Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Mar 1982, p. 16

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PAGE~ 16, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS CAL L 668-6l11 Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject ta the f ollowing conditions. V.W. DUNE BUGGY, excell mechanîcai condition, new fi wheei bearInga, new kIng pinsm ink pins, new heavy duty ahoc ateering box rebuiit, tracior t1 on rear. Ail rubber very good. P bar, tow bar, head & tali igh Needa a moton. Aaking $4 Phone 666-1847. Dec.23,81 FRANKLIN FIREPLACE, ze clearance, brass knobs, gri acreen & acceseorias. Uaad, good condition. Asking $80 beat offer. Phone 668-0914. Jan.27,821 FOR SALE - Icecanamco Asking $250. Phone 655-3814. Mar.3,82ý START YOUR SPRING CLEANII *now and'buat the rush. Thena verlIse your goode fan sale ln tt Free Press Emporium. Get Imm diate resuits. Phone 668-6111. FOLO UP PîNG PONG TABLE accessoreas wlth black boardsc reverse aides $60. Hammare brase-boN fine screen $20. Seai child's typawritar, e. cond., $1 Oel 623-6335on 266-9494. Jan.13,82< NORESCO RECEIVER, ModE 2360,40 watts, AM/FM plus phai & tape outiets. Taya turntabif Bath pieceaIliNa naw. Sai ae package or separate. $180 or bes offen. Phone 668-2860. Jan.20,82(J FOR SALE-- Rafigerator, fros free, and 30" stove. In excellai condition. $525 for pair or wIII sel eepanatety. Phone 623-1534. Feb.24,82<S) REFRIGERATOR, white, nol Irast Ires, $75. Oelil 578-7987. Mar.3,82(V) SKATE SHARPENINO MACHINE, swing erm, floor modal. AeNing $400. Oelil 839-5944 sitar 6:30 p.m. Dec.23,81 (B) SWING SET $35. Medium-aizec airline dog Nannal $15. RabbIt cage $10. WinnIe The Pooh po wlh alida $15. Beige high back chair with chrome base $50. Tropi- cal pante $5 each. Phone 668- 7218. Feb.10,82<B) LARGE NAVY matai trunk, used once. Asking $100. Phone 725 3118 aflar 6'p.m. Feb.17,82(D) ONE UNDERWOOD manuel typa- writer $75. One Adler electric typewrItar $150. For sala at Oshawa Symphony Office. Phone 5794711 for appoinîment ta os. Jan.20,82(0) 5' BATHROOM TUB, Rt. hand, tolaIt and basin. Ming green. Complee with laps. Excellent condition. Ideal for cottage. $75. Phone 8687971 afiar 6 p.m. Feb.24,82(B> FILTER OUEEN vacuum cleaner, Ilka new, $450 or bet ai fer. Caeil 576-2844 star 5 p.m. Feb.24,82<M) ELEGANTE WEDDING GOWN In- cludes floon Iength veli plus haad. p!ace. Borderad ln delicale chan- tilly lace. Size 10. Ail Inclusive, $230. Phono 668-3064. Feb.10,82(C) SIMPLICITY WRINGERIWASHER, ln good condition. AakIng $60. Phone 668-3885 evenlngs. Jan.20,82(M) MOVîNO SALE - Kanmone washer $M0. Oeivinator dryan $50. Phone PLEASE BEAU When the advertlaëd Item la aold, dlaposed ai', or unavallable for whatever reason, the Item will be deemed to have been aold and a commlèsion wlll be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRIcE aa Iiluatrated below, regardlesa If pnîce le atated wlth "beat offer." If the Item la NOT SOLD, or dlapoaed of, the ad will be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $600 will apply payable In advance ai publication of the fInal ad. Otherwlae a $750 charge willi ap- piy If biiled which must be pald upon recelpt of bLî The ebove minimum chargea wlll be spplled to the final commisaion due but ln any case the hlgher amount wiil be charged. Minimum charge: $600 pne-pald, $7.50 bllled. Maximum commision: $10000. AIl advertlsementa muai be piaced on an ex- clusive basla wlth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atleaat one month If not aold. RATES (If article la soid): 5% oi advertlsed pria. up la $40000 2% ai balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertlsed for $120.00. Commission due $600 (Minimum charge la $6.00) Private advertIsing onlyl Pieaae'notiiy the Whitby Free Preaa immediatly when Item lea old ao that we may delete l from the following Iasue. Ail ada not fitlIng the Emporium guidelines wiil bu treated and charged par week as negular clasaIiied ada on a pne-paid bais such as: services, help wanted, clothing, ruai estate, and peraonai message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity. Privaie ciaasifiled ada may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headInge. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPEciFIED. MAIL ADS TO: hIf n doubt cail: OR DELIVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 668-6111 131 Brock St. N. P.O. Box 204 Whllby, Ont. Whitby, Li N 561 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. lent lront and Cks, tres 475. ara, lne or 2(K) der. NG ad- he & on ,ed ara 15. (C) el no s et nt 10 »IrI fie et. S is dc Tv 3) ni t- Iil Sil t BANYNE ES BABY FURNîSHINGS à ITEMS. Two welkers, $10 each. Joiiy Jumpan on a stand $20. Crib& matinasa, orange & white, $75. Twa pattia chairs, $7 each. Baby, baN peck $10. Racking horse $20. Phone 668-2702. Jan.6,82(L) ~~OB1LES Q nFGOSRMSL'E 1974 DODGE MONACO STATION WAGON, VII, raliabla transporta- tion. $60 or beat offer. Phone 668-8227. Jan.6,82MT 1974 SATELLITE, power steering, power brakes, radio, new muffier, needa body work. Uncertified. $350. Phone 668-8455. Mar.3,82<T 1973 DODGE PÇLARA, reasonable condition, needs work. Uncerti- lied. $200 or beat ofier. Oeil 668- 6218. Jan.20,82(M) 1973 DATSUN 810 WAGON, runn- ng condition, needa work, uncerti- 'ed. Aalcing $200 or best offer. ail 668-7617 eveninga. Mar.3,82(F) 972 METEOR FORD car, two oor. Aaking $200 for the car but éithout Michelin tires. Soid as la. lichelin tires sold separateiy. wo summer - 1,000 miles on 15"' ms. Bath for $260. For more ln- ormation caill668-6059. Mar.10,82(M) 972 FORD COMET, cen bu certi- ld. $500 or beet»of fer. Phone 68-1130 after 5 p.m., aak for :ott. Feb.24,82(B) 1973 18, CRESTLINER, hall & deck only, deck needa repaira. Asking $350. 1973 75 H.P. JOHNSON MOTOR, compiete with power tilt, lever contrai & tilt switch; Asking $1,150. BOAT ACCESSORIES: Sieeper seats $125; tachometer $25; speedometen $15;, stern light $15; sccessory terminai box $45; 18 gai. gas tank with fuel gauge, tank vents & deck piste fittinge $110. Or wiii seil compiete for $1,500. Oeil 728-6700. Feb. 17,82(S) ~OUSEHOiWI WATER BED, soiid Scotch pine, excellent condition, heater inciud- ed. Asking $1,050. Phone 668- 9016 enytime. Feb.1 7,82M) TURN YOUR ARTICLES INTO CASH. An ad ln the Whitby Fre Press wli seti aimoat anythlng for you ... cars, boate, Tva. funniture, pianos and pets ... the lilt le end- tees. Oel 668-6111 now. 48" DED, with mattresa and box spring, neariy new, $200 compieta. Wall unit, 5 eheif, 1 cupboard, 4' x 12" x 72", $60. Ovai nug, braided, green, 5' x 9', $45. Slow cooker, new, $30. Phone 668-8593. 1Jan.20,82(M) DO IT BY MAIL! Use this hancly form to mail ln your Emporium Ad. 1 have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the following ad- verisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. mo,JI CI 1 enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. 13 Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. 1: Bill me $7.50 after.first publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Nome (please print - f iret and lasi name) Street Addrest City Posta! Code it forget to Include your phone number) MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P-0. BOX 206 131 BroCk St. N. Whilby LIN Sî INUMENTS13 FLUTE, Gemelnhardt, open holed, c-foot, slver head, mînt condition. $450 f lrm. Phone 668-8762 sitar 5 p.m. Feb.3,82(N) 1981 SONEX Deluxe Gîbson 180 eiectrlc guitar with case and cor d. Like new, $500. Phone 655-3006. Mar.3,82(R) HAMMOND ORGAN, Romance 123, double keyboard & many features. $1,695 or beat offer.. Cal allter 4 p. m. 668-5272. Feb.17,82<L) HAMMOND ORGAN (Piper) with tapecdeck. Like new. Asking $950. (Bench mine.> Phone 66&.7258. Feb.10,82<H> LSPPIsU~PPLIES PUREBRED BEAGLE, maie, 1 weeks oid, registered, has had al needies, good breeder. Cage and food Inciuded. Asklng $200. Phone 668-4740. Jan.13,82<S) .NSAPER AD VERTISING The newspaper, ai ail the media, commande the most reaponse by the consumer. The consumer neede certain iaith lnlits buying powen and their local newspaper pro- vides a buying guide that heipe familles make Import- ant decIsiona. The WhItby Free Press cen motivate sales for every retailer.. regardiese ai sîze. Advertise with us and be ln good com- psny with succeseful retail- ers ai every aize. WHITBY FREE PRESS 1 668-6111 SNOWMOBIES S SRENTALS SNOWMOBILE - 1978 Kawasaki LC Invader ln good condition. $1,500. Cail 985-3036. 1971 MOTO-SKI SNOWMOBILE ln good condition. Asking $325. Phone 985-9368. Mar.3,82(C)' IS YO URS... IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE...' Whorever you mave the Welcome Wagon hostes$ la the right persan ta help you flnd à phlacn your new coin. munity. <~aII AALI4Oi B7O.7A21 AID TOUMILLIONS, CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 17 UCTINS PUBLIC AUCTION Eveny Thunsday nighi buy or sali et 1614 Chares Street, Whitby. Fur- niture, glass, china, toals, jewelry, coins and 50 on. Ail cansign- ments waîcome. Bill Wan- namaker, Auctioneen, 666-3731 daya, 668-8403 eveninga., ARTCICES FOFn R R1-ENT TYPEWRITER RIENTAL, many makea and modale, by the waak- end, week or month. Dscounta avaliable. Dickson'Printing & 0f- fice Supplies In the Ajax Plaza. Oelil us for business machine. repaira 683-1968. FREE: Drap into the Dickson.: Priniing & Office Suppiy store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a free copy ai thein 1982 Metric Oslen- dan. Pinted ln iwo colours, l makes for handy refarence 683- 1968. FOR RNT_ ASHBURN VILLAGE HOME has three nooms availeble. $210 par monlh each. Includes ulililies and telephone. COeil655-4035. MM DAATION ROOM with kitchen piviieges if possible wanted by graduating University student working In non- th end ai Whitby. COeil668-6982. OLASSIFIED AD la the 10w-cost timeIy way toas quick solution. Oelil WhItby Free Press 668-6111. C2TERS, JACKSON AUCTIONEERS Estates - Ferme Househoid - Antiques Murray Jackson 985-2459 Robert Jackson 655-4878 ~TIOS AUCTION SALE FR1., MAR. 2 -6:30 P.M. Brooklin Commun ity Cen- tre, Cassels Rd. E., Hwy. 7 &12. lncluded ln our sale we have a 9-pc. mahogany diningroom suite, 9-pc.» oak diningroom suite,; selection of parlour ý tables, oak wash stand,,* piano stool, Victorian type'ýwhat-not & towel. rack, rare Telegram news- paper b?,x,' 2 wIcker chairs, wicker fern stand &baskets, old trunk, Art Deco cedar chest, Art~ Deco chairs & lamps, mahogany' wahll dock, hanging lamp, china &, coal ohl lamps, miniature lamps, crocks, 1914 Bri- tish cigarette case, brass belîs, copper bolier, china doîl, old photo album with tin types, old prints & f rames, Depression glass cups, saucers & creamer & sugar, pressed glass pieces, Apothecary jars, set of blue luster wear china, fine selection of Occupied Japan, Wedge- ..Wood Christmas plate, first edition Beswick 1 Royal Doult'on Christmas plate. This is only a par- tial listing, plan to attend. Refreshments available. Consignments welcome for our March 26 sale. AUCTIONEÉR EARL MacKIN NON 576-7645 o ntaio Sevice AVUMOTîTVE 5RPARPA[SIR/pARTS 1965 METEOR CONVERTIBLE, no motor, new tires with mag wheeia, $250. Three new tires, 15" on Ford rims, $65. New rad for 1975 Ford $40.' 400 motor & transmission needa work, $75. 390 motor, 4 barnel, 90,000 miles, $100. Two snow tires for. Ford Pick-up, on rims, luNe new, $65. Cap for t/ ton truck $250. Alil pnces firm. Phone 655-4448. Dec.30,81(L> FIVE Dodge custom naiiy wheeis with Goodyear polygiasa raised white iettering tires, 5E70-14. Pice $250 for ail. REALîSTIC Nivaho CB Radio, TRO48, 23 channel,' upper and lower side' band. Was $499. With pre-amp table, mike and 518 wave antenne $250 takes ail. Phone 666-1195. Mar.10,82(G) WANT ADS WORK WONDERSI Ceil 668-6111 ta place your ad. MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS 1. Tenders are invited to supply and Instali new indoor/Ouldoor type Temperature Controls for existing radiation water convertor At the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, Whitby. 3-ECR (57027) SEALED TENDERS wili be received until 3:00 P.M., Local time on Monday, March 22, 1982. Tender Documents may be obtained from the On- tarlo Ministry of Government Services, Regional Manager's Office, 178 Queen's Quay East, Toron- to, Ontario, M5A 1 B4. NOTE:* For further information regarding the Ten- der, please caîl Mr. G. LePard at the above ad- dress, Telephone No. (416) 965-6034. The iowest or any Tender flot necessarily accep- ted. Minis-try of Government

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