Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 24 Feb 1982, p. 17

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WHITBY FREE, PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1982, PAGE 17 AL CALL A PIOFE3SIOIAL HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Goid and Silver coins, old guns, clocks, jeweiery, dishes, furnI- ture, crocks, OU paint- ings and seaiers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23KING ST. W., OSHAWA< SCANLAN'S NEW &USED FURNITURE Bought, sold & Exchanged Ail your furniture & appilance needs. 210 BROCK ST.S., WHITBY 6662214 &WEEKLY SPECIAL" Two bedroom suites One 5-place & one 4-place $325 each CARPET, CLEANI NG carpets shampooed and steam cieaned. Cîeaned twIce for one 10w price. SPARKLE Cleaniîng Services 668.8332 OR 668-1979 JA MES PATTERSON CONTrRACT. INC. Speclallp ÏIn home Improve.ý monts. Bathrooms, ktchens, ad- dions, garages, etc. Roasonable rates. Cal today for your free estl- mate. 8W3-2727. NEEDFYES DELIVERED? Wecan deliver your f lyers quIckly and eco- nomicaily. Calinow. WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 CALL A CHIMNEY SWEEP before you have to cail the Fîre Dept. Aberwyn chimney Sweeps 655- 3513. 'GRAMMAR FOR PEOPLE who hale grammar" la the Ideal pockel reference book for business peo- pie. $3.95 per copy and avalable at Dickson Printing & Office Sup- plies In the Aax Plaza. Dealer on- quIrles Invited 683-1968. £57IW1 VERICES MAN WITH TRUCK wiii do movlng lobs. Has experlence. Phone 666- 3781. CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO Lic. B-2554 KItchens, Ceramlc Tii- Ing, Drywaii, Rec. Rooms, -cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES LCALL 668-4686J TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For ciass A & D License PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031N Outi. les idalts ces TN r. 1-800-268-9689 Day, Ev.. & Sat. courses RUSCO D)URHlAM RUT FOR THE FUTURE. * Buy Steel Windows, Entrance Doors, Patio Doors Garage Doors & Siding ALMOST 50 YEARS IN BUSINESS. 683-6323, INTERESTED IN OLD TIME1 FIDDLING? Prof essionalIinstruc- tion by 1955 canadian fIddie champion. Other styles offered. Phono: LVIC 668-3741J PAITING PAINTING TAPINO TEXTURE SPRAY & STUCCO Cel lngs & WaIls FULLY EXPERIENCED Also stucco ceilinga painte 'd. Fiee estimates and 10w winter rates. Special payment plan& prices for senior citizen.. 576-2401F QERVCNE CONGRATULATIONS on your for- thcoming marriage. Please vlew our sampies of engraved weddlnb Invitations ai your lelsure ln our Aax Plaza store. Dîckson Printing & Office Supplies 683-1968. HELP I5 ON THE WAY for firma whose prînter has recently gone out of business. Lou Dickson has the cosi cutting Ideas you need ai a lime like this 683-1968. I I i HADASSAN JEAN à FABRIC CLEARANCE SALE. Good seiec- lion of usod clothing. Beth ZMon Synagogue, 144 King Street East, Oshawa. Tuesday, March 2 and Wednesday, March 3 from 9 a.m. toi1 p.m. NOTICE TO CRIEDITORS AND OTHERS ALL dlaims.against the Estate of TESSA Mc- PHERSON (MacPherson> late of the Township, of Scugog, Ontario, who died on Dece mber 16, 1981 must be flled with the undersigned by Mar- ch 15, 1982; thereaf ter the assets of the estate wili be distributed havlng regard only to those dlaims then flled. DATED February 10, 1982. Guaranty Trust Company of Canada, Executor, by Its Solicitors, MESSRS. BASSEL, SULLI VAN & LEAKE, P.O. Box 351, Suite 1800,, Commerce Court West, Toronto, Ontario, M5L 1H4 *,, ARTICLES FOROR.SAELE DRY FIREWOOD. Beoch, mapie, white blrch. Delivery anywhere. $40 face cord. Phone (705) 454- 8260. BEDROOM SUITE in excellent condition. Plus RCA TV ln good condition. Phone 683-1217 or 728- 3465 after 5 p.m. PUBLIC AUCTION Every Thursday nighl buy or seil at 1614 Charles Street, Whitby. Fur. niture, glass, china, tools, jewelry, coins and 80 on. Ail conslgn- monts weicoma. Bill Wan. namnaker, Auctloneer, 666-3731 days, 6688403 eveplngs. CHERRY RED muskrat coat, 3/, sîze amati 6-8, excellent condition. Appraised at $1,000. Wii soul for $500. Phone 68-2213. VISIT OUR used furniture ware- house by appoîntment. Big savînga on desks, chairs, fiiing cabinets, etc. Calil Dickson Print- ing & Office Supplies to arrange an appointment 10 view 683-1968. 2" Storm Doors Triple Sealed *5coors 169a 50 a4sye installed& Guaranleed. Also eco- nomical and energy efficient storm and replacement thermal windows and enclosures. FREE ESTîMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 af ter hours 666-1847 ARTICES REMINGTON A3 Photocopier, needs some repair. Phone 683- 0372. USPPIISPLIES FREE TO GOOD HOME. Maie,' ginger ktten. Phone 655M805. MALAMULTE PIJP, 2 montha old, house tralned, black and whitê. Phone 668-0825. rwFoRDEI R-ENT TYPEWRITER RENTAL, many makes and modeis, by the week- end, week or month. Dscounts avallabie. Dickson Prlntlng & Of- fice Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Gall us for business machine repaire 683-1968. FZRE FREE: Drop Into the Dickson Prlntlng & Office Suppiy store ln the Alax Plaza and pick up a free copy of their 1982 Metrlc Caien- dar. Prlnted ln two colours, Il makes for handy referooce 68.3- 1968. WATDT BUY/ENLj WANTED - Apartmant-size piano, good condition, between $60 and $700. GatI 576-5261. THE WORLD ISYOURS..IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE,... Whorever~ you move the Welcome Wagon hostess the right person to heip you find a place ln your new com- munity. Cali 666.1523 or 579-7521 Fi9ht Heart Attack, Stroke High Blood Pressure Rheumnatic Fever HELP WANTED 'I HAîR STYLIST WANTED. Ex- cellent opportunlty for styliet with cilentele. cali 6835559. B3ABYSITTER REOUIRED. Must suppiy own transportation to Brooklin. Three days weekiy In my home, 9 a.m. 10 4 p.m., to care for 6, month oid Infant. Cali 655-4828. AVON PRODUCTS l3et ready for sprIng - sai Avon producta. Territorles open In whitbyl'Brookîînioshawa aras. Cal 68-5463. BABYSITTER WANTED to corneIn. for 2½é monthe. Two achool aged, one ai homne. Phone 666-1325. BROOKLIN TOOL CO. LTD. requires three retired poisons. Mechanic to repair air bools, jacks and compressors. Brick layer and carpenter to asslst ln constructing office. PhoneU63.1753. HELP WANTED: Experienced telephone solicitor familier wlth prlnting and office supplies. Houriy rate plus commission. Cal Lou Dlckson at 683-1968 to arrange an intervIew. 668-6171 or 668-6172 ARE INTERESTED IN YOU! We need a few good sales people. If you are Inter-' ested ln setting your own achievement goals re- garding income, we now offer you an exclusive audi-visual traling pro- gramme, also, we'll en- courage you toward reaching your goals. You can be inflated wlth the resulis we can help you attain. You can be happy working ln a professional atmosphere which lends itself to efficiency and pleasant working condi- tions. Whether you are qualiied at present or currently taking or considerlng the government pre-llcencing course. - we want to talk with you! For aconfiden- tial personal interview caîl: BILL TURANSKY 668-6171 SERVIES LOVING DAY CARE avaliabie ln my home. PleasecaIl 666.1723. -HeIp yox Heoft.. HeIp yow Heoart Fund * MINISTRY 0F REVENUE (Taxation Data Centre) Senior Planning Officer $28,060 - $14,,200 (under review) This is an opport-unity to plan, co- ordinate and partici-pate in varlous branch projeots involving the deveiop- ment, evaluation -and implementation of operational systems. You wiill ialse with client branches to ensure the development and maintenance of ef- fective automated data processing and manuai systems; act as project leader or team memn ber as req uired. File RE-470. Qualifications: Sound knowledge of the methods and practices used ln research and planning activities; demonstrated abiiity to design, organize and co- ordinate planning or developmental pro- jects; excellent analytical, supervisory and communicat.ion skills; famniliarity with a tax administration environment an asset. Planning Off icer $25#900 - $31 .200 (under review) In this position you will compiete bran- chproject assignments under a project co ntrol approach; design new or revised systems and appropriate- documenta- tion; evaluate existing ADP and manual syst'ems; ana.lyse, statistical , data; p're- pare test packages and -reports; help implement new programs or systems. File RE-471. Qualifications: 'Experience in a plann- ing 'environment; sound .knowledge in research and planning methods and practices; experience with ADP systems; excellent analytical, develop- mental, communication and interper- sonal skills; familiarity with a tax ad- ministration environment an asset. Location: Currently Toronto, however, these positions will only be available to those candidates who are willing to work in Oshawa when the ministry re- locates later this year. Please submit applicationlresume by March 12, 1982, quoting appropriate file number to: Minlstry of Revenue,, Per- sonnel Services Branch, 77 Bloor Street West, 2Oth Floor, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1 X8. Equality of Opportunity for Employment ~ Ontario Ontario Public Service ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of Visa Account and recelve the discount on the price of your deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however. we ac- publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be liable for ad. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. cept no liability regarding ioss or damnage alieged to arise failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We will tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the flrst 100 words; 12c each not be responsible for box number repliez! not calied for a maximumn cost of the f lrst insertion. The Whitby Free Press additionai word. within 30 days. reserves the right to classify or reject al advertisements. Ads IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 DALNS odyno ro opbiaint neto must appear in the paper one day before they can be changed words; 12w. each additlonal word. DALNS odyno ro opbiaint neto or cance 1lie.lCINSLS-3cprln.(owr-d loed.) cancel Classifled Ads. Frlday noon prior to publication to in- AUCTON ALES- 3e pe lio. No wrd ds alowd.)sert or cancel Emporium Ads. RATES: $4.06 for 20 words If bllled; 12c each addltionai word. - CALL Pre-pald Insertion of 20 words $3.50; additionai words li0 BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are availabie at an addltional each. You may charge your lassifled Ad to your Chargex or charge of $2.00. The W0hitby. Free Press wlll make every en- 668-61 Il

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