PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS ounilt dcide- Monayo nOtter Creek tOwnho uses: The battie between developers and resldents ln Otter Creek presentiy seems to be at, a no win situation since the On- tiario' Municipal Board wll probably have the ast say about the proposed townhouse developments there. 1A spokesman for a. group of residenits, op- posed to the project,ý Robert Carr said that the final decision from the town will elther anger the residents or the deveIopers. He said that should the decIsion, expected Jan. 11, anger the regidents, they wlll go to the 0MB. "And If we get what we want, the *bulider wIlli probabley go." Residents of Frost Street said that should the matter go to the 0MB they wouldn't have a "Iegal ieg to stand on." Carr added that they wouid peti tion on the grounds of compassion. At present the. resîdents have put" together two petitions. The f frst one calîls for the changing of the byiaw which allows' the, developers, Grossmhan, Bleeman, J. Silver Holdings Ltd., to build townhouses on the 4.4 acre piece of land abut- tlng Lynde Creek. It was slgned by 83 Ot- ter Creek resîdents. "We'il take the same approach wlth the 0MB as we, have with the town," said Carr. "We're saylng that It was a mîstake ln the tirst place to pass a byiaw that will allow the construction of those townhouses." "We're saying that councll should change the bylaw to make the developer buiid -single famlly homes there." - <Carr added that he didn't think the town wanted to get into a legal battle, wlth the developer. The,-second petition, bearing the names of, 59 residents, was presented to counoil at their 'last meeting Dec. 15. When the meeting was rescheduled f rom 8 to 5 p.m. the residents asked that the townhouse mat- ter be postponed until the new year since many of the resîdents could not attend. Three councillors, Joe Drumm, Barry Evans and Ross Batten wanted councli to deai wlth the matterthat night.' Drumm said that shouid the matter be put off for aimost a mronth- councll's integrity wouil be at stake. 111 appreciate objec-, tions people have with snow removal and fen. clng ln the proposed development, but the real thing hasn't been sald," Drumm said. He -said that the residents didn't want $80,000 townhouses across the road when they themselves were living in $1 25,000 homes. EASY I The easy Way to find a buyer for itemns you WUnt to sali la a... CLASSIFIED AD CALLO088.8111D WHITBY FREE PRESS A re'at ne^wsyear F APY The year 1 981 m* They made it h ap'pen, whitby <Voac. of teCut on IsI~IWud 157ctrcuao,.ow. . »y TYPE WR ITE RS ADDING MO~INES & CALCULATOIS SALES * SERVICE-* RENTALS "I1tes a poor day when.we 'haven't heiped a customer"