Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 24 Mar 1982, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS CA LL. 668M.61 Il Emporlum Ads wlII only be accepted ubjct to'the f ollowing co.nditions. FO*, RSLE FRANKLIN FIREPLACE, zero clearance, brase knoÏbe, grcte, ecreen & acessorles.'Usod, n goad condition., AekUng $80 or beet offer. Phono 68-0914. Jan.27,82(K) FOR SALE -,ce craam coolar. Asklng $250. Phono 655e3814.' Mar.3,82(V) UNI< DupLîCATîNa MACHINE- autoacîi with stand.ý $240 or noarost offor, Phone 668-1718 or 688-9691. >Mar.17,82(W)' FOLD UP PINO PONG TABLE& ccceeeories wth back boards on reverseaiedes $60. -Hammered braes-Uook lire ecreen 320. Sacre chiid'e typewriter, axc. cand., $15. Calii823-633 or 266-9494.> Jcn.13,82(C) NORESCO RECEIVER, Modal 2360, 40 watts, AM/FM plus phono & tapa outiats. -Taya turntabIe. Both places 1k new.. Sali as c package or saparate. $180 or besat offer. Phono 6682880. Jan.20,82<J) FOR SALE - Refrigerator, frost free, and 30" stove. n excellent condition. 3525 for pair or wll sel separataiy. Phone 6231534. Feb.24,82<S) REFRUGERATOR, white, not frost fres, $75. Ccii 576-7987. Mar.3,82(V) SEWING MACHINE n console, stool inciudad. CosI 3800 - Sai for $150 al Inclusive. Phone 668- 4840., Mar.17,82(M> STEREO, Marantz SR2000, AMIFM stèreo receiver with built n tuner. Tachnics turntabia wth Infinity 0E speakers. Asking $700 or best offer. Phona 668-7336. Mar.17,82(S) LARGE NAVY metai trunk, used once. Aeking 3100. Phana 725. 3118 aftar 6 p.m. Feb.1 7,82(D) ONE IJNDERWOOD manuel type- writer $75. Ona Adler eîectric typewriter $150. For sale et Oshawa Symphony Office. Phone 579-71'1 for appointment ta see. Jan.20,82<0) FULTER QUEEN vacuum claaner, Ilke new, $450 or beet offar. Cali 578-2844 aftar 5 p.m. Feb.24,82<M) ELEGANTE WEDDING QOWN n- cludas f loor Iength veil plus hecd- place. Bordered n delicata chan- tUiy lace. Size 10. Ail Inclusive, $230. Phone 66&.3064. Feb.10,82(C) SIMPLUCITY WRUNOERIWASHER, n good condition. Aeking $60. Phone 68-3885 eveninge. Jan.20,82<M) F AUTMOBIES .FORSASALE 1975 DUSTER, SpecUiâl-Coup., new 318, averhcuied 727 transmiseion with modlied valve body, new Torque convertor, new 'V' Joints, new brakas, new cîternator, naw rad, new rad haees, naw fan belle, chrome rocker covers, block hect- are, sport mirrors, ighl ' ckage, power stoering, paw*. disc brakes, tintad gica, ether Inter- lar wth console, rear defroster, MotaroUa AMIFM cassette, Cragar O.T. gaUd mage wIth Firestona SS60 sories radiaUs. Body good, frame excellent. Aeking $3,800) or boat affer. Cal 655-3266. Mar.24,82<A) 1974 DODOE MONACO STATION WAGON, V8, raliable transporta- lion. $M0 or best offer. Phono 66843227. Jan.6,82(T) 1974 SATIELLITE power steering, __power brakes, radio, now muffier, neede body wark. Uncertified. $-'W. Pfhone 868-8455. Mar.3,82MT PLEASE READ When the advertlsed Item Uas oid. dieposed of, or unavaliabie for whastever reason, the Item wUi be deemed ta have been saUd and a commission wiU be charged based on TH4E ADVERTISED PRICE as iiiustrctsd beiaw, regardies If prce Us stated with "lbeat offer." If the Item Us NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wiii bo mun for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE' of 36.00 wiii appiy pay able n advance of publication of the fret cd. OtherwIse a 37.50 charge wIUi ap- pUy f biiied wýhich muet be pcid upon recslpt of bUll1. The aboya minmum charges wiii be applIed to- the final commission due but n any case the higher amount wUil bo charged. Minimum charge: 38.00 pre-pald, 37.50bUied. Maximum commision: $100.00. Aladvertisemants mue'tba placed on anex- clusive banis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atiest one month If not aoid. RATES QIf article lUscU> '5% of advertîscd pice Up to $400.00 2% of balance over $M0.00, EXAMPLE: SoId Item advertiaed for $120.00. Commicsion due $6.00 (minimum charge la $6.00) PrIvate cdvertliîng onlyl Please notify the Whitby Frac Prose mmediateiy when ite m le soid 50 that we mcy delete t from the foilowUng Issue. Al ade not flItting the Emporium guidelinea wiii be treated and cha rged par weak as, ragular ciasafled ads on c pra-pcid bosis such as: services, halp wanted, ciothlng, resU astata, and pereonai messaga typa cde, or ade flot quoting prIca or quantity. PrIvate ciassifiad ade may appear n the Emporium section undar appropriata headinge. ALL AD5 WILL GO UN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPEcIFUED. MAIL AOS TO: If in doubt ccli:, OR DELUVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 668-6111 131 Brock St. N. P.O. Box 206 --Whîtby, Ont. Whtby, LiN SSI THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. I I BAjY EEDS BABY FIJRNISHINGS& ITEMS. Two waikere, 310 'ecch. JoIly Jumpýr on a stand $20. Crib & mattrese, Orange & white, $75. Two pottia chairs, $7 each. Baby bcck pack $10. Rocking horse $20. K~one 668-2702. Jan.6,82(t.) FORD TOT-GUARD car safety seat $25. High chair $15. Umbrolier strolier,$15. Foiding wooden play pen $20. CatI 655-4164. Mar. 17,82(B> SUPPLIES- PUREBRED-IEAGLE, mala, 19 weeks Oid, ragistered, has had ail' needias, goad breeder. Cage and food Inciuded. Asking $200. Phone 668-4740. Jan.13,82(S) SUPPIES 1973 18, CRESTLINER, hall & dock oniy, dock neode repaire. Asking $350. 1973 75 H.P. JOHNSON MOTOR, complote with power tilt, lever contrai & tilt switch. Askîng $1.150. BOAT ACCESSORIES: Sioeper secte $125; tachomoter $25; speedometer $15; stoun ight 315; accassory terminai box $45; 18 gai. gas tank with fuel gauge, tank vents & dock plate fttinge 3110. Or MIil seUl complote for $1,500. Caii 728-8700. Feb.17,82(S) WATER BED, eolid Scotch pins, excellent condition, hecter inciud- od. Aeking $1,050. Phone 668- 9016 anytime. Feb.17,82(M) 4811 BED, with mattrose and box spring, recriynew, 320 complato. Wall unit, 5 eheif, 1 cupboard, 4' x 12" x 72", $80. Ovai rug, bralded, green, 5' x 9', $45. Slow cooker, now, $W. Phone 668-8593. i Jan.20,82<M) REDECORATUNG - MUST SELLU Colonial style Lazy-Bay Recilnor, orange tweed uphoîstery, mapla showwood, excellent condition, $89. vîbrator Recliner, green tweed uphoUstery, like now, $89. Colonial Style Wing Chair, dark pîne ahowwood, goid and ruseot floral uphoistery, excellent condi- tlion, $75. Bedroom Suite - double bed with biookçcaso haadbocrd, 1 double dresser wIth large mîrror, 1 cheet af (5) drawers, modemn style, medium brown mahagany voneer, $200. Antique Radio - grama- phono "RCA vitrola" works but not perfectly, n nice floar modal cabinet, 385. 100 fi. coUl of black plastic 1l'h" pipe $20. Whiteoalum. door, R.H. hinge, 34 x 82,3$25. Wall Unit, noods refinlshîng, $45. Phono 688-7404. Mar.24,82(T) AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE] 1973,DOOGE POLARA, reasonabia condition, neede work. Uncerti- lied. $200 or beet offer. Cal 668- 6218. Jan.20,82<M) 1973 DATSUN 610 WAGON, runn. Ina condition, neoda work, uncarti. f led. Aeking $200 or beet offar. Ccii 668-7617 evaninge. Mar.3,82<F) 1972 METEOR FORD -car, two door. AskIng $200 for the car but without Michelin tiras. Soid as le. Michelin tires soid saparateiy. Two summer - 1,00 miles on 15,, rime. 801h for 3260. For more In- formation cati 668-6059. Mar.10,62(M) AVOMOTIVE U~EARPAIR/PARTS FUVE Dodge custo 'm raiiy whéeos with Goodyear polyglase raisod white letterlng tires, 5E70-14. Price $250 for ail. REALUSTIC Nivaho CS Radilo, TRC48,' 23 channel, upper and lawor side band. Was $499. Wlth pre-amp table, mike and 518 wave antenna $250 takos ail. Phono 668-1195. Mar.10,82(G> NEW AMIFM MULTIPLEX stereo/radîo fôr laIe modal Chrysier praduct $125. Two new Upniroyal M.S. radiai tiras, P20575R15, $140. One 360 cubic Inch Dodgo 4-barrel mator, com- plate, 57,000 miles, $400. Four Dodgo Rcly wheele, complote, 14" by 6"', $150. One 67169 Cuda doorekin, naw, $45. Twonew rear 10" brake drums for Dadge/Ply- mouth 'A" body cars $W. Ono new.Edeibrack 5P2P cluminum n- take mnifoid with Instalation package for emeil block Chevy $225. Four OmnIlHorîzon 13" stock Rcliy wheae 380W. Four MIt- subishi 14" Raliy wheels, fît Challenger, Sapporo or Colt, 3100. Ccli 655-3268. «IMar.24,82<A) MUSIAL INSTRUMENTS FLUTE, Gomoinhardt, closed holed, c-foot, silver head, minI condition. $450 fîrm. Phono 88 8762 afler 5 p.m, Feb.3,82<N) 1981 SONEX Deluxe Gibson 180 eloctric gutar with casa and coud. Lîke new, 350. Phono 655-3006. Mar.3,82(R) HAMMONO ORGAN, Romance 123, double keyboard & many features. $1,695 or boat offer. Ccli aftor 4 p.m. 668.5272. Feb.17,82(L) HAMMOND ORGAN (Piper) wlth tape dock. Uke new. Asklng 395. (Bench imcl.> Phono 668-7258. Feb.1O,82(H-) NdEED EXTRA -MONEY? SelI yaur unwanted articles in the Fee Proses. Caii 86-111 now.- GENERAL ELECTRIC 7.5 cubic foot refrigerator, very good condi- tlIon, $125. Generai Electrlc 30 ln-' ch soif-cieaning range, excellent condition, $175. Admirai dish- washer, good conditlion, $150. Cali 655-4164. Mar.1 7,82(8) SINGER STYLUSH 514 WUTH CABîNETExcellont condition. Built n b'jtton haler, varied stit- ches. Complete tune-up 1'year cga. An excellent purchase aet 3200.00 CaUI 686-0579 aftero6p.m. Mar.24,82(W) Iwo B~ E SARENTATLS 1971 MOTO-SKI SNOWMOBULE Un good condition. Asklng $325. Phono 985-9368. >Mar.3,82(C) FOOL:9 Somebody who sits around a spring! The simple solution to cleaing storage problama in the sttUc end aarage leas.. CLASSIFIED AD CALLO68-111 WHITBY FREE PRESS I I - CLASSI'FI'ED ADS- CONTINUED FROMPAGE 21-' r- IlI fTOP QUALITY WATERBEDS -AT AFFORDABLE j We speCalize in waterbeds ta comipement present bedroom suite, (5 finishes aailb)- Use your present head board, "See us for details". :S'ý' jWe seii - single, 3/, double, queen, and king's Sheet-Comforter Sets $1 29.95 Haicyon needie-point mattress pads $29.95 <iii 21N Hai;o-fist Haléyon YOUR DURHAM REGION HALCYON DEALER mattresses and heater kits. wtre K Tho I vvfairshiÉo 244 BraCk St. S., Whltby 666-1303 Open 10 t09 Mon.- Fr. Set. 10 toiô p.m. DURHAM THÉ REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY. 0F DURHAM QUOTATION FOR THE 1982 EQUIPMENT RENTAL REQUIREMENTS Q-WD-1 8-82 The Region of Durham ls seeking interested sup- pliers who wlsh to have their names added to the Reglon's 1982 Reglstry of Equlpment Rentai Ser- vices for the Works Maintenance Depots responsi- bie for the areas 0f Ajax/Pickering, OshawalWhlt- by, Newcastle and Uxbrldge/Scugog/Brock and for such rentai equlpment aE Single Axie Dump Trucks, Tandem Axie Dump Trucks, 1 Tractor Mounted Backhaes, Track Maunted Backhaes, Gradails, SeIf-propeîied Rubber Tired Rollers, 2 ton Double Drum Steel Roliers, Road Sweepers, Bulldozers (not Iess than 200 Hp.), 1 SmaIi Bulldozers (nat 1 less than 40 Hp.), Equipment Floats to 40 ton capacity, Scrapers (not less than 20 cu. yds.),- Push Scrapers (not Iess than 20 cu. yds.), Front endi Loaders, 3/ CU. yds. to 21/2 cu. yds., Graders, l4Oto 160 Hp., Shaulder Graders, 75 ta 90 Hp. with Wlndrow Eliminator, Hand operated Com- paction Equipment, Portable Compressors, 125 to 150 c.f.m., Portable Weiders, Portable Diamond Blade Asphaît Cutters. The above is a shortlIist of those items tt'at may be rented by the Region throughout the 1982 calendar year. Interested suppliers are requested to forward a quotation on their own Ietterhead to the office of the undersigned by 12:00 nmon, April 9, 1982, stating the quotation number, their daily rentai rates, ages, make, horsepower of their equipment (where applicable), dellvery charges, yard locations and the hours of operation. The iowest or any quotation may not necessarily be accepted. JAMES WAKELIN, P.P., Manager of Supply & Services, 60 Bond St. W.,- Oshawa, Ontario. Li H 8B6 THE WORLID IS YOURS'... IF YOU,,KNOWITHE RIGHT PEOPLE... Wherewer you move the Welcome wagon hostes$ Ua the right pereon to hoUp you tlnd a place'Un, your new com- munlty. Cali 668-1523 or 579.7521 AUCTINEER5 ACKSONE~ AUCTIONEERS Estatas - Ferme, Household - Antiques Murray Jackson 985-24 '59 Robert Jackson 655-4878 WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whltby WANTED. Estates, hausehold Items, furni- ture, glass, tools & equip- ment. The place to bujy ori seli. We will pick Up. 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS) (EVGS.) AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, MAR. 26 1 6:30 P.M. Brooklin Community Centre, CasselsRd. E., Hwys. 7 & 12. lncluded ln our sale we have a 9-pc. walnut dlnlngroom suite, waînut server, haîf moon tab les, parlor tables, . china cabinet & buffet, dome ild trunk, press back arrnchalr, mahogany dlock, 5-pc. pine bedraom suite, Singer sewlng machine wlth cabinet, photo eniarger, aid school maps, quilt, china doîl, oid ail lamps, seiec- tion of glass, crystal, 'sll- ver plate, brass, 85-pc. set of china, Royal Doulton figurines, rare Toby jug, aid Engllsh blicuit* arrel, coilector plates, collector spoons, fine selection 0f antique gold jeweiry, Oc- cupled Japan figurines, coin sets plus a Norge side-by-side f ridge, Norge apartment slzed washer& dryer, Viking stove, Lloyds freezer & a Lloyds stereo. This is anly a par- tial listing. Plan now tao at- tend. Preview time f rom 1 p.m. AUCTIONEER EARL MacKINNON 576-7645

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