Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 Feb 1982, p. 21

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1982 Z, PAGE 21 AVAIL A ESAIONRAL I GUITAR LESSONS DYAL N BY PROFESSIONAL IREPAIRS &LIGHTI INS-rRUCTOR. IELECTRICALwoRK.I PHONE 668-37416872 [CRPN RYIf CARPET HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS MET-RO LIC. B-2554 Ktchens, Ceramic Tiiing, Drywail, 'Rec. and Patio Doors. FREESTIMATES CALL 668-4686 TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For CJass A & D License Cal PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 CLEANMINO C arpets shampooed and steam cieaned. Cleaned twice for one low price. Cal l: SPARKLE, Cîeanîng Services 668-8332 OR 668-1979 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Gold and Sliver coins, oid gu4ns, doQcks, jewelery, dîshes,'furni- ture, cracks, o11 paint- mags and sealers. Oua V O&»f C T# r"FRIENDLY ~DY,Eve.& Sit. courses FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W, EDUATINAL OSHAWA SECESj '"GRAMÀMAR FOR PEOPLE Who hale grammee arteleti deal pockot referenco book for business peo-.~ ~ E V C~ ple. $395 per copy and avaliable ut Dickson Printlng & Office'Sup- pilies lnthe Ajax Plaza. Dealer on- HELP 18 ON THE WAY for firme quirles Invited W31968., whase prîntor ries rocentIy gons SEVICESJ MAN WITH TRUCK wlil do movînUi jobs. I-as experlence. Phone 666- 3781. LSSONS PIANO LESSONS. Prectical and theory. BrookiIn aiea. Phane 655- 4592. QEVICEj] CONGRATULATIONS on your for- thcoming marriago. Piese vlew aur samplos of engraved wedding invitations et your lisuro In Our Ajax Plaza store. Dickeon Prlnting & Office Supplies$683-1968. out of Dusiness. Lau iclson ries th. coat cutting Ideas you need ut a lime 1k. this 683-.198 SEWING Rpis to- l maks.Tun u s cal 1.5 W~TING AINTINO TPIu TEXTURE-SPRAY &STUCCO ColiIngs & WaIIs FULLY IXPERIENWCED Aisa stucco ceilîngs paînted. Fie ostimatos and iow wlnter rtes. Speiai psyment plan à&d pice. for senior citizens. 576- 2401 BOOKKEEPING for amailibuel. nesses. Tolepriane 666-1178. NOTICES DURHAM REGION LUNO ASSO- CIATION needs your heIp ta figrit emphysemea, asthme and iung can- cer. Bequests or memoriai gifts graefuiiy receivod trirougri any funeral directar. BROOKS, Cheryl Ann Suddeniy as a esuit of a car accident an Nov. 21, 1981 Chemyl Ann Brooks in hem l7th yeam, of 45 Lawrence Ave., Bowrnan- ville, Ont. Beioved daughtem or Myrtie and Winsten Brooks, sister of Jef f. Dear granddaughtem cf Mrs. Jean Mullen, and the late George Mulien cf Oshawa, and the late Mr. *& Mrs. Seiden Brooks eto Weymouth, Nova Scotia. Dear niece of Mr. & Mms. Lloyd Breen & family, Mm. & Mms. Ken Thibeau & family, Mr. & Mrs. George Mulien Jr. & family of Oshawa, Mr. & Mrs. Seidon Brooks & Mm. Douglas Brooks of Whit- by, and Mm. & Mrs. Bobby Mulese and Mm. & Mrs. Reg Robicheau et Weymouth, N.S. Cheryl was educated at the Bowmanvilie high sohool and a member of St. Joseph's Roman Cath- olic Church In Bowman- ville, Ont. Prior to hem death Cheryl womked as a nur- se's aid at the Nel-Gor Castie Nursing Home In New Castie, Ont. Funeral service was heid at the Morris Funeral Chapel In Bowmanvilie. Father Frank Mihelic offi- ciated. Interment at the Bow- manville Cemetery. Pail- beamers weme: Gary Smith, Tim Little, Paul Pemneil, Roger Strlckiess, Dan Carson and Mike Casti- Iliox ail close friends of Cheryls. ---I.- -- - -- - - -- - - - -- - --I. .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . ANNUNCENT GRANT - Jlm and Kim (nee Shephard) welcome wlth love the blrth of their flrst child, a boy, Jamie Paul Shephard, born. Jan- >uary 28, 1982 at 7:44 a.m. welghlng 7 lbs. 512 oz. Proud grandiparents are John and Kathy Shephard and Paul and Marg Grant. Great grandparents are Jean Slelghtholm, Marg Shephard and Martha Glowaskl. A nephew for Jennifer, John, Linda and Robert. Speclal thanks to Dr. Margaret Bain and the nursing staff of the 4th and 5th floors of the Oshawa General Hos- pîtal. 1RSALE OAS DRYER, excellent condition,, $175. Ski equipmsnt $30. Silde projector $25. Movie camera $25. Britannica encyciopedia, set, $80. Desk and chair*$50. Cail 668-2927. DÎRY FIREWOOD. Beech, maple, white birari. Deliver anywhere. $40 face cord. Phono (705) 454-8260. 2" Storm Doors Triple $eaisd .5 colora I 69.50.4 styles instailed & Guaranteed. Aiso eco- nomicai and energy efficient storm and replacement thermal windows and enclosures. FREE ESTIMATES lDurham Glass 666-3355 af ter hours 666-1847 VISIT OUR used furniture ware- hous by appointment. Big savinge on deaks, chairs, fiiing cabinets, etc. Oeil Dickson Print- Ing & Office Supplies ta arrange an eppointment ta view 68-1968. PUBLIC AUCTION Every Monday and Thursdey night buy or seil ut 1614 Charles Street, Whitby. Furniture, glass, china, tools, jeweiry, coins and sa on. Ail cansIgnments weicome. '8Bil Wannamaker, Auctioneer, 66 3731 amya. 0688403evenfinga. SUPPLIES] AMP MAINIFISH SAILmuAT, inoex- collent condition. Seat offer. Phone Elien ut 438-9423. SIPIISPPLIES PUPPIES - Mother registered calle, fether registered bouvier. $10 eech. Oeil 6686845 effer 6 p.m. PARVO VIRUS - A silde present." utian with question and answer period. Februury9, 1982.7:30 p.m. et Veiieyview Community Contre. Admission fIres. Sponsored by Oshawa Obedience Association. For furtrier Information oeil 571- 3405. i - G ET YO UR M ESSAG E ÂCROSS oEconomicaliy a* Conveniently e Accumately Classif lods CLL668_61 I1i rFOR hIIENT TYPEWRITER RENTAL, many makes end modela, by thie week. end, week or- month. Discounts availubie.. Dicksan Printing & Of- fice Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Cail us for business machine repaire 683-1968. FREE: Drap Into thee Ulckson Printing & Office Supply store ln trio Aax Plaza and pick Up a free copy of their 1962 MtriecaOlen- dur. PrInted ln two colours, It mukes for hundy reference 683- 1968, BRIEET CHEUK YOUR AITIOS, garages and basements - wiii buy your un- wanted Items for cash. Phone 576- 7645 aller 6 p.m. JACKSON AUCTIONEERS Estates - Ferme Household - Antiques Murray Jackson 985-2459 Robert Jackson 655-4878 AUCTION SALE SAT., FEB. 6 - il A.M. 120 Russett St., Oshawa (at Sommervilie). Com- plete contents of R.C.H. Kitchen Cabinets (owner ls moving "out of country). Sale consists of modemn & clean woodworking & paint spraying equip- ment. EARL DAVIS AUCTIONEER 728-4455 AUCTION SALE SAT., FEB. 6 -1 P.M. At PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on Shirley Rd., 4 miles south of Port Perry. Large quantlty of an- tique dishes, ornaments, glass, copper, brass & some silver pieces. Modern dishes, punch bowl set, cast Dutch oven, pots & pans, wash boards, ash chest of drawers, hall table, Housier cupboard, maple high bed, small pine cup- board, modemn dIinng suite with 4 chairs, car- pet, new sledge ham- mers, smaii hammers, floor mats, axes, oid fridge & other Items too numerous te mention. To consign to the sale phone 985-7492. PEARCE AUCTIONS PUBLIC AUCTION Every Monday and Thursduy nigrit buy or oeiliet 1614 Charles Street. ATTENTION DiSPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS A MATURE Christian woman ta cars for my criidren, two girls, 3 yeers and 3 monthe, ln my home. PrIngie Crssk ores, Whitby. Phono 66&1647. SECRETARY - Must be able to type and compose business lot- tors, be qulck ta leern, self starter, tuko rssponsibiiity. Min-computer experlence an ussue. Wages cammonaurate with capabillty. Oelil Ultra Caro Products Ltd. 683- 7204. BROOKLIN TOOL CO. LTD. requires three retire persoa. Mechanlc tb repair air tools, jacks and compreseors. Brick layer and carpenter ta asiset ln constructîng office. Phonoe663-1753. HELP WANTED: Experienced telephane solicitor familier wlth' printing and office supplies. Houriy rate Plus commission. Oelil Lau Dickson et 683-1968 ta arrange an Interview. 688-8171 or 668M872 ARE INTERESTED IN YOUI We need a few good sales people. If you are Inter- ested In settlng your own achlevement,.goals re- garding income, we now offer you an exclusive audi-visual training pro- gramme, also, we'll en- courage you toward reaching your goals. You can be 'infiated with the rosults we can help you attain. You can be happy working ln a professional atmosphere which tends itself to efficiency and pleasant workIng condl tions. Whether you are quaif led at present or currently taking or considering the government pre-licencing course - we want to talk with you! For aconfiden- tial personal Interview cail: BILL TURANSKY 668-6171 BOYS & GIRLS Work oniy a few hours each weekl The Whitby Free- Proes needs carriers ta deliver our paper ln 01- ter Creek, Garrard Rd., Ajax and- Brookîin. Start nowi Cail Circula- tion et 668-61 11. PORTUNTIES EXPANDINO WHOLESALE retail business iooking for 8 ambltious people interested ln deveioping part-tlme incarne. No Investment. For Interview. appolntment oeil (416)298-0540. CI CARE JK SERVICES' LOVîNO MOTHER of ane i... ta care for chiuidren, any ase,ln my home, Mili pravide hot lunches. Very fair rates. Close ta Meadow- creat School, BrooklIn. Oeli any- time 655-4272. THE WORLD 1IsYOURS... IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... Wheirever you moue the Welcoma wagon hosiusa a the uight persm o ah.lp you find a place In your new coin, munity. oil 000.523 or 5797521 OFFC PAC1 FOR RENT CLEAN VMODERN OFFIÇ;. on ground floor ln downtawr, Whitby. 400 sq. fi. Contact AI Klrby 686> 6668 Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day cf publication. The WhItby Free Press will not be hiable for fallure to publish ah ad, or for typiogmaphlc errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the errer up to a maximum cost of the first Insertion. The Whitby Free Press reser ves the ight to classify or reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear In the paper one day before they can be changed or cancelled. RATIES: $4.06 for 20 words If biiled; 12c each additional word. Pre-paid Insertion of, 20 womds $3.50; additional words 1icl each. You may charge your CiassIfied Ad to your Chargex or Visa Account and receive the discount on the price cf your ad. Please have your Visa card ready when cailing. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 fer the f ist 100 werds; 12e each additlonal word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f irst 50 words; 12s each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 32c per Une. (No word ads allewed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are availabie at an additlonal charge of $2.00. The Whltby Free Press wIll make every en- deavour te forward replies te box numbers, however, we ac- cept no liabiilty regarding loss or damage alleged ta arise through failure or deiay ln forwarding such replies. We will not be responsibie for box number replies not cailed for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Mohday noon prier to publication, te Insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prier te publication to ln- sert or cancel Emporium Ads. - CALL 668-6111 WHITBY WELDibNG LTD. Manufacturers of steel miii equipment requires- skiiled personnel for the foliowing positions: WELDER-FITTER - Plate and Structurai. Min. 3 years experience. GENERAL MACHINIST - Lathe and millng machine. HORIZONTAL BORING MILL'OPER- ATOR - Min. 5 years experience'on floor borer type machines. MACHINE FITTER - Experienced with assembiing medium to heavy machinery. CaîlFfrank Rînaîdi 113 Warren Road, Whltby 668-8835 j! 'J 1- j- PROFESSIONALS FOR PROFESSIONALS Bonided and Insured OEVELOPMENT BUILIDING MAINTENANCE Commercial Cieariing Contractoro 101 Fibboiodale Lii'. Unit Se Whitýb. Ontar'ioI Dois Wanneaker. 'Phoneo S66-31356 4' - NELP WANTIII

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