WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 28, l1981. PAÇE 111 Deeorating the use of mirrors. Mirrors are particularly With Mirrors helpful in small homes, One of the most dra- condominiums or apart- matîc ways to enhance a ments, where they seem to home's decor is through expand the size of areas. Throughout' the home, there are many strategic places for touches of mir- rored surfaces. ln the entry hall, for instance, a hand- somely framed mirror can Iielp set off that table or rack in an inviting maniner. In the living rooru, inirrored walls can open up the smallest seating area; the sanie holds true fo r a dining roomn. In the bedroonis, mir- rored closet doors can make an ordinary-sized roorn seern lLxuriously spacious and wiIl also corne in handy l'or check- ing hemnlines, etc. Mirrored shower doors are also available to ex- pand that very srnall bath- room. Besides creating a feel- ing of'. spaciousness, mir- rors add a real note of ele- gance to their surround- ings. Small alcoves, such Taking Their Cue from Nature: NATU RAI TEXTURES are artfully simulated in these new quartz dlocks trom New Haven, a division of Burwood Industries. Both have protective crystals, sweep second hands and highly accurate, battery- powered movements. Windsong design (Ieft) duplicates oak and see-through cane in a 121/4-inch diameter trame. finished in ight oak tone. Suggested retail price is $24.95. Contoured bamboo-Iook trame of Bellaire model (righit) is 103/4 inches wide, inished in natural bamboo tone, Suggested retail price is $23.95. Change of Scenery That living room or den is comfortable, but - bor- ing. You'd like a new look and are at a loss as to where to begin. as those used l'or dressing Start with the walls - r< areas and wet bars wiII paneling can change the especiaIll bencft t'iromn the character of a roomn in no use of niirrors. time, as can wallpaper or MIRRORS ENHANCE BIIT-IN BAR, make it seem more spacious in S R m A this model home interior by Cher-Ron Design Associates, Woodiand His, Calitornia. SPECIAL SALE EHVBO. 4-CY IND R MO ELSINSTALLATION AVAIL* 4~CY INDR MO ELSABLE IN ANY HOME. COMPLETE 4 INLET 1978 FORD MUSTANG - 4 cyl., VACUUM SYSTEM automatic, hatchback, rear defroster, $ 7 rad io. - LIC. NFR 456 '4444.00 41 FREE ESTIMATES 1978 HATCHBACK CHEVETTE - 4 c, SUPER DIGITAL GARAGE 4-speed, radio, rear defroster, white DP OOR OPENER s259.oo walls. a INSTANT SAFETY REVERSE 1 YR. WARRANTY LIC. NTJ 246 '31944.00, PROFESSIONAL INSTALLERS AVAILABLE L978 FORDFl IFSTA - A r- -sneed. SAA7544 **Scoop your own and save** ON SPECIXL, THIS WEEK! GLACE RED CHERRIES COCON UT (6 VARIETI ES) ASSORTED GLACE PIN EAPPLE 8 OZ. ~159 lb. 159 lb. .99 lb. -Chrstma Cae ine s SAYE2W Y IVN . ZC MY LM EU NIP«=~ moi~~1 - UNOAS SI cloeedtAd er 4yl-op"nTue$- Wed.. Thur.. Selt 930-5-30. Frdays lk30.:30 paint. Decide on the decor you would like: contemporary looks are characterized by neutral backgrounds high- lighted w it l bright accents, plus the gleam of chrome and furniture set at angles . .. Early Ameni- can roonis caîl for warm, earth tones and cozy furni- ture arrangements . .. tra- ditional roonis are charac- terized by symmetrical ar- rangements, the use of lux- urious-looking fabrics and carpets, and the shine of mahogany or oak.