $375. HIGNESI PRICES Paid for Goid and Silvor [coins, aidciguns, cdock s, jeweiery, dishes, furni- ture, crocks, ail paint- 1ings and sealors. FRIENDLYr FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWAj GUITAR LESSONS A VAILA13LE BY PROFESSIO'NAL INSTRUCTOR. PHONEr668-3741 ADVERTISE VOUR'SERVICE In the Whitby Free Pross and gel Immediato resulsa. Phono 668- 611110 place your ad. SERVCES DETOINIG FOR PROFESSIONAL RESULTS, DIAL A PRO. PAINTING & WALLPAPER A PROFESSION - NOT A SIDELINE. 22 years experlence. Aima dry- ,weil tplng & texture spray 1Budget price. Colnytime: 576-2401 FREE Your Favorite Chair SPECIAL UNTIL MARCH 31ST, '82 Living, dining room & Hall $69-00 PMus Y ur Free Chalir 90 PHONE TGDAY 447-2493 447-4015 Frn EstImates on Vaur Office & Restaurants Please check your advertisomont for errons on the f Irst day of publication. The.Whltby Free Press will not bo hiable for failuro ta publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion boyond tho cost of the spaco occupiod by thoenror up to a maximum cost of the first Insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to ciassify or rjoot ail advertisoments. Ads must appear in the paper one day bef ore they can bo changod on cancellod. RATES: $4.06 for 20 wands If biloed; 12ceoach additional word. Pre-paid Insertion of 20 words $3.50; additionai words 110 each. You may charge your Classifiled Ad ta your Chargex or i I i I ~EiUGAINAL SERVICES 'GRAMMAR FOR PEOPLE wha hate grammar' la the Ideal pocket reforence bock for business peo- pie. $3. 95 per copy andt avatiable et DIckson Printing & Office Sup- piles In the'Ajax Plana. Deaer en. quiries lnvted 883-1968. CONGRATULATIONS on your for- thcoming marriage. Piease viow aur sampies of engraved wedding Invitations at your leisure ln our Aja Plaza store. DIckson PrInting &Office Supplies 683-1968. HELP 18 ON THE WAY for firme whose prînter has recentiy gono out of business. Lou Dickson has the cost cutting ideas you need st a lime like this 683-1968. TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE weekdays. Leaving Dominion Plaza, Brock Street South at 8:10 arn. ta downtown Oshawa. Phono 66-3408. O Holy Saint Judo, Apastie and Martyr. Groat ln virtue and rich ln mira- clos. Kinsman of Josus Christ, tho faithfulIinter- cossar of ail wha invoko your speciai patronage ln timeo f nood. Ta yau 1 have reourso tram the dopths of my hoart, and hum.bly.bog-you ta whom God has given this groat power, ta came ta my assi' stance. Help me ln my presont and urgent position In roturn i promise ta mako your name known, and causo it ta bo invoked. ThreoOur Fathors, throo Hall Mary's, and three Glanias. Saint Judo, pray for us and al who invako yaur aid. Publication must be promisod. This novona has nover beon known to fail. FOR SALE , FOR'SALE - Glass showcases. Phone 6686929. 2" Storm Doors Triple Sealed 5 coori $ 16W *4 styles Instalied & Guaranteed. Also eco. nomical and energy efficient storm and replacemerft thermal windows and onclosures. FREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 666-3355f ATICLES ~FORSALE]-1 AFlOR SALE WATERBEDS - COMPLETE $299 v. ,i We specialize ln waterbeds ta, complernent yourI ;~present bedroom suite (5 finishos avalaàbie).,~ Use your prosont hoad board, "See us for details". \~ We soul - singlo, 3¾, double, queen and king's. y. lst-quality shoot sets $49.95 Shoot Comf ortor Sets $129.95 Halcyon needie-point mattress pads $29.95 Halcyon YO UR DURHAM REGION HALCYON DEALER Halcon - f Irst and foremost in matchod watorbod, mattrosses and heater kits. The Watershed l, 244 Brook St. S., Whitby 666-1303 Open10 to 9Mon.- FrI. Set.l10to 6p.m WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St, Whitby WANTED, - Estates, househoid items, furni- turo, glass, tools & equip- ment. The place ta buy or soul. Wo will pick up. 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS) -(EVGS.) WATERBEO -1i year new, queen size. (încludes pedestal, f rame, head .board, mattreas, heater & sheets.i $300 firm. CaIl 666-3817. UTOBOILES EFF 0 :R :EAL I 1979 FIREBIRD, ail options. Weil" kept. Beat offert CaIl 576-6160. 1975 TRANS AM, 400, 4 speed. standard, T-roof, AMIFM storeo cassette, 70,000 miles. $5,300 or best offer. Phono 666-2216 aflor 4:30 p.m. 1970 MONTE CARLO, 350, 4 barrel.Best1 aler. Phono 668-5589. «Y13!EDS TWO-SHELF BASSINET, crib cover & piilow, carniage caver & pillow, lounge chair cover, ail mat- ching pastel plaid. $45 firm. Dormi car bed. nover used includes baby sleeping bag) $15 f irm. Cail 666- 3817. MOTC7CLEWl 1982 750 KAWASAKI LTD., 4 cylindor, 3,000 miles. $2,900. Phono 579-7280 allter 5. UY/ENT WANTED - 40 fIL used TV tower plus 10 fI. mast pipe with hard- ware. Caîl 668-1982. PPROOIEDUCE FRESH MUSIIROOMS. $7.00 2.27 kg. (5 lb.> Darlinglton Mushroom Farm, R.R. 4, Bowmanvlle, 983. 9304. 8 a.m. 10 5 p.m. daily. Com- posts for lawns & gardons $5.00 cubic moIre>. VELES GO-KART. good condition, has Honda G200 ongine (5 hp>. Engino runs excellent. $350. Phono 668- 3931. 1975 PROWLER, house traloer. 18 fi., ail options, excellent conidi- tion. Asking $5,900 or best offer. Phono 579-8790. ORFRRE RI'ENT TYPEWRITER RENTAL, many makes and modela, b', the woek- end, woek or month. Dscounts avallablo. Dlckson Printing & Of- fice Supplies ln, the Ajax Plaza. Cai us for business machine- repaira 683-1968. FREE: Drap mb the Dickson Printing & Office Supply store ln the Ajax Plaza and plck..up a f re copy of thoîr 1962 Metric Calen- dar. Prlntod ln two colours, It màkos for hendy reforence 683- 1968. BUILDING PERMIT AVAILABLE for Whltby lot (50 x 132) ln primo location. Asking $32,500. $23,000 aI 14%. Phono 668-4104. Visa Account and receive the discount on the price of your ad. Ploase have your Visa card noady whon caiIing. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 12ceoach additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 12o each additionai word. AUCTION SALES - 32o per lino. (Na word ads.allawed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional- charge of $2.00. The Whitby Fr00 Press will mako every on- Le HILP WA NTED 1.- THE CORPORATION 0F, TH ETOWN OF WH ITBY The Town of Whitby Recroation Departmont is ac- coptIng applications for'summéir day camp staff. Positions and Rociulrements: Camp Diroctars: Camp Counsel lors: Volunteers: Students 14 ta 16 years of ago. lnterested ln Leadership Training and assisting with campors. Telophono: 668-7765. Previaus experienco supervising children's programs. Mini mum 18 years of ago. Enthuslastic and Organized. Availabie May 10Ota August 27. S'ubmit rosumoe and two lettors of rot eronce by April 9, 1982 ta: TaWn of Whitby Municipal Offices, Rocreation Dopartmont, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, Li N 2M8. Students, 17 yoars of age and ovon. Enthusiastic Leadership Quailtios. Availablo Juno 28 ta August 20. Application Farms are available at Iroquois Rocroation Campiox. BROOKLIN TOOL CO. LTD. roquires three retired persans. Mechanlc ta ropair air to018, jacks and compressars. Brick layer and carpenter to aselet ln constructing office. Phone 663-1753. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS, soul Abse Vers. 175 producîs. Cana- dien firm. Enquiro now. Phone 571-2738, ask for Doreen. LOVE NEEDLECRAFT? ENJOY TEACHING? Yeach basic neediecraft akIlîs and turn your hobby nIa S$$sa. Part- limne or fuil-timne. Calltadayl Pen- ny - 688-2542. EXPERIENCEÉD HAIRORESSER,' maie or fomale. Phono 668-5441 Monday 10 Thursday. CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUEl ON PAGE 20.I doavour to forward replies to box numbors, howover, wo ac- cept no iiabiiity regarding ioss or damage alleged to arise truhfailune or deiay in forwarding such replies. Wo wiii not be rosponsibie fan box numbor replies nat caiiod for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior ta, publication to insert or cancol Classified Ads. Fiday noopi pnior ta publication ta In- sert on cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 FISHER REFRIGERATION & APPLIANCE- PARTS NEW STORE OPENING Hwy. 12 - 1 mile N. of 1ights next ta Manchester Credit Union COMMLEE O F APPLIANCE PARTS, NEW & USED stove elements, washer & dryer parts, etc. WE B3UY & SELL NEW & USED APPLIÂNCES Open 9--9 AMPLE PARKING 655-3233 v -~ ATTENTION DISPLAY& CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS

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