Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 Nov 1981, p. 21

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WIIITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBÈER fi,_1981ý PAGE ol.I e CARPENTR'Y HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS M ETRO LI C. B-2554 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for GoId and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, Jewelery, dishes, furni- ture, crocks, ail paint- Ings and sealers. r Kicnenryw a rnic ~FR1 EN DLY JRooms, Cedar Decks FLEA MARKET and Patio Doors. 725-9783 FREE ESTIMATES 23 KING ST. W., CAIL 668-486 OSHAWA DENY'S RENO VATIONS Muster Rec rooms, bath rooms, Antennas "nd drywaîl, fencing, Colorotors for ail your home' Professionally Installed Improvements. - salles - Where quality pays, Repalire it doesn't cost. 576-5606 668-6667WHITE'S REACH MORE POTENTIAL CUSTOMER AD VERUS YOUR SERVICE UNDEIR "'CALL A PROFESSIONAL" The Whitb'y Free Press la the most widely road publication In the> Town of WhItby. The Whitby Free Pross la also circuiated ln Ajax, Pickering, Brook- lin, Myrtie, Ashburn and Port Porry. Vour advertisement wiii be read by over 70,000 potentiai customers. Our advertising rates are highiy competitive In both prico and audience. For more Information on piacing your ad under "cati A Profeas- ansi" cai the Ciassified Advertiaing Manager now at: 668-6111 I A VAl LAB LE j BY PROFESSIONALI INSTRUCTORI PHNE668-37ý4J BANKRUPTCIES are kiiting oraati businesses. if your printer lias gone oui of business we have a bonua for you. Cati Lou Dickbon et 683-196 for dtaits. WHITBY FABRICS Custom Sheers & Drapes WtALSO DO ALTERATIONS 215 Dundee St. E., WhltbY OPP PasI Office 668-4821 WE SERVICE ail mates and modela of typewritera. Dicteon Prlntng, 218 Harwood Ave. S., AjLx. 683- 1968. A HANDY REFERENCE BOOK **Grammar for people Who haie Grammai"*. Idel guIt for students or office worlrers. M5 per copy at Dcteon Printing, 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax. 063-1968 TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For Class A & D License Caîl PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 coltwfe hals acou elFr"s 1.800-268-9689 Day, Eve. & Sel. courses8 ADVERTISE your service in the nowspaper road by more Whitby residents than any other papor. Cati 668-611 (Whitby Free Press). c~N WATCH FOR the ickeon Prlnting Monthty Mailer. Fuit of humour and Information. Cai683-1968 for coes on advertislng space. DURHAM REGION LUNO ASSO- CIATION noeds your help to, fight omphysemna, asthma and iung can- cer. Boquosta or momnorial gits gratefully rocoived through any f unerai diroctor. FOUNO - Smail black and white cat wearing white colaer. Found soverai months ago in Whltby, Phone 668-0525. COLE - ln loving memory of the late Bill Cole, a dear husband, son, father and brother, who passed away one. year ago November 15. One year ago taday, Oh, how our hearts were crushed, When Gad took you, oh s0 quickly, And we aIl in gloom were thrust. In the bloom of, life, death claimed you, In the prime of man- hood days, What we would give if we could say, Hi Bill, ln the same old way. To hear your voice, to see your smile, To sit with you and chat awhileI We were nat there to see you die, Ta hoîd your hand or say goad bye, But we'll remember our whoie lives thraugh, The ast wards we had with you. Each Urne we see yaur picture, Yau seem ta smihe and say, Dan't cry 'm onhy sleeping, And we will meet again sameday, And neyer have ta part. - Sadly missed, lavingly remembered by mother, Irene; brother, Dave; sons and daughters, The Cale Family. COLE - In Ioving memory of Bill Cale, a dear hus- band, son, father and brother, who passed away one year ago November 15. I remember the nite I met you, And the day, God made you mine, You gave me strength, When lifes sorrow had me down. The happiness yau gave me, The children that we shared, Keeps you farever near me. The memaries yau left behind, Is what keeps me gaing on, Gad taak you home so suddenly, Na gaadbye's were ta be said. And if the world, Was mine ta give, I'd give it ail and mare, Ta see yaur smiling f ace, Caming thru the doar. May yau rest in peace, I N ESBITT The children of Doug- las and Stelha Nesbitt in- vite yau ta celebrate with themn the SOth Wedding Anniversary af their parents. Open house between 2 and 5.p.m. will' be heîd Saturday, Navem- ber 21 at the Braoktin Masonic Hall. We believe that the loving memaories they have shared with you, their f riends, would be the most treasured guif they could receive. There- fore, we request that there be no gifts. WARTICLES FOR SALE HAND CARVEO, solld cedar, kit- chen set. 5' table, 2 Captaîns chairs, 4 rogutar chairs. $750. Phone 668-3980 af ter 6 p.m. NEW à U8ED Office Furniture at big savînga. We have a warehouse, full ln Ajax. Dickson Printing, 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, 08-1968. 2"F'STORM DOORS Tri pl1e seal ed 5 colars - 4 styles $1 69.'050 Installed & Guaranteed. Also economical and energy efficient storm and replacement ther- mal windaws and en- closures. FREE ESTIMATES. Durham Glass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 sWvARTICLES 7FORSAIEALE FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Very reasonable rates. No order too smali or too large. Cail now for pick-up or deiivery. 416-985-7425 or 705-324-0197. RADIO CONTROL EQUIPMENT for sale. 5 channel and 3 channel. Cali 655-3638 after 5 p.m. - ask for Doug. SWIMM!NG POOL CLOSE-OUT Ali 1981 stock W111 be sold at a fraction of the regular seîhing price. Most sizes ln stock. Easy terms available. Free delivery. Caîl tol f ree: 1-800-268-5970 Toronto: 1-416.746.3340 PAIR 0F Steel Beltod Radiai Snow Tires, Sheil Polar G.R. 78-15, with whoels, asking $130. Aiso spiral steel double brass bed spring. Phono 668-9552. PUBLIC AUCTION - Every Monday and Thursdlay night buy or soit at 1614 Chartes Street, Whitby.. Fur- nituro, glass, china, tools, howolry, coins and 80 on. Ail consIgn- monts woicomo. Bill Wanns- maker, Auctioneor, 666-3731 days, 668-8403 evoninga. ROLLER SKATES, Dominion Precision, black, size 8, worn twice, $55. Cati 666-3041. KELVINATOR Side-By-Side FridgelFreezer, aimond and blackr, 19 cu. fIt, $650. Floral chesterfioid & chair; stroiler, antique sewing machine. Phono 668-9837. UTORSAI.ELES 1975 GRAN TORINO, recentiy cer- tif ied, askng $1,000. Phone 668- 3980 at ter 6 p.m. 1976 ASPEN STATION WAGON, power brakes and steering, roof racks, dlean and certitied. $2.400 or bosi offer. Phone 686-3270. ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS ELECTROLUX REQUIRES1 two fuil-time and two part-time salespeople in the Whitby area for sales and service ta the public. Cali: 668-1504 INSIDE SALES, person wlth know- iedge of printlng and forma, large arses f rm, saary. P.O. Box 561, Whitby, Ontarlo. I P0POTIITIIl LOSING THE BUDGET RACE ? Choose your own hours to earn extra Income at home. Ii's pleasant, profitable work and wo show you howt Cail for appoint- ment: D & S Enterprises 666-3475. ~IFFOR RENU TYPEWRITERS for ranI, manuel and electric, by the weekend, month or week. Dickson PrintIng, 218 Harwood Ave. S.,.Ajax, 683. OFFiUc IN ONEI Comomntun dosk and fMing cabinet, new but scratch and dent In manufacture. Lees than $100. Dickson Prtnting, 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, 6n3 1968. PUBL-C AUCTION - Every Monday and Thursday niglit buy or seli ai 1614 Charles Street, Whitby. Fur- niture, glass, china, tools, Jeweiry, coins and so on. Ail consign- monts weicome. Bill Wanna- maker, Auctioneer, 666-3731 days. 668-8403 ovenings. HOUSEKEEPER PART TIME, for Whltbyhome, 868-1145 or beave message ai 668-1251. THIS 13 YGUI CHANCE 10 earn hlgh commissions by selling an exclusive, unique and distinctive product that ls not sold ai retail. Discover how f0 become a member of this lucrative group. Cati 416-883- 0552 or write to: The House of Harwood, 91 Station Street, Unit 6, Department 101, Ajax, Ontario, LIS 3H2. CHID3 CRE 1 WILL BABYSIT in MY' homean y age. Phone 668-669. BILINGUAL DARE CARE In my home. Serve lunch. Cali 666-2964. LOVING DAYCARE In my home for Infante and toddlors. Experlencod, Pringlo croek ares. cati 668-9479. SINGLE GIRL iookIng for spart- ment to rent ln Whitby. Around $200 per monih. Phono 655-4289. (!IRTMENTS/ (I CCONDOSFOR RENT BACIIELOR M*AR1mmiNIwilh fireplace, on Highway 2. Phono 244-3471. FREE RENT availabie for female In exchange for light housekeeping dulies ln iuxury 2 bedroomn con- dominium. 'Many oxtras Including central heat and air conditioning, indoor pool, sauna, exorcise room, party room, etc. Oshawa area. To inquire please telephone 576-5794. CLEAN MOurmi t rru..ton ground f loor ii uuwfltowf vvnit- by. 400 sq. fi. Contact AI Kirby 668-666&. Please check your ad for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be hiable for failure 10 publish an ad, or for typographie or other errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the f irst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right 10 chassify or reject aIl advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper one day before they can be changed or cancelled. RATES: $406 for 20 words if biled; 12e each additionah word. Pre-paid insertion oi 20 words $3.50; additioriaî words lie each. You may charge your Cîassified Ad to yOUr Chargex or Visa Account and receive the discount on the prIce ai your ad. Please have your Visa Card ready when caîing. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12c each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 12e each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 29e per line. (No word ads aîlowed). BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available aI an addiionaî charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press whiI make every en- deavouri cept no1 throughf ta forward replies ta box numbers, however, we ac- liabiîity regarding loss or damage alîeged 10, arise failure or dehay in forwarding such replies. We wilI nol be responsible for box number replies not calîed for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon pridr ta publication 10 in- sert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111l QUIT SMOKING - oit - LOSE WEIGHT N ONE ENJOYABLE SESSIONII Leave In a total relaxed state without the usual withdrawal symptoms. Reglstered Psychologist, Aubrey Millard, offers his 98% proven and exciting method, using relaxation and hypnotherapy on the subcon- scious mind. Learn to be a more reîaxed; more confident and more self -assured VOU 1!H COME IN AND LISTEN TO THE FIRST HOUR FREE. HOLIDAY INN 1011 B loor St. E., Oshawa SUJNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 SMOKING - 1.-3 P.M. WEIGHT CONTROL - 3 -5 P.M. FEE - $50. PER PERSON -certifiled cheques accepted. This fee includes a'relaxation cassette tape. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL 725-80571 Laboratorv Tochalclun $9.46 per hour The MINISTRY 0F HEALTH, Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, seeks an individual to perform a wide variety of biochemistry and haematology proce- dures. This is a part-time position. Location:. Whitby. Qualifications: Preferably registration with the Canadian Society of Laboratory Technologists or the Institute of Medical Laboratory Technologists. Please submit application quoting file HL 25-68181 by November 25, 1981;, ,to: .Mlnistry of Health, Regional Personnel Administrator, Human Re- sources Branch, Box 613, Whitby, Ontario, LUN 5s9. Equality of Opportun ity for Employment. ®55Ontarlo Ontario Public Service-

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