WHITBY FREE PlýESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1981, PAGE5 M • • 0•• Minor baseball association seeking interestedpeople to serve on exec Dear Sir: With another season of basebaîl now behind us, i would like to ex- press the thanks of our minor basebail executive to ail those people who helped make it possible for us to provide basebali for 540 boys from 6 to 17, in 1981. The sponsors of the 'teams provide sweaters for all boys, and complete uniforms for the All Star teams in each age group. The coaches, who spend many volunteer hours throughout the summer, are indis- pensible. Without them we would have no teams. Some parents also assist when needed, al- though it is a sad fact of life that as the boys grow older, fewer and fewer parents come out for the games. It is too bad that they don't all realize that the older boys would still like to have their parents' interest and sup- port even though they are getting older. The lack of parent interest is glaringly obvious at the Pee Wee and Bantam games. We are fortunate in Whitby to have an excellent hard working executive in minor baseball. There are .18 mem- bers, so when the work is divided evenly among them, no one is over- worked. However, they do devote a good many hours throughout th eyear in the plan- ning and organizing of the many details necessary to suc- cessfully operate 30 house league teams and four ail star teams. Each . year we usually lose several members and intro- duce new replace- ments to the exe- cutive. This takes place at our annual meeting. This year our annual meeting is being held this coming Sunday night, October 25, at 7:30 p.m. at Iroquois Arena in Whitney Hall, up- stairs off the lobby. This year we need four new members for our board of directors, so we would like to Invite all parents, and others in- terested In minor baseball, to join us at the meeting and help launch our 1982 season with a full executive at the helm. Now Is your op- portunity to come out and become in- -volved in a great sport in a great town. H. Ken Ellis, President, Whitby Minor Base- bail Association. Dear Sir: Every effort should be made to maintain the good image of police. The abysmal practice of one neighbour calling the police to ticket a car parked over- night (the town's bylaw suggests a three hour limit) of another neighbour Just because the neighbours have had saome dlfferen- ce of opinion on another unrelated matter does littie for the pali!ce image - makingthem "Hit Men" for the 'dis- gruntled. Police drive past hundreds of cars in and around the area Council says thanks Dear Sir: St. Theresa's School Parent Ad- visory Council would like to ex- press their thanks to you for promoting the giant garage sale on Sep- tember 19. Sincerely, Maureen Keogan, (Secretary). Classified A ds Seli Call 668-6111 to ticket the car the neighbour com- plains of. They only act on complaints, be- cause of the multi- tude of offenders. Police should not be put in this unjust position. D.E. Jordan Henry Street Whitby General hourly rate Learner hourly rate Student hourly rate Liquor Licensed premises hourly rate Construction hourly rate $3.50 $3.40 $2.65 $3.00 $3.75 Additional information may be obtained from the Employment Standards Branch, Ontario Ministry of Labour, in the following cities: TORONTO 400 University Avenue M7A1V2 Tel: (416) 965-5251 KINGSTON 1055 Princess Street K7L 1H3 Tel: (613) 547-3414 OTTAWA 2197 Riverside Drive K1H 7X3 Tel (613) 523-7530 SUDBURY 199 Larch Street P3E 5P9 Tel: (705) 675-4455 WINDSOR 500 Ouellette Avenue N9A1B3 Tel: (519) 256-8278 HAMILTON 1 West Avenue South L8N 2R9 Tel: (416) 527-2951 KITCHENER 824 King Street West N2G1G1 Tel: (519) 744-8101 ST. CATHARINES 205 King Street L2R 3J5 Tel: (416) 682-7261 THUNDER BAY 435 James Street South P7E 6E3 Tel: (807) 475-1691 KENORA 808 Robertson Street P9N 1X9 Tel: (807) 468-3128 LONDON 205 Oxford Street East N6A5G6* Tel: (519) 439-3231 SAULT STE. MARIE 390 Bay Street P6A 1X2 Tel: (705) 949-3331 TIMMINS 273 Third Avenue P4N 1E2 Tel: (705) 267-6231 For toll-free numbers check the government listings in your local telephone directory. Ministry of Labour ® Ontario Employment Standards Branch Robert G Elgie. MD. Minister William Davis. Premier Send your letters to: Box 206, W hitby TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES • CALCULATORS SALES • SERVICE • RENTALS PRINTING AND OFFICE SUPPLIES 218 Hairtvood Ave S Aja)x. On)tario 683 1968 "It's a poor day when.we haven't helpecta customer" TIhe FamiIy Bucket 24&25 Pickup a bucket of Kentucky Fied Chicken at a very special price. Only $8.50. It's a perfectly delicious deal for 15 pieces ofplump and tender chicken. Made with the Colonel's original recipe of11 different herbs and spices. The Family Bucket Special from Kentucky Fried Chicken. ci San*&- -eop K--c Kiiuky [Fied Ck ktn The Coloners taste is best. Cm ~tot10 chi cken Vi«uf Please, don t cali police to get back at neighbour THE NEW MINIMUM WAGE RATES IN ONTARIO New Minimum Wage rates will go into effect October lst, 1981.