Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 Nov 1981, p. 20

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PAGE '-0, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1981, WIIITBY FREE PRESS Free P>ress Emrporiumn EmpoiumAds wuiI only be occepted subject to the following Conditions. ialARTICLES FOR SALE BOYS' 2-WHEEL I good condition. Aski 66&-5180. NIEW RADIO CONTF, aat truck*, retailinç S22.96, now aI epo B.M.W. $2; B.M.W. M,0 Ferrar G.T. $40, $40 Mazda RX7 $78; $100. Cati after 5 P.m LADIES FUR COK trlmmed with Blue F asking $50. Ceit ati 6780. LUNDY DOLL HOU made, 3 floors, fuIiya lurniture, nearly new, & white ACA 26" tele nul cabinet, $75. Cali( CHAIN LîNK FENCE, long, compete top re post. Asking $40. Cali SWEDISH steel arh acreen, 41v'h" x 31" SWEDISM steel recta place acreen, 36" widE $30. CaIl571-3471. LADIES MINK PAWI size 12)14, top cond price $35. Cail 655,48 MARY KAY Showcase Supplies. Aking $80 fer. Cati 668-4744. NEW OUTBOARD Mi Clinton, $250. Seven containers, army type Oriental rug, 9 x 10, $« reel tape $200. Elect Cati 579-4049. PINBALL MACHINE,« excellent working con model, single ployer.j Colt 576-2091 allter 6 p. DIAMONO ENGAGEI aimoat new. Appri $445. Price negotiîl 263-8025. AIR.TIGHT WOOD STOVE, Fermer, Ran( door, hets 2,000 sq.f excellent condition. 668-8189. ELECTRîC WATERe gallon. ln good condl $50. Phono 668-4686. CONTINENTAL radii Volkswagofl Rabbit, r many, TS771-175170, 588.40 each, witt seitl Votkswagon RabbltT new, $55.50, wiil sou i D00 Travelling Cage cellent babysitter. cc witi seit for $40.C evenings only please. HOOVER HAIR DRIE cure $2M. Lady Shick $20. Vivitar Bloc Eniarger $90. Club(i $100. Macramai Bassinet $5. Woode $10. Cal 668-7546. 1808 FORD T-BIRD, 41 80% retored, 9.2,5( asking 52,000 or be SPEED DbAT, 1947 tique, ant 0f a I nrecdng, $4,5W tii-m C-4-2. new erigine, ru end, cîutch, pffiB macler cylinder Wh* enow plougll equip tii-m. W111 trame for wth frant end1 CHRYSLER OUTIOA exCwiint condition, 8 vlet aI131 Che~nSt. phonie 06-3MB7. BICYCLE, ln ing $25. Colt Oct.7,8 1(H) IOLLED cars ig M.95 ta >ecial prices. wIth eound 18 Wheeîer iMona G.T. O80-2510. Nov.4,81(H) kT, Muaki-at Fox, size 10, tr 6 p.m. 668- Sep.23.81 <B) ISE, German eiectric, with $100. Black evision, wai- 655-4917. Oct.28,81(R) 5' high, 30' rails and end Il 666-3995. Sep.16,81(R) ted1 freplace Ihigh, $70. angutar lire- e x26" high, Sep.30,81(W) S JACKET, idition. Firm 627. Nov.4,81(R) e & Busineat 0 or beat of- Aug.26,81(J) OTOR, Ship 5-galion gas e, $15 each. 175. Reei-to- tric fan $20. Oct.21 .81(A) Travel Time, ndition, older AskIng $300. .M. Nov.4,81 <R) MENT RING. aised veluee able. Phone Aug.26,81 (S) BURNINO cher, double fi.,2 yrs. oid. $380. Cati Sep.23,81 (F) HEATER, 60 ilion. Asking Sep.2,81(F) ai tires for made In Ger- SR13. New for $100 pair. Trouler HiIch, for $35. Large with tray. ex. Dast $60 new, Cali 662815 Oct.28,81 (G) R with meni- kFacial, new, k & White Chair, swivei, FORORASAELE_ GENDRON BABY CARRIAGE, converta 10 car bed & strolier, brushed burgundy material, $80. Bar aoils 3), orange swlvei, higli back, $18 each. Maternity ciothea, aize 10, $100 for lot. Boys Bauar skates. size 0O, $12. Boys 18" bicycle, needa repaira, $15. Cal 668-7007. Sep.30,81<S) la8- 61 ROUND CEDAR POSTS. sharpened. Aaso rted sizes rom; 3" - 5,' topa. $1.75 each. BRASS PIREPLACE SCREEN, Like new 1$15. Biack FIREPLACE SCREEN, good condition, $8. 36" x 12" x 10" AQUARIUM, $15. Antique SPOOI. TABLE $70. Caleveninga 579-6929. Aug.12,81<G) 45 RECORDS, Rock & roll from the '50s ta the laie '70a. Over 2,000 records. $1,5W0 for lot. SOFA, green 3-seater, $75. LOVE SEAT, contemporary style, back & white, $65. OIL PAINTING, Reynods, harbor acene, suit contemporary or modern living room grouping, original oil & canvass, $65. PANA- SONIC STEREO SYSTEM with 2 speakers and record changer $95. Two Telefunken SPEAKERS, 3 way, new, rated for 60 watts rms, $150 for pair. Custom PINE BAR with serving counter and preparation counter, worth over $800, asking $485. Open CURIO CABINET, walnut, storage com- partment at bottom, $50. DRAPES, Royal blue, gold and white design, lined, 96" length x 12' width, $95 for pair. 9 x 12 ORIENTAL RUQ, Royal blue, gold and white design 10 match curtains $125. OUT- DOOR PLANTS and shrubs and plantera, 1½2wine barreis, from $10 to $25. Hastings RINGS & BEARINGS for 302 Ford engine, new, $80 for lot. Cal 668-4725. Sept.9,81(D) MUGE TARP, 20 x 30, vinyl coating, like new, $45. Eiectric cir- cular sew sparks) $5. Large L- shaped arborite kitchen counter- top, green marbie, brand new, $25. Steel kitchen sink, $10. Antique wainut chiffoniere, needa refin- lshing, $50. copper bolier, $25. Birdcage on brasa f loor stand, $25. Colonial sofa bed $35. Colonial pote iamp, like new, $45. Matching awag (amp $35. Griliwork for alum. storm door, full size, very orna- mental, $10. Foam mattreas block, double, brand new, $20. Recliner chair with bulit-In heater-vibrator, green fabrlc uphotatery, like new condition, $99. Modern pole lamp $10. Westinghouse portable dish- washer, Coppertone, needa minor repair, $50. GE. canister vacuum cleaner $20. Hoover vacuum $15. Oultted satin orange bedspread, double, $7.50. Two sets af shortie drapes compiete wth matchlnig valences, new condition, $10. Two sets of long green drapes for 45"' wide windows, $5. Cati68-7404. Nov.4,81(T) 26" FRANKLIN STOVE wth acreen, $100 as la. Cai 725-5624. Nov.1 1.81(M) GET RID of old skeletons ln your closet, garage or wherever with an Emporium Ad. Cali 668-6111 now 10 seli your unwanted articles test. ~APPIECS FORRSASELE "N"S Aeapo.1 er PLEASE READ WIoen the advartlsed Item la soid, disposed of, or unavailable for whatever reason, the Item deemed 10 have been sold and a commission wIli be charged besed on THE ADVERTISED Pf Ilustrated beiow, regardiesa if price la stated wth "beat of fer". If the Item la NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wIti be run for 3 MONTHS and e MINIMUM CI of $6.00 will appiy Payable ln advance of publication of the f iraI ad. Otherwise a $7.50 charge ply If billied which muat b. paid upon recelpt. The aboya minimum chargea wIli be appiied tot commission due but ln any case the higher emount witl be charged. Minimum charge: $6.001p $7.50 biled. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ait advertisements must be pîaced on an ex bals wth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atleast one month If not soid. RATES <If article lea old): 6% ai advertlaad price up ta 540.00 2% of balance over EXAMPLE: SoId Item advertîsad for $120.00. CommIssion due $4.00 <minimum charge la i PrIvale advertising onlyl Pisase notIfy the Whltby Free Press Immediateiy when Item sa soit we mey delete il f rom the foîiowlng Issues. Ail ada nol fIttlng the Emporium guidelinet treated and charged per week as reguier closait led ada on a pre-paid basis such as: servici wented, ciothIng, rosi estete, and personal message type ada, or ada not quottng price orq PrIvate closait ted ada may appear In the Emporium section under appropriate headInga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWîSE SPECIFîED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whltby, LIN 5S1 Il1ln doubt cati: 668-6111 OR DELIl 131 Brac Whit THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE L FRIDAY PREVIUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. AUTOMOBILES ANOMOTIV1 FOR SALE 1 PIR/PARTS]CLE 1972 IMPALA, 4 do< ning condition, fi Asking $395. Ci (Oshawa). 1972 PINTO, auto radiais, 25,000 mites motor, body good, r and seats, u-joints.4 Phone 688-8227. 1973 GRAN TORINO 4 barret, gauges, auti mission, Itoor shift, buckets, newty pair $2.000. Cati 655-3006. 1974 D000E COR( running condition, c lied. Asking $400 ar Cati 688-1 564. 1974 IMPERIAL Li doori. excetiont cor toaded, white leather mites of highway dri $3.500 f irm. Serlous Col l668-5220. 1976 DOOGE MONA' new brakes, 51,000 ai A-i condition. Askiný 668-7107. 1977 MONTE CARLO, barrel with t-roof, s% seats, puise wipers, troi, white exterior, tar G60 Frestone SS around. ln excel Asking $4200 or bee 668-0130 and ask for S or, good run- FOUR 13" SUPER LUG MAGS, 4 ot certif led. boit Chev, $175. Three Uniroyat ýait 571-3968 RWL BR7813 TIRES $120. Cati 666-3096. Sep.16,81(P) Aug.19,81(C) matic with iIEAR WINDOW for Dodge th tan on a rebulit truck. New. Fils year 1975-80. needs valves Asktng $25. REAR CHROME Asklng $400. BUMPER for 12 ton truck. New. Asking $50. Cait 668-7960. Oct.28,81(T) Aug.19,81(L) SPORT, 351, TWO ER78-14 RADIAL SNOW omatic rans- TIRES mounted on twa AMC ratty ýraîîy tires, wheels, $110 or best of fer. Two nted. Asking DR78-14 RADIAL TIRES (raised white letters) Firestone 721 steel Sep.23,81(S) beited tires mounted on AMC roliy - wheels, $160 or beat offer. Ait four DNETgood tires witt seti for $325 or beat of fer. -an E, good Please cati 686-1886 between 2 ir bst ofer. p.m. and 10 p.M. Ait tires ike new. r bet ofer.Sep.23,81(D) Sep.9,81(T) ýEBARON (4 B B idition, futly seats, 54,00 N ED îbuyers onty. 'BIG WM EEL' $13. Baby Carrier for adutt bike $7. cati 668-2301. Sep. 16,81 (H) Sep.16,81(D) CO ROYALE, BABY FURNISHINGS & ITEMS. riginat mles, Crib , mattreas and dres n ig 1,705. Cail orange & white, $125. Ptoypen $35. Two waikers, $10 and $15. Nov.4,81(B) Two pallie chairs, $7 and $8. Baby - bock peck $10. High chair $15. ý305 cu. ln., 2 Swing-O-Matic $15. JolIy Jumper mivei bucket on a stand $20. Cali 668-2702. ,cruise con- Sep.2,81(L) tn interior and radiais ail NEED EXTRA MONEY? Seil your lent shape. unwanted articles wth an adver- si offer. cati tisement ln the Emporium Section Steve. of the Whtby Free Press. Cati 668- Oct.28.81(G) 6111 now. 50$ BLUENOSE STAIW condition, original gIL all bardera Intact. Cati 668-6424. MACKNEY PONI Regiatered, 49", 5 ye with white markIngs.i Woutd moke excetl saddie pony. Aaking 655-3006. One Triumph LofeF SADOLE. Perfect cor Tetephone 655-4067. TWO EXTRA LONG Twin Beds, $75 each. aller 4 p.m. COUCH, 1 year oid, n modemn sîyiing, 8 fi Calil 668-0277. DîNETTE SET, mou glass top with chroi base, 4 matching ch. condition. Asking $27 with tri-tight, $25. Call GET RIO 0F IT NOW. t0 place your EmparL nwill be RICE as MARGE a wili ap- the final pre-pald, xciusive r SM.00 14.00) d s0 that a wilI be :es, help quantlty. IVER TO: )ck St. N. Iby, Ont. ,MP, excellent lue, flot used, Asking $700. Oct.21 .81 CH> IY MARE. eara old. Bay , alter broke. lent child'a ýg $400. Call Aug.19,81 (R) Fox cutback ndition, $450. Aug.19,81(S) 1Continental Cal i 655-4793 Oct.28,81(W> nocha brown, Llong, $300. Sep.30,81 <A) nd smoked me pedestai iairs, ln good 75. Pote lamp 1579-9860. Nov. 11,81 (C) cati 668-6111l um ad. SELL YOUR UNWANTED ARTICLES NOW Use this handy f orm to mail ln your Emporium ad. 1 have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the following ad- vertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. ________________________________________(dont forget t0 include your phone number) E? I enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. C Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. M I Ej Bill me for $7.50 after f irst publication of myTO ad. O Card No. Exp. Dat*eHIB Nae(pleasa prifit) F E R S ____________________P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. City PW Code Whltby Li N 5S1 IUS HIILIIPETS&I ~~GOODS SUPPLIES RUG, 9 x 12, burnt c condition. Aaking $4 3995. ADMIRAI 30" RANG Admirai 27" Drier white, approx. 6 yrs broadioomn rug wliC brown, 9' x 15', $100. C DINING ROOM CABINET, tee wagi cheat, ail In mapte Royal Albert china sel ting plus accessoriel Rose", exc. cond.,j Col 666-2071. ENGLISM PUB-STYLI matchIng swivel roci goid lplaid, Olefinf scotch.guarded. Askii tique wrought Iror DOUBLE BED with $210. Antique LOVE ching chair, blut uphoistery, $200. Sel 5' COFFEE TABLEi END TABLES, $130.C STEREO. AMIFM 8 t with turntabie, exci lion, $150. Recliner $ & White TV $25. Dot headboard $75. T, drapes $40 and $30. ( TWO 30"1 ECRU pý boards, $7 each. S pool pump $30. Bor organ, duel keyboi pedais, 10 thytin speakers, headphon, chord, at, $900. C4 PINE ANTIQUE DR Scandinavian cheste ching chair $100. Me table $20. Stove, dot yrs. aid, goid & blacl sewing machine tabif fui custom-made drapery, 2 yrs. oid, be modemn amp tables, Childa' skates $1 shelves, hait size, $,' tique vases $10 each. vacuum cleaner $20. glass table and 4 c yeilow, $50. Three big tures $30. Colt (Whit mornlng or night. SAILS/1 1975 MONDA 360 CB tery and horn, low r as la, $700 wlth bai Five 185 SR15 Mli RADIALS, 15", $200 f, each. Phone 668-31 Ron or Lynn. range, good go. Calil6&6 Sep.16,81(R) 3E $200 and $150. 801h soid. Wooi h underpad, a11 668-787 Oct.21,81(B) CORNER lo & hope wood, $500. t, 9 place set. s, "Lavender asking $850. Oct.21 .81(M) ýE COUCH & ýker, green & tabric. Been Ing $325. An- si & brasa box spring, SEAT & mat- e & gotd tof dark pine &~ two round Cali 668-8189. Sep.23,81(F) track built ln etient condi- 10. 26" Black ubte bed wlth rwo pairs of Cal t 668-0776. Aug.19,81(M) )added head. mail outdoor n Tempi 1980 Rrd, 13 basa ima, 2-7W' ie jack, auto *Il 668-943. Sep.30,81 (C) IESSER $75. field & mat- atching wood ubie oven, 7-8 -k, $100. Pine le $25. Beauti- livingroom i1ge, $75. Two ;beige, $20. 0. Bamboo 20. Three an- Fiiter Queen Summer Iron hairs, bright gmodemn pic. ýtby) 576-7384 Nov.1 1,81<0) T, neede bal- ,nileage. $600 tery & horn. ICHELIN ZX for f ive or $50 l660. Ask for Sep. 16,81(G) TMAEE KITTENS,ý varlety of colore, $2 each. Caîl 656.3545. Oct.28,81 <H) STAFFOROSHIRE BULL TERRIER, 9 weeks aid, femate. CKC regiatered. Asking $30. Cati 66-3995. Aug.19,81(R) TWO PUG PUPPIES, femnale, born Auguat 18, bîack-faced fawn.' Asking $225 eech. Cati 655-4487. Oct.7,81(W) FOR SALE - Two pairs of Diamond Doves, $25 per pair. One pair of White Zebra Finches and one pair aI Grey Zebra Finchea, $14 per pair. Phone 668-2461. Nov.4,81 (0) R[C'IOL FLORIDA MOBILE HOME, 65' x -12', fuliy furnished on lagoon, ren- ted lot, 3 bedrooma, 2 bethrooms, centrai air conditioning. Oniy $12,00Canadien. Cati 728-5338. Nov.4,81(G) 1980 MASTERCOACH TRAILER, push-out dining area. Paid $13.803 - asking $12,500 or beat offer. To be seen et 410 Roslend Road Weat, Whttby and 10 Inquire cail 668-1880. Sep.16,81(J) 17 FT. RAMBLER MOUSE TRAIL. ER, eiectric - gos f rtdge, aleepa 6, tollet, eIectric brakea, complote with hitch. Asklng $2,500 or beat cifer. Phone 668-8344. Sep.16,81(V) SPORTIN HOCKEY EQUIPMENT, A-I condi- tion. Cooper helmet, Bower skates, ponts, eîbaw pada, knee pada, shouider pada, socks, gioves and hockey bag. For 12-14 year aida. Aeking $80. Wilt seli separatey. Cati 576-5710. Oct.7,81 (D) SKI POLES and one pair aI Nor- dica ski boots, size 81h, In good condition. Asking $45. Catil6M8- 5180. Oct.7,81(H) 120 ATTACK.SWINGER SKIS, made In Austria, Solomon-iook bindinga, Koftach boots size 7, like new, excellent condition. Aaking $200. Women'a ski jacket and ponts,lilght blue, aize 12. Asking $50. Cati 683-9480. Sep.30,81 (B) TURN YOUR ARTICLES INTO CASH. An ad under the Whitby Free Press Emporium Section wil seti almoat anything for you.. cars, boats, TV's, fumnîture, pianos uneu natte.#ha lle, la onela.eu'â1 668-6111 now for fturther detaila. MIIUhi 1 tU LI- YINSTRUMENTS (,jSTEREOI 1967 FENDER JAZZ boss guitar, r" *QIiP E dJ very good condition, with hard CECHNICS AMIFM STEREO case, beautifut instrument. Asking RECEIVER, 55 watts pet channel, $850. Cati 668-1436 eft1er 5 p.m. 6 montha otd, new $695, seil $375. Oct.28,81(K) Tetelunken Toploud CASSE -- DECK, Dolby, new $475, seit $150 ORQAN, 1979 Gatanti F-20, duel or beat of fer. Cai 666-3995. keyboard, boss pedats, 8 rhythm Oct.7,81(R) patterns, autoMatic & manuel __--_______ chords, volume pedet & daim beoat. Oneil 66830. Akn 130 Aug.26,81(T) BOX TRAILER, 4 x 8, excellent condition. Asking $400. Cati 723- SUPPLIESAug.26,81(S) B L C A Xs U P Y C AT1,E fuemait. 1 ½ yecrs aid, very amati. $1 or free ta good home. Ccii 668- 1578. Aug.19,81<K) COCKER SPANIEL, 14 weeks old, mate, white wîth tan markings. registered. Asking $350. Phone 8861626. FOIR SALE 1975 CUSTOMIZIED % TON TRUCK, 302 angine, rmd velvet ln. terior, AMIFM cassette plus lots more. C-ertified, $3.000. Caili 68- 1585. Aug-26,81(A) 1 1 1 NOV.11,81(u) ý -- 1 1 1

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