WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1982, PAGE 15 ACYI students participating 'M-yigpol' ou ACVI wholeheartedly, supports and encour- ages civic-orienited acti- vities both in the sehool and the community. The Student Council, the Forum for Young Cana- dians, and the Royal Canadian Legion Public Speaking Contest are but a few examfples of such activities. At the present time, the student council con- sists of 55 student mem- bers and two staff advis- ors. The student coundil executive, nine people strong, is largely res- ponsible for leading the general coundil in ail of the events and commit- tees they organize. For the most part, the stu- dent council encourages active participation 'in Christmas and Talent Assemblies, the Winter' Carnival, and Initiation. Obviously, this organ 'i- zation promotes- social and political develop- ment within the school. Outside of the school, Anderson students par- ticipate yearly in the Forum for Young Cana- Lent lunch, The Whitby Minister- ial Association is hold- ing its Wednesday Noon in Lent program at Al Saints' Anglican Chur- ch, 300 Dundas Street West, Whîtby. On, March 17, the Rev. Keith Elford will speak on "Fasting/Feasting." .The program starts at 12 noon with lunch, costing $1.25, being ser- ved at 12:30 p.m. Dining Guide. THE GREAT WALL, lie Dundas Street West* Whltby 668-7021. A favourite eating spot for Chinese food lovers.* A large selec- tion'of Canadian dishes also served. Prices range from $2.70 and Up for lunch, and $380 and up for dinner. Open fi-om il arn. to 1 a.m. weekdays, Friday and Saturday open till 2:30 a.m. We are now fully licensed. dians, This is'a unique opportunity for students from'across the'country to learn first-hand both the,, workings of the govérnment and their individual responsibili- ties as Canadian citi- zens. .Oftentimes, forum participants are able to meet the prime mninister, the Governor- General and other im- portant political figures in Ottawa. Indeed, "Forum" 'is a marve- lous 'chancefor Ander- sonians to learn the in- tricacies. of -their government while inthe By LISA JEPPESEN Denis O'Connor H.S. March break is the higilight of this month accord- ing to homework-weary DO'C students. This year's March break will be fromn the 2th to the 27th. In the midst of our anxious wait for th e break, several things have happened. 'Grade 8 orientation was on March 4. Students considering attending-DO'C next year were given an outline of the various courses and were shown what DO'C life is ail about. Next year's. new students have now been pre- pared, and option sheets are preparing the rest of us for next year. For the first time in DO'C's history, We will be on a full semestersystem with 70 minute periods. DO'C had a calligraphy instructor, Mrs. Timothy, for the grade 9 art classes of March 3. Mrs. Timothy is a free-lance artist who has been doing calligraphy for three years. She teaches calligraphy because she enjoys working with students and likes to share her talent. The badminton club had its first session last Wed- nesday. The sessions will run weekly from 7 to 9 p.m. in our gym and are for students from grades 10 to 13. It is a good opportunity for the students to get in sha'pe while having somne fun. Share Life, the final event on the March calendar, is a chance for DO'C to give evidence of its chari- table side. DO'C, as of late, has been soliciting fun- R A handy new book by Sidney Led. son, author of the best-seiiing book, 'Teach Your ChiId f0 Rèad in 60 Days'. Here's a book no stenographer shoutd be without; vrtuatiy a university course in grammer - but presented in a ivety way no universIty canmatch39 PRINTING & OFFICE SUPPLY 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax 638-1968 The Visual Arts Centre of Newc astle March 12 - 28th, 1982 Watercolours Sculpture Maureen Remington Michael Clay Un The MiIl Gallery Soper Creek Park - Cream of Ba rley Mili Simpson Ave., Bowmanviiie The Artists wiII be in atten dance Fr1. l2th, 7-9:,30 p.m., Sat. l3th, 2-5 p.m., Sun.,l4th, 2-5 p.m. Gallery Hours: Sats. & Suns. 2-5 p.m. Fridays 7-9:30 p.m., Mon. l4th only, 2-5 p.m. Thurs. lBth only, 7-9:30 p.m. This exhibition is organlzed by The Balmnoral Gaillery, Kirby, Ontario, in cooperation with V.A.C. nation's capital. Another somewhat "4civie" event outside of Anderson is'the Royal Canadian Legion Public Speaking Contest. The, branch finals were held on March 7 at 1 p.m. at the Legion Hall in Whit- by. Contestants are per- mitted,,to select' tleir own topic, follow speci- fic time guidelines, and use any desired props or aids. Prizes range from $100 to $500. Newspaper Staff: Susan Bisseil,' Sonya Zosik, Kamal Curry and Frank VanderMeule. à e j U. ds, and now we have a chance to be the beniefactors. The Share Life objective for the Toronto Archdio- cees$4,225,000. The funds go to threemanras Some of the money goes to the Third World to help feed the poor and take care of the sick and dying. Another will go to St. Augustine's seminary. The final portion is divided amongst-the varlous chari- ties of the Archdiocese such as: The Catholie Youth Organization, Providence Villa and Columbus Boys' Camp. In the past, money was sent to such charities as the Cambodian relief fund and the Italian Earth- quake relief. Durham Regional Multiple Scierosis Soclety Wheelies Arena, Whitby >Sunday, March l4th 8 arn. to 4 p.m. For f urther i nf ormation cal Ken Thoms 668-791l4 CLUB AlNE CONCESSION 10 WEST, SCUGOGISLAND SAT.,, MAR. 13, 1982 8:30 P.M. - 1:00OA. M. DANCE DURHAMCOUNTY .SPoqsored by Durhamn Rbglon MS. Association LICENSED UNDER AUSPICES 0F SPECIAI. OCCASION PERMIT COMING BILL JOHNSON'S MARCH 20 SWEET COU NTRY. for f uriher Information phone Oshawa 576-4M0 HAWA FLEA MARKET OSHAWA FLEA'MARKET OSI VEN .DORS UN DER ONE ROO-F OSHAWA BAZAAR &-FLEA MARKET 727 Wilson Rd.» S. Oshawa- 2 blocks south of Bloor Open Su nday 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Corne On Downi LHSO 13UW ~V31:1VMVI4SO ±3XUVW V31d VMVWSOj BRING THIS COUPON WITH YOU FOR A FREE GIFT. Heart Research Anywhere- Hlelps Hearts Everywhere CINEMASHOWRASE DO'C lookmg Ãforward 'to break