Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 Mar 1982, p. 17

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1982, PAGE 17 - ~ zoee, OALL A POFESSIOMIL TRACTOR TRAILER TRAIN IN G For Class A & D License C IL E PARTICIP]ATION 416-363-8031 Otwf WssIÀaft COU TU Fr"s 1-800-268-9689 Day, Eve. & 5at. courses CARPET CLEANINO Carpets shampooed and steam cleaned. Cle aned twice for one l0w prIce. ,Caîl: SPARKLE Cleanlng Services 6ý68-8332 OR 668-1979 H11IHEST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, Jewelery, dishes,ý furni- ture,- cracks, 011 paint- ings and sealers. *FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 ' 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA GUITAR LESSONS AvAl LABLE B PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTOR. PHONE 668-3741 CALL A CHIMNEY SWEEP before you have ta cali the Pire Dept. Aberwyn dhimney Sweeps 655- 3513. RESURRECTION SOUND DJ SER- VICE. Weddings. dances, parties, etc. Phone Ed 683-1816 or Tony 6860789. S~EVCE 'GRAMMAR FOR PEOPLE-wha hale gramner" la the ideal pocket reference book for business pea. pie: 33.95 per copy and avaliabie aI Dicksan Printing & Office Sup- plies ln the Ajax Plaza. Dealer en- quiries invted 6831968. £5VI1 SERRVICES MAN WITII TRUCK wlll do moving l obs. Mas experience. Phone 666- 3781. SCANLAN'S NEW &USED FURNITURE Baught, SoId & Exchanged Alil your furniture &* appliance needs. 210 BROOK ST. S., WHITBY 666&2214 "&WEEKLY SPECIAL" Two Antique Secretary Deaks SoIId Walnut Priced ToSolii HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B-2564 Kitchens, Ceramic TII- Ing, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES (CALL.668-4686ý RUSCO DURHAM ROY FOR FMI FUTURE. Windows, En trance Doors, Storm Doors, Patio Doors, Garage Doors & Siding ALMOSY 50 VEAUS IN BUSINESS. 683-6323 LICENSEDý ELECTRICIAN AVAILABLE. 24 HOUR SERVICE NO JOB TOO BIGý OR SMALL. CALL 668-0059 F REE - "HOW TO" report. dut Heating Costal Buiid your own waad burner -- farced-air stave, modern fIreplace -- from cheap used parts. Handsame, energy- efficient. Sand $1.00 for postage and handling. (Refundabie.) WRITE TODAY: Ritchey Assa- clies, P.O. Box 416-PP3, Oshawa, Ontaria, L1 H 7L8. QjSERVIE HELP IS ON THE WAY for firme whose printer has recentiy gone out of business. Lau Dickaan has the coat cutting ideas you need at a lime Ilke thia 683-1968. ATTENTION LOCAL CONTRACT- ORS ETC. Smaii gfroup af fuily licensed, highiy quaiified & exper- ienced engîneers are wIiing ta provide services et very reason- able rates. No job too amail, no job tao large. Cail for furtherý details, evenInga & weekends, 668-9193. CONGRATULATIONS an yaur for- thcoming marriage. Please view aur samples of engraved wadding Invitatians et your leisure ln aur Ajax Plaza store. Dickaon Prlnting & Office Supplies 683-1968. i I RTICLES R1C FOR SALE] ORICLS j Roor ModWatrbd From $249.00 ý,ý4,Many more models to choose f rom. Also seunale.i ~tubs, acryllc shows r tubs, piumbing supplies. Fort ompiste kitchen & bathroom remodelling cal Thf Wtershod. 244 Brock St. S., Whltby 666-13 Open Thurs. à Fr. lMI 0p.m. DRY FIREWOOD. Beach, mapie, white birch. Deiivery anywhere. PANIG $40 fc od hn (705) 454- DECORATING 8260- VISIT OUJR used furniture ware- PAINTING ,TAPINS TEXTURE SPRAY S& STUCCO Ceillngs & WaIIs FULLY EXPERIENC ED Also stucco cellInga painted. Free estimates end 10w wlnter rates. Specisi payment plan à prices for senior citizens. 576-2401 OF1IANKSNKS THANK YOU MAYI1960-FEB. 1982 Oliver's Esso, Hwy. 12 in Myrtie, has been SOLD. We wouid like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank ail our customers, friends and neighbours for theirpatronage. EVENTS FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT' BANK Our representative - ANNE BAKER - will be In the Whitby/Brooklin area on TUESDAY, MARCH th to discues FBDB Services: 1.- Financial assist- ance for business. 2. Counseliing to lm- prove business or solve problems. 3. Management train- ing & information on gov't programs. FOR APPOINTMVENT CALL ANNE BAKER (416) 576-6800 Federal Business Development Bank 22 King St. W. Oshawa nouse by appaintment. Blg savings on deaks, chairs, f iiing cabinets, etc. cali Dickson Print- ing & Office Supplies to arrange an appainîment ta view 683-1968. PUBLIC AUCTION Every Thursday nlght buy or seli et 1614 Chares Street, Whitby. Fur- niture, glass, china, tools, jeweiry, coins and so on. Ail consign- mente welcome. Bill Wan- namaker, Auctioneer, 666-3731 days, 6688403 evenings. 2" Storm Doors Triple Seaied *5coors$ 695 l 4styles Instaiied & Guaranteed. Aiso eca- nomicai and energy efficient storm and replacement thermal windows and enclosures. FREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 af ter hours 666-1847 ELECTRIC FIREPLACE; 5' pine bar, goid veivet sofa; coffee table with marbie top; dînette cabinet; palf of ladies silver ski boots, size 71/2. Phone 576-5049. BEDROOM ln excellent condition for sale. Slild pine wood. Phone affer 5 p.m. 728-3465. MAHOGANY stained hutch mirror $299.95; 4-drawer high boy $399.95; new telephone answering service machine $99.95; 7" x 12" wood beams, sacrifice; concrets siabs 24" x 24", $1.99 each. New GMC van seat $99.95. Phone 666- 1303. FOR SALE - Two hardwood single beds - bookcase headboards with three drawers & mattresses. $100 each. Cali 655-4922 anytime. WERVIES RELIABLE MOTHER wlth certifi- cate In home nu rsing and chiid cars from St. John's Ambulance wishes ta babysit ln my home. Supervised games, fingerpainting, caioring, educationai T.V. shows and some outings. And lots of loyal Aiso, good hot lunches. References available. Please Inquire aI 668-7188. LOVING DAY CARE availabie ln my home. Please caîl 666-1723. WILL BABYSIT ln my home. Hol meais provided. Phone 668-0777. H'ELP WAN-TiD BROOKLIN TOOL 00. LTD. requires three retired persoa. Mechanie to repair air tools, jacks .and compressara. Brick layer and carpenter toa ssBlaIin conetructing office. Phone 683-1753. AVON PRODUCTS Get ready for sprlng - seii Avon produbts. Terrîtories open ln Whtby/Brookiilohawa aras. -Cali 668-463. FRAI 225 Brock St. rN., WflitDy 668-6171 or 668-6172 ARE INTERESTED IN YOUI We need a few good sales people. If you are Inter- ested ln setting your own achievemient goals, re- garding Iincome, we now offer you an exclusive audi-visuai training- pro- gramme, also, we'li en- courage you toward reaching your goals. You can be inflated with the resuits we can help you attain. You can be happy working in a professional. atmosphere which iends Itself to efficiency and pleasant worklng condi- tions. Whether you are qualifled at present or currently taking or considering the government pre-licencing course - we want to, talk with you! For aconfiden- tial personal Interview Cali: BILL TURANSKY 668-6171 HELP WANTED: Experienced telephone solicitor famîliar with. printing and office supplies. Houriy rate plus commission. Cali Lau Dickson at 683-1968 ta arrange an Interview. PART-TIM E HELP WANTED SUIMARINE MACHINE No experience necessary. Cali 668-6668 for further Information & interview. BOOKKEEPER, part-time, payroii experience necessary. Cali 666- 1303. Ask for Norm. MAîRDRESSER WANTED. 5 years experience. Appiy ln persan oniy. Tony's Hairstyling, 106 Lupin Drive, Whitby. fNGARAGE GARAGE SALE - Saturday, March 6 from 9 ta 5 p.m. 24 Trinity drea., Whitby. Samething for everyone. Mousehoid, cottage, camping needa, TV. antenne, tires. Rein or shine. ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS MINISTRY 0F REVENUE Records Ma.nager $27t200 - $319,500 The management systems branch seeks an Indlvi- duai to manage its records services section ln ac- cordance wit 'h mInistry and government polîcies. You wiIl carry out records and forme functions and the marketing of these services ln an "office of t he future" environment. File RE-478. Qualifications: ln-depth knowledge of records management systems and procedures normally acquired through completion' of a recognized records management course and senior responsi- bility ln a progressive records management program; ability to work ln a high-proflle, project charge-back environment; considerabie know- iedge of data processing, word proces 'sihg, micro- data, computerized file control, ýretrievaI, file management, com plex micro recordi ,ng and automated'forms control systems;, ability. to analyse data'and prepare reports;* excellent marketing, interpersonal and communication skilîs. Computer Support C Ierk: $269.O- $304.00 per wek Inthis position with the taxation data centre you wI ensure adequacy of computing services to various users; control and process a large variety and volume 0f computer Input documents, ensur- ing accuracy; request and execute computer runs; gener'ate and distributeail outputs; verify and re- concile reports and controls. File RE-476. Quailifications: Several years satisfactory clerical experience; abi ity to analyse computer-produced reports and compiete assignments within rigid deadiines; general knowîedge of computer pro- cessing activIties; ability to learn and perform the operation of Inter-active computer terminais. Location: 'Currently Toronto, however, these positions wiil only be avaliable to those can- didates who are wiliing to work ln Oshawa when the min istry relocates later this year. Please s'ubmit application quoting appropriate flile number by March 19, 1982, to: MInistry of Revenue, Personnel Services Branch, 77 Bloor Street West, 2Oth Floor, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1 X8. Equaiity of Opportunity for Employment ~ Ontario Ontario 'Public Service WANTED FamIlles/indlvlduals To take handicapppd child- ren Into their homes for short periods of time (Board ~ / I rate paid). For further infor -"' mation caîl: Durham Region Famiiy Relief Services. U I N orma 668-3812 Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press*wlII not be hiable for failure ta pubîish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyand the cost of the space occupied by the erro-r up ta a maximum cost of the f irst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta classify or reject ail advertlsements. Ads must appear In the paper one day before they can be changed or cancelied. RATES: $4.06 for 20 words if biiied; 12o each additional word. Pre-paid Insertion of 20 words $3.50; additional wards 11c each. Yau may charge your Ciassifiled Ad ta your Chargex or Visa Account and receive the discount on the price of your ad. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12e each addltional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 12s each additional word. p AUCTION SALES - 32o per Uine. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box r.. bers are availabie at an additionai charge. of $2.00. The W itby Free Press will rnake every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no iiability regarding loss or damage alleged to arise through failure or delay ln forwarding such replies. We will not be responsible for box number replieE not calied for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to «public'ation to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior ta publication to in- sert or cancel Empo'rium Ads. CALL 668-6111

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