PAGE 26, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1982, WHITBY'F REE PRESS Ffrst 'tim. buyer seiniar TORONTO - More than IN0 réeal estate offices across Canada are con- ducting seminars to REALToR 225 Brock St. Ne- Whitby, Ontarlo0 668-6171 LOTS 0F PLEASURABLE LIVING -' Centrally located four bedroom brick with room to live ln style and with ecornomy; has Inground pool.and an, extra lot whlch may be retalned 'as an investment or severed. Vendor wiII hold a lst mortgage at a competitive rate. Asking $127,500.00. CaII Ruth Moft ait 8668-6171 or 668-0766. g;BEAUTFUL STREETHOME - $67,900 - Wel ap- pointed home ln good location ln Whitby; back- ~split with walkout - ensuite, dressing room and walk-inï closet 'ln master bedroom. Low interest îmortgage until Nov.,. 1983, $487.00 per month. Pleaso cail Ruth Mof fait at 668-6171 or 668-0766. LIVING AT ITS BEST & PRICED FOR IMMEDIATE SALE.- $43,90Ù - Spaclous three bedroomn town- home, 11/2 baths, has ail the conveniences. Don't i miss viewing. Immediate possession. Calil Marions Kerr at 686171 or 666-1750. FOR THE HORSELOVERI1 - Whitby -four bedroomn Isidesplit on 10 acres. OnIy minutes f rom down. Itown. Family room with fireplace, double at- I tached garage. .4-stail horsebarn, cowshed, etc., etc, FuIIy fenced. Asking $1 75,000 and the vendor 15s willing to take back a mortgage. Cali Leo Zwlers at 668-6171 or 668-6950, Toronto 686-1821. WHITBY JUST LISTED - 43,900 - Try $10,000 down on this three bedroom townhouse with living and dinfing, working kitchen'and 10% mort. gage for 112 years. Late possession preferred. Cal Merv Parchment at 668-6171 or 668-8040. LIST YOUR' PROPERTY WITH THE WORKERS ONTHE "ACE TEAM"P IN FRANK COU NTRY help, first timne buyers make the right decisions when purchasing their first home. A.E., -LePage, Canada's leading real- tor, has organized the semninars as part of a First Time Buyer pro- gram which addresses the concerns -of people new to the home buying process. The seminars, are being conducted throughout the month of, March and will be pro- mhoted iocally. There will be no enrolîment fee. "The purchase 0f a RAETTE LIITD RTORJ 901 SIMCOE ST; . W OSHAWA, ONTARIO 571-3111 OSHAWA CENTRE AREA =Possession to ,suit your' needs. Large 3 bedroomf, 2 storey twin home with dining room, rec room, and treed, fen- ced lot., Price re- duced to.$55,900. for quick sale. Cali 571- 3111. NORTHEAST LOCA- TION - 64,900. - 2 storey, 3. bedroom ink Woôme with gar- age, and fenced yard. $51,700. financi1 ng at 13% tilI Nov.193 Cal 571-3111. WH'ITBY JR. EXECU- TIVE - You must see, this eight room home featuring separate dinlng room and main floor family room and three large bedrooms. Priced to selI at $96,500. with good 10V;2 %'mortgage. Cal Rab Robertson 571-3111 or 723-4048. FRANKi Ri At mn 668-6171 MERV PARCHMENT Bill Turansky, Mana- ger of W. Frank Real Estate Ltd., 225 Brock Street North, Whitby, is pleasedto announ- ce that MERV PAR- CHMENT was the leading listing agent for the month of Jan- uary. Merv Invites you to cal on his ex- perience to helpyou lst or Invest in -Real home is a greater finan- cial undertaking now than it has ever been", observes George Cor- mack,. president, A.E. LePage Real Estate Services. "Today, more than ever before, potential purchasers need heip. Without formal training in the home"-purchasing, many first time buyers are seeking guidance concerning the type 0f property they should look for and .how the transactions may be financed.'" The one-evening semi- nars in local community centres are being con- ducted by A.E. LePage branches with the assistance 0f the Canadian Bar Associa- tion.,and the Canadianl Mortgage and Housing Corpora'tion. Guest speakers with expertise in real estate, law, taxa- tion and home financing will guide seminar-par- ticipants through the home purchase process. Lookà aiou r RRSP Mutuel Lfes Accumulation Annuity offlers you these advantages: El intoreet le calculated and added dalIy CI contributions are fax deductibie 13 no expense charges or administrative fees;' ail your money goas to work for you Immediateiy Q3 fioafing and guaranteed Intere3t rates avaiiabie Q3 choice of lncome . options at retirement Cali HERB TRAN 725-6564 668-5968 Mutual Lite of Canada Thrse-year guaranteed internat rate as of Monday, February 8, 1962. Rates can chanlge withouf notice. Foilowing the semina'r, everyone wiil have the opportunity to discuss individual needs and wants with the speakers. Stressing that the seminars are not de- Pign ed as a selling tool, Cormack adds that this home buyer assistance program is available to, community groups in- terested in hosting a seminar for their mem- bers. Arrangements for these group seminars may- be« made by con- tacting their local A.E. LePage b ranceh manager. '.A.E. LePage, Canada's leading diver- sified' real estate organization, employs nearly 6,000 people in more. than 250 offices across Canada. Townhouse buyers fnd, privacy, Iower upkeep Dy Alian S. Rosenberg, CA Many people, especially young working couples, are turning f0 townhlouses as an alternative to detached or semi-detached, homes. A townhouse should also - be cheaper than a detached home of similar size be-' cause'it, e tess expenisive to build. And it can be much cheaper to maintain, heat and insulate. With its con- venience and Jow mainten- ance coste, a townhouse can be a Very good buy.' Having said that, how-- evr I hould point out some things you ought to look for before you buy. Here's a basic checklist:, * If it's a condominium townhouse, check very fhoroughly into the corpor- ation, management, by- Iawa, rules,. agreements, maintenance cos, etc. You might need profession. ai advice: some people have are usually narrow, but imaginative use of space can eliminate any hemmed- in feeling. * Find ouf about trans- portation and the proximity of scjoola, hospitals, ehope,' etc. Convenience ehould be one of your reasons for buying a town bouse. Considerthie prioe, care- rully. A townhouse should be cheaper in a com- parable location with comn- parable advantages. Quaified o Electrical Heating.rco wrsWeae okngb.racedby alin 666 -21 27 Whitby f ~ ~ i iff MIF CorridoPr. Capers By MARY MCEACHERN Cail 72s4l6with news Items for thii coliunn. 8TH WHITBY BEAVERS & CUBS The new Bth Whitby Beavers, and Cubs, w*ho meet' at Westminster United Church on Manziing Road, have been assigned -a fund-raising larea. They wrnl be conducting the montbly Boy Sc'out paper drive in the Corridor Area north of Dundas Street and east of Thickson Road, s0 please save your papers.. Place the papers, securely bundled, at the curb by 9:30: a.m. on the second'Saturday of each month. That' means this Saturday. During the month of February, a paperback book. drive -wil l be held- in the same area.ý Here is'your' chance to clear out those paperbacks (in good condi- tion) and heip a group 0f boys in your area to grow and iearn together at the same tixne. If you have a quiantity of books that need to-be picked up, eall,728- 3125 after 4 p.m. Remember - Paper drive is held every second Saturday 0f each month. The month of February is paperback book drive, PAPER DRIVES Otter Creek -and Corridor Cubs and Scouts will conduct their monthly paper drive this Saturday. Don' t forget the, bundies of papers on Hopkins Street. Papers shouid be bundled and tied and placed by the road by 9 a.m. Try-to put them where they will be easily. seen. With aIl the snow piied up, papers might be missed if they are flot'left i a con- spicuous spot. CORRIDOR CAPERS BALL Just one more week to pick Up your tickets for the> Capers Bail. The dance will be held on- Saturday,, February 20 et Heydenshore Pavilion at- 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 a couple and may be obtained' from any executive member. For Bowman- Street resi- dents, Herb Visser has a supply of tickets, and for Eliza 'beth Crescent residents, Sandra Lindensmith will supply you with a ticket. This is our main fund- raising project. We need your heîp to make this the biggest dance yet. Residents of Bowman and Eliza- beth and Crawford Streets will require funds to ease the burden of lawyer's fees in the 'Canadian Tire fiasco., Join your neighbourÉs and friends on'Satur- days, February 20 at the semi-annual Capers Bail. We need you there. CARDIAC REHABILITATION ASSOCIATION The CardiacRehabilitation Association will hold a fund-raising dinner and danceat Heydenshore, Pavilion on Saturday, March 6-., Cocktail hour is 6 to 7 p.m. Dinner at 7 p.m. The cost of the dinner and dance is $30 atouple. Tickets may be obtained from» Jessie Burliegh at 655-,3738 or Muriel'Inche at 728- 3708.' WELCOME Weicome home to Helen Joynt, who has spent the last few weeks visiting her son Howard and family. in sunny (?.) B.C. Nice to have you back. Welcome to Jan Johnston's father, *ho will be visiting the Johnston fam ily on Hawley Cres.. for a few weeks. -Jan's father arrived from Scotland on Sunday. Wehope you enjoy your visit. 0.A.RP-A ./CANMAIAN1 TIIE STORE lmEEal"mTdI à m