Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 17 Mar 1982, p. 29

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, ýWEDNESDAY,, MARCH 17, 1982, PAGE 17 j5 OALL A PMFESUIOIAL I TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For C lass A & D Lcense Cali PARTICIPATION 416-363-031 1.800-26&.969 Day, Eve. & Sat. courses [HIGNEST: PRICES Pald for Gold and Silver coins, old guhs, cdocks, Jewelery, dishes, furni- ture, crocks, oil paint- Ings and sealers. SCAN LAN'S NEW& USED FURNITURE Bought, SoId& Exchanged Ail your furnlture &appllance neede. 210 BROOK ST. S., WHITBY 606-2214 -' "WEEKLY SPECIAL" FRENCH PROVINCIAL GIRLS BEDROON SUTE $350 Double dresser, bed, mlrror, CARPENTRY* HOME REPAIRS1 & 1 IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 FRIENDLY ng, Drywali, Rec. FLEA MARKET-- kooms, Cedar Decks 725-9783 and Patio Doors. 23 KINQ ST. W., FREE ESTIMATES OSHAWA CALL 668-4686 DICJOCKEY RESURRECTION SOUND DJ SER- VIdE. 'Neddinga, dances, parties, etc. Phane>Ed 883-1816 or Tony 686-0789. TIMELY! Timlinoso 18 Important when you are buying or seiling. And o CLASSIPIED AD la the iow-cost timoiy woy ta, a quick solution. Coul Whitby Free Press 668-6111. SEVES HELP IS ON THE WAY for firms whose printor has rocently'gone out of business. Lau Dicksan has the coot cutting ideas you.need ai a timelike thîs 683-1968. * CONGRATULATIONS an yaur for- thcaming marriage. Please view aur sampios of engraved wedding Invitations et your leisure ln aur Ajax Plaza store. Dlckson Printing &Office Supplies 683-1968. HOUSEHLD ~SERVICES]E KIM FREE Your Favorite Chair 8PECIAL UNTIL MARCH 315T, '82 Living, dining room & Hall $5900 Plus Your Free Chair! PHONE TODAY 447-4015 Fi EstImte; en Your Offi & Restaurmnts 447-2493 ---w mop PROFSINAL GUITAR LESSONS AVAILAB3LE BY PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTOR. PHONE 668-3741 ~ETUAIONZI le SECEJ "GRAMMAR FOR PEOPLE Who haie grammar"' la the ideai pockot reference'boak for busl.ess peo- pie. $3.95 per copy and avoulable at Dlckaon 'Printing & Office Sup- plies In the Ajax Plaza. Dealer on- quIrlos Invited 683-1968. WAIING FOR PROFESSIONAL RESULTS, DIAL A PRO. PAINTING& WAL LPAPER' A PROFESSION - NOTA SIDELINE. 22 yoars oxparlonco. Aima dry- WaiI taplng à texture spray (stucco). Prees satimatos. Budget prlcos. cmii anytirne: 576-2401 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE- 0F GOD- FREY SCHILLING, Late 0f the Town of Whltby, ln the Regional Munîcipalîty of Durham, retîred Law Clerk, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that ail credîtors and others havîng clims or demnan. ds agaînst the estate of the sald GODFREY SCHILLING, who died on or about the l4th day of December,- 1981, are required to give to the undernamed their namnes,., addresses and full parti- culars of their ciaim on or before the 3Oth day of Aprhl, 1982, after which date the estate will be dis- trlbuted havîng regard only to the dlaimns of whlch. the Administrator then.has notice. NIGEL SCHILLING, Admnistrator c/o 121 Brook St. North P.O. Box 267 WHITBY, Ontario Ll N SS ........ PEjNANLS HAP'PY 45TH ANNIVERSARY Grandpa & Grandma AND MJINY MORE. r Love, Randy & Rhonda-. ARTICLES FOR SALE1 j-! ~*~ ARTICLES FORORASAELE AGATHA CHRISTIE NOVELS. 41 dîfferent tities. Witt saliat haîf af caver price. PhoneOU687253. DRY FIREWOOD. Beech, maple, white blrch. Delivery anywhere. $40 face cord. Phono (705> 454- 8260. VISIT OUR uaed furniture ware, houso by appolntment. Big' savings on deaka,' chairs, fillng .cabinets, etc. Cali Dlckson Prlnt- rng & Office Supplies ta arrange an appoîntment to vlew6883-1968. WATERBEDÏS MFG. CLEARANCE 1299 "Vera Crus". - staîn & lacquer - 4 and 5 piece king or queen, truck ioad purchase. Only 100 beds availabie at thîs price. ' SThe WaterShed 244 Brook St. S., Whitby 666-1303 Open 9 te,9 mon. - Fr1. Sat. tilt 6:00 p.m. APPLIANCES - Slave, Carnlng top $350. Refrîgerator, aide by aide doors, $450. Portable diohwasher $300. Ail matchlng, 3 years aid, harveot goid. tNasher and dryer, white, $150 oach. Aiso, Immacu- late antique leather cheaterfild, green, $1,200. Phono 6681547 af- ter 6 p.m. INK DUPLICATING MACHINE - automatic with stand. $240 or nearest offejr. Phone 6681718 or 668-9691. Mar.1 7,82(W) 2" Storm Doors Triple Seaiod 5Scolor81695 04 styles lnstalied& Guaranteod. Aiso eco- nomicai and energy efficient storm and replacement' thermal windows and enclosures. PREE ESTîMATES Durham Glass 6666-3355 af ter hours 666-1847 MOTRRCLE'l MOTO-CROSS, Honda 1981, OR. 125. Excellent condition, nover raced, Ilquid cooied. Asklng $1,200. Phono 668-9285. ETS8 SUPPLIES RABEITS FOR SALE Pour mon. ths aid. $4.00 each. Phono 683- 2857. TERRIER, BorderlinoeCalle - Fred - 1 year oid, medium slzod dog' - noods a goad homo (proierabiy form property) - unabie ta keop due tao mpiayment travel commit- monts. Phone 688-2426. WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whltby .WANTED - Estates, household items, furni- ture, glass, tools & equîp- ment. The place to buy or seil. We wiii pick Up. 666-3731 668-8403 <DAYS> (EVGS.) SEWING MACHINE ln console, stoal lncIuded. Cool $600 - ssii for $150 al Inclusive. Phono 668- 4840. Mar.17,82(M> POR SALE - Admirai rofrigerator, 13 cublc foot, harvest gold, $250 f lrm. Phono 668-1486ovenIngs. 1970 FORD VAN, with shog car- poiting. slnk, ice box, cupbaards, high bock bucket sais, radial tires. Asking $500. Cati Brad at 668-8292, Mar.17,82(M> FOFO RN1ENT TYPEWRITER âRENTAL, many makos and modela, by the week- end, wook or month. Discounts avoulable. Dicksan Prlnting & 0f- f ice Supplies in the Ajax Plaza. Calil us for business machine. repaire 683-1968. FREE: Drap into 'the Dlckson Prinling & Office Suppiy store In the Ajax Plaza and pick up a free copy of their 1982 Metric Colon- der. Printod In two colauro. it moRes for handy reference 883- 1968. CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUE. ON PAGE 16. 0F THIS EDITION I Ifyou're really serlous about. finding work, then read this We Require: - Self Motivation - Neat Appearance - Abiiity to reet people - Free to travel - Eager to earn executive income We 0f fer: - 4-day pald Training - 4-day work week, - Transportation supplied - Highest Commission - Exclusive Products - Monthly and quarteriy bonuses, trips. For a conf IdentiiInterview', cali Mr. Steven Packer, Sales Manager at 666-1500 ANDEN'VINYL PRODUCTS LIMITED 440 HOPKINS ST., WHITBY 666-6171 or 668-6172 ARE INTERESTED IN YOU! We need a few good sales people. If you are Inter- ested in setting your own achievement goals re- gardîng Income, we now offer you an exclusive audî-vîsuai training pro- gramme, aiso, we'll en- courage you toward reaching -your goals. You can be Inflated with the results we can lheip you attaîn. You car be happy workîng In a prof essional. atmosphere which lends itseif to efficîency and pleasant working condi- tions. Whether you are quaiif ied at present or currently takîng or considering the government pre-lîcencing course - we want to talk with youi For aconfiden- tiai personal Interview Cali: BILI TURANSKY 668-6171 S~ECE DAY CARE AVAILABLE in my home. Any age. Otter Cre.ek Phase i. Phono 668-8015. AVON PRODUCTS Gel ready for spring - sali Avon producta. Terrîtories'open In Whltby/BrookiiniOshawa aras. Caii 668-5483. CAPABLE PERSON ta care for girl (2h years) and boy (6 manths) two days per weok. Prefor ln aur home with ight hausokeoping. 'Nages, duties and location negaliabie. Colt l668-4223. HELP WANTED: Experlonced' lelephone solicitor familiar wlth printlng and office supplies. Hourly rate plus commission. Cali Lau Dlckson at 683-1968 ta arrange an Interview. BROOKLIN TOOL dO. LTD. requires three retirod persans. Mechanlc ta repair air tools, jacks' and campressors. Brick layer and carpenter ta assist ln constructing office. Phone 683-1753. MATURE PERSON REQU IRED This position con- sîsts of a varîety of duties. Applicants must be bondable and have a good driv- ing record. Ability to .work weii wîth child- ren essential. Apply in person to: WHITBY FREE PRESS - 131 Brock St. N. Whitby ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertlsement for errors on the f irst day of Visa Account and recei -ve the discount on the price of your deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- publication. The Whitby Free Press wiii flot be hiable for ad. Pease haveyourVisa card ready when caîing. cept no iiabiiity regarding loss or damage alieged to arise failure to pubiish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- through failure or delay ln forwardlng such replies. We will tion beyond the cost of the space accupled by the error up to BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for.the f irst 100 words; 12t each flot be responsibie for box number repIie. flot calied for a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press additlonal word. wlthin 30 days. reserves the right to ciassify or reject ail advertlsements. Ads IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 DELNESModynnprrtopbcainolsetr *mnust appear ln the paper one day bef ore they can be changed words; 12c each addltional word. EDIS:Mnano pirtpuUto oisetr or cancelled. cancel Ciassified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to in- AU.CTION SALES - 32s per Une. (No word ads aliowed.) sert or cancel Emporium Ads. RATES: $4.06 for 20 words If biIIed; 12ç each additinnal word. CALL Pre-paîd Insertion of 20 words $3.50; addltlonai words i-o BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an addltlonai each. You may charge your lassifled Ad to your Chargex or charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wilI make every en- 668-6111 SALES ASSISTANTS - IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT ANDEN VINYL PRODUCTS Invites you to be part of our spring expansion. Successfui interviews wili be placed ln our PAIDII 4 day train ing program to qualify. COMPETITIVE INSURANCE RATES FOR " AUTO *COMMERCIAL "*HOME *TRAVEL ,w MARINE *'BUSINESS LIABILITY AUTO - PIRE - LIFE.- DISABILITY SHISKO INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 117 KIN G ST. P.O. BOX 253 WHITBV, ONT. Li1N 5S 1 (416) 668-5544] - t, I I à.

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