WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 198 1, PAGE 33 i J CAPRA ROSSIOA RICHE"T PRICES Paid for Gold and Sîlver coins, old guns, clocks, jeweleny, dishes, fur- niture, crocks, ohl pain- tlngs and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W.9 OSHAWA TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For Class A & D Lîcense Cali PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 owa -1e ~a CFaV h, 1-800-268-9689' Day, Eve. & Set. courses l~Muter Antennes and Colorotors Profesuioouiy Instaited 576-5606 IWHITE'S NEED FLYERS DELIVERED?1 The Whitby Free Preass can delîver your f Iyers every Wednesday qulckly and economlc- ally. Cal: 668-6111 for more information CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IM PROVEM ENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens, CeramIc Tillng, Dnywalî, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Caîl 668-4686 INTERESTEDiUN OLO TIME FIDDLING? Professional Instruc- tion by 1955 Canadian flddle champion. Other styles offered. Phone: VIC _668-3741) 1* .5. WHITBY FABRIOS Custom Shtesà &Drap@$, lTE ALSO DO ALTERATIONS 2151Dundes St. E., WhItby OPP 1P0411Offi" 668-4821 BANKRUPTCIES are ictIIng emai businessa.If your prInter has gone ouf of bueiness we have a bonus for you. Colt Lou Dlckaon a 683-1968 for dotailel. MR.SCRAP WIII piCk up any klnd of metal at any place FREE OF CHARGE. CALL 666-3176 WE SERVICE ait makea end modela of typewrtters. Dîckaon Prtntîng, 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, 083-19OU. ~ETIOINAL SERVICES M IANDY REFERENCE BOOK ' Grammar for people who hae ýrammar". idoat gîft for students r office workers. $3.95 per copy il Dtckson PrntIng, 218 Hawood ,ve. S., Ajax, 683-190I8. IANO LESSONS - Theory on equesi, beginners 10 advanced. ovtng to Whitby <West Lynde ris) November 14. Cati 1-282- SATCH FOR ftho Dckson Prfnting $onthty Malter. Fuit of humour Sinformation. Colt 683-1908 for st* on adiverfilng aPace. FEDENAL BUSINESS IEIELGPMEIT Our representative ANNE BAKER wiIl be in the WhItby area on TU ESDAY, OCTOBER 27th to discuss FBDB Ser- vices: 1. Financlal assistance for business. 2. Counselling to im- prove business or solve pnoblems. 3. Management train- ing & Information on gov't programs. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL ANNE BAKER (416) 576-6800 Federul Business Devolopment Bmnk 22 King St. W., Osbowo SAXTON - Ron and Louise, are proud to an- nounce the arrivai of thein son, Ryan Michael, on October 13, 1981, at 4:15 a.m,, weighing 8 lbs. 8 oz Second gnandchild for Mn. and Mrs. L. Saxton of Scarbonough and a brother for John. Many thanks to the doctors and staff at Oshawa General Hospital. DURHAM REGION LUNG ASSO- CIATION needa your hetp 10 fight emphysema, asthmea ad lung can- cer. Bequesta or memoriai gifla gratefuIiy recetved fhrough any funerai director. LOST - Mate aog, part Golden Leb, In fthe BrooktIn area. Mediumn size, sfuit has titches from neutéring, weartng brown teather collar. An- swers f0 "*Raîph'. Reward for hia refumn. Cai 655-3530. *,, ARTICLES FO1R SALE RADIO CONTROL EQUIPMENT for sale. 5 channet and 3 channel. Cati 655-3638 affer 5 p.m. - ask for Doug. MOVING SALE - Stereo, bench saw and motor, black & white TV. and stand, ornate ftower stand, ovat cof tee table. and other househotd gooda. Cai 666-2490. SWIMMING POOL CLOSE-OUT AIl 1981 stock wilI be sold at a fractIon of the negular selling pice. Most sizes ln stock. Easy terms available. Free delivery. Caîl toîl f ree: I-80Ã"-268-5970 Toronto: 1-416-746-3340 MOVINO EVERYTnuNG MUST 001 - Inglis washer and dryer. Admirai stove and refrigerator, sofa, end tables and cof tee fable, diningroom suite, ivingroomn suite, b:edroom suife - master, boys' mates' bed and dresser, girls' bed, dresser and desk with mirrors, gas bar-b-que, pull-out couch, paintings. Cai 668-5859 atter 4 p.m. NEW à USED office Furniture aI big savînga. We have a warehouse fult ln Ajax. Dtckson Ptnting, 218 Harwoocl Ave. S., Ajax, 683-1968. ARTICLES FOR SALE FIE WOOD Ail seasoned, prime hardwood. $36.00 face cord. $14400 fuit cord. Cati: 655-4671 or 579-9607 PUBLIC AUCTION - Every Monday and Thursday nlght buy or seti at 1614 Chartes Street, Whtby. Fur- niture, glass, china, foots, jewetry, coins and so on. Alit consign- monts welcome. Bilt Wanna- maker, Auctionser, 666&3731 days, 668-8403 evenînga. UNWANTED HAIR Vanlshed away wth Sacs-Polo. SaaPeole dîfferent. It does not remove or dissolve hair f rom the surface, but penetrates and retarda growth of UNWANTED HAIR. Lor-Beer Laba. Ltd., 9-712 Robson St., Vancouver, B.C. V6Z IA2. tic AUTMOBILES FORRSASALE 1978 GRANADA, power steorIng. power brakes, automatic trans- mission, new brakes, 53,000 mites, certified. Asklng $3,200 or beat of- fer. Cati 725-4426. AUVMTIVE U9JRE/PARTS OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE IN ONEI Combinat Ion desk and f IIing cabinet, new but scratch and dent In manufacture. Loe than $100. Dickson Prlntlng, 218 Harwood Ave.S, Ajax, 683- 1968. FOR SALE WItITCO CONVERTIBLE PICKUP COVER f0 ffit most pickup trucks - on sale at cost whiie stock tasta. Phone for iterature - EOUIPMENT CENTRE, 320 HOPKINS ST., WiIiTBV, 66-1801. TYPEWRITERS for rent, manual and eiecfric, by the weekend, month or week. Dickson Printing, 218 Harwooct Ave.S, Ajax, 6n3 1968. AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, OCT. 24 SALE TIME il1:30 A.M. Foru l.pI.mtu, Furntwe MW Atiques Auction sale the property of JOHN AND TILLIE BURNHAM, of SCUGOG ISLAND, sltuated 1 mile east of Port Penny on 7A, then north 5 miles on dounty road 7 to Aldneds store, then left to the lst f arm. Signs wIll be po6ted. IMPLEMENTS - Case 430 tracton, N H Baier, MCCormick 12 ft. grain swather, N H 330 spreader, Case three- furrow plow, set harrows, N H- pull-type 7 ft. mower, spring tooth harrows, 3 pt. hitch, stiff tooth culti- vaton, sedone loader, snow bucket, bale carrier, circular saw, allled eleva- ton, double disc, fence posts, rails, snow fence, Vega cneamn sepanaton, M H single plow, J.D. 3 pt. hitch tiller, single furrow riding plow, milk cans, buck rake, Bain wagon and box on rubben, iron wheeled wagon, large qu. scnap mron, fanning milîs, horse scuff 1er, single plow, 2 wheeled buggy type glg, cutting box, pea harvester, bag cant, Swan Bros. sleighs, Renfrew scales, M H grinder, hay traller, tunnip drill, grind- stone, Fordson tractor parts, Model T Ford rear axle, waten troughs, rac k for Datsun truck, M H hoe drill, sythe, fonks, shovels, Ianternis, axes, tools, wagon load, lum- ber, neck yokes and tongues, 6 HP roto tiller and much more. FURNI- TURE - Antique corner cupboard, pine Cupboard, Barrel churn, table and chairs, cradle, lounge, depression, teapots, cnocks, wash stand set, iron pot, dishes, range, muRk bottles, child's rocking chair, doîl bed, lawn chairs and many more items. This is an exceptionally fine sale of well cared for items with many antiques well in ex- cess of 100 yrs. A very i n- teresting sale to attlend. Farm for sale. Furniture selîs f lrst. Lunch avail- able. SALEMANAGER ANDAUCTIONEER MURRAY JACKSON 1-41 6-985-2459 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS WAAN1FDTED PERSON REOUIRED for plexiglas fabrication shop. Acryiic or wbod- working experience requtred Phone 281-9312 (West HIt1i). FIGHT INFLATION! Start a profitable busi- ness ln the Motorlsts Service fileld. No In- vestment. Business is booming. For more In- formation caîl Don at: 725-8402 YARD SALES YARD SALE - Saturday, October 24 and Sunday (n case of raln or ltfovers). Soveral familles' ac- cumulations Incîuding furniture, dishea, ruga, antiques, toys and much more. 1001 Green Street, Whitby. AUCTION SALE SAT., OCT. 24 -6 P.M. At PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE, 4 miles south of Port Perry on Shirley Rd. International Cadet 10 h.p. rldlng mower, Kelvinator side-by-side frldge-freezer, Chambers freezer, Camerano ac- Cordion, antique camode & cash register, 2 bedroom .suites, dinlngroom suite with 5 chairs, good Kenmore ringer washer, kitchen cupboard. unit, Quebec heater, dish set for 8, cheque machine, 12 x 18 carpet with no cuts, refri- gerator, office desk, heatilator,- good glass, chesterfield, mirrors, doli Carniage and many more good items. Consign- ments welcome. PEARC5E AUCTION SERVICE 985-7492 PUBLIC AUCTION - Every Monday and Thursday night buy or sait at 1614 Chartes Street, Whifby. Fur- niture, glass, china, fooia, jewetry, coins and so on. Att consign- ments weicomne. Bilt Wanna- maker, Auctioneer, 666-3731 days, 668-843 evenings. Support your local Lung Association 723-3151 INSIDE SALES, p.reon with know- isdge of prtnting and forma, large a f rm, saiasy. P.O. Box 581, Whitby, Ontarf o. MOTIER OF 1 WILL 111ABYSIT ln my home Monday f0 Friday. Good hot muais. In the Forence M. H'iard Public Schooî oaes. Vary' fair rates. If Inferested caei Oô& 8am befote 10 &.M. or after 1:30 p.m. BILINGUAL DARE CARE In my home. Serve lunch. Cal66-2964. EXPERIENCED E.C.E. TEACHER wttt give day care ln my home. Nufrittous meata and snacks. Some ptanned activit les. Any age weicome. Brookîîn-Ashbum ares. Cati 655-4661. EXPERIENCED DAY CARE avait- able In my home. Any age wei- come. Five days a week, hot lun- ches, many actîvlies ptanned. Garden and Manning ares. Cati 668-1826. BUSNES W.OPPORTUMIITIESI Start your own carpet & uphot- stery cteanIng business fult or part-f ime for under M2,00. INCLUDES: 12 gallon unit, wand and hosos, upholstery toot, stair foot, one stot f chemicals. Crash course on carpet& upholstery cieantng. Ask atH your questionet Steamex On- tario, 1234 Lawrence Ave. East, Don Mille, MIA 189.,447-2493. Used & New Equipmenf Always Avallable WANTED - 1 bedroom apart ment needed immediatety. Mature woman with weit-trained amati dog In Whtby/IJxbridge area. Phono 324-6203. (PARTNTS I ONDOS FOR RENTSFRRT TMREE BEDAOOM famiiy apart- ment to let. White Oaks. Phone 668-1264. ~~FORREIffJ CLEAN MODERN OFFICE on ground f loor in downtowri Whitby. 400 sq. fIL Contact AI Kirty 668- 68. Please check your ad fQn errons on thè f rst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be hiable for failure to pubîish an ad, on for typognaphic or othen errons in publication beyond the cost of the space occupled by the enron up to a maximum cost of the f lst insertion. The Whitby Free Press eserves the ight to classify or reject aIl advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper one day befone they can be changed or cancelled. RATES: $4.06 for 20 wonds if billed; 12C each additlonal word. Pre-paid insertion of 20 words $3.50; additional wonds 11c each. You may charge your Classif ied Ad to your Changex on Visa Account and receive the discount on the price of your ad. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12c each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 12c each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 29e per Uine. (No word ads allowed). BOX NUMBERS: Box ntumbens are available at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make every en-_ deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no liability reganding loss or damage alîeged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We wlIl not be responsible for box number replies not called for withîn 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prion to publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon pior to publication to in- sert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 EXECUTIVE. ASSISTANT Career oriented, accurate, fast typlst, dictaphone, shorthand could be an asset.- Good Clerical skiIIs, prepared to work extended hours. Salary1 com- mensurate with experlenCe. Growth company tocated ln Plckering.* Cal 839-8139 for appointmeflt.