Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 17 Feb 1982, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNEDy FEBRUARY 17, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS CALLý668a6111l#' __________Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the following conditions. F%0 - AtriA3 SOIMARTICLES1 FOR'SAELEj,1 V.W. DUNE BUGGY, excellent mechanîcal ýcondItIon, new- front wheel bearinga, new klng pins and link pins, new heavy duty shocica, steerîng box rebulli,.tracior tires on rear. Ail rubber very good. Rol bar, tow, bar, head & taîl lîghts. Needs a motor. Askîng $475. Phone 666&1847. Dec.23,81(B) FRANIKLIN FIREPLACE, zero clearance, braos knobs, grote, a acreen &acssre.Used, In. good condition. Asklng $80 or -. bost of fer. Phone 668-0914. Jan.27.82(K) JOHNSON 40 H.P., electrîc siafl, long shafi, good condition. $425 or besi of fer. Call anytlmej?28-6700. FOLD UP PING PONG TABLE& accessoirisas wth black boards on reverse aides $860. Hammered' brass-look flire scree6 $20. Sears chid's typewrlter, exc. cond.,'$15. (' ai 623-6335 or 266-9494, Jan.13,81<C) NORESCO RECEIVER, Modal1 2360, 40 watts, AM/FM plus phono & tape outiets. Taya turniable. 501h plaesIlike new. Seil as a" package or separate. $180 or besi offer. Phone 668-2860. Jan.20,82(J) SKATE SHARPENING MACHINE, swing arm, I loor model. AskIng $400. CaIl 839-5944 aller 6:30 p.m. Dec.23,81(B) SNOWBLOWER, Modal 100, ex. collent condition, $250. Steel shower cabinet,, brand, new,. with ail fixtures and curtaîn, $80. Phone 688-3165. Nov. 18,81(1, NEW FOLDING FLIGHT SUIT CASE on whesis - coat $95 - sel $50. Firepaca sereen, 28" x 36" $25. TV. stand $10. Phone 668 9116. Dsc.2,81M( LARGE NAVY matai irunk, usec once. Askîng $100. Phono 725 3118 after 6 p.m. FebA17,82(DC ONE UNDERWOOD manual type- wrîter $75. One Adlor electiî typswriter $150. For sale ai Oshawa Symphony Office. Phone 579-6711 for appointment to ses. Jan.20,82<O) CALL 661848111 10 place your Em. porium Ad. ATARI ýVIDEO GAME In perfect condition, $189 (reg. $289). Twc vîdeo game tapes hall pries. Phono 668-1145 evaninga. Jan.27,82(D> TWO HANGING waIi dasica, solid wood._ $75 for pair or $40 oach. Phono 725-2243. Feb.2,82(V) ELEGANTE WEDDING GOWN ln- cludes f loor Isngth veil plus head- place., Bordered in delicats chan- tilly lacs. Size 10. Al Inclusive $230. Phone 668-3064. Fob. 10,82(C) SIMPLICITY WRINGERIWASHER, n good condition. Asking $60. Phone 668-3885 evoninga. Jan.20,82<M) CHAIN SAW, Clinion 24", $125. White, 34 x 80, baked alumlnum storm door <riita), $25. Regular alum. siorm door, 34 x 80, $20. Modem white bathiub $50. Whie basin 37.50. Pink basIn $7.50. Gold fibraglasa vaniy basin 37.50. Electrlc snowbiower $80. lsctrîc V4 h.p. motor $15. Woodan head- board (sngle) $5. PoIs type record stand $10. Smaii antique dssk $125. Back & white fur jacket, sîze 10, $125. Caii 668-7404. Nov.25.81MT SWING SET $35. Medîum-sized airline dog kannel $15. Rabblt cage $10. Winnie The Pooh pool wth alida $15. Beige high back chair wiih chrome base $50. Tropical planta $5 each. Phone 668-7218. - ~Feb.10,82<B3) u' i id 5. PLEASE RAU When the advertised Item la sold, dîsposed of, or unavallabie for whatever reason, the Item will be deemed to have bean sold and a commission wllII be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as llustrated below, regardiless If prîce la stated with "beet offer."l If the Item le NOT SOLD, or dlsposed of, the ad wlII be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 wIllI apply payable ln advanceocf publication of the first ad. Olherwlse a $750 charge wIll ap* ply If bliîed whlch muai be paîd upon recaîpt of bill. Theéabove minimum charges wIll be appliIod b the final commission due but ln any case the hlgher amnount will be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-pald, $750 bliled. Maximum commission: $100.00. AIl advertlsements muai be placed on an ex- clusIve basliwth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atleast cone month If flot sold. 00RATES (if article la aold): 5% of advertls.d pric@ Up to «.0 .2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertlsed for $120.00. Commission due $6.00 (minimum charge la 36.00) PrIvais advertislng onlyl Please notify the Whîtby Free Press Immedla tsly.when Item la sold s0 that vie may dlais It from the followlng Issue. AIl ada flot fîttîng the Emporium guldelînes will be treated and charged par week as regular classîfîed ada on-a pre-pald basîs such as: services, help wanted, clothlng, rosI asiate, and personal message type adae, or ada flot quotîng prîce or quantily. Privais cla5sslfed ada may appear ln the Emporium section under approprîate headînga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESSOTHERWISE SPECIFIEO. MAIL ADS TO: If lni doubi caîl: OR DELIVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 668-6111 131 Brock St. N. P.O. Box 206 Whîtby, Ont. Whltby, LiN 581 THE DEADLINE FOR EM PORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. U LPA RAR T OIR/PA1T.RTS. MOTOR & TRA NSMISSION.-,1974 Toyota 1600. Asking $150 or boat offer. Phono Glenn 668-0384. Nov.18,81(K> 1965 METEOÉ CONVERTIBLE, no motor, néw'tires with mmg whoels, $250. Thrsee new tires, 1 5" on Ford rima, $65. New rad for 1975 Ford, $40. 400 motor & transmission, needa work,, $75. 390 motor, 4 barrel, 90,000 miles, $100. .Two snow tires for Ford Pick-up, on rima, lIke new, $65. Cap for 12 ion truck $250. Ail prIcea f irm, Phone 655-4448. Oec.30,81 (L) GET RESULTS. Soul your car under Our new section,. Find tl Here..', Cmii 668-6111 for Iurther Infor- mation, AUTOMLOBI FOR SALEj 1974 DODGE MONACO STATION WAGON, V8,.relaàbis transporta- tion. $600 or besi offer. Phono. 668-8227. Jan.6,82MT 1973 DODGE POLARA, roasonabie condIion, needs work. Uncorti- f led. $200 or beat offer. Cmii 668- 6218. jan.20,82(M) 1972 DYODGE DART, slant 6, bost offer. Phone 68-5567. 1966 CHEV MALIBU SS, restored, over $6.000 invosted, BF. Good- rlchTA'a, 350 LT1, 4 speed, hasn't seen wIntsr ln 7 yors. Asking $4.200 or besi -offer. Phono 668- 6424. Nov.18,81(H) e.. le. - e. - 'ce..- 'e. e. O ce e.. ce e.. e e BYNEDS COLONIAL CRIB, Vsry good con-. dlion, with matiress, some crib shoots. Alilinclusive $50. Gendron atrolor, ,good conditi on, $25. Phono 576-4993. Jan.1.3,82(A) TWO STROLLERS 1 Gendron wlth swivsl wheels, a tray, basket and hood, $30. 1 Dorsi with hood, $25. Both roclîne and ln very good condition, Please cmli 668-8178. Fob.3,82(H) BABY FURNISHINGS à ITEMS. Two waIkers, $10 sach. Joliy Jum- por on a stand $20. Crib & mat- iress, orange & White, $75. Two pottie chairs,.$7 each. Babyback Pack $10. Rocking horse $20. Phono 668-2702. Jan.6,82(L) FIND.1 IH ERE CARS & TRUCKST 'FOCR SALE, IUICK ,. ODGE 1971 BUICK SKYLARK, good 1974 VALIANT, Siant 6, 4 door, condition, willI crtlîy. $950. new transmission & aiternator. Cmii 579-5987. Good running order. $1.200. Colul668-3234. I -e-.- e.. * ê. e. ses cee e., cee FORD MERCURY 1980 CAPRI,' turbo RS, 4.cyl., 4 spd., Recaro interior, Sun roof, tape/sierso. oesa than 10,000 km., like new, $7,300. 668-5678. Usa thîs form to place your advsrtlsemont ln the "Find h Hors" section. Pidase prînt. Use one square par latter, leavîng one bIank square botween words. Each prînted lins equais approxîmaîely ones linsof type. Pisase note thai a minimum of two linos applies. PrIvato advertisers onlyl Rates: $1,00 par lins pre-pald; minimum of two linos. No roceipt wiil bo lssued unleas picked up at the Whitby Free Press office. Rogular ciassifled rates apply If biiied. ~rL.. NAME (lIrai end lait) ADDRESS CITY POSTAL CODE r] Paymentln full enclosod. Fi Bill me the regular rates. Rates for MAIL OR'BRING TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 Brock St. N. P.O. Box 206 Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 muest., HOHUSEHO PINE BED, twIn, 4, poster, -wIth lanc'yAead and foot board. Newiy consiructed from top qualîty white pine. WiliIfinish to. suit. Asking $195. Cali 985-2795. ; 1 . > -Nov.25,81 (M) .WATER BED, solid Scotch pli excellent condition, heater Inci ed. Asking $1.050. Phone 668.9< anytîme. Feb.1 7,82( 48" BED with mattresss and la sprIng, nsariy new, $200 compie, W all unit, 5 sheif, 1 cupboard, 4 12" x 72", $60. Oval Rug, braîdE green, 5' x 9','$45. Slow Cooki new, $30. Phone 668-8593., Jan.20,82(l ne,- 016 !(M) 4,x âd, oer, AN EXCELLENT antique hutch ln pins and oak. Uppar cabinet doors ln ieadsd glass, matchîng wood mouiding motif; two adjustable sheives. Lower cabinet doors hava Inset'pansi and raised relief carvlng. Rafinished Inside and oui, brase hardware and cabinet looka. A beautiful pisce, -$680 f irm. Phons 666-3096. INSTRUENTS FLUTE, Gemeinhardt, open hoid, :-loot, silver head, mint condition, $450 lirm. Phone 668-8762 aller 5. p.m. Feb.3,82(N] IAMMOND ORGAN (Piper) witli àpe dock. Lice new. Asking $950. 3ench inci.) Phone 668-7258. Feb.10,82(H) IAMMOND ORGAN, Romance 23, double keyboard & many satures. $1.695 or best of fer. Cmli fter 4 p.m. 668-5272. Feb. 1 7.82(Q' F ta af Pt ne Ph DA Asl SKI ,Lei oie diti NE un% Pre pici lior fer. PETS & SUPPLIES OUREBRED BEAGLE, mals, 19 ves old. registsred, has had ail iedles, good breeder. Cage and ood lnciuded. Asking $200. lone 668-4740. SPORTNG AYCO CROSSBOW wlih quivar. sking $225. Phone 649-5812. Oec.2,81(H) KIs, polos and boots, $75. )nglh of skis 170 cm. Also, four I wooden chairs, in good con- ion, asklng $25 each. Phono 3-8638. Nov.18,81(S) EED EXTRA MONEY? SsII your lwanted articles In the Free esa. Cali 668-6111 now. FOR SALEJ Rf SALE - 1977 hall ton Chov k-up with canopy. Top condî- i. Asking $4.500 or noareat of- Phone 668-7438. Jan- 13,82(M) AID TO MILLIO NS' CLASIFEDA'D S CONTINUED FROM PAGE 17 dmONEIOEMR JACKSON AUCTIONEERS Estates - Farme HoUsehold - Antiques Murray Jackson 985-2459 Robert Jackson 65Ë-4878 AUCTION SALE SAT., FEB. 20 -1 P.M. PEARCE AUCTION CEN- TRE on Shirley Rd., 4 miles south of Port Perry. Antiques, furniture, ap- pliances, tooIs,,etc. Con. signment sale with-Viking heavy duty dryer, Honda 150 motorbike, McClaryý refrigerator, ý20 gai. oul f lred water heater, Hoove twin tub washer, map~le dresser, wicker settee, baker's table, brass & iron bed, movie projector & splicer, new record player & speakers, set of bunk beds, brass' lamp, port. able TV, tools, dishes & many more Items too numerous to mention. PEARCE AUCTIONS 985-7492, BOAT AUCTION SAT., MAY 1, 1982 AT il A.M. Held at Port.Perry Marina in Port Perry with boats, motors, trailers, canoes, marine accessoriee, ser- vice manuals & much more. Consignments welcome to this sale. For information phone 985- 3236 or 985-7492. Managed by Bill Kendry and- Pearce Auction Ser- vice. i IOS' PUBLIC AUCTION Evory Thursday night buy or sali ai 1614 Charles Street, Whitby. Fur- nMure, glass, china, tools, jowelry, cIsand.s0 on. .Ail consign- mente wolcome. 8111 Wan- namaker, Auctioneer, 668-3731 days, 668-843 evenInga. SUPPLIES 1973 18' CRESTLINER, hall & dock OnIt dock needa repaira. Asking $350. 1973 75,H.P. JOHNSON MOTOR, complets with power tilt, lev er control & tilt switch. Asklng $1,150. BOAT ACCESSORIES: Siseper sasis $125; lachometer $25; speedometer'$15; stern iighi $15; accessory termninal box $45; 18 gai. gas tank with fuel gauge, tank vents & dock plate fittinga $110. Or wiIl ssii complets for $1.500. Cali 728-6700, Feb. 17,82(S)7 (ARMENTS/ (ICONDOSFOR RENTr LARGE ONE BEDROOM apart-.. <ment, bri'ght, cozy kitchen, turn o .f century charm., Availabie March 1. Rentai $325 monthiy plus hast. Matura aingle .porson or quiet couple profsrred. Phone 666-111 R ~ACOMODAI ACCOM -MODATION for university summer students requlrsd. Please contact Weall,& Culien Nurseries 655-4300. ' VACATION 1 RENTSALS IClearwater -Take the famiily,I Ithree bedroon, two bathrooml cutyclub homes, pools, Itennis, close to major attrac-I tinony$W.0S eekyj 683-5503 F)FRRE RENT CLEAN MODERN OFFICE on ground floor ln downtown Whîtby. 400 sq. f. Contact AI Klrby 668. 6668. WANT ADS WORK WONDEASIl Cmli 668-6111 to place your md., FOR RENTr EXCELLENT RETAIL STORE FOR RENT N WHITBY. Fui 11y carpetted. Good traffic. For detail1s cali1 BILL PER-KINS 668-ý 58621 m AIUCIN AUCTION SALE 124 HUNTST., AA West off Harwood Ave., by Canadian Tire Store FEB. -20 - il A.M SHARP Contents of large fruit market. Steel shelving, racks on wheels, steel skids & hand trolleys, f lower carts, steel tables, shopping buggies & bas- kets, Toledo scaies, *National'cash registers, Courtice 2 dr.. upright cooler, heat sealer wrapp- ing machine, electric ln- sect debuggers, steel mop bucket & mops, flower pots, glassware, clishes, plastic'cups, cera- mios, milk cases, neon sign 22' x 2', pails, trays, cans, 400 baskets, 150 bushels, refrigerator, compressors, ladder, walk-in cooler, 5 h.p. sin- gle phase motor, count-- ers,' tables, show cases,, mirrors, photocopier, flood lights, display racks, etc., etc.' Terms cash'or good cheques' WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS> (EVGS.> CONTEMPORARY STYLE buffet hutch, 54" wide, $275. Bronze gold chesterfisld & chair $175. Odd modern chair $35. Two table lampa & matching tri-iight $75., Boautifuiiy rofinished antique oak, dresser & mIrror $350. Office desk with wood top, 60"-x 30", $100. Ail Items In excellent ýcondition. Phono 579-8915. Dec.2,81(W> CHROME DINING ROOM SET, smoked glass top, 4 chrome green cushion chairs, ln excellent con- dition. Asking $475. Phone mter 4:30 p.m. 666-9169. Dec.2,81(S> 1 - 1

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