PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY. DE~C EMBER 23, 1981, WHITBY FREE PRESS CALL 668m611Il M ~Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the f ollowing conditions.-V . M RTCES*. RTICLIES PLEASE READ OSEODPETS MFOR SALE eFOR SAE 1 Whên the advertisud item le sold, disposad of, or unavalabie for whatever reason, the Item wiii be GO DSS U.PIISPPLIES LADIS FR CATMusrat1»8FORDT-BRD,4 dorloaed, deemed ta have buen sl anda commission wiii bu charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as CHROME DINING ROOM SET, FOR SALE -Two pairs of Dlamn LAmmD IS lue oxBT 1, 80% r I st d oor2,5W Ioadsd, :llusrtedbeiow, rugardiess If price lastatedwith 'be:t offer."MNTSadaIIUMCAG smoked glass top, 4 chrome green Doves, $25 pur pair. One uParoj aaking 3500. Cil aftEr BOpT, 19aaknman,00 oan- ofo.22 f 36.00 wiii appiy payable ln advance of publication of the firet ad. Otherwise a $7.50 charge wîîî cushditon hasirs,45.hneell e on- WhetZebra Finches n o$1a4 6780. SSPEED bAT) iqu , 1947 yma n, an piy If biiied which muet be paid upon receipt of bill. The above minimum charges wliIibu appiied to d4i.30 Asking8-9694pa5. Phonu fe fG e ZbraF- ch4,6 14.e L4 Ssp.23.81(B) toie ,5 fakind, 19 ouEEP the final commission due but ln any case the higher amount wiii bu charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 430p..6696 . 2 pair.Phono 68.24 1. DUNE BUGGY, excellent e ang ne,50 flr froJEE pre-paid, $7.50 biied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertisemnenis muet be piaced on an ex.-a.,1S o 1D M machaNEaicondtio,ewcefront end., new ngn,prsuripat, ot clus Ive basis with tha WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atiaast ana mont h If not soid. AN EXCELLENT antique-hutch In RUN VOUR AD In the Whltby F wmehulaigacn ii n s afrnd maitor cylinder whssl cylindurs, RATES (If article lo sold): pinsaand oak. Uppur cabinet doors Presa. Oa 000ptn a Mllnk pins, new heavy duty shocks, enow plough squIpped, $1,W %o detse rc pt 40.02 hblnc vr30.0 In iuadad glass, matchIng wood buyera wlii read Il ... think abou i M seuingbo rault, ratortiesf irm. Wit trade for boat trictor EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertlued for $120.00. Commission due $6.00 (minimum charge Io 36.00) mouiding motif; îwo adjustabie..radhgan..sosman gaon oxrbbur vu r god.Ris with frn snd loader. 4.4 Private advertisIng onlyl Pleasa notIfy the Whitby Free Press Immadiateiy whan Item ls soid so that sheives. Lowar cabinet doors a ... re yur a d anduho rom bar, tow bar, haad & fait lightS. CHRYBLER OUTUOARD MOTOR, we may daiete If from the foiiowIng Issue. Ail ada not fliting the Emporium guidelinas wIii bu fraatad have meuét panai and raised refliefI. A sure start for a succasfe Needa a mafor. Asking $475. excellent condition, $M63firm. To and chargad par weak as ragular ciassifiad ads on a pra.paid besis auch as: services, heip wantad, carvIng. Rfinishad Insida and sale. Phone 668-611il now. -' Phone666-l87.vlsw ai 131 Ousan St., BraoklIn or ciothIng, reai asiate, and pursanai massage typa ads, or ada not quoting prIca or quantity. PrIvate ouf, brasa hardware and cabinet_______________ Duc.23,81 (B) phones655-M87. ciassified ads may appaarln the Emporium section under appropriata haadings. iacks. A beutiful place, $880 Ocf.7,81(D. f Irm. Phonea666.3096. COCKER SPANIEL, 14 waeks , ____________________ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. Nav.25,81(C) maie, white with tan markins MCHAIN SAW, 16" Homaiighi, NEED EXTRA MONEY? Sai your MAIL ADS TO: If In doubtcati: OR DELIVER TO: ____________ registered. Asklng $250. Phn Modal XL1AO, uxcelunt candi- unwantad articles with an advar- FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 668-6111 131 Brock St. N. YURN VOUA ARTICLES INT6 ffl1626. lion. Asking $175. Phone 668- tisumant ln the Emporium Section P.O. Box 206 Whitby, Ont. CASH. An ad undar the Whitby Nv 1 93885 evenings. Dc 68 M of theaWhiltby Free Press. Cali 668- Whtby, LIIN SI Free Press Emporium Section wiliie Du96,1M 6111 now. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE sai almasi anyfhing for you -. GREY MALE Miniatura Shn Mcars, boats, TV's, furnItura, planas Ragistarad, good ptad% 9SWEDISH staul archad firupiace CHAIN SAW, ClInton 24", $125. FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. and pets ... the 1sf la endless. Cali dog. Asking $125. Phone 668-427 gare,41Wh' x 31" high, $70. Wie 4x8, ae lmnm668-6111 now for f urthar delails. Duc. 16.8<) 9SWEDISH steul raciangular flira- storm door trulite), $25. Ragular --- - - -Ã- - lace acreun, 38" wide x 26" high, aîum. starm door, 34 x 80, $20. OTM6,R YËbfe W PUPPIE era, $330. Calil571-3471. Modenwhie________$0._Whte__ CNTEM5R" R TYE, 5,Boz uff t O U1PPE, bakfalu, or1 Sup.30,81(W basin 37.50. Plnk basin 37.50. G ~APPLIANCE io AUTOMOI1LES AUTOMOTIVE gold chasterfild & chair $175. Asking$225aach. Cahi655-448 9 - Goid fibragasas vanity basin $7.50. FOR SALE REPAIR/PARTS Odd modemn chair $35. Two table Oct.7,1() wADES IN P...JCKT. .ecïl snwb.we $8. EecricFORSA Ei 01 iamps & matching tri-iight $75. ______________ M lAES MINK PAop JAKEto. Elac4 .p trcnoor . leciric -23 CU. FOOT ADMIRAL FREEZER, 1977 MONTE CARLO, 305 cu. ln., 2 rwo ER78-14 RADIAL SNOW Beauflfully rafinishad antique aak ~r 1 2/14,topeondiion.rIrmr/4$hp50m.orff5. Wodanhead MprIcu $35. Cali 655-4627. board (single) $5. Pole typa record2 yrs. oid. Asking $350. Cail (Ash- barrai wlfh t-roof, swival bucket TIRES mounfad on fwo AMC dse iray ihwotor60330"1. Oficedl ECI OA M - ~ ~~~Nov.4,81(R) stand $10. Smaii antique dask burn) 655-4045 afer6 p.m. seats, puisa wlpers, cruisa con- wheais, $110 or beat oifer. Two wihwdto.6"x3,30.Al _______________ $ 125. Back & whita fur jacket, Oci.21,81<B> trol, whita exierlor, tan Intarior and DR78-14 RADIAL TIRES (raisad Items ln excellent candiftion.I 9JOHNSO 40 H.P, electi_____________0,_$125______68-7404 G60 Firestone SS radiais ail white lattera) Firastone 721 steel Phone 579-8915. Mlong shaft, good condition. 3425 or Nav.25,81MT SEARS KENMORE SEWING around. In excellent shape. beîted tires mounted on AMO raîîy Dec.2,81 (W) FLORIDA MOBILE HOME,65 beet olfer. Calanyfima 72868700. MACHINE, excellent condition, Asking $4,200 or beet offar. Oeil wheais, $160 or beet of fer. Ai four - 2', fuily hurnished on lagoonrn Da.981S) COTI~ETA rdiitiras for asklng $90. Yeiiaw-gald aval rug 668-0130 and ask for Steve. trswl aifr32 rbs fe. DNN OM CRE ted lot, 3 badrooma, 2 bat hrooe ________________ Vaikswagon Rabbif, made In Gar- wit h fringe. asking $30. Phone Oct.28,81(G) Piease cail 686-1886 betwaan 2 CABINET, tees wagon & hope centrai air condîtîonîng. Oi VINEW OUTBOARD MOTOR, ShIp many, TS771-175170, 5R13. New 668-0800. _____________ ..ad1 ..Altrs l e . chRyl ert hinmaseplae set-$00.$12,00Canadian. Cali 728-533 SCliinton, $250. Savan 5-gallon gas 388.40 each, wlih seli for $100 pair. Nov. 18,81(O .38(C)RylAiefcia e,9plc e-Nov.4,8() Mcontainers, army typa, $15 each. Voikswagon Rabbit Tailer Hifch, #" "'-----*1îng plus accassories, "Lavender Orientai rug 9 x 10, $175. Reel-to- naw, $55.50, wiiI sai for $35. Large. VIKING SEWING MACHINE with 3 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR & TRANSMISSION - 1974 Rosa", exc. cond., asking $650. real tape $200. ElectrIc fan $20. Dag Travelling Cage wif h tray, ex. drawer cabinet, excellent condi- RPI/AT Toyota 1600. Asking $150 or best Oelil 666-20Z.1. YÃŽCaii 579-40'49. cellent babysittar, coat 360 naw, thon. Aeesortmsnf af acceesories, E l Êallfer. Phone Glenn 668-0384. Oct.21,81 (M) SRTGI Oct.21,81(A) wili sai for $40. Cail 666-2815 36 babblns. AskIng $350. Oeil Nov.18,81(K) <GO DI M~ ~ eveninga aniy psesa. Susan affer 6:30 p.m. et 723-5892. FOR SALE - Pair af radiai snaw _____________ ENGLISH PUB-STYLE COUCH & PINBALL MACHINE, Travel Tima, Oct .28,81(G) Nav.4,81(P) tires maunted on wheels, Chavra- TURN YOUR ARTICLES INTO matching swivai rocker, green & HOCKEY EOUIPMENT, A-i ~excellant working condition, aIder _______________ lai Monza. Firastone F1Z-5/80R 13 CASH. An ed ln the Whitby Frea goid plaid, Olefin lebric. Been flan. Cooper heimet, 1oar mnodal, ingle playar. AskIng $300. L-SHAPED ARBORITE ktchan <iig, aie, M/S replaces BR78-13. Asking $60. Prswileiamotnyhgfr scotch-guerdad. Asking $325. A-saepne ia as ne Cali 576-2091 atar 6p.m. countarfaop, $25. Steel ktchen Dhn 5-75a e c .9,8 yu ... cars, boats, TVa, lurnîture, tiqua wrought iron & brasa pede, shaulder padesoc e M Nav.4,81(R) sink, $10. Antique wainut dresser, wokng,l mcndin e, mnul pans ad ets...ih it eyd- DOUBLE BED with box eprlng, glavas end hockey bag. For 1-4 Nv, nauda rafinishing, $50. Cln accsorias.cAnditin 60. hnel lansandOeil68s11 ...e 3tI ed 210. Antique LOVE SEAT & mat- year cilds. Aeking $80. Wih ai sfa bad $35. Colonial paie lamp, ________________$0._hon__________68_111now ching chair, blua & goid sprti.Cl 7-70 SKATE SHARPENINO MACHINE, lk aw" 5Mtcigswgap668-2406 affer 5 p.m. Dee981pa__________________upoitay5$ swing arrn, loor modal. Aeking i 4.hiwokfor aiu m torm _____________________$200. Set'-of""-.'--pins1Oct.71D> $40. al189-94 ate 630p.m. 35 Gilwok oralm.strm5' COFFEE TABLE & two round ____________ 340. 39594 sta.630 p.m. door, ful aiza, vary ornamental,- END TABLES,3130. Oeil 668-8189. 1972 OLYMPIC SKI00O, MSNOWBILOWER, Modal 100, ex-dubbenow$eRCnr ,c AUTOMOBILES Phona 649-5812. - cellent condition, $250. Steelgraîbrcphit lkne FOR SALE -TO3"ER addha-Dc28<) showar cabinet, brand new, wth conitn, 399. Mupodsem ple amp f50 BLUENOSE STAMP, excalent boarde, $7 sach. Small outdaor ______________ ait fixtures and crtain, $60. Phonecondition, $9 oenpl apcniin original glue, not usad, pool pump $30. Bon Tsmpi 1980 SKIS, pales and boots, 35 ai hxtra ndcutan 30.Phn $10. Westinghousa portable dish- 1986 CHEV MALIBU SS, rasiarad, atbardera Intact. Aeking $700. organ, duel ksybaard, 13 base jegho ks 7 m l 66 15waeher, Coppartona, naeds minor. over 36,000 investad, BF. Gaad- Cangth68-f4skis 170 cm. Aiea, four-7 ' M -Nav.18,8liM) repaIr, $50. i-oaver cannister rich TAs, 350 LT1, 4 speed, han't Ot2,1H spedakes, hthne j, a2o-7 dw'oe his ng -vacuum $15. Twa sets of long* sean wînter ln 7 years. Asking od to,$0.Cl "4. dition, asking $25 each Pon AIR-TIGHT WOOD BURNING green drapes for 45" wide win- $4,200 or bet aller. Phone 668- c E W~codsol$0.Ci 6884FreRnhr obedos 5 el6870.62.~Sep.30,81(q 683-6638.81(S) uxcellent condition, $380. Oeil__ _______ ___ -GO S 668-8189. NEW FOLDINO FLIGHT SUIT- 1972 PINTO, automefic wt IEBD wn tr, with S aelke n ra , xcllant cndtn. $50. Firaplace acruan, 28" x 36", matar, body gaad, neeaevalves THE WORLD fancy hadn foostr.Nwiy fo1Z FOR SALE] Aki n 320e.cWlenesk cka 26"FRNKIN TOE it 32. .V sand$1. haev68-ensa1su-o2Qe A1in $00construc ted .fram top qua .lif y white MOPED, Solex, ln excellant con- and pants, iight blue, siz 12 MM The Whitby Free Press office wîII be closed on Friday, December 25. Emp~orium Ads must be received by Thursday at 4 p.m. M for insertion in the December 3Oth edition. M Classified deadlines remain the same - Monday at noon. M HA VE A SAFE & ENJO YABLE HOLIDA Y.