Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 Feb 1982, p. 7

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Hi there: Why is it the furnace always breaks down on the coidest night of the year? Sound familiar? Well it's ail too familiar as far as I'm concerned. Time for a littie flashback. To Friday, January 22 to be exact. You remember ail too weli that week- end. Loveriy stuff. Wind, blowing snow, freezing ramn, even more freezing temperatures. Ail the delightful things that make us so grateful to be a Canadian in January. More to the point. At 3 a.m. Saturday morning, of Friday night - whichever suits your lifestyle, the rafters of Our abode resounded. It was the fire detector. As my hubby charged into the children's rooms,.my feet finally hit the ground at the top of the stairs. I raced through the downstairs living area and headed out to the business section. Nothing! On my way back into the hosue, I spied George racing downstairs to the basement. 0f course, I thought, I forgot there. "Is that where the fire is," I shakily asked. The reply was forthwith. "There's no fire. What we need is a fire. The furnace is out. " Forsooth, she thinks, I'm not shaking from fright, I'm damn weli freezing to death. One push of the reset button and everything was rosy right. Wrong. The smel of oil was nauseating, and the amount of smoke pouring from the furnace could have ampiy provided a screen for the lOlst Airborne. Time for a hasty cail to our friendly "Captain Furnace". The answering service was courteous, and stated in monosyllables that a service man would bo in touch promptly. In' the meantime, number one son had been 4r oused from siumber and was staggering through the living room. Thanks to the sieep drugged efforts of the maie haif of our family, we managed to get the firepiace goîng. We ail huddied round. I can't remember the last time we were so "close. " Even the dog horned in. At 4 a.m. the telephone rang and George found himseif speaking with a sleepy on-cail service rep. The chap had enough Wits about him to inquire if we had a downdraft in the chimney. George- patience personified - replied that the house was ful of fumes and smoke, the. temperature was 38 degrees Fahrenheit (watchamacailit céeius), the pipes in the kitchen were, frozen, and we were ail on the verge of pneumonia. Hie couid care iess about any- one's downdraft and politely suggested he haul him- self over tout suite. Through one of the coldest nights of the year "lCaptain Furnace" pressed forth and tended to his duty. Af ter a few moments of surveillance he soived the problem. The damper on the chimney had rusted through and sure enough we were get- tmng a downdraft. Wbile we ail shared the humble pie, the repair WCPEATIOI$ GALOPE <3 Wicker, Si1k Flowers E This year on Valentine's Day give your ~ L sweetheart a silk floral arrangement. L Vrosdesigns avallable. Varlous prîce ~)ranges to suit your pocket. Let your LJValentine glft last ail year. C DLocal Deliveries Varlous Avalable Other Novelties Drop mn for a look. < 305 Brock St. N. Mon., Tues., Thu rs. 10-6 Ç SW HITBY Wed. - Closed Fr1. 10-8 - mo" Sat. -10-6 - V £lllIlll Calil 666-1444 ( E) Home Paâties Avallab le man fixed the furnace and soon warrn air was rushing through the house. Hair blower in hand, I had thawed out the frozen pipes, made tea, and we were ail on our way back to normal; whatever that 15. Thank goodness for the smoke detector. They proteet you from many evils apart from fire. Oh yes, by the way,. Kristen, my eight-year-old slept through the whole thing. The innocence of youth 1 WOMEN'S INSTITUTÇ The last meeting of the Women's Institute, Brook- lin, was at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Stanley, with good attendance of enthusiastic members. Marion Hall chaired the meeting, and,,Mrs. Levi Arksey gave local and world wide "current events. " A dis- cussion followed. Roll eall was 11soinething in our community that 15 of concern to us." Concern was expressed with reference to development of Brook- lin tol10,000, a senior citizen's home, and pot holes in the streets of Brookiin. The week of February 14-20 has been declared Women's Institute Week throughout the world. To celebrate this event, the Brooklin chapter will be holding an 85th Anniversary Party on Wednesday, February 17, 1:30 p.m. at the Community Centre, Brooklln. The W.I. would appreciate any black and white photographs or oid newspaper ciippings concerning the Brookiin area to add to the Tweedsmuir History. If you have any please contact any memnber of the w.'. TIP 0F THE WEEK If you have read the beginning of my coiumn you wiii know where my thoughts have a tendency to wander right now. So your pipes are frozen, eh? The safest and easiest wray to thaw them out is with a hair biower. There is no short cut here, you iiteraliy stand there and spray the pipe with warm air until it thaws. Leave the tap turned to the on position to speed things up a littie. Neyer, I repeat neyer, pour boiling water or attempt to put a biow- torch etc., on the frozen pipe. It will most assuredly burst them. A littie patience goés a long way here. For frozen drains try boiling water and sait. Aiways works for me. The shower drain and sink drain have aiways *freed themselves if you pour coarse sait down the hole andfollow it with boiling water. Just let it stand there and eventuaiiy it wiii eat its way through the ice. I have néver read Dale Carnehgie's book, The Po0wer of Positive Thinking, but according t'O the sales, a lot of people must have. Now couid that many people be wrong? Anyway I'm going to give it the old college try and I want you to heip. For the next month I want everyone, in every spare moment, to think warm. Not just your 40 degree warm but realiy warm. Try 75 for starters. January was the pits. Now that February is here it's time for a change. Remember ...' keep up that positive' thinking. See you next week ...Roxanne Reveler Brooklin Bakery drop off Fridays before noon please 6554951. WHITBY FREE PES WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1982, PAGE. 7 In their beast 4intereat.... Newcastle cunilvotes to oppose, Brookt-in-. The general committ- ee of Newcastle Town Coundil has gone on the record as opposing the development 0f Brook- lin. In a 4 to3 vote, New- castle councillors voted not to support two amendments to the Dur- ham Region officiai plan. The two amendments would ailow First City Development Company -Lîmited to build approx- imately_ 2,000 single family homes in the hamiet bringing its total popiùlation to 10,500. The arnendments would aiso pave the way for First City to live up to its- commitment to bring trunk water supply and sanitary sewer pipes to the village. The committee upheld the recommendation of Newcastle's deputy director of planning, Terry Edwards. However, one coun- cilior, Bruce Taylor, said that there was an amount ýof risk involved in opposing the plan. "What's going to be the resuit if we take this kind of attitude towards our neighbours and they turn around and take a crack at us," he said. Edwards maintained that he was trying to protect Newcastle's in- terests. "We've got the pipes in, the ground in Bow- manville, pipes in the ground in Courtice, pipes in the ground in Newcastle Village and development has not taken'place, " Edwards said. These projects shouid be completed before new ones proceed, he added. Whitby Mayor Bob At- tersiey was furious with Newcastle's decision when he learned about it and believes that it at- tacks the very frame- work of regional govern- ment. * Ail but one of New- castles four regional councillors supported the Brook-lin proposai when it was before regionai council last year. However, it seems that the town's local councillors have over- ruled the decisions. made by Newcastle's regional representa- tives.' DENTURE TH ERAPY CLI NIC 214 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-7797, Hours: Mon. - Sat. & Evenings By Appointment OnIy (across f rom Beer Store) THE CORPORATION-0F THE TOWN OF WH ITBY 'i.'..~PROCLAMATION HEART MONTH TAKE NOTICE that the month of February, 1982, Is flereby proclalmed as "Heart Month" in and for the Town of Whltby. Citizens of Whltby -are remninded that the Ontario Heart Foundation ralses funds to enable the con- t!nued support of Heart and Stroke Research, Public and Professional Education and Emner- gency Cardiac Care. DATED at Whitby, Ontario, this 3rd day of Feb- ruary, 1982. R.A. Attersley, Mayor, Town of Whitby BROOKLIN HOME BAKERY I DELICATESSAN t i I 61 BALDWIN ST. ugirnxcarrg a ice1Ymp1Éht ll of I BROO KLIN 655-4951 -&Édu upliiddn WHITE BEA -LIN RSLICED ptrsÏTuaiïÉzd geffs fnr wxu IBREAD 5O A LOAF I (REG. 80t) 1 a1fÉIIdaIIts anngral.lÉ1asses~ - - - i 'for gour hitd tahue. QUALIY PROUCTS STAN LEY~v Wr AI' leflum~ buildin 5- trnp lu and set nur htuitatnusa fnr gnr uptnming uîÉdding. 131 ilq*ïI( z. fi.

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