Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Feb 1982, p. 24

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PAGE 24, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 10 1982, WHITBY- ,FREE PRESS <CA LL 668 ,.61 il _________Emporium Ads wlII only be accepted subjeot to the followi'ng conditions. s0eý ARTICLES, FOR SALE TWO SETS of barbette. Ons cast iron, one plastic. Aektng $50 for both. Phone 666-2877. Feb.10,82<C) V.W. DUNE BU GGY, excellent mechanicai condition, new front whesl becrInge, new king pins ând ink pins, new haavy duty shocks, etesring box rebuilt, ïtractor'tires on rear. Ail rubbar vary good: Roil bar, tow bar, hsad & tai tghts. Neede a motor. Aeking $475. Phono 666.1847. Dec.23,81<B). FRANKLIN FIREPLACE, zero clearance, brase knobs, grate, scrasn & acceseories. Used, ln good 'condition. Asktng 880 or beet of fer. Phone 668-0914. Jan.27,82(K) JOHNSON 40 H.P., atactric etcrt, long chcft, good condition. $425 or beat0f fer. Cati anytimo 728.6700. Dec.9,81iS), FOLD UPPING PONG TABLE& acceesorios with black boarde on reverse sides $60. Hammered brase-iook flirae creen $20. Sacre chitd's typewritar, exc. cond., $15. Cati 823-6335 or 266-9494. Jan.13,81(C) NORESCO RECEIVER, Hodel 2360,40 watts, AMIFM plus phono & tapa outies. Tayc turntcbie., Both places like nsw.,Sait ce a package or separate. $180 or beet offar., Phonoe68-2860. Jan.20,82(J), SKATE SHARPENING MACHINE, swing arm, floor modal. Aesktng $400. Cati 839-5944 cfter 6:30 p.m. Dec.23,81<B) SNOWBLOWER, Modal 100, ex caltant condition, $2W. Steel chower cabinet, brand naw, wtth cil fixtures and curtain, 860. Phone 668-3165., Nov.18,81(M) 26"1 FRANKLIN STOVE wth ecreen, 8100 ce ta. Cai 725-5624. Nov.1 1,81(M) NEW FOLDING FLIGHT SUIT- CASE on wheels - coat 895 - sait $50. Fireptace screen, 28" x 36l", $25. T.V. stand $10. Phonoe68. 9116. Dec.2,81(T ONE UNDERWOOD manuel typa- writer 875. %One Adler etectrtc typawriter 8150. For cale at Oshawa Symphony Office. Phone 579.711 for appoinIment to ses. Jan.20,82<O) ATARI VIDEO GAME ln perfect condition, $189 (reg. $289). Two vldeo game tapes haif price. Phone 668&1145 evenînge. Jan.27,82(D) TWO HANGING walitdaskc, could wood. $75 for pair or $40 each. Phone 725-224e. - Feb.2,82(V) ELEGANTE WEDDING GOWN ln- cludas floor tength vait plus hecd- place. Borderad ln daticata chan-, tly lace. Sîze 10. -Atti nclusi1ve $230. Phone 668-3064. Feb.10,82(C) SIMPLICITY WRINGERIWASHER, ln good condition. Asking $60. Phone 668-3885 aveninge. Jcn.20,82<M) SWING SET $35. Medium-sizsd airtina dog k ennat $15. Rabbît cage $10., WInnIs The Pooh pool with alide $15. 'Beige high back chair with chrome_ base $50. Tropical plants 85 each. Phono. Feb.10,82(B> PLEASEREAD When the advertised Item la eold, diepoed of, or unavailabie for whatevér rason, the Item wIii be deemed to have been soid and a commission wiii be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as ilùtratad beiow, regardiese If price le etcted wlth. "beet offer." If the Item la NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wili be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 86.00 wiii appiy payable In advance of publication of the firet ad. Otherwlee a $7.50 charge wiii ap- piy If bIllied w hich mustibe pald upon receipt of bill. The above minimum chargea wiiI be appiied to the final commission due but In any case the higher amfount wiii be charged. Minimum charge:.86.00 pre.paid, $7.50 biiied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Alil advartiseents muet be piaced on an ex- clusive basic wlth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atieset one month If not eoid. RATES (If article Ia. bld); ~5% of advsrtlsod prico up to 840.00 2% of balance over 8400.00' EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertiaed for8120.00. Commission due $86.00 (minimum charge la 88.00) Private advertîsing onlyl Please notlfy the Whitby Free Press Immediataiy when Item le soid 80 that we may delete It from the foiiowing Issue. Alilsade not fitting the Emporium guidelînes wlIi be treated and charged per week as regular ciaseified ada on a pre.paid basie such as: services, heip wanted, clothlng, reai estate, and personal message type adia, or ada not quoting price or quantity. PrIvate ciassified ads may appearIn the Emporium section under appropriate headinge. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MALADS TO: If ln doubt cati: OR DELIVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 668-6111 131 Brock St. N. P.O. Box 206 Whitby, Ont. Whltby, LiN 6551 TrHE DEADLIN E FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY-PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON'. 1 VTMOTIVE, U~EARPASIR/PARTS MOTOR & TRANSMISSION ý- 1974. Toyota 1600. Asktng $150 or best offer. Phono Glenn 668-0384. Nov.18,81<K) ÃŽ1965 MeTEORÃ"CNVERIBLE,'no motor, new tires with mag whesls, $250. Threa new tires, 15" on Ford rime, $65. New rad for 1975 Ford, $40. 400 motor & transmision, neede work, $75. 390 motor, 4 barrel, 90,000 mites, $100. Two snow tires for Ford Pick-up, on rima,Ilika new, $65. Cap for 'h ton truck $250. Ail prices f lrm. Phono 655-4448. Dec.30,81(L) GET RESULTS. Sait your car under Our new section, "Ftnd It Hers.", Ccii 668-6111 for furiher infor- miation. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1974 DODGE MONACO -STATON WAGON,. V8, rettabte transporta-, tion. '$600 or beet offor. Phono. 668-8227. - Jan.6,82(T) 1973 DODGéE POLARA, reasonable condition, neede work.' Uncerti- fled. $200 or beet -offer. Ccii 86&8 6218. Jan.20,82<M) 1966 CHEV MALIBU SS, reetorad, over $6,000 tnvected, B.F. Good- rtch TA's, 350 LT1, 4 epeed, hccn't seoný winter in 7 yoars. Aektng $4,200 or best 0f fer. Phone 668- 68424. Nov.18,81<H) CALL 66-6111 ýto place your Em- portum Ad. I... ~ e. I.. j I.. I. e e. O I. C ee.~ e. cee e.. I. CHEVROLET 1975 MALIBU CLASSIC, exc. cond., $3,000. 668-8081. COLONIAL-CRIB, Very good co n- diiion, with mattrees, somte crib shaats. AIl inclusive $50. Gendron* strotter, good condition, $25. Phono 578-4993. Jan.13,82(A) TWO STROLLERS- 1 Gandron with cwivet wheets, a tray, basket and <hood, $30. 1 Dorai wtth hood, $25. Both rectine and In very good 'condition. Pleace ccli 668-8178. >Feb.3,82(H> BABY FURNISHINOS à ITEMS.' Two wctkors,,810 each. Joity Jum- par on c stand $20. Crtb & mat- tress, orange & white, $75. Two! pottie chairs, $7 ecch. Baby bcck pack $10. Rocking horse $20. Phone 668-2702. Jan.6,82<L) FIND UT HERE 0CARS & TRUCKS- FOR SALE DODOE 1973 DOOGE DART, 6 cyt., power steertng, cutomnatIc. As te, good runnlng condition. Ownorlitcenced mechanic. Asktng $800 or besi offer. Phone citer 6 p.m. 668-0153. -e-e- e.. e. e. e e. e. e e. e. e * e. e. e e. e.. OLDSMOBILE 1980 OLDSMOBILE, Delta 88, 33,000 km., lots of extras, aektng $8,000). Phono Whttby 668-9634 after 4 p.m. Advertise your vehicle for sale in the Free Press. Pay only 52* for each insertion in the "Find It Here" section. LOW RATES - HIGH RETURNS Cali 668-6111 for further Information or use the form below to insert your ad. *.Minimum pre-paid charge. See terms below. Use this form to place your advertisement ln the '"Flnd It Mers" section. Places print. Use one square par letter, ieaving one biank square batwaan worde. Each printsd lins squale approximateiy one lins of type. Places note that a minimum of two ulnes applies. Private advsrtissrs onlyl Rates: 81.00 par lins pre-paid; minimum of two linos. No racaipt wiiI be issued uniss picked up at the WhitbyFraa Press office. Regutar cîassifled rates appiy If btiiad. MAIL OR BRING TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 Brock St. N. P.0. Box 206 POSTAL CODE Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 ' HOUSEHfOLO TýV- GOOD PINE BED, twin, 4 poster,' with fancy head and foot board. Nswly' conetructed from top quatity white pins. WiII finish to suit. AskIng $195. Cati 9854ÃŽ795. N4ov.25,B1(M) 4"BED with mattrees and box .apring, naariy new, $200 complets. Watt unit, 5 eheif, 1 cupboard, 4' x 12"1 x 72", $60. Ovai Rug, braided,. green, 5' x 9', $45. Slow Cooker, new,IW0 Phono 668-8593. Jan.20,82(M) CONTEMPORARY STYLE buffet hutch, 54", wide, $275. Bronza goid chesterfistd & chair $175. Odd modemn chair $35. Two table lampe & matchtng tri-iight $75. Beautifutiy rafInIshed antique oak dresser & mirror 8350. Office desk with wood top.,60" x 30", $100. Att Items ln excellant condition. Phone 579-8915. 'Dec.2,81(W)ý DîNETTE SIET, round smoked glace top with chrome pedastai base, 4 mctching chairs, ln good condition. Asking 8275. Pote iamp with tri-Iight, $25. Cati 579-9860. Nov.1 1.81(C) CHROME DINING ROOM SET, smoked glass top, 4 chrome green cushion chairs, ln excellent con- dition. Asking $475. Phono after A:30 p.m. 668-9169. Doc.2,81(S) ANEXCELLENT anýtique hutch in pins and ock.. Upper cabinet doors n tecded glass, matching wood mouiding motif; two adjustabte' sheivea. Lower cabinet doors hava Inset panel and ricod relief 'arving. Refinlshad Inside and out, brase hardware and cabinet. tocks. A beautIfut plece, 8680 firm. Phono 668.3096. Nov.25,81 <C) START YOUR SPRING CLEANINO now and beat the rush. Then ad- vartise your goode for sale In the Free Press Emporium. Get imma- dicta recuits. Cai 668-6111. MUSICL INSTRUMNTS FLUTE, Gomeinhardi, open hoid, c-foot, cliver hoad, mint condition. $450 f Irm. Phono 668-8762 alttor 5 p.m. Feb,3,82(N) HAMMONO ORGAN <Piper> with tape dock. Like new. Asking $950. <Banch Inci.) Phono 668-7258. Feb.10,82(H) SUPPLIES PUREBRED BEAGLE, mata, 19. woeks oid, rogieterad, has had cil neodias, good breeder. Cage and food Includad. Asklng $200. Phono 668-4740. Jan.13,81<S) COCKER SPANIEL, 14 wesks old, maie, white with tan marktngs, raglstared. AskIng, 8250. Phono 686-1626. Nov.11,81<U SPORTNG DÂYCO CROSSBOW wlth quiver. Asking 8225. Phono 849-5812. Dec.2,81(H) SKIS, polos and boots, $75. Length of skis 170 cm. Aiso, four oid wooden chairs, ln good con- dition, asking $25 each. Phono 683-6638. Nov.18,81 <S) I FOR SALEI FOR SALE - 1977 haif ton Chav pick-up with canopy. Top condi- tion. Acking $4.500 or naarest of- fer. Phone 668-7436. i Jan.13,82(M) AID TO MILLIONS CLASSIýFIlED ADS CONTINUED-FROM PAGE-25 DAVE 7%, \. N<' From a high schooi romance ln '70 thru trials, triumphs & tearsý we've j3grown into aduits,,no parents. Thanks,' Dave, for sharing these.years. KERMET: TO CRAIG: V Happy Valentine's Once ln, a lifetime D Kermfet. Lots o a dream1 comnes D hugs & kisses. true. That once ln, ÇR LOVE, VOUR a IlfetIme for me MiSS PIGGY, was yoLJ MIKE £ "Grow old aIong with me, fl the best is yet to be." ( V With Love, MARJ NONEME f WE ARE PLEASED To ANNOUNCE THAT UPON THE APPOI NTM ENT 0F FREDRICKBRUCE BAGG TO BE ASSISTANT CROWN ATTORNEY IN THE JUDICIAL. DISTRICT-0F DURHAM THAT EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1, 1982 ~NTi N JACKSON AUCTION EERS Estatas - Ferme Househotd - Antiques Murray Jackson 985-2459 Robert Jackson 65-487 PUBLIC AUCTION -Evsry Mondcy and Thursdcy night buy or ssII et 1614 Chartes Street, Whitby. Fumiture, glass, china, toots, jewsiry, coins and so on. Att consignmonte welcomfe. Bill Wannamaker, Auctonser, 666- 3731 days, 668-40 evenings. NAME firat andisat) ADDRESS 1 BARRY L. EVANS WILL CONTI NUE MR. BAGG'S PRACTICE 0F LAW AT SUITE 204, LANG TOWER WHITBY MAL 1615 DU NDAS STR EET EAST WHITIBY, ONTARIO TELEPHONE: 433-1200 CITY [3 Paymant In fuit anciosad. OBili me the regular ratas. Rates for d"ershins avallabla mon renuant. 1

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