PAGE 12, WIDNISDAY, CITOBER 28, 198 1, WIIITB'i FREELPRESS Henry Street Hawks preparing for LOSSA finals By SHIARON CAMERON Hlenry Street IH.S. Who has the best foot- ARTHUR SUGARMAN Mr. L.J. (Joe) Dlckson, prosîdent of Dckson Prlnting and Office SupplIes,'Is pleased to announce the. ap- poîntment of Mr. Ar- thur Sugarman to the sales staff of the Durham Reglon f irm. Mr. Sugarman has a broad background of business experlence and wilI be utîlîzîng thîs experlence lm- medîately ln advertls- Ing sales. bail teams in Whitby? If you had attended the Anderson football field on October 15, you would know the answer. Both the junior and senior Henry Hawks won their games and the Mayor's Cup for vet another year. The senior football teams headed off the exciting afternoon. From the start it was Henry Street ail the way. With two touch- downs under our beit, it became apparent that the Hawks were not satisfied. With the final score being 35 to 7 haîf the job was finished. It was now the juniors turn to show Anderson how football shouid be played. For the seventh consecutive year, the junior Hawks fought their way into a 14 to 7 win over the Raiders. Now the LOSSA (Lake Ontario Secondary School Association) championships are NOW OPEN IN WHITBY C,ýiB MOTOR SALES QUALITY USED CARS & TRUCKS BROOK ST. S. & VICTORIA ST. WHITBY, ONT. 666-2882 "OPENINýG SPECIALS"5 1974 DARI SPORT ECONOMICAL 6 CYL., AUTO. 68,500 MI LES. GREEN WITH GREEN INT. HZX558 1977 CH EV IM PALA 8 CYL., AUTO., PS, PB 53,000 MI LES BLUEWITH BLUE INT. LMH 253 "A FAIR DEAL" OR "NO DEAL"J It's Time!* fï 2 I forour7thAnnuaI Oct. l4th - Nov. l4th Iridusfive 120% OFF i4 Complote Glasses 10% OFF Lenses OnIy Reductions include Tinting Hardex Photogray etc. We specialize in Cataract Fittings. "No lin." Bifocals Contact Lenses, and friondly personl Seruce Contact Lenses â make an "Eye Deal" Gi'ft for Christmasespecially at these prices! dur Hard Lenses Sof t Lenses Boston Lenses Prices Effective f rom Oct. l4th thr u De Includes f ree Starter Kit and FolowlJps 89oo1 pair 14900ai Ie 59air c1?9s0 i.' being prepared for. If the seniors win again this year, it will be the third consecutive year that the senior Hawks have captured this title. This will be the first time any team has won the LOSSA champion- ships for three years in a row. Meanwhile, the juniors will be looking forward to starting their own winning streak for the LOSSA title. If the season has been any in- dication of how the juniors will do corne play-offs, Henry should get prepared for two LOSSA champion foot- ball teams. The Victory Dance, which was pianned in early September, for the winning football teams, was held October 16. The attendance was high and the student council would like to thank everyone who at- tended and also the foot- ball teams for truly making it a "victory" dance. Speaking of winning teams, our junior volleybail team on Oc- tober 17 placed second in a tournament at O'Neil in Oshawa. In Dunbarton High School. With the coming of cold weather, Henry is getting prepared sports- wise. Our Henry Street High School curling club is now starting. Every week, the members will be making their way to the Whitby Curling Club and piaying other teams fromn the school. Drama club auditions began October 20 and not only for the actors. Students wishing to help with make-up, lights or other such areas are welcomne to attend the meetings. The badminton club is having its meetings every Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m. Ail new mem- bers are weicome. There is a special invita- tion to ail senior stu- dents wishing to play. Henry's third dance of the year is pianned for October 30; needless to say that it is the Halloween dance. Hopefully this one will be as good as the las! two. The school photo- graphs have arrived. Most of themn turned out very nicely but remem- CONT'D ON PC. 19 ACVI wil win cup next year The rivalry was inten- se between Anderson and Henry Street on Thursday, October 15 as the Anderson Raiders and the Henry Hawks met for the annual Mayor's Cup gamne. The battiefront was Ander- son's own football field where over 800 optimis- tic Anderson fans, foot- ball players and cheer- leaders screanied with anticipation. Even the threatening ciouds and cool weather did not daunt the spirits of loyal Andersonians. This enthusiasm had *NEARL NEW SIIOSI WMIT9Y OSHAWAI loPs cormbe .st. E 73 CON" si1 been wound to an unsur- mountable pitch at the pep-rally prior to the combat. The ear- splitting applause of the students pierced the air as each junior and senior football member was introduced. Our senior veterans were fîrst to combat the Hawks. However, An- derson's strategic plays, close-calîs, and power-packed players could not contain the Hawks. The first haif of the game left Henry winning 14 to 0. The second haîf spot- lighted Anderson's Tony Squarciotta who hurled the bail a "mere" 35 yards to Rob Dyment who then escorted the pigskin home. Unf or- tunately, Lady Luck favoured the Hawks as the game ended 35 to 7 * ANN~OUNCEMENTS IIi;MIIL * RECEPTION CARDS I If fIP"F)* INVITATIONS I ii I7uv" l~* 'R AMIC VOIJCARDS with the juniors still to play! New hope rose in all Andersonians as the determined juniors marched out to fight., Most of the first haîf of this game was spent at centerfield between the evenly matched teams. But those Hawks needled through our lines on two occasions. The score was 14 to 0 for Henry Street in the four- th quarter when Ander- son's Dave Sacho surged forward with a touchdown. Thus the game ended 14 to 7 for Henry. This year's Mayor's Cup included exception- al plays and admirable sportsmnanship, but reflected a stupendous show of school spirit. Look out Henry - there is always next year! The Mayor's Cup is only the beginning of several activities at An- derson. Please watch for the next issue which will feature our gradua- tion, Anderthon and our band concert at the Oshawa Center. It should also be noted that a parent/teacher interview night wiil be held tomorrow (October 29> at the school from 7 to 9:30 p. m. Newspaper Staff: Lori Brimbecom, Frank Vandermeulen, Kamal Currie and Anita Winkel. DO'C runners do ing wel By MIKE MURPHY Denis O'Connor H.S. Things have been slowing down a bit this week - probably for the best! Hlowever, despite this, our cross-country teamn has been running to the finish line at breakneck speed. In their best effort this year, all team runners placed in the top fifteen in their categories. Michelle Monfortan placed an out- standing third in the midget category. Trillium Valley, where our next meet will take place, will no doubt see DO'C runners among the first to cross the finish line. On Tuesday, October 20, the girls' junior and senior basketball teams met Paul Dwyer on DO'C home ground. The DO'C senior team feli behind Dwyer and lost 50 to 27. The juniors did a littie bet- ter but'the Paul Dwyer team again proved to be the stronger, winning by a score of 38 to 21. Better luck next time ladies! Our Outing Club returned safely fromn Presquile on Sunday. And are they ever full of taîl tales! Word has it that they went on a 14 kilometre hike. (Do you believe them?> Let's see what stories their winter trip brings. ENTERPRISE- FORD SALES LIMITED [~II~\HE CORPORATION OF THE c.m:, TOWN OFWH ITBY PROCLAMATION INTERNATIONAL TOASTMISTRESS WEEK TAKE NOTICE THAT October 25 to October 31, 1981, is hereby proclaimed as "International Toastmistress Week" ln and for the Town of Whit- by In recognition of the praiseworthy achieve- ments of the International Toastmlstress Clubs. Citlzens of Whitby are urged to avail themseives of this opportunity to acquaint themsetves with the fine programs carried on by these clubs. DATED at Whitby, Ontario, this 28th day of Oc- tober, 1981. R. A. AttersleY Mayor, Town of Whitby Andy*Co Driving Sohool Ltd. bicore Tax Deductableà SMALL.COMPACT CARS 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE FREE PICK-UP $12-00 PER FULL HOUR mm686-2224- mm Let us rent you one of ou r fine Ford veh icles. ENTERPRISE LEASING A division of Enterprise Ford Sales Limited 815 KING ST. W. OSHAWA 576- 1800 %--L- !- IKII%à 'la% A%.ej 1 vuu»M-- Y