WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY., FEBRUARY 24, 1,982, PAGE 13 JVhitby Free Press..... Livng n odaY' S World BEFORE ~How1I ost 173 Ibs.a t By: Marjrie Thaler NIe tried e.verymethod that ever came on the market but none worked for me like the Professional Weight Control Program. It is like a dream come true. Throughout the program, <"i I've feit great. Believe me, 1 could flot have done it a.lone, thanks to the nurses, nutritionists and ýstaff of the 0 Loue up to 3 to 5 Ilb. per week. 0 No dangerous druga, teus exorcise or binding contracta. *Stabiliztionand mawintenance. * ndividuelized cars from well taim poou - a 0 Fîrt visit oia frme witno New - Hèlfth Fast ta~fui ml>'sound rmduclng progrm Aknown. APTER 8a m go 7p m MONOAY IoFRIOAY MASTER CHARGE/VISA' Proessiontoi Weght ConiroI - A Cadian moiyos noi a580C.ated ih any othier wesghl ls lOii onSI eth0e gremetTO#onto Wei 2 Simcoe St'. C.I.B.C. Building second floor Oshawa 57103300 "NO PROMISES, JUST RESU LIS" Plunge into Popufar eari When it's ýspring again, you know it is'time to change your fashion look, and the best way to do this is to treat yourself to pearis. These gems have a fresh, new, and original look this season-. Cultured pearis -are blended with diamonds, gold, and other gemstones and are often enhanced by captivating stones in clasps or stations, reports the Jewelry Industry Council. Detach- able clasps make conveni- Cnt pendants or pins, too. Pearls flatter your com- plexion and complement the fashion colors that are a major story this spring; as turquoise and dramatic black and white with a touch of red take the lead. A variety of smnall seed pearis, and slightly larger Keshi pearis are on the scene, too, in multi-strand necklaces. Splendid and large, abstract-shaped pearîs come into their own in outstanding pendants, pins, and rings. There are also'rich, lustrous shades' of color blossoming, in pearls-. Mother nature pro- vides many to choose from such as rose, apricot, avnemauve, pink, and gold. Designers have also dreamed up beautiful hues in greens and browns, as well as creating black and grey pearîs. These versatile gems can be worn to dress up or dress down any wardrobe to suit your mood. Pearîs PEARIS ARE PERENNIAL FAVORITES, either in multi-strand neck- laces of small pearis, or pearis mixed. with colored stones or chains. Here, a multi-strand necklace and bracelet are set off with'a colorful gold f lower with a peari center. Look for odd-shaped, large Mabe pearis in rings and pinsin the, season ahead.t can transform you-that is the message for spring. Style-conscious women are able to achieve excit- ing, new looks by mixing pearls, chains and beads. And the latest jewelled headband worn across the forehead, originally in- spired by the joggers and tennis players has eye- catching appeal. Pearl pins, stick pins, or stud earrings on- contrasting colored headbands can be a fashion setter. Pearîs are a valued treasure that will last for years to come, de- clares the Jewelry Industry Council. And they are a great addition to your. jewelry collection. So, be ready for pearîs. it spring with 1It's our Special at Lacdy ýFitness Dally Exercise Classes, Modern Exercîse Equlpment lnlvlduallzed Programs, Sauna, Whlrlpool and more! Plan to atten u Open House Wednesday, Mardi 310St 57 Slmcoe Street S. rnext to downt own Post office, Oshawa Open Mondayto Frlday 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Saturday, Sunday- 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. EA LA CONTESSA HAIR SALON *SALES* MONDAYS ½/ PRICE PERMS FOR ALL THE FAM1LY TUESDAYS &WEDNESDAYS INTRODUCING SUSAN BOLDUC OUR NEW HAIRSTYLIST ½ 2PRICE ON EVERY HAIR SERVICE AVAl LABLE INCLUDING PERMS a68«9262 v M. olnp- Uit