WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBIR 2l 1981, PAGE 25 Ed'wards suggests.... Form citizens'C.ommittee t'O set pay Tom Edwards Two fmned $800 for operating bawdy house Fines totalling $800 have been levied again- st two people after being charged with operating a common bawdy- house in Whitby. Last week, Shirley M. Lecky, 21, of Danforth Avenue, Toronto, was fined $40 by provincial court Judge R.B. Baxter after she. entered a plea of guilty to a charge of being an in- mate of a cornmon bawdy house at Crystal's Health Studio, 409 Brock Street South. A similar second charge was withdrawn. The judge also fined William Smallridge, 21, of Mississauga $400 for keeping a common bawdy house. A second charge of possession of a narcotic was with- drawn against hini. The charges against the pair were laid after a joint police force raided the health studio on January 27. By MICHAEL KNELL free Press Staff An independent com- mittee should be forined to determine what salaries should be paid to municipal politicians according to- Whitby Regional Councillor Tom Edwards. Edwards made the suggestion during last week's meeting of Durham Regional Council after members had gîven a 12 per cent pay increase to Chair- mnan Gary Herrema .while rejecting a five per cent increase for themselves. This indepenident committee, Edwards said, should be com- posed of representatives of business, labor and the general public and given enough informa- tion to arrive at an un- biased and fair salary structure for politicians. During the debate at regional council, the politicians argued back and forth about many issues surrounding their salary structure*. Regional councillors receive a salary' of $13,890 a year plus a sti- pend for being members of their local- council. The average regional politician earns about $21,000. Edwards told his colleagues that a similar system is being used in the, City of Toronto and, "I'm told it's working well."1 Using such a commit- tee would be "better than the system we're using right now," he said. In a later interview, the long-ime local politician said that one of his primary concerns was to see the salary be attractive enough to bring in qualified people into the public arena. "I want the stipend to be sufficient standard to persuade people of good calibre to run for of- fice, " Edwards said. Having now sat on regional council for almost -il months, Ed- wards believes that the larger workload is on the local level but the responsibilities are greater at the regional level. "There is more foot- work involved in local council but there is a broader scope. at the regional level," he said adding, "in terms of responsîbility the region is greater but in terms of actual work it is the local level. " Despite his long ex- perience in local- government, Edwards said that he knows of no valid method for politi- cians to determine what their job is worth in terms of money. "How do you be objec- tive? " he asks. He also believes that councillors were not happy discussing the issue at council. "Everybody felt un- comfortable and em- barrassed," Edwards' said adding that the formation of the in- dependent committee would probably not stop the current debate. The committee would still have to report to reegional couticil who would then have to make a decision on their recommendations. 'You would still have people who want to make (political) mileage out of i, " Ed- wards said adding that such a committee would probably prevent politi- cians from "feathering their own nest."1 A similar suggestion to Edwards' was miade recenUly by Durham Regional Chairman Gary Herrema. The proposaI will' probably be examined by coun- cil's management conimittee - the saine body that made -the salary increase recom- mendations. 195 *76 El Camino Smail 8, automatlc, power steerlng, power brakes, AMIFM stereo, air shock, 49,000 mi. Certified. Lic. DWI 307. 73 Maverick 2 Dr. 6, automatic, only 50,000 miles, BOY 479. '75 Dodge Van 318, automatlc, power steering, 70,000 miles. Lic. 0YF 612. Asils. new paint. Lic. power brakes, 73 Dats'un 510 Chocoate brown, 4 speed, AMIFM, mag Wheels, Michelin tires, certifled. Lic. AXR 549. AS ISSPECIALS 74 Fiat Station Wagon 4 speed, 53,000 miles. Lic. JSU 552. 72 Toyota Celica Lic. PRE 751. BRADLEY MOTORS 841 DUNDAS STREET WEST WHITBY 668-1542~-- $3395 lame $13,95 $1299 $14951 KENNEDY SPORTS AGENCY 686-1,723 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL W,"370OMONARCH AVE., UNIT 21, AJAX 2 % off &0 of T:am SweatersJ IAlsmmrsockl Hockey Sticks V iorseca ae licuigsquash aorJ j1li ae AIL ABOVE SALE ITEMS W HILE QUANTITIES LAST. HOU RS: EFFECTIVE-JUNE l1Sl 0 WE WILL BE CLOSED MONDAYS *AYLY ». TUES. & WED. 9-6 THURS. &FRI. 9-8 AA SAT. 9-6 (Across from Ajax Aron& ln New Industriel Mail) $299 $599