PAGE 28, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER -18, 1981, VWflY FREJE PRE "si 1pecial /US ( 3.41f Pork Roa sts whole, butt or shank portion fresh Canadian pork 2.118 Partly Skimmred 2/ MiIk Lucerne 3 qt. bag eal .7 super speclal hsave lb. - 10 ~Stewing Beef 188 bondels & CUWO ($4.1 5 kg) l b. M !save lb. .60 JBEEF SALEe Rib Roasts 2 8 standing lib 1 tu5 ribs cult ram . Canada grade "A" b*eaf $ .2 g l Lancia Pasta asstd varietias axcapt Lasagne 1 kg pkg. ea.99 super speci Red Grapes product of California Emperor ($1.68 kg.) lb.U6 Safeway Price Navel Oranges SEEDLESS product of Calitornia size 1 38's Frst of Saftway Price STomatoos 5 product of U.S.A. Canada No. grade (kg. $1.28) IL.M5 save lb. 1.10 tBEEF SALE Rib Roasts 9 f 'Carl's tmandgadb1t (5 . g b *ibChoutyltomandingrM "Ad u b 1105 Ovenjoy aliced 2 4 oz. lbat standing rib steaks Carada rad cul hm sc k> b 2 6 Cw t a à "t - c ul tra9mg) i.2 standing nib steaks cap oni frei1n o ru t eusr t NEW PRICE a r7Kul t N750 mLbottl. plus. Special K t<.oggcereabox475g %V882-23 kidney beans Stairety red new orla ate & d"d (398 mL) 14 0oz, in wa ..72 Nabob coffee TradItongrouna aaad grNidavacuumn pocked (454 g> Pkg, 1 lb Salada tea bags orwnge p.lao.<227 g)> 80 w«, 1.55 Peanut Butter Kraft mooth, crunchy or super crunchy M59 iSafeway Prlce ..iBananas frorn the tropica 3L 3B99 f7dLettuce 5 N.1grade Canada@ea DISCOUNT PRICE OLD PRICE 1.99 Redpath sugar 3 white grafllted 2 kg bag NEW PRICE Oa 3 e - ____ ___ __j_ __more_ a *ouc spes-al 011-.49 Kraft Spirals 20 9 .S P.f OfI56P t box 200 g wb ". .60 m .~.1.99Hot Chocoate Mix 500 g ea. 2n89 0FTang Crystals 17 2 R1 orange fiavour (369 g> pkg 2x6 5 Oz Pkg Parkay Margarine Q coloured 100% veetaieoil<i38kg> ..7 0811 g g3 V a. e2.» Sa.27 08.3319 Bathroom Tissue Lady Scoatlatcoloffl 2pMY 4 rolx400 wmetpkg wsl.U 08. @7 P.E.I. Potatoes Canada No 1 grade 1 8 FMS Ysur Owa Ba,... (27C kg)> t. iA 20lb. bagi B Oranges..1 9 productoaIFloid 5 lb.bag waa 2.48 l 8 9 Spartan Apples productoatB.C Canada extra lancy grade 1 4 31b bag wssS .e9 0. Cooking Onions or carrots proanjct of Ontario Canada No 1 grade FîiivourOwvnBag <554 kg> l b. n25 prvd o.OrCsoWt he e Pr*se superý special Save Ibo a60 U b.OLD PRICE .70 White Bread super SPeCIal Limit 2 pkgs. Il with food purchasa -E.e-, ~' Gay Lu Buttl 7 bIM Ue 1 lb 454' saltad Canada No. 1 grade (454 7 pg)>16oz pkg __________ SAFEWAY CENTRE BROCK ST. S. & GILBERT ST. WHITJY m mmà Prices Effective W*dnesday Nov 1.8 till Tuesday No*ý 24 1981 Exc#Pt BâketYý,PrOOucf ancS Frosh Fism Items Effective Until Saturdev N*vý 21- 1981 we Poserve TM* Rigmt T-0 Limit Sales ÎC Rotait Quantittes 1 DIS 1 &,a- 9 0