Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Dec 1981, p. 21

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"WIHLmITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 911I981, AG 21 CALL A PRf OFESGAL I D ENY'S Paid for Goid and Silver RENOVATUONS coins, old guns, clocks, Rec oom, bahroms, ture, crocks, oit paint. drywali, fencing, ings and seaiers. for ait you r home FRIEN DLV' improvements. Where quall ty pays, FLEA MARKET it doesn't cost. 725-9783 23 KING ST. W, 668-6667 L.OSHAWA GUITAR LESSONS AVAILABLE BN' PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTOR. 1PHONE 668-3741 CARPENTRY H-OME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Ktchens, Ceramlc Tlling, Drywaii, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES CALL 668-4686 FEE HMESERVIC BANKRIJPTICIES are killng imali businessos. If vour prinmer has g0f, out of business wo have a bonus for you. Coli Lou Dckson et 683-1908 for details. TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For Class A & D License Cali PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 Ont" hsW..t cuTNFr" 1-800-268-U689 Day, Eve. & Sat. courses QEERIES MAN WITH VAN willi do plck-ups, deliverles, amail movlng lobs, etc. Phone 688&2498. WE SERVICE ail makes and modela of typewrlters. Dickson Prlntlng, 218 Harwood Ave. S., w UE0UI0ALJ SERVICES A HANDY REFERENCE BOOK, "Grammar for people Who hate Grammar". Ideai gift for students or office workers. $3.95 a copy ai Dickson Printlng, 218 Harwood Ave. S., Aax, 683-1968. PIANO LESSONS Private. Theory on roquesti Beginnors 10 advanced. West Lynde area. Phono 668-1936. WATCH FOR the Dlckson Prlntlng Monthly Mailer. Pull of humour and Information. CZali 683-1968 for costs on advertlsing space. cuýMG CH-RISTMAS CRAFTS SALE - Saturday, Docember 12, Town Hall ln Port Parry from 10 am. to 4 p.m. Handmade crafts of OveIy descrIp- lion. Free admIssIon. For Informa- tion cati 985-3972. BROOKLIN & DISTRICT KINSMEN CLUB Trip of the Month Winriers OCTOBER: let, $1.500, Mr. W. Cocker, Oshawa; 2nd, $120, Mr. S. Adams, Markham; 3rd, $120, Mr. G. Garrod, Oshawa. NOVEMBER: 1sf, $1,500, Dr. A. Kennedy. Port Perry; 2nd, $120. Dr. R. Powers, Whltby; 3rd, $120, Mr. R. Mancini, Brooklîn, 36 ILADEATHI NOTICS DURHAM REGION LUNO ASSO. CIATION neods your help f0 flght emphysema, asthma and lung can- cor. Bequests or momorili fts gratefuliy recelved through any funoral direct or. ASTROP The family of Mr. Charles J. Astrop wili hold an open house in honor ef his 9Oth Birthday at 328 Annes Street from 2 to 4 p.m. on December 12. Best wishes only please. AIl fr-ends an-d associates are weicomne to attend. soe. ARTICLES FIOR SALE 2" STORM DOORS Triple sealed 5 colors à 4 styles sjI 69.050 Instalied & Guaranteed. Also economîcai and energy ef fi- dient storm and replacement thermal' windows and en- closures. FREE ESTIMATES. Durham Glass 1666-3355 after hours 666-1847 FRIDGE à STOVE ln excellent condition. White, *0550 for pair. Phone 683-9488. PUBLIC AUCTION Every Monday and ThursdÎy night buy or self at 1614 Charles Street, Whitby. Furnîture, glass, china, to0ls, jowelry, coins and 50 on. Al conslgnments welcome. Bill Wannamaker, Auctionoor, 666- 3731 days, 668-843 evenîngs. SWIMMING POOL CLOSE-OUT Ail 1981 Stock wiit be sold ai a fraction of the regutar seliing price. Most sizes .n Stock.' Ub ARTICLES FOR SALEJ MUSHROOMS $7.00 for 5 IL box. Darlinglon Mushroom Farm, R.R. 4, Bowmanvllle, 983-9304. NEW à USEC Office Furniture at big savîngs. Wo have a warehouse full ln Ajax. Dlckson Prlntlng. 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, 683-1968. FOR SALE - Chrome kîtchen set. Table wlth 6 swlvel tub chairs on castors. Floral green pattern. Asking $300. Good condition. caîl anytîme 666-1503. AUTOOBILES FOR SALE 1977 BUICK SKYHAWK, V6, auto., storeo, tape dock, power steorlng, 43,000 miles, certIi ed. $3.150. Phono 6554809. AVOMOTIVE ~JEA RPASIR/PARTS SNOW TIRES, F78-14, polyester, and rlms. Fîts Dodge Dort. caîl 668-4723. 01j 0ATSf 30'- Ci-RIS CRAFT, 1969, newi y decorated and vory dlean cruiser with camper top, twin engines, dinghy. Winter storage pald for. Survoy suppllod. Please phono for information 725-1845 alter 6 p.m. OFFICE IN ONEI combînation doak and fMing cabinet, now but scratch and dent ln manufacture, Loss than $100.,Dickson Prlnting, 218 Harwood Ave, S., Ajax, 683- ~"SALE FO=LES 1975 POLARIS TX440, A-i shape, tach., speodometer. 500 miles on now engins, registered for '81. $675. Cai anytîmo 728-6700. T ERTERS for ront, manual and eioctric, by the woekend, month or woek. Dickson Printlng, 218 Harwood Ave, S., Ajax, 683- 1968. AUCONOS AUCTION SALE SAT., DEC. 12 -6 P.M. At PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on Shirley Rd., 4 mi. south of Port Perry. Speciai Christmas auc- tion of new, brand name toys & games, antiques, furniture & appliances. With Hoiiy Hobby stove, space guns & puzzles, dolis & carniages, cars, teiephon.es, trucks, radios, table lamps, space laser guns, record ptayers, 4' wooden cribb- age board, stuffed toys, I -i - I I ATTENTION DISPLAY ANI) Please check your advetisement for errons on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wIli not be hiable for fallure to pubiish an ad, or for typograph- ic or othen errons ln publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the -erron up te a maximum cost of the ftrsb Insertion. The Whitby Free Pness reser- ves the right bo ctassify or reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper one day b>efor-e they can be changed or- cancetied. RATES: $406 for 20 words If bilied; 12e each additional word. Pre-paid insertion of 20 words $3.50; additional words 1 le each. You may charge your Ciassif ied Ad 10 your Chargex or Visa Account and receive the discount on the pnice of your ad. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12s each addltionai word. 5 ice creamn parlour chairs, tea wagon, beveiled mirrors, crochet- ed bedspreads & table- cloths, quilts, casi mron ketties, Royal Winton dishes, Depression glass, afghans, shot gun sheil seater, '68 Chevy 1/2 ton, washer, dryer, fridge & stove, air-tlght wood- 'âtove, color T.V., Findiay cook stove, double bed, costume jewetry, chrome set & many-~more good miss. Preview aIt day Saturday. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICE 985-7492 ESTATE AUCTION SAT., DEC. 12- i A.M. (In case of bad sterm, sale on Wed., Dec. 16). Clearing auction of reat estate (102 acre farmn), farmn machinery, antique furniture, appliances, hay, straw, grain, totls, etc. for the laIe Harold Percy, iocated 1 mite west (off Hwy. 12), on the Scugog-Whitby towniine, apprex. 6 miles north of Brooklin, Ont. FARM MACHINERY: J-D '1830" tracter w/leader (iike new), M-H "33" tractor, N- H bater, J-O 3 furrow plow, J-D manure spread- er, N-H etevator, seed drill, cultivator, hay mower & rake, separator, 3 chain saws, snow fence,' baled hay & straw, grain, etc. FURNITURE & AP- PLIANCES: Antique dressers, washstands, sets ef oid kitchen chairs, oak china cabinet, side- board, oid kitchen table, jam cupboard, geod Fin- dlay weod stove, trunks, beds, rocker, Gingerbread ciock, sofa set, ward- robes, glass, china, silver, pots & pans, fridge, steve, 2 freezers, washer, dryer, coter T.V. etc. MISC.: 1976 Dodge Dant, riflies, many bools, etc. REAL ESTATE: Approx. 102 acres of goed farmiand compiete with nice heu se & barn. Terms & condi- tiens of property: Subject te minimum reserve price, appreved by Executor at lime ef bidding, with $20,000 deposit by way of cash or certified cheque day ef sale, with balance upon ciesing Jan. 29, 1982. Preperty may be viewed Fri. & Sat., Dec. 4th & 5th & Fni., Dec. 11ith CLASSIFIEI) AIVERTISERS IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the1 additionai word. la ELP Li"b ra r iacn $1 5,600 - $1 7,600 The MINISTRY 0F HEALTH, Whitby Psychlatric Hospital, seeks an individuai to organize and maintain a comprehensive clinical reference library suitabie for pfessionai and management staff. Location: Whit by. Qualifications: Demonstrated iibrary training andior severai years experience as a tibrary techni- clan, preferabiy In a hospital setting; ability to plan and organize work under generai supervision, pre- pare statistical reports, maintain records, monitor iibrary budget and type; good communication skilis. Please submnit application quotlng file HL 25-74181 by December 23, 1981, to: Regionai Personnel Administrator, Ministry of Heaith, Human Resour- ces Branch, Box 613, Whiltby, Ontario, Li N 5S9. Equaiity of Opportunity for Employment. 1,5,Ontarlo Ontario Public Service F ADVERTISING IRequired for f ast-growing- local newspaper. Sma'l, fr1 endly office. Great opportunity for someone who is bright, ambîttous, energetic and enthusias- tic. Experience not necessaryl WRITE YOUR OWN TICKET! Ah ilnterested parties apply ln person Wednesday to Friday at:- WHITBY'FREE PRESS 131 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY AUCO OS] AUCTION SALE By Baliff Antique & Modern Fu rn ilune Thurs., Dec. 10 - 6:30 p.m. 1614 Charles St., Whitby Bed chesterfield suite, bedroomi suites, walnut diningroomn suite, odd tables, chests of drawers, parlor tables, chairs, chrome suite, secretary desk, love seat & chair, oak sideboard, pressback rockers, woodem» banrel, bookcase, exten&on ladders, crocks, wood stove, water pressure systemn, treadle sewing machine, 3/" socket set, Spanner wrenches up to 2" jaws, eiectnic boils, hand boots, colon TVs, giass, china, appiiances & se on. Five units ef seized merchandise net mentiened. BILL WANNAMAKER AUCTIONEER 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS) (EVOS.) f irst 50 words; 12o each AUCTION SALES - 29e per uine. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are availabie ai an additionai charge of $2.00. The Whitby Fnee Press will make every endeavour 10 forward replies 10 box numbens, however, we accepi no liabiiity regardlng toss or damage alieged 10 arise through failure or delay in ferwarding such repuies. We wilt net be responsible fer box numýber replies not cailed for within 30days. DEADLINES: Monday noon pnior 10 publication 10 insert on cancei Ci assified Ads. Frlday noon prier 10 publication 10 insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CAI1 J,668-6111l INSIDE SALES, persan with know- lodge of printing end forms, large area f lrm, salary. P.O. Box 561, Whitby, Ontario. MANAGEMENT TRAINEES required for expanding companly. For Interview cati 668-1502. Cati between 10-11 a.m. or 4-5 p.m. EXTRA INCOME AT HOME rpr o.For informaltion, Isend name andtamp to: OPPORTUNITYI DRAYTON. ONT. NOG IPO SERVICES RESPONSIBLE MOTHER f0 take n day care full or part-tIme. cal 728-6581. foul - Miniature York~shire Terrier, silver color, fematle, requIres daily medicaflon. Loat Saturday after- noon In the Welliîngton St. & Git- fard St. area. Reward. Ploase phono 668-3199. f X CTINS PUBLIC AUCT-ION Every Monday and Thursday night buy or oei et 1614 Charles Street. Whitby. Furniture, glass, china, tolis. lewolry, coins and s0 on. Ail consîgnments wolcomo. Bill Wannamnaker, Auctioneer, 866- 3731 days, 668-8403 evenings. MORE CLASSIFIED ADSON PAGE 22 REPAIRS s & DOORS WHITBY ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENT iCENTRE 900 HOPKINS ST., WNITBY 868-2252 r GLASS 1 wilmoowl

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