WIIITBY FRIEE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1981, PAGE 13 CEDSS kiunched.... Durha sehool s ystem to get revilew The Durham Board of Education has launched a $43,000 study of its operations that is expec- ted to resuit in changes to the school system and j help shape its develop- ment during the 1980's. During the next two weeks, the board will distribute some 81,000 pamphlets to every household in Durham Region as welI as to pubic and high schools. The pamphlet outlines the three stages of the project, entitled "Co- operative Evaluation and Development of School Systemns" or CEDSS, and asks for in- put from taxpayers, stu- dents, teachers, trustees and ad- ministrators. The topics for review are to be set from the answers received from the pamphlet, which in- cludes a tear-off sheet that can be returned to the board. According to a board staff report, the purpose of CEDSS is "to identify and build upon the posi- tive aspects of our educational system while responding equally to areas of The general objec- tives of the review are to review: the goals of education as defined by j the Ministry of Education, the board and schools, the relationships between teachers, students, parents and other offi- cials as well as to review curriculum mnagement and pro- grm areas. Weare anticipating massve public interest jet"according to pro- ject co-ordinator Chuck Powers, "and we're already gearing up to handie the thousands of replies which will start pouring in to neighbour- hood school offices. " "'Replies are requested before November 13, but we expeet thousands of replies in the first few days 50 we can &et star- ted on the sorting and collating operations." The review process will concentrate on the most widely identified areas of concern. CEDSS is being un- dertaken by the Durham board in con- Thme eazy way to fnd à abuyer for tems Vou. ~l nto s.I-sa *CLASSIFIEO AD 1CALL SS4II11 WHITSY FREE PRESS -board "CEDSS is not the first review projeet in Durham, merely the most comprehensive. " The statement said, "the Durham board decided it would like an evaluation of the quality of education being of- fered, would like to know what improve- ments the community served by the board s! would like, and will use the resuits for long range planning in our communities." Over the last few years, the board has conducted reviews in the areas of sexual stereotyping, guidance services, junior math- ematies and family life education. The project is also 9 . FREE! "*National Waterbed, "YoulIl love it* T-shirts wlth every purchase. " National Waterbed "VoulI1 love it- Bumper Stlckers (wh le supplies last). " Waterbed demonstration to show you how easy it Is to enjoy a National Waterbed. I - I (Ný MARY ST HWY #2 OSHAWA -01 HWY #401 ________ being supported by three teachers' federa- tions operating in the Durham board District 17 of the Ontario Secon- dary School Teachers Federation (OSSTF), and the Durham Women and Durham Men teachers' federations. Bruce Cornwall, spokesman for the federations, said he hopes the teachers will provide input into the work of the committees that wiIl be formed. "CEDSS is a fine example of conscien- tious planning of the Durham Board," Corn- wall said. "The board trustees are to be ad- mired for their willing- ness to commit con- siderable resources to COLONIAL STYLINO in a 6-piece suite The New London Collection by Laguna features hlghlighted honey walnut finish. Suite includes bed, hi boy chest, 6-drawer dresser, hutch mirror and rnightstand. 5P~ REGULAR $3,149. s Ir this exercise in long range planning, and their willingness to ac- cept and react to the brickbats and slams that will inevitably pour in along with the thousands of more posi- tive suggestions. "It is part of the price that must be paid to ad- vance 'Togetherness in the Eighties. "' The board's staff responsible for the CEDSS process antici- pates that the resuits of the review will caîl for such things as a strate- gy for increased public awareness of the educa- tion systemn, improved communications prac- tises and direction for curriculum revision and development. SUNBURST Sunshine at a Bargain Price! Warrn rich walnut look in a 4-poster bed. s! 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