Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Jan 1982, p. 16

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I MEIJ CA-LL 668 -61-l1 Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the following conditions. ARTICLES FOR SALE CHAIN SAW, le Model XL1AO, ex tion. Asking $11 3885 oveninge. THE FREE PRES cen sali, your, quickly and, ecci 668-111 now 10 pla V.aUNE BUCi mechanicai condit wheoî bearInga, ne% iink pins, nowheav steerIng box rebuil on rear. Ail1 rubb.r, bar, 10w bar, head Needa a motor. Phono 668-1847. LADIEI MINK PA size 12114, top cc price $35. Cadi 65& 8" Homeiight, ixceiIent condi. 75. Phonoe668 Dec.16,81(M), 8S EMPORIUM' uaed articles nomically. Cali lce your ad. lOY, excellent: ton, new front w king pins and tvy duty shocks, iiit, tractor tires very good. Rol id & tait ii1ghis. Asking Ï475. Dec.23,81(B) AWS JACKET, ,ondItion. Flrm -«27. Nov.4,81<R) JOHNSO N 40 HP., eiociric stafl ., long shafi, good condition. $425 or boat offer. Cali anytîme 7286700. Dec.9,81(S) NEW OUTBOARD MOTOR, Shlp' Clinton, $250. Sevon 5-galion gas containers, army type, $15 oach. Oriontai rug, 9 x 10, $175. Rosi-to. rosi tape $200. Elocitrlc fan $20. Cati 579-4049. Oct.21 ,81(A> PINDALL MACHINE, Travel Timo, excellent working condition, older modol, single player. Asking $300. Cati 576-2091 aftor 6 p.m. * Nov.4,81(R) SKATE SHARPENING MACHINE, swing atm, floor model. Asking $400. Cati 839-5944 afier 6:30 p.m. Dec.23,81(B) iSNOWBLOWER, Modet 100, ex. celoent condition, $250. 'Stool' showor cabinet, brand new, with ait fixturos and curtain, $60. Phono Nov.18,81(M) 26"1 FRANKLIN STOVE wlth amren, $100 aa la. Cati 725-5624. Nov.1 1,81(M) BLACK à WHITE RCA 26" tole- viaion, vainut cabinet, $75. Cali 655-4917. Oct.28,81(R) NEW FOLDING FLIGHT SUIT- CASE on wheeis - cosi $95 - soit $50. Fireplace scrooo, 28". x'36", $25. T.V. stand $10. Phono 668- 9116. Dec.2,81(T) ~.' ARTICLES FOR SALE CHAIN SAW, Clinion 24",'$125!1 White, 34 x 80, balced aiumInumn siorm door (truilte), $25. Regular aium. siorm door, 34 x 80, $20., Modem white bathtub $50. White, basin $7.50. Pink basin $7.50. Gold fibregiasa vanlty basin $7.50. Electilo nowblowsr $80. Electric 1/4 h.p. motor $15.. Wooden head. board (single) $5. Pole type record stand $10. Smali antique deak $125. Black & white fur Jacket, size 10, $125. Cali 6687404. NOV.25,81(T CONTINENTAL radiai tires for Volkawagon Rabbi, made ln Ger- many, TS771.175170, SAla. New $8840 each, wii saili for $100 pair. Volkawagon Rabbii Traier Hiioh, new, $5550, wIli Bell for $35. Large Dog Travelling Cage with iray, ex- cellent babysItier, cosi $60 new, wIli seii for $40. Cali 666-2815 evenlngs oniy piseas. Oct.28,81(G) HOOVER HAlA CRIER wiih mani. cure $25. Lady Shick Facial, new, $20. Vivtar Black & White Eniarger $90. Club Chair, swivei, $100. Macrameed Hanging Bassinet $50. Wooden Headboard $10. Cali 668-7546. Oct.7,81(B) L-SHAPED ARBORITE kitchen counter-top, $25. Steel kitchen sink, $10. Antique wvalnui dresser,, noeds refinishing, $50. Colonial sos b.d $35. Colonial polo lamp, Ike new, $45. Maichlng swag lamp $35. Grliwork for alum. siorm loor, full aize, very ornemental,' 10.' Foam matireesblock, louble, brand new, $20. Recliner hair wlih bulit-In heater-vibrator, reen febric uphoistery, like new ,ondition, $99. Modemn polo lamp 10. Westinghouse portab le dlsh- asher, Coppertone, needs minor apalr, $50. Hoover cannister scuum $15. Two sets of long reen drapes for 45" wlde win. lows, $5. Cati 868-7404. Nov.4,81(T 908 FORD T-BIRD, 4 door, losded, 10% restored, $2500 invested, king $2000 or bout offer. 22' PEED BOAT, 1947 Lyman, an- que, one of' e klnd, needs estoring, $4500 f irm. 1940 JEEP W-2, now engins, redietor, front nd, ciutch, pressure plate, easter cylinder wheel cylinders, ýnow piough equlpped, $1,800 Irm. Wiii trede for besi tractor r lth front end loader. 4.4 à HfRYSLEA OUTBOARD MOTOR,3 xcllent condition, $263 f irm. To e lew ai 131 Queen St., Brooklin or hone 056-387. oct.7,81 (O, E c vi gr 1 va ti ru i fi Cý en i fin *PLEASE READ> When the advertised Item la aoid, diaposed of, or unavallabie for whatever reason, the i & deemed to have been aoid and a commission wiil be charged based on THE ADVERTlSED 1 iiiustrated beiow, rogardiess If price la atated with "boat offer. l Ithe Item la NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wili be mun for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM of $6.00 wll apply payable ln advance of publication of the tiret ad. Otherwise a $7.50 Chari 1 ply If bilied which muei be paid upon receipt of bill The above minimum charges wiiI bei the final commission due butiln any case the higheramount wii be charged. Minimum che pre-paid, $750 biiied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Alladvoriiaemenis muai beplacet clualve basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and mun atisasi one month If not soid. RATES (If article ia eoId) 5% of advertifed price Up to $400-00 2% of balance 0vi EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertim.d for $120.00. Commission duse $0.00 (minimum charge la Private adveriiaing onlyl Please notlfy the WhIiby Free Presa immediateiy when Item la sc we may delete it from the foliowing Issue. Ail ada not fitiing the Emporium guldelines wlit: and chargad par week as regular claasiled ada 'on a pre-paid basia auch as: services, hetg clothing, real estate, and personai message type ada, or ada not quoting prîce or quantil, ciaasified ada may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriais headinge. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED.ý MAILADSTO: ,IlfIndoubt Cai: OR DEL FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 668-6111 131 Bt P.O. Box 206 WhI Whitby, LIN 581 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAYPREVIOUS TOPUBLICATION AT NOON. ff~PPLIANCES AUTOMOBILES '< AUTOfi FORSE FRSAL:,E FOR DEEP FREEZER, 20 cu. fi., made 1974 BEETLE VOLKSWAGEN, ln 1975 DODOE MONi by Norsomen, worklng condIion. running condition, needa, minor new brakes, 51,0000 Asking $100. Phone 666-2119.., work. Asking $900. Phono 668. Ai c"onditIon. Askir Dec.9,81<D) 0888. 608-7107. 23 CU. FOOT ADMIRAL FREEZER, 2 yrs. oid. Asking $35. Cati (Ash- burn) 655-4045 afier 6 p.m. 001.21,81(B) SEARS KENM ORE SEWING MACHINE, excellent condition, asking $90. Yetiow-gotd oval rug with fringe, asking $30. Phono 668-0800. Nov. 18,81(C) VIKING SIEWING MACHINE wlth 3 drawer cabinet, excellent condi- lion. Assortment 0f accossorios, 3à bobbins. Asking $350. Cali Susan eft.r6:30 p.m. ai 723-5892. Novf.4,81(P) CALL 668-6111 NOW 10 place your Emporium Ad. 1 AUTOMOBILES WFORAI.SA LEi 1966 CHEV MALIBU SS, restored, over $6,000 Invested, B.F. Good- rich TA's, 350 LT1, 4 speed, hasn't seen winter ln 7 yesrs. Asklng $4,200 or beat 0ffer. Phone 668- 6424. Nov.18,81<H) 1972 PINTO, automatlc wlîh radiais, 25,000 mnites on a rebuili motor, body good, neede valves and assie, 'u-Jointa. Asking $400. Phono 668&8227. Oct.28,81(T). 1974 D000E MONAC WAGON, V8, reilabie lIon. $600or besi 0 668-8227. -w,. THE WORLD IS YOURS...1 YOUKNOWI RIGHT PEOF Wherevsr you mi Weicome Wagon hc the righl perion bo Ulnd a place In your Dec.30,81(M) CO STATION le transports. offer. Phono Jan.6,82(T I >LE... ove the iosteuseils helIp you new com- s a '9-7521 1977 MONTE CARLO, barrot with 1-roof, a% soesie, puise wipoms, trot, white oxierlor, tar G60 Firostone SS around. ln excel Aeking $4,200 or bes 668-0130 and ask for S MOTORA &t-RANSMIS Toyota 1600. Asklng offer. Phono Glenn 6& 1965 METEOR CONVÎ motorb new tires withr $250. Three now tires, rima, $65. New rsdfo $40. 400 motor & tr needs work, $75. 31 barrot, 90,000 miles, snow tires for Ford rime, tîke new, $65. Ca truck $250. Ail prices 655-4448. 0$l BLUENOSE STANI condition, original glue ail borders Intact. Ai Call 668-6424. PRICE as BABY FiJRNISHINGS & ITEM Two waikora, $10 each. Joliy Jui iCHARGE Per on a stand $20. Crib a mi 'go wîîî sp- trees, orange & white, $75. Tv appliid to potile chairs, $7 oach. Baby b.i arge: $6.0ô, pack $10. Rocking horse $2 t on an ex- Phone 668-2702. Jan.6,82î rer $400.00 '- HGU E I $0,00) 5 j H USHoL Id se tht (0DS Ip wsntod, PINE BED, twln, 4 poster, wil :y. Prîvate fancy head and foot board. Newl consiructed from top quality whil pins. Wiii finish to suit. Askir LIVER TO: $195. Cali 985-2795. ,ock St. N. Nov.25,81QN ill b , O n . D O6 Y O U H A V E S O M E T H IN G _ gel rld of? Soit ht qulckiy, econ( mIcatly and convenisntiy - ptac an ad under tho Emporium sectic of the Whltby Free Press. Ca 668-6111 now for f urther detalls. ~IOBLES DîNETTE SET, round -*amoke( glass top wlth chromo podeata I SALE base, 4 matching chairs, In gooc <mM--n- condition. Asklng $275. Polo aism ACO ROYALIE, wîth ti-Ilght, $25. Cali 579.9860, ~rlgnalmîte, *Nov.11,81(C ng $1,705. Celi CHROME DININO ROOM SET Nov.4,81(B) smoked glass top, 4 chrom'1l greer cushion chairs, In excellent cor ,305 cu. ln., 2 dition. Asking $475. Phono sitei wlvei bucket 4:30 p.m. 668-9169. ýcruise con- Dec.2,8lfS: n lnteriorsand ______________ radiais ail DINING ROOM CORNEI elient shape. CABINET, tee, wagon & hope at offor. Cati 'cheat, ail In maple wood, $500. Steve, Royal Albert china set, 9 place set. Oct.28,81(G) tlng plus accesaories, "Lavendet Rose", e. cond., asking $650, Cali 666-2071. MOTIVEoct.21,81(M) CONTEMPOàARtY STrYLE -buttet ~ 94 hutch, 54" wtde, $275. Bronze $150N- or bee gotd chesterfiotd & chair$175. ; $1084. es Odd mode rn chair $35. Two table No68-0 8. K lampa & mstching tri-iight $75 . N ov.18 81(K) Besuihfutly rofinished antique oah FERTIBLE, no dresser & mirror $350. Off 6e desir mag wheels, wlth Wood top, 60" x 30", $100. Att 115" on Ford Items in excellent condition. or 1975 Ford, Phono 579-8915. ransmîssîon, 000.2,81(W) 390 motor, 4 1$100. Two AN EXCELLENT antique hutch In Pick-up, on plins and oak. Upper cabinet doors ýap for ½h ton In leaded glass, mstchlng wood f irm. Phono mouldlng motif; two adjustable sheivea. Lower cabinet doors Dec.30,81(L) have Inset panel and rsisod relief carvlng. Refînlahed inside and ~joui, brasa hardware and cabinet locka. A beautîful plece, $680 Vl f irm. Phoneof666.306 Nov.25,81<C) LiS BABY je, not used, ýsklng $700. WS. nai- Nwo (t.> PETS& SUPPLIES COCKER SPANIEL, 14 weekrs old, J maie, whlte wlth tan marklngs, ro'gistered. AskIng $250. Phone h 68-626. îy Nov.11,81<Uâ) ite ng GREY MALE Miniature Schnauzer. Registered, good pet and watch- 111 MUSICAL , INIi S RdUMENTS 19807 FENDER JAZZ bas gultar, very gopod conditon, wIt h bard case, beautiful Instrument. Asking $850. Cati 668-1436 afier 5 p.m. A) do. Aslng $25. hono68279. 10- o. lt Bd ài )d ip n. Br TWO PUG PUPPIES, femamo, bon Augusi 18, blsck-faced fawn. Asking $225 each. Cati 655-f467. Oct.7,81(W) FLOffDA MBILE HOM-E,O65i 12', tuity furnlshod on lagoon, mon- ted lot, 3 bedrooma, 2 bathrooms, central air condItIonlng. Onty $12,000 Canadien. Cali 728-5338 Nov.4,81(G) SSPDRTING1 DAYCO CROSSBOW with quiver. Aaking $225. Phono 649-5812. Dec.2,'81 (H), HOCKEY EOUIPMENT, A-i côndi- tion. Cooper heimet, Bowerý skates, pants, eibow pada, kne peads,, shoulder d, socs, glovosanhokybg For 12-14 year Olds. Asklng $80. Wiit soul sePerately. Cati 576-5710. Oct.7,81(D>- SKIS, potes and boots, $75. Lengih of skis 170 cm. Aiso, four oid wooden chairs, Ingood con- dition, ssking $25 each. Phono 683-6638. Nov.18,81(S) ("STEREOI TEOMIOS 1 -AMIÎFMSTEREO RECEIVER, 55 watts per channel, 6 months otd, new $695, seil $375.- Telefunken Topload CASSETTE DECK, Dolby, new $475, se11 $150 or best of fer. Cati1666-3995. Oct.7,81(R) I a lem wlll be 1 1 1

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