PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 23, 1981 ,WHITBY FREE PRESS CHRISTMAS CAROL SECTION Holiday Lst 0f Tips For Fire Safety Don't let your Christ- mas go up in smoke. Proteet your farnly by following these tip8. e Buy only a fresh Christmas tree - one whose needies are moist and soft. Stand it in a water-fllled container to keep it from drying out. e If you buy an artifi- cial tree, be sure it is certified as flamne retardant. e Place the tree in a cool area, NEyER near a heater or the fire- place.. e u leti a eve e peet PEA CE... N EARTH cal toys, such as trains, near the tree where sparks could ignite them. a Check Christmas lights for worn wires and loose sockets. # e Don't leave the tree lights on at night or when no one is around to watch. a Avoid sudden flare- ups in the fireplace which can be caused by burning wrapping paper or cardboard boxes. * Always keep a screen in front of the fireplace, even when the logs are just smoulder- ing. scsslbut i\\I\Jkiz Mây the peace of Christmas be inal hearts this the most joyous of seasons. Happy holidays to you.' WIIITHY TOYOTA 1025 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY, ONTARIO (416) 668-4792 (416) 668-4799 TORONTO LUNE (416) 686-2228 Holiday Photos With the holiday sea- snjust around the cor- ner, now is the time to lay in a supply of photo- graphic lighting items to make certain you don't miss that once-mn- a-lifetime shot of that tot opening bis long- awaited Christmas pre- sent. One good way in which to insure a good photo is to crouch when making a photograph, so the subject fis the entire picture. How of- ten have you taken a shot only to find the best part neyer was recorded on the film? A good way to avoid this trap is to aim your camera at the up.per part of the sub- ject's chest. This will insure that the photo will include the person's head in the upper por- tion of the picture and you'l have captured a scene you'Il savor in time to corne. I A very special holiday greeting to ail of our special friends and patrons who have visited us this past year. We have enjoyed serving you. Bey, Sharon, Marg, Pat & Krista PFashioas 126 116 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-1266 OHoIy night O holy night! The stars are brightly shining,, it Is the night of the dear Saviour's birth. Long lay the world in sin and error pining, Till He appeared and the soul feit its worth. A thrill of hope, the weary soul rejoices', For yonder breaks a new and glorlous morn., Fail on your knees,. O night when Christ was bornl 0 night, O holy night, 0 night divine! Led by the light of faith serenely beaming, With glowing hearts by his cradie we stand," So led by light of a star, sweetly gleaming, Here came the wise men from orient land. The King of Kings lay thus In lowly manger, in ail our trials born to be our friend, He -knows our need. To our weakness is no stranger. Behold your King, before Hlmý lowly bendî Truly He taught us to love one another; His law is love, and His gospel is peace; Chains shall He break, for the slave is our brother And In His namne oppression shal cease, Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we, Let all with us praise His holy name; Christ is the Lord, Oh, praise His name forever! His power and glory ever more pro- dlaim! His power dlaim! His power dlaim! and glory ever more pro- and glory ever more pro- The Story of Timmy, The Trumpeter: Timmy loved to play the trumpet. Every day, aftet school, he would rush home to practice. Timmy's dreamn was to play in a band, someday. The. trouble was, between practicing and daydream- ing about the future,-Tim- my rfeyer paid attention to his schoolwork. "No more trumpet- playing," said his parents, "6until your schoolwork improves." Timmy was broken-hearted. He could flot understand what arith- metic and spelling had to do with playing the trumpet, and everyone knew he was going to be a famous trunipet player when he grew up! But, Timmy's parents were firm, and he was a very unhappy littie boy as the weeks passed. Suddenly, the holidays were near, and ail the boys and girls in Timmy's class were excited about the Christmas play they were going to perform. Timmy was asked to play an angel. "I.don't wanna play no angel," he said. "You mean an angel," his teacher cor- rected him. It was just like her, Timmy thought, al- ways finding fault! On the day of the play, Timmy reluctantly went to school. As he and his class- mates were putting on their costumes, Timmy's teacher called him aside. "I have a surprise for you, " she said, handing him a box. Inside was his trumpet! ."I think it would be nice if one of the angels played a trumpet, don't you? " she smuled. Timmy could hardly wait for the play to begin now! How proud bis parents were as Timmy and the other angels told the shepherds about the Infant Jesus. And, -ail eyes were on Timmy as he loudly aHere's wishmng you lots of loy and laughier £0 iremember ail year. The Frplaoe Plus 900 Hopkins St. at Bumns WHIT8Y. Ontario 668-3192 6 3t r -