PAGE 22, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 28,19Q8 1, W[IITBY FREE PRESS Whitby Free Press...* ENTER TAIN MENT .,With Barry Murkar Simon co medy f irst WTC play By MICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staff 0f al of t.he thinga people laugh at, the most popular subject is probably humnan rela- tions. And that is somnething that the Whitby Theatre Company will, attempt to prove as they put on their production of Neil Simon's hit comedy "Chapter Two. " According to director Dennis Empson, the play is slightly bio- graphical' in nature. It concerns George Schneider, played by veteran amateur actor Jim Cheyne, who has just returned to his home after a trip to Europe that was intend- ed to help him put his life back together after the death of his wife. As it happens Schneider has a fun loving and slightly lech- erous brother, Leo (played by D'Arcy Smyth) who tries to in- troduce him to various women whose reputa- tions could be con- sidered doubtful. By accident, Schneider caîls one of the women on his brother's iist, Jennie Port Perry Bulletins continue d CONTINUED FROM PAG E 20 . UPCOMING CHURCH EVENTS The Catholie Church Hall is where the fun wiil be. On October 31 from 12 to 3 p.m. there wili be a lun- cheon and bazaar. KIDS' CORNER The Christmas contest is coming to an end! You have until December 3 to enter if you are under 13 years of age. Just write a letter on what you think Christmas is. Mail it to Barbara Vansickler, Box 12, Group 3, R.R. 3, Port Perry, Ontario, LOB iNO. You stili have time to win from $5 to $15. Items for this column may be left at the Port Perry Pet Shop or phone 985-3457. WELCOME BACK FROM THE WILDERNESS A safe welcome home to Bill Kendry from al of Port Perry. Wj/nt to buy a Rabbit? Thou Shait Not Steal We WiI1 Give You a ... DEAL COMPETITIVE LMAING AVAILALE Malone who is played by Gail Cheyne. This telephone eall resuits in a whirlwind romance and marriage. However, Leo attempts to interfere in the ro- mance by trying to con- vince Jennie that George is flot yet ready to re-marry. But they do get maried and that's where the trouble begins. There are fights and arguments and George walks out. According to Empson, the play is reaiiy abou the play is really about how Simon met his second and current wife, Marsha Mason. Simon's first wife did die and he wrote the play especialiy for w - - Mason who won an AP-a- demy Award nomina- tion for the screen ver- sion in which she starred with James Caan. Empson said that "Chapter Two" is 75 per cent comedy and 25 per cent drama and has in it some of the best material Simon ever wrote. "The play is autobio- graphical," Empson said. "George Schneider is his alter ego, with some minor changes. " "This play has some depth. " Empson should be familiar to Whitby Theatre Company pa- trons because of his por- trayal of Beckett in "Beckett". This is his first direction job for the cfompany. The play is being pre- sented at the theatre in the Centennial Building on November 5, 6, 7 and 12, 13 and 14 with an 8 p.m. curtain time. A special performance for senior citizens will be given on November 5 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $4 for Thursdays and $5 for Fridays and Saturdays. A "meet-the-cast" rec- eption will be held after each Friday and Satur- day performance in the Regal Room. Being passingly fami- liar with the play, the writer would urge theatre goers to take in the stage version even if they have seen the movie. Hardcover Sale October 28, 29, 30, 31 5 OFF 2 5/oREGULAR PIE Hardoover Books Novels, Reterence, Biographies, Classios, ChildYen's Books, Regular Prices start at 25c 674 Vo" ee«e4t 800K EXOHANGE 120 Dundas St. W. WhlItby 666-2442 * IEAHOCS CABLE READY TV!. * NO CON VERTER NEEDED * 105 CHANNEL CAPABILITY * 3 YEAR FULL WARRANTY " ELECTRONICTUNING " COMPUTER SPACE COMMAND 2500 REMOTE CONTROL " ON SCREEN CHANNEL NUMBER AND Ti ME DISPLAY SALE 1 7 0 PRICE I.- TWO NAMES YOU SHOULDN'T FORGET and FALCON T.V. SALES - REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES BLAIR PARK PLAZA 100 LUPIN DRIVE, WHITBY 668-6060 OSHAWA 426 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-0011 FAMILY VUDEO LUBRANYLUS NOVEMBER SPECIAL 1 VIDEO PLAYER i MOVIE 1 DAY 120 EXTRA MOVIES 53.110 EACH MON., TUE., WED. ONLY DEPOSIT REQUIRED MON. - FR1. 10:00 -9:00 SAT. 10:00 - 6:00 212 King St. E. Oshawa 433-1116 SPECIAL ALL TV SERVICE CALLSj WITH THIS AD. I0NLY1£50 1 qIRF7:7ý -Umm,