PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS Tentative contract also reached.... Home ordered t aebc okr The Sunnycrest Nurs- ing Home has been or- dered- by the Ontario Labor Relations Board to re-instate 16 employ- ees who were fired last December. According to Rusa Whitney, national rep- resentative 0f the Canadian Union of Public, Employees (CUPE), the board has also ordered that the 16 workers receive full back pay wlth interest. The workers were fired on Decemberý 21 and their jobs were con- tracted out to'other f ir- ms.,The union immed- iately appealed to the board on the gr ounds of wrongful dismissal. The workers are members of- CUPE Local 132 which rep- resents 450 dietary, Iaundry, housekeeping and maintenance woxÊkers at the three homes for -the aged operated by the Region 0f Durham. Sunnycrest's 65 em- ployees joined theý union in November 1980 and since that time have been attempting to win their first contract. Whitney said that a tentative agreement has been reached and a vote will be conducted tomorrow night. While lie would not release- any specifics, the major issues in the negotiations were salar- ies, wages and benefits. "It has taken us since November 4, 1980 to get a tentative agreement," Whitney said. He added that the agreement will be retro- active to Whitney. believes that 12 or 13 of the workers fired have since found new positions and while hehopes they will at- tend Thursday's meeting,. he does not know whth er o r not they will returu to the home. However, Sunnycrest must offer them their jobs back via a regist-- ered mail letter. "The employer wrnl be requlred by order 0f the board that they can returh totheir jobs,"' Whitney said. Needless to say he was more thanpleased with the board's decision. "I'm certainly very pleased,"- Whitney said. "We feel it (the home's action) was anti-union. I suppose the board agreed,." assored colors 500 mi. bd. Scottowels . i u pke..89 fluoide mouthwash P4. of 180Listermint ....2.29 pi<t t:sortment p4. cf 3M or 24 mg., or .cdder .5.. Scott napkins .... 1.55 di diaprs 3.4 pk. of 100 3 oz. zz .b Sotdiprs34 ttroom refili 65 o s.orted Diie cups......1.29 9-ive, pke. of 12 kikchen unit cat food....3/1.00 Quikki b.d...t tpe or Mier pape.06 garbage bags....59 M flter..!i 8 1 L. con.. quid lhundry'.8 Wisk 11-86m du i. mpud regular or CaIcn detergent.......2.39 Choçk Full..... 450 mi. contcfe .........34 Johnson iquid Cohoe Choyer Leaf Klear wax ....1.99 salmon ..7Y. . " 1.79 Clark stews ...1.49 oz.tUno 700gS kg. uwund Omnny Snap cookies ......... 1.49 4003 gtfn instant '500 g pkg. Mape LeE Hershe 1/3oq chocolate ...... 1.09 rnlluess bacon . 1.88 450 p kg. /3ol? ir« s'e 6, .39 m. Corn Brnpork ie. Quakerncereal ... 1.49 ç Lm 3vdei Bakerm ~ lverurst.. s2!îgs1ýL 240oz. ýpýPo h ]Dietrich 100% sausage ..4t$C whole wkeat bread . .79 ment, gay SAoff Weston AI dinner roeils.... op4 2.69 ,iblets.... 1.2/t.5 8 Mapke Laf V3 off cryovac ýeston chocolate bottel$5 iwiss rolis.........991 dinner hamns $5,9w 2.L Pop PeoplePop BROWN'S FOODMASTER, IPePI ~CASE 0F 12-30 OZ. B0TTLES B OLI 5~2 PEOPLE ".99 plus depoSil . ROKI 5m42 ï AS A1 f (1 7--r.,R1I1U $4.49 plus deposit 8:30 arn to 6:00 pm, Except Thurs. & Fn> Nih 9 Pm Two face charges OSHAWA - Six people, including two Whitby men, have been arrest- ed in connection with the theft of $10,000 worth of stereo equipment from a car parked at an apartment building here. According to a spokes- men for Durham Regional Police Force, the stereo equipment was stolen on December 14 from a car parked at 1265 Pentland Ave. Charged with possession of stolen goods over $200 is James Michael Dillion, 16, of 26 Nordic Court and Domenic Salvatore Guida, 17, of 902 Dono-. von Ores. Both »will appear in Whitby Provincial Court on March 5. Speech' Whitby Toastmistress Club members are now busily making prepara- tions for their annual spehcontest. Thig special event will take place on Tuesday, Mar- ch 2, 1982 at the Earl of- Durham Restaurant,, 227 Brock Street South, Whitby, commencing at 6 p.m. This promises to be an exciting evening and dinner will be ser- ved after the judging of the contestants. The public is invited to attend this special af- fair to see how members have developed in self- confidence and commu- nications skills. For further infor- mation please cal Shirley MacDonald at 668-4817 or- Betty Dubowski at 668-8564. Show. Henry Street High School Band, Parents' Committee will present "Move Into Spring," a show of fashions by Fashions 126 and shoes by Kameka, on Tues- day, March 9, at 8 p.m. in the cafetorium. rraOw ier