Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 24 Mar 1982, p. 9

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Between You and Me By RUTHl COLES An update< on s erviees Today an update on a few, Whitby services for newcomers and they are still coming; a few facts about our town. We have one of the finest fire departments in Canada, flot Ontario but Canada. Everyone may Iearn about our firefighters .by calling Éther fire station, the Brock Street South station or the one Just off Thickson Road North. To see the equipment and to have a knowledgeable staff member explain its function gives one a great sense of security and well being. Rescue unit 33 carnies auxilary equipment such as ventilators, splints and sawYs which eut through concrete and steel. This unit supplements the two, pumpers when rescues and disasters are involved and is used as a back-up unit for other types of emergencies such as drownings and carnies dragg- ing equipment, ropes, etc. Cleanup supplies such as vacuums are carried to bring things back to order as far as Possible' to the state prior to the fire. For rural areas a water tanker was purchased in 1975 which can carry 1,500 gallons ofwater. When there is ýpersonal injury the ambulance Îpeople are notified. The fire department carnies equipment for heart, breathing or stroke victims; resuscitators and se on. Fire department, ambu- lance, hydro and police ail work together. There is a central computer which notifies ail branches in a split second and traffie lights are also controlled within a certain area of the town when'there is an emergency. Do take your children and anyone who is interest- ed te the fine station and set your mmnd at ease. Also you can pick up a phone sticker. .We have a wonderful library in Whitby witb many services, including a free information service. What d oyou want to know? Are you intenested in theatre, basebail, hockey, how to go about finding a baby sit- ter, any activity in town or whatever? There is a list posted every mon th in the main lobby of the library. If a service club wants to hold a dance or whatever, just phone and they will tell you if there are any ot.her activities on that particular date. Records and tapes are available as weIl as a clothing pattern exehange.. If your child outgrows a certain size pattern take yours in and exehange it for a langer sizel1 The Outreach Visiting Library Service has large print books which are sent out to senior citizen apar- tmetrhosptals, the jail and Fairview Lodge. Teeae talking books for those who are unable to read, Reader'sDigest,Tilme, Saturday Night, Cha- telaine, Macleans, as well as fiction and non-fiction books too. Much nfiuch more, just phone. Do you want to rent a projector or a print? Call the library. We have an excellent hospital in Whitby, the Dr. J.O. Ruddy General Hospital. Neyer having been a Ipatient there my observations are based on visiting L,'BJ TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Meeting of The LiqÏuor Licence Board of Ontariowill be held atTHE CITY HALL, 500 GEORGE STREET PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO, on WEDNESDAY, jAPRIL 14th, 1982, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock i n the forenoon. at which time the Board will hear applications. in accordance with Section 19(a) subsection (1) of Regulation 1008 under The Liquor Licence Act, to increase the capacity of licensed premises in respect of the following licenced establishment: Royal Canadian Leglon. Br. #112 117 Byron Street South Whltby, Ontario Additîonaî Club Lounge Facilities Licencee: Royal Canadian Leglon Br. #112 AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who is resident in the mu nicipality and who wîshes to make representation relative to the application, shahl make their submission to the jBoard in writing prior to the date of the hearing, or in person at the tim e and place of the hearing. (Copies of written submissions wilI be forwarded t0 the applicant>. Liquor Licence Board of Ontario 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East TORONTO. Ontario. M5E 1A4 MINISTRY 0F CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT F FH82213 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24,1982, PAGE 9 Aprl dine iineed of '375 blood donors frienda.' I can honpstly sayîI thlnk In comparison wlth other hospitals it la tops. Cal la and see for yourself, I thlnk you wil be impressed. There is always idle talk and rumours about hospitals. Don't take it in, make your own judgments. I say this, not about our own hospitals but ail hospitals in general. The Whitby Arts Station is becoming veny weil known in our community and far afield., Built in 1903, mhe Whitby Railway Station censidered to be one of tme finest examples 0f Victonian railway ar- chitecture was constnucted to serve as the Whitby Junction for the Grand Trunk Railway Line.. Although slated for demolition in 1970, the Station, was saved by Whitby Arts Incorporated, a non- profit group of dedicated citizens. For information eall Linda Poulicik, the director of the gailery. She will tell youabout mernberships, ail the ongoing social happenings and ail the art shows. So many other services, we have just touched mhe' fringe. Anomher time we~il try.and cover' them ail. New my dedication is te, spring house cleaning and hopefuily working in the garden within a few short- weeks. 'One can'always hope. This past week someone teld me about a new store in Whitby. Someday in the not too dlistant future-I hope te write about it because it is terriblyexciting and others must feel that way tee, because on Satur- days people are lined up wall te wall. Ail I will tel you now is that it wiil take you back 50 or 60 years at less cost than you would believe. The decor is very modem but the contents.are sold as they wene many years age. A store keeper told me the other day that someone in Toronto had been reading Between Yen and Me and drove into Whitby from the highway te browse around. The person unknown te me or te anyone I know did browse and shopped too. Se as I have writ- ten in, regard'te shops in our town, if word gets around people will corne fnom ail over. Instead 0f geing far a field as many of us have done te browse and shop let's start the flow ceming this way. I still like the sound of "Whitby-By-the- Lake"~. Only, of course, for the marina area.- Port Whitby must remain because it gees way back in, time but maybe the two could somehow be incon- porated. The marina is anether must for newcomers te in- vestigate. I am told it wiil be the very best from Montreal te Toronto'. Just take a drive or a strol down and look'around. Hugh Burns, the manager, is generally on hand.. He dan fuilyen in on anything you want te know. Today during the first week of March a huge ship is anchored eut on the lake waiting te dock at Oshawa. This means spring is about te, spring. ALLURE ELECTROLYSIS Rid yourself of unwanted hair permanently. Fo'r f ree consultation î~ te answer your questions on electrolysis .I CALL 725-4321 ... (212 King St. W.) (at Zan's) sure that' the blood donated Ils ef the best possible quality. It, ac- complîshes this by gen- tly rocking which properly mixes the an- ticoagulant solution and the blood. This gently rocklng motion aise en- sures that the red blood ceils are net damaged. The shaker also welghs the donation. When'the correct amount.,,of 450 mis 18 donated, asignai iight gees on and a bell seunds. The last clinic whlch was held. ln January was a very successful one. Hopefully ail those Who attend'ed It Mill aise, corne to 'the- April 7 cilic. It Mill be heid at the Legion Hall on Byron Street South between 2 and 8p.m.' For these petential new donors, a bit ef In- formation. Donors need te be between the ages of 18 and 65 - 17 year olds wlll be accepted If they have a letter ef con- sent slgned by their pare nts. It takes between 45 minutes and an heur te make a donation. However, between-4 and 6 p.m., allow a littie more time as the clinic crew Is at haIt staff over Its sup- perbreak. Plan, te atten'd the AprIl clInic. It 1s hoped that 325donations wili be made. However, te reach this objective, 375, people must attend as some are usuaily deterred 'for miner health reasons., ~!MARCH 25-26 ~,/ Here's your chance ta treat a Sfniend to something special. Just buy your favorite Sundoe and we'ii give you another one free (same size, of course). Rich, thick hot fudge. Smooth, crearny buiterscotch. Juicy-red strawberry. They're ai l on sale. So treat a friend toaa Sundoe. At your participating DAIRV QUEEN store. W1TUEVOU< O TM 1003 DUNDAS STREET 1050 SIMCOE STREET1 235 SIMCOE STREET EAST, WHITBY NORTH, OSHAWA SOUTH, OSHAWA RFegastered rade Mari Trade Marks Office (Ottawa, Canada), American Dairy Ouen Corafion. Daiay Oueen Canada Inc. - Roegistered User. i- IN FOR A &UP FREE SNOW TIRE REMOVAL & REGULAR TIRE INSTALLATION WITH FRONT END ALUGNMENT SPECIAL $19 a95 GM CARS - VANS - LIGHT TRUCKS N4URSE ICHEV OLDSI 5WHITBY5 Hwy. 2 and Thlckson Rd. -Fume EXPIRES 28104182 By Margaret Horton CllnitChairman Reguiar blood donors wiIl notice quite a change at the, upcomine April 7 blood denor cilic. Re&d"Cross biood, donor cllnIcs now have a new look because of.the Introduction of two new pieces 0e' fequiprnent. The oid styled armny cet whlch has been used since the biood program bç.gan ln 1947 wili be replaced by a lounge bed made of strong iight. metai and tough new plastic., .Beside each leunge the-donor wiii observe the second piece ef new equipment called a "shaker". It is--a small machine designed te en- UP

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