PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24,1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS Coundi rej eets- extra seat for Whtby Whltby and Ajax wlll net get additional representation on Durham Reglonal Council. Regional politicians made that decision after a lengthy debate at thefr meeting last week. A few weeks ago, On- tarie Minister 'of Municipal 'Affairs andý Heusing Caude Bennett sald ho would favorly receive a recom men- dation froni reglonai couneil te increase both Whitby's and Ajax'. representation. Bennett submitted a study prepared by his mlnlstry that concluded that both municipalities were underrepresented BO0RE D?7 CERAMIC CLASSES STARTING WEEK 0F APRIL 5th LARGE SELECTION 0F GREENWARE & SUPPLIES WHITBY CERAMICS 1450 HOPKINS STREET, WHITBY 668-6941 A COMPLETE SERVICE ON TRANSMISSION, DIFFERENTIAL & DRIVE LINES ED CERANOWICZ DPHIONE 668-0737 132 BROOK ST. NORTH, WHITBY, ONTARIO E '81 Honda Accord Hatchbi 5 speed, metallic brown with tan Interior, AMIFM Ilghts, 18,500 mi., immaculate car $7495.00 LIC: RH- on the 31-man body. However, regional politicians balked at the suggestion. Oshawa Mayer, Alan Pilkey, said that his munlcipality would not accept theý Increase ln membership unless they tee, were given an ad- ditienal voice. Pilkey pointed eut that Oshawa has 42 per cent of the population Of Durham, but enly 37 per cent of the seats ,on ceuncil. Hie aise claimod that having il members of 32 (including the extra seats) would give Oshawa 34 per cent of the seats. "It's almost te the peint whero we should' be requestlng two (ex- tra members),"I Pilkey said. "We are entitled te ho censidered as well," ho added, ,We will con- sider three or none."1 In fact, Pilkey rnoved an ameudment te a motion by Ajax Mayor Bill McLean and Ceun- cillerilm Witty (aise, of Ajax) te increase Whit- by's and Ajax's delegation by one te in- clude Oshawa. However, on a 15 te 14 recorded vote, Pilkey's request was rejocted. S ack 4radio, mag wheels, ffog HO0888 '80 Honda Civic Hatchback Metaililo red wîth beige Interior, AMIFM radio, radial tires, 43,000 mi., very dlean economîical car $4695.00 LIC: PJV 021 '79 Honda Civic 2-door Metalloc blue wth black interior, stereo cassette, 45,000 mi., excellent con- dition $3595.00 LIC: OOS 796 '79 Honda Civie 2-door Dark-green with tan Interior, 47,000 ml., very dlean $3495.00 tiC: OTB 105 '78 Honda CIvIc Hatchback Metaiic biue with blue interlor, radio, radial tires, 76,000 mi., good con- dition. $2695.00 LIC: NRZ 061 '81 Chevy Citation 4-door Hatchback, metalllc blue with dark blue Interior, 4 cyl, auto, PIB, PIS, radio, 15,000 mi., $6995.00 LIC: RKN 241 '80 Ford Granada 4-door Automatic, 6 cyl, PIB, PS, radio, 35,000 mi., very clean car. $5195.00 LIC: OXJ 843 '77 Volkswagen Rabbit 2-door, standard shift, off-whiite with brown interior, radio, radiai tires, 45,000 mi., excellent condition. $399500 LC: MCB 346 '76 Chov Pick-UP Scottsdaie model, automatic, PIS, PIB, radio, tonneau cover, 65,000 mi., super runnIng truck. $3295.00 LIC: DT5 350 In a surprise move, Whitby Mayor Bob At- tersley opposod McLean's motion to ln- crease representa'tion fromn their respective communities. ',,My mmnd leads me one way, my heart leads me another,"l Attersley told ceuncil. I'm ln a very difficuit position," ho said ad- ding that 11we are ovrer- governed by numbers." "I4t Is not the numbers that matter, it Is the qnalty,"* Att ersley con- tinued. "It's about this that we got this council working together." The mayor said that his action dees net mean ho -dishelieves ln the principle of "IRepresen- tatlon-by-populatlon but rather that regienal councl le alroady tee large and adding extra members*weuld only ln- crease the burden on the taxpayors. At a recent management commit- tee meeting, Attersley pointed eut that adding three membçrs te ceun- cil (one each for Ajax, Whltby, and Oshawa) would cost the regien between $70,000 and $80,000 a year. 1A uimilar position came from Councillor John DeHart (Oshawa) who said, Il"We dont need any more regional councillors. "W'e've been talklng about restraing. . .we've been talklng about keeping our budget down." Councillor James Wit- ty (Ajax) said that the additions were Ilnocossary"l. "Ajax and Whitby have been left eut in the cold.," ho sald. Uxhridge Mayor Bill Ballînger expressedl doubt as te whether or net the increased size would mean botter government. "The region la fun- ctioning very weIl," ho said, "I don't think that what this council needs or what the taxpayers need are more politîcians."1 Council voted 24 te 6 net te request addition representation for Whitby and Ajax. Whlt- by councillors, Gerry. Emm and Tom Edwar- di voted in Favor Quality*of council members wIll improve region:* mayor While ho rocognizes that beth, Ajax and* Whitby are under- represented en Durham Rogienal Ceuncil, Mayor Beb Attersley cannot justify in- creaslng the--size of second tier government. In an Interview lu his office last Thursday af- toernoon, Attersley poin- ts eut that the principle of "IRepresentation-by- population" is net strie- tly adhered te in Canada. "lWe de net have representatien by population lu the Government of Canada, we de net have representation-by-popu- lation in the Province of Ontario," ho sald. This dees net mean that ho does net belleve in IL Attersley doos net believe that increasing AjaxIs and Whitby's represontatien at the reglenal level weuld net mean botter goer- nment. filt is net the quan- tity," ho said, "l1t's the quality."1 "The thing that wili make the region werk is the quality of -its mom- bers* net the quantity." Accordlng te reports prepared fer hlm by town staff, this cem- munity's shareý of the rogion's population shouid romain con- sistant until the year 2000. It lu prejectod that the turu of the century, Whitby will have 13.8 per cent of the population. However, Oshawa's share will decroase from 40.5 per cent in 1990 te 38.5 per cent in 2000. 1' "Oshawa will come down,'1 the mayor said. "Wepro short that member, se la Ajax," ho added continuing that this is net the main themo f his argument. "My whole basic argument is that we don't nood any more pelitlcians, Attersley said. However, Attersiey ceuld support addition of mombershlp for Ajax, Whltby and Oshawa if the reproson- tation on the whole council was re-aligned. Ho suggests that "1rop- by-pep"l could bo at- tained hy adding a member fer thoso three municipalities while taking one away from Brock, Scugeg, Ux- bridge, and Newcastle. Iu a report prepared by the Ontarioe Minlstry of Municipal Affaira and Houaing it said that the latte four municipalities wore over-represented on Attersley regional countiL. Hewever, Minister Claude Bennett said that it wouid net ho politically acceptable te decrease thofr member- ship. "That would ho as close te boing perfect as possible if yeu koep te 6"rep-by-pop,"' Attorsloy maintaîns. Ho admittedthat thia proposali "weuld ho dif- ficult to elo. Floodmg9to be mvestigated Durham Rogion's public workd depar- tment will investigato the cause of floocing in Port Whitby homes. 1During the severo storms exporionced on March 13 and 14 basements were flooded in homes in the Harbour Street Front Street area. According te tho regions public works comm issionor, the flooding was caused by the jammning of two area pumping stations. In a memo to Regional Ceuncillor Gerry Emm, chairman of regien council's works cemmittee, Commissiener Bill Twelvetreos said that because of warm weathor and rain predictilons both the Harbor Stroet and Front Street pumping stations w ere checked on March il - bofore thue sterm. The departmont was informed ef the flooding by a Front Street residont, at 2 p.m. on March 14. Aftei ,works rews arrived two heurs later, "the manhole at Brock Street and Front Street was checked and the level of sewago was at the top ef the manhole, " Twelvetrees said. "The Front Street .pumping station was operating satisfactorily." The commissionor said that the crews did net arrive until 4 p.m. that'afternoon because of the number of oeils for service received. Tho Harbor Street station was thon checked. "On chocking this location," Twelvetroos said, "'rags (towels, socks, etc.) wero feund te, have jammed both pumps causing the main breakers to trip off. "The pumps were cleaned and operations restored te normal. " The stations were re- checked at intervals throughout that weekend and on Sunday, March 14 one of the pumps was again jam- med. CONT'D ON PG. 12 I THIS WEEK' USED CAR' FOR FAST EFFICIENT "" REPAIRS AT COMPETITIVEPRCS No oterbankinaà d offersyoul DAILY INTEREST CHEQUING Mie Oums Sign up for your account today ROYAL BANK WH ITBY-OSHAWA HONDA 1110 Dundas St. E. Whitby Pon. 666&1772 or 686-1745(Toronto En@) PRICESI