Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Nov 1981, p. 24

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PAGE 24, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18., 1981, WHITBY FREE PRESS CAL L 668-6l11 Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the following conditions. ARTICLESI FOR SALE BOYS' 2WHEEL BICYCLE, ln good condition. Aaking $25. Cati 68-5180. Oct .7,81(H) NEW RADIO CONTROLLED cars anid trucks, retaiîing $W9.95 to, 32V9.95, now ai special prie@. B.MW, $2Q5; B.M.W. with eound M30 Ferrarl G.T. $40; 18 Wheeier $4&, Mazda RX7 375; Monza GaT. $100. Cali after 5p.m. 06&-2510. Nov.4,81 (H) LADIES FUR COAT, Muakrat trimmed wth Blue Fox, ize 10, S aaking $500. Cail afer 6 p.m. 668- 6780. Sep.23,81(B) LUNDY DOLL HOUSE, German made, 3 floora, fliy eiectrtc, wtth furniture, neariy new, $100. Back & white RCA 26" televiln, wai- nul cabinet, $75. Cail 655-4917. Oct .28,81(R) CHAIN LINK FENCE, 5' htgh, 30' long, complote top rails and end post. Asktng $40. Cati 666&3995. Sep.16,81(R) SWEDISH astelarchad ireplace acreen, 41' x 31" hîgh, $70. SWEDISH steel reciangular tire- place acreen, 36" wido x 26" hîgh, $30. Cati 571-3471. Sep.30,81 (W) LADIES MINK PAWS JACKET, suze 1214, top condition. FIrm price $M5. Caîl 655-4627. Nov.4,81(R) MARY KAY Showcase & Businest Supplies. Asktng $80 or basf of- fer. Cali 668-4744. Aug.26,81(J) NEW OUTHOARD MOTOR, Shtpý Clinton, $250. Soven 5-gallon gos containers, army typa, $15 aach. Orientai rug, 9 x 10, $175. Reel-to- rosi tape $200. ElectrIc Ion $20. Calil 579-4049. Oct .21,81(A) PINBALL MACHINE, Travel Timo, excellent worktng condition. older modal, single player. Asktng $300. Colt 576-2091 affer 6 p.m. Nov.4,81(R) DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING, aimoat new. Apprised value $445. Prico negotiobie. Phone 263-8025. Aug.26,81 15) SNOWBLOWER, Modal 100, ex- cellant condition, $250. Steel shower cabinet, brond now, with ail fixturos and curtain, $60. Phono 668-3165. Nov.18,81(M) AIR-TIGHT WOOD BURNING STOVE, Frmer, Rancher, doubla door, hasts 2,000 sq. fi., 2 yrs. oid, excellant condition.,$38. Cati 668-8189. Sep.23.81(F) 26" FRANKLIN STOVE with acroan, $100 as ta Coalt 7255624, Novîl .81(M) ELECTRIC WATER KEATER, 60 galion, ln good condition. Asking $50. Phono 668-4686. Sep.2,8l1 F CONTINENTAL radiai tires for Voiksagon Rabbit, made ln Ger- many, TS771-175170, SR13. New S8840 each. wil asitilfr$100 pair. Volkawégon Rabbif Traiter Htch, new, 3$.50, wiiI sali for $35. Large 000 Travelling Cage with tray, ex- cellent babysitter, coat $80 new, wiii sait lfor$40. Cal 666-2815 eveninga aniy pions.. Oct.28,81 (G) lm8 FORD T-BIRD, 4 door, ioadd 80% reatorld. 32,500 invsted, aakng 32,00 or bout offer. 22' SPEED BOAT, 1947 Lyman, an- tique, ana af a kind, neede rgsatonng, 34,500 ltrm. 194111JEEP c-2. new angine, rsdiator, front end, clufch, Pfrsuratpae- fmter cylînder whee cylindars, snow piaugh equipped. 31,800 finiT. WIii mode lfafbesi tractOf- with front end 10,01r. 44 CHRqYSLER OuTSOARD MOTOR., xcellent condition. $263 f1MniTa viaw et 131 Oseen St.., Boklln or phlone 656-M07. Oct»7,81(0. GENDRON BABY CARRIAGE, converta f0 car bed & atrolier, bruahed burgundy matariai, $80. Bar aoils (3), orange swIveî, high back, $18 each. Materntty clothes, size 10, $100 for lot. Boys Bauer skates, asue 10, $12. Boy's 18" bicycle, needa repaira, $15. Cal 668-7007. Sep.30,81(S) HOOVER HAIR DRIER wth mani- cure $25. Lady Shtck Facial, new, $20. Vivitar Back & White Eniarger $90. Club Chair, awivei, $100. MacrameOd Hanging Bassinet $50. Wooden Headboard $10. Cal 668-7546. Oct.7.81<B) HUGE TARP, 20 x 30, vinyt coating, tike new, $45. Etctrtc cir- cular saw (sparks) $5. Large L- shaped arborite kitchen counter- top, green marbie, brand new, $25. Steel kitchen ink, $10. Antique wainut chilfoniere, needs refin- tahtng, 3$W. Copper bolier, $25. Brdcage on brasa f loor stand, $25. Colonial sofa bed $35. Colonial pole lamp, Ilke new, $45. Matching awag lamp $35. Grilwork for aium. storm door, fuit aize, very orne- mental, $10. Foam mattreas block, double, brand new, $20. Recliner chair wth buiit-in heater.vIbrator, green fabrlc upholstery, like new condition, $99. Modern pole iamp $10. Westinghouse portable dish- waaher, Coppertone, needa minor repair, $50. G.E. canîister vacuum cleaner $20. Hoover vacuum $15. Quiited satin orange bedspread, double, 37.50. Two sets of ahortie drapes complote wîth matchtng valances, new condition, $10. Two sets af long green drapes for 45" wide windows, $5. Cali 6&7404. Nov.4,81(T) 45 RECORDS, Rock & roll from the '50s f0 the laie '70a. Over 2,000 records. $1,500 for lot. SOFA, green 3-soater, $75. LOVE SEAT, contemporary style, black & white, $65. OIL PAINTING, Reynolds, harbar acene, suit contemporary or modemn living room grouping, original oll & canvasa, $65. PANA. SONIC STEREO ýSYSTEM with 2 speakers and record changer $95. Two Tetefunken SPEAKERS, 3 way, new, rated for 60 watts rma, $150 for pair. Custom PINE BAR with servIng counter and preparatton countar, worth over $800, asking $485. Open CURIO CABINET, wainut, storage com- partment at bottom, $50. DRAPES, Royal blue, goid and white design, ined, 96" iength x 12' wth, $95 for pair. 9 x 12 ORIENTAL RUG, Royal blue, goid and white design f0 match curtaina $125. OUT- DOOR PLANTS and ahrubs and plantera, 'h wtne barrais, t ram $10 10 $25. Hastinga RINGS & BEARINGS for 302 Ford angine, new, $80 for lot. Cati 6684725. Sept.9,81<D) SEARS KENMORE SEWING MACHINE, excellent condition, asking $90. Yeiiow-goid oval rug with tringe, asking $30. Phone 668-0800. Nov. 18,81(C) 5- WAPPLIANCES FOR SALE1 INGLIS DRYER, approx. 10 years Oid, eîectrlc, good condition, $1 00. Coli 668-906 &iter 5 p.m. Nov.4,81 (C) 23 CU. FOOT ADMIRAL FREEZER, 2 yrs. aid. Aaktng $350. CatIi Ash- burn) 655-4045 ater 6 p.m. Oct .21 ,81(B) ICE CREAM FREEZER, portable, 8 it. wtde x 6 fi. high x 16 fI. long, on truck chasis. Ideai for meat storage. Two 2 horse mofors, worktng excellent. On. motor near new. Runs 10 dogroas baiow 0. Asktng $3,000. Cati 649-3343. sap.9,81(J) VIKING SEWING41 MACHINE wif h 3 drswer cabinet, excellant condi- flan. Assoriment of ecceesorles, 36 bobbtna. Aakîng $W5. Cal Suisan aber 6.30 p.m. ai 723-5892. Nov.4,81(P) INGLIS PORTABLE DISH- WASHER, 9 b>utton selaction Panel. 1 yaar oid. excellent con- dlî on. Caif ovor 500 new - wiIi selI I or £300, Phono 8666-346. Nov.18,81(M) PLEASE BEAU When the advortlsod Item le soid, disposed of, or unavailable for whaiever reason, the Item wiii be doemed to have been soid and a commission wIii be chargod based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iIustrated beIow, regardiesa If price la staiod wiih "beai offer". If the Item la NOT SOLD, or diaposad of, the ad wiii be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 36.00 wIii appiy payable ln advance of publication of the lirai ad. Otherwise a $7.50 charge wiii ap- piy If biiiad whlch muei be pald upon receipt. The aboya minimum chargea wIii be appiied f0 the final commisaion due but ln any case the higher amouni wiii be charged. Minimum charge: 36.00 pre-pald, $7.50 bIiiod. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertiiemenf a must be piacad on an exclusive basîs wth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atiasat one monih If nof aoid. RATES (il article Ia sold): 5% of advertlsed price up ta 34M.00 2% of balance over $M0.00 EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertesed for $120.00. Commission due 38.00 (minimum charge la 38.00) Private adverfiaing onlyl Ploase notify the Whifby Free PresImmediafely when Item la soid so that we may delete t f rom the foiiowIng Issues. Ail ada not lifting the Emporium guidelinea wiii be f reated and charged par week as regular clasaif lad ads on a pre-paid basis such as: services, heip wanted, ciothIng, reai asiate, and personal message type ada, or ada not quoting price or quantîty. Private ciassIied ada may appearln the Emporium section under appropriate headinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: If ln doubt cati: OR DELIVER TO: FREF PRESS EMPORIUM 66-61 131 Brock St. N. P.O. Box 206 6-61Whiby, Ont. WhItby, LIIN 551 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. AUTOMOBILES îWORFOR.SALE1 1977 MONTE CARiLO, 305 cu. ln., 2 barrai wth t-roof, swIvei bucket seata, puise wipars, crulso con- trot, white extarior, tan interior and G60 FIreatona SS radiais ail around. In' excellant shape. Asking $4,200 or basf offor. Cai 668-0130 and asj' for Sf ova. Oct.28,81 (G) AVOMOTIVE RPI/ARTS FOUR 13" SUPER LUG MAýGS, 4 boit Chav, $175. Threa Untroyal RWL BR7813 TIRES $120. Coul 666-309. Aug.19,81(C) 'rWO ER78-14 RADIAL SNOW TIRES mounted on two AMC raiiy wheota, $110 or basf offer. Two DR78-14 RADIAL TIRES (raad white letters) Firestone 721 steel beited tires mounted on AMC raily wheeia, $180 or basf offer. Ailtfour tiras witi sali for 3325 or basf of fer. Ploase cati 686-1886 betwaan 2 p.m. and 10 p.m. Ail tires lika new. Sep.23,81(D) REAR WINDOW for Dodge 112 ton truck. New. Futs year 1975-80. Asktng $25. REAR CHROME BUMPER for tVa ton truck. New. Asktng $50. Cati 668-7960. Aug. 19,81(L) ev3 OLEb.LE3 50$ BLUENOSE STAMP, excellent condition, original glue, not used, ail bordera Intact. Asktng $700. Cati 668-6424. Oct.21,81(H) AUTOMOILESI FOR SA.ELE 1988 CHEV MALIBIi SS, restored, over $6,000 invested, BF. Good- rtch TAs, 350 LT1, 4 speed, hasn't sean wtntor ln 7 yoors. Asking $4,200 or basf offer. Phono 668- 6424. N ov. 18.81 (H) 1972 IMPALA, 4 doar, good run- ning condition, not certIi ed. Asktng $395. Cali 571-3968 (Oshawa). Sep.16,81(P) 1972 PINTO, automatic with radiais, 25,000 miles on o rebultt motor, bady good, needa valves and seais, u.Jatnts. Asktng $400. Phono 668-8227. Oct .28,81(TM 1973 GRAN TORINO0 SPORT, 351, 4 barrai, gaugea, automatic trans- mission, floor ahlit, raiiy tires, bucketa, newiy paited. Asktng $2,000. Cali 655-3006. Sep.23,81 (S) 1974 DODGE CORONET, good runntng condition, can be cet- f lad. Aaking $400 or besi offer. Calil668-1564. Sep.9,81 (T) 1974 IMPERIAL LEBARON (4 door), excellant condition, tuiiy ioaded, white leather sosie, 54,000 miles of htghway dring. Aaking 33,500 f rm. Serlous buyers oniy. Catil 668-5220. Sep.16,81(H) 1975 DODGE MONACO ROYALE, new brakes, 51,000 original mlles, A-1 condition. Asking $1,705. Cali 68-7107. Nov.4,81(B) GET RID 0F IT NOW. Cali 668-6111 f0 pace your Emporium ad. ,BIG WHEEL' $13. Baby Carrier for aduit bike $7. Cati 668-2301. Sep. 16,81 (D) BABY FURNISHINOS i ITEMS. Crib , mattreas and drasa In orange & white, $125. Pisypen $35. Two waikars, $10 and $15. Two pottie chairs, $7 and $8. Baby back pack $10. High chair $15. Swing.O-Matic $15. Joity Jumper on a stand $20. Cali 668&2702. Sep.2,81(L) MOVING, MUST SELL - Blue & white Gendron baby carniage, like naw, $30. Colonial pine rocktng crIb, aoi, $25. Four-mn-ana anow suit (buntIng bag), peach color, like new, $12. Colapaibia high chair, 2 way, yeiiow mouided plastic seat & tray, fuiiy adjuat- able, chromo legs, vary aturdy, exc. cond., $25. Chiidron's ouf- door swing set, 5 place, exc. cond., $50. stroiler, blue vinyt seat &back, $10. Phono 668-8294. Nov,18,81(O) TWO EXTRA LONG Continental Twin Bada, $75 each. Coui 655-4793 affar 4 p.m. Oct .28,81(W) COUCH, 1 year oid, moche brown, modemn styiing, 8 fi. long, $300. Colt 668-0277. Sep.30,81 (A) STEREO, AMIFM 8 track buit in with turniabia, excellant condi- tion, $150. Reclinar $10. 26" Black & White TV $25. Doubla bed with headboard $75. Two pairs of drapos$40 and $30. Colt 668-0776. Aug.19,81(M) SELL YOU R U NWANTED ARTICLES NOW Use this handy f orm to mail ln your Emporium ad. I have read the Emporium guidelines above and wîsh to have the following ad- vertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. (dont forget ta Inctude your phono numnberi ci I enclose $6.00 to Cover the minimum charge. D Charge $6.(oO to my Visa account. n Bill me for $7.50 after f irst publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Ne w(peaeprnti Addrest City Postal Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby Li N 5S1 G~WOODS il glass top with chrome pedesiai base. 4 matching chairs, In good condition. Asking $275. Pole lamp with tri.iîght, $25. Cail 579.9880. Nov.1 1,81(C) RUG, 9 x 12, burni orange, good condition. Aaking $40. Cal666- 3M9. Sep.16,81(R) ADMIRAL 30" RANGE $200 and Admlrai 27" Drier $150. Bof h whitte, approx. 6 yrs. oid. Wooi broadioom rug with underpad, brown, 9' x 15', $100. Cali 668&7267. Oct.21,81<B) bîNîNG ROOM CORNER CABINET, tes wagon & hope cheat, ail In maple wood, $500. Royal Abert china set, 9 place set- tlng plus accessories, "ILavonder Rose", exc. cond., aaking 3650. Oct .21.81(M) ENGLISH PUB-STYLE COUClI maiching awivei rocker, green& goid plaid, Olelin fabric. Been scofch-guarded. Asking $325. An. tique wroughf Iron & brasa DOUBLE BED wlf h box apring, $210. Antique LOVE SEAT& mat- ching chair, blue & 'goid uphoiafery, $200. Set of dark pine 5' COFFEE TABLE & two round END TABLES, $130. Cali 668-8189. Sep.23,81 (9 TWO 30"l ECRU padded head- boards, $7 each. SmaiI outdoar pool pump $30. Bon Templ 1M0 organ, duel keyboard, 13 basa8 pedaîs, 10 rtiythma,'2-7%" speakers, headphone jack, auto chord, Mfoi, 3900. Cal068-8943. Sep.30,81 <C) ELECTRIC LAWNMOWER, Viking, $25. Smaii 5 buib black wrought Iron. chandelIer, $20. Mena amalimodtum, navy akidoo suit, like naw, $15. 10 cedar rails, $12.3 place white badroorn set, large dresser wtth mirror, socretary wtth drawors, Captain-stylo 4 post single bed, new mattrosa, $175. Swedish exrciser, $10. 31h long antique Mennonito church banch, $125. 3 bottes Easy Off carpot clooner, 2 botles Defoamner and 2 boutlas' Pre-Cleanor, $15 for lot. Phono 668-6294. Nov.18,81(O) LIVESOOK One Triumph Lanae Fox cutback SADDLE. Perfect condition, $450. Telaphona 655-4067. Aug.19,81(S) HACKNEY PONY MARE. Regtaterod, 49", 5 yeara otd. Bay with white markîngs. Haiter broke. Wouid mako excellent chiîd's saddie pony. Asking $400. Caîl 655-3006, Aug.19,81(R) 1975 HONDA 360 CBT, nooda bat- tory andi horn, low mleage. $60 as la, $700 wtth battary & horn. Five 165 SR15 MICHELIN ZX RADIALS, 15", $200 for f tva or $50 oach. Phono 668-3660. Ask for Ron or Lynn. Sep.16,8liG) 1I IN4STiE.4RUMENTS 1967 FENDER JAZZ basa gullar, very good condition, wtth hard casa, beautiful Instrument. Asking $850. Cati 668-1438 alter 5p.rn . Oct.28,81(K) ORGAN, 1979 Golanit F-20, duel kaybaard. bass pedals, 8 rhythm patterns, automatic & manuel chords, volume pedai & drum baf. Inctudos bench. Aaktng 31,300. Cati 668-0630. Aug.26,81 (T PETS & SUPPLIES ISLACK MANX wSTumpy cAT, ftomate, 1 Wa yaarsaid, vary amal. $1 or f re to good hornal. CaliC00& 1576. Aug.19,81IK) _______ I ~-., I I CORSPLIwES d maie, white witth tan markInga, registered. Asking $M5. Phono M-61626. Nov.1 1,81(U) STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER, 9 weeks oid, lemale. CKG regiafered. AakIng $300. Cali 66&3995.' Aug.19,81(R) TWO PUG PUPPIES, female, born Auguaf 18, biack-facOd lawn. Asking $225 each. Cal 6554487. Oct .7,81 (W) FOR SALE - Two pairs of Diamond Doves, $25 par pair. One pair of White Zebra Finches and one pair of Grey Zebra Finchea, $14 par pair. Phone »652461. Nov.4,81 (O) THREE KITENS, variety of colora, $2 each. Cati 685-3545. Oct .28,81(H) FLORIDA MOBILE HOME, 65' x 12', f uiiy furnIshed on lagoon, ren- ted lai, 3 bodrooma, 2 bat hrooms, centrai air conditioning. OnIy $12,000 Canadian, Cati 728-5338. Nov.4,81 (G) 1980 MASTERCOACH TRAILER, push-aut dining ase. Patd $13,803 asking $12,500 or besi ofler. To be sean ai 410 Roaaiand Road West, Whitby and f0 Inquiro cati 668-1880. Sep.16,81 (J) 17 FT. RAMBLER HOUSE TRAIL. ER, eiectric - gas frtdga, aleepa 6, t0110f, eiecfrtc brokes, complote wiih httch. Aaktng $2,500 or basf oflar. Phono 668-8344. Sep 16,81(V) HOCKEY EQUIPMENT, A-1 candi- lion. Cooper holmat, Bowar skates, pants, etbow pada, knoo pada, ahouider pada,' socka, giovea and hockey bag. For 12-14 year olds. Asking $80. Wiii soit separateiy. Colt 576-5710. Oct .7,81 (O) SKI POLES and one pair of Nor-. dico ski boots, suze 8, i n goad condition. AskIng $45. Cati 668- 5180. Oct .7.81(H) 120 ATTrACk-SWINGER SKIS, mode ln Austia, Soiomon-iook bindinga, Kofiach boots suze 7, like new, excellant condition. Aaking $200. Women's ski Jacket and pants, light blua, salz 12. Asking $50. Colt 683-9480. Sep.30,81 (B) Longth of skis 170 cr oid wooden chairs, tr ditton, aaking $25 ea 683-6638. rn. Aiso, tour n good con- ach. Phone Nov. 18,81(5) 'C991J ~ECHNICS AMIFM STEREO RECEIVER, 55 wafts par channel. 8 mantha oid, new $695, sai $375. Telefunken Topioad CASSETTE DECK, Dolby. naw $475, sali $150 or basf ot fer. Cati 666-3995. Oct.7,81(R) BOX TRAILER, 4 x 8, excellen"t condition. Asking $«0. Cail 723- 0394. Aug.26,81(S) 1975 CUSTOMIZED %/ TON TRUCK, 302 ngine, rd veivet n- lorior, AM/FM casefte plus Iota more, Cerflid, $3,000. Clt 668- 1585. Aug.26,81 (A) ARTICLES FOR SALE 1 1

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