Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 23 Sep 1981, p. 25

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WHITBY-,FREE PRESSi WEDNIE8DAY SEPTEMWER 23, 198 1 ,PAGE 25 *GIVE VOUR FURN lRICHJ FURNITURE1 600 EucIId FREE ESTIMATES RICK FORESTALI *666-2992 McCARTHY GENERAL CONTRACTING " SIGN PAINTING " CERAM ICTI LE " DRY WALL e STUCCO " INTERIOR & EX- TERIOR PAINTING " ETC. FREE ESTIMÂTES 683-7179 INTERESTED IN OLD TIME FIDDLING? Professional instruc- tion by 1955 Canadian f iddle champion. Other styles off ered. Phone VIC 668-3741 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for GoId and Silver coins, oîd guns, Clocks, Jeweîery, dishes, fur- niture, crocks, ail pain- ,tings and seaiers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., TAR T RANILER For Ciass A & D License Cali PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 O.fwmftd b ul Tif,,. 1-800-268-9689 Day, Eve. & Saf. courses ITURE A FACELIPT ARD'IS 1st., v Alhîtby Q3RVCES BANI(RUPTCIES are killng amal buainessea. If your printer has gone ouf of business we have a bonus for you. Caîl Lou DlIcson aI 683.1968 for defails MR. SCRAP Wiii pick up any kind of metai at any time FREE OF CHARG;E. CALL 666-3176 WHITBY FABRICS Custom Sheers & Drapes WE ALSO DO ALTERA TIONS 215 Dundas St. E., Whitby OPP Post Office 668-4821 WE SERVICE ail makes end modela of typewritera. Dîckson Prlnting, 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, U31968. NEED TO KNOW WHERE TO GET HELP? Caîl Whltby Ubrary Community Information Centre 686531 or 668-6541 9:00 - 9-.WMon. f0 Fri. and 9:30 - 5:30 Sat. ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Plefse check your ad for errors on fthe irst day of publicalmon. The Whifby Free Press wiII not be lable for falure f0 pubish in ad, or for typographîc or 0f her errors In publicaftion beyond the coat f t fhe spaca occupied by the error up f0 B maximumn cosf 0ff th fluatIinsertion, The Whitby Free Press reservas the rlght f0 classlfy or refect ail adverisement s Box numbers are avallibîe at an additionaî charge of $2.00. PRE*PAID ADVERTISEMENT DISCOUNT: You, may charge your Cassîfied Advertisemenf to your Chargex or Visa Account and recelve a dscount on t he price of t he ad. Mlease have your Visa card rsady when caliing. DEADLIN ES: Deadline for Emporum Ads îs Frday noon Ororf0 publication. Deadlmne for Cîassufied Ads 's Monday noon prîor b publication, CALL I I I WATCH FOR the Dlckson Prlnting Monthly Mailer. Full of humnour and Information. Cal883-1968 for costa on advertising space. MATCHING DOUBLE DRESSER with mnIrror and cheat. Cail 668& 4042. SWIMMING POOL CLOSE-OUT Ail 1981 stock wiII be soid at a fraction 0f the regular seiîing price. Most sizes ln stock. Easy terms available. Free dellvery. CalI tol f ree: 1-800-268-5970 Toronto: 1-416-746-3340 NEW & USED Office Furniture at big savînga. We have a warehouse full ln Ajax. Dîctuon Prntlng, 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, 683-1968. FIREWOOD) Cut, aplit, drIed, deîivered and hardwood. 12" x 4' x 8' 16" x 4' x 8' 4' x 4' x 8'- 16" 4'x 4'x 8'- 12" $ 42 $ 52 $150 $160 Log-4'x 4'x 8' $105 CALL 655-3924 OR 655-3546 TRIES e SHRUI e VEOS FORSALE $250 up. Maple, apruce, caea, pine, &sh, oak. Raapberry, rhubarb, peoni, Iris plants. Cucumbers, squash. For more Information cal 655-4525.' IFflRSAIEILE 1971 FORD RANCH WAGON. mofor in good condition. Leaving clfy. FirsI reasonabie offer faken. Caîl 665-3524 anylîme. 1974 GALAXY, 351 motor, 60,000 miles, automafic transmission, for parts, $150. CaIl 668-4593. 1971 PONTIAC LEMANS, Sport Coupe, automnatic, power sfeering, power brakes, radio, buckets, console, 72,000 miles, excellent condition. $1,300 certif led. Cali 6681334. 1975 MONTE CARLO, excellent condition, engine overhauied, power brakes, power steering, air conditlonlng, new paint. Calil 6W- 5180. MOTORCLE?1 1969 HARLEY DAVIDSON, black sportater, 900 cc kcker), exten- ded front end custom seat, slsay bar. Cali 723-0943 or 5764711. Ast for Steve. SUPPESI OFFICE IN ONEI Combination deat and filng cabInet, new but scratch and dent ln manufacture. Less thon $100. Dîckson Prlnting, 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, 683- PICK PICK YOUR OWN APPLES AT RED WING ORCHARDS Open Thursday thru Sun- day, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (weather permittirig). Featuring Macintosh, Cortiands and Macouns f rom our dwarf trees. Haif bushel bag $4.75.. Con- tainers provided. North side of Hwy. No. 2 bet- ween Whitby and Ajax Just west of -Durham Road 23. 668-3311. ei FOR SALE YAMAHA GPX SNOWMOBILE, 433, very fast, f ree air, ln excellent condition. Asklng $800 or beat of- fer, Calil576-0595. miT's xw/gp.eTIME! PART.TIME HELP to lift and dlean fumifure. Two days a week. Ideal for seml-retIred person. Phone 968161 or 294-1890. INSIDE SALES, person wlth know- iedge of printIng and forma, large arm firm, saiary. P.O. Box 581. Whitby, Ontarlo. 1976 GMC HALF TON, 350, auto- mat lc, power sfeerlng, power brakes, sun roof and other ext ras, Asklng $4,800 certif led. Cali 668- 5145. FOR RENT TYPEWRITERS for rent, manuel and electrIc, by ftha weekend, month or week. Dlckson Prinfîng, 218 Hauwood Ave. S., Ajax, 083- 1968. GARAGE SALES YARD SALE - Ail Michael BIvd. townhouaes. Househoid gooda, toya, games, children's articles, recorda, paint & much more. Take Hwy. 2 fo Annes, f0 Jermyn, to Michael Bivd. September 26, 1961 fromn 10 a.m. f0 4 p.m. Raindafe October 3,1981 f rom 10 a.m. f0 4 p.m. RIDING LAWN MOWER or garden tractor. Good condition oniy. Cali 668-3773. LOST - Thlckson Road/Pine HIi area, il waak old femate puppy, black wlth fan marklng. Reward. If found cail 728-3608 anyt me. NOMES F0OR SAREENET ABOVE AVERAGE TOWNHOUSE n Whifby (West Lynde). Smali development overlooking Lynde Creek. Available Immediately. Fir- st and last months rent. Refer- ences requlred. $575.00 par mon- th plus utîlifies. Phone 1-431-4229 affer 5 p.m. FOR SALE - New 3 bedroom bung- alow, garage, elecfric heaf, 10w taxes, $56900.00. Plus servlcod lots $12.000. Oakwood Sunny Acres 324-3801 (Lindsay). CLEAN MODERN OFFICE on ground f loor in downtown Whtby. 300 sq. fi. Contact AI Kirby 668- 6668. SHRINKING DOLLAR Heip yourself now and provîde future security for your famliy. Join a proven marketing ayafem wi h top quallfy producf s. Ideal for couples, shiftf workers, house- wlIves. Cail for appoint ment 723- 0471. BADYSITTER WANTED In my home, 1-2 days par week, oc- casional overnight. Chiidren aged 21h, 8 and 10. Driver preferred, non-smoker, references required. Cail 655-4210. honnel Master Antennes Colorotors - Stalie 4 RepaIra 576-5606 WH ITE'S Towmer Systama WHITBY RESIDENTS ARE PREPARING FOR WINTER. Let them know you can help.. .Advertise your service in Whithy's only newspaper. Cali CLASSIFIEDS 668-6111 for more information. i :1 I i ( EARN EXTRA MONEY. Show our exciflng lina 0f Christmas carda and gilf 5 0 fronde, neîghbours. No experience needed. Our beautîful catalogue makes If easy and profitable. Wrlf e today for f ree Chrstmas catalogue and In- formation. Monarch Greeting Carda, 217 Cannon, Hamilton L8N 3K3 or phone (418) 527-3891. SABYSIT1ER WANTED In my home ln Brooklin, 5 days a week, $65. Cal 655-487. MONEY Unllmlted potentilI f earn second income in your spare lime at home. Cal666e3475. CHIiW ARE SERVIES EXPERIENCED MOTHER willing f0 babysit Monday f0 Friday ln my home. WilI serve lunch and have lots of playlng apace. Cali668- 2964. EXPERIENCEO WOMAN wilI do housecîeanlng. Cal Jan at 666- 3629 affer 5 p.m. MAOGIE T. Experlenced House- keeper Servie. Full day or half- day available. References on requeut. Cal 668-4370. MORE CLASSIFIEDS ON THE NEXT PAGE. CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IM PRO VEM ENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Kîtchens, Ceramic Tiing, Drywali, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks ,anld Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMÂTES CpII 668-4686 As the season changes so do we. Not our quallty - Just our name! Formerly A&R Home Improvements now DENY'S RENOVATIONS Where quality pays - it doesn't cost. Bath rooms, rec rooms, dry waII, fencing, etc. 668-6667J VOLUNTEERS Needed to work with peopie under emotional stress. Training and supervision provided. INTERESTED? Next training starts September 29. Corne and f iii out an application. Interviews Sept. 17 - 23, 9 a.m. to 3p.m. WHITBY COMMUNITY CARE 185 BROCK ST. N., SUITE 102 WHITBY, ONTARIO 668-6651 OR 668-6223 CALLING ALL BROOKLIN AREA KIDS. Cou Id you use extra spendlng money ln exchange f or a few hours work each week? CThe Whitby Free Press needs carriers ln your area. EARN CASH & PRIZES. Cali the Circulation Manager now at:, 668-6111. P.S. WE AIMO NEED CARRIERS IN TIIE WlIITRY CORRIDOR AREA. DURHAM AREA IIOUSING AUTHORITY AN AGENT FOR THE MINISTRY 0F MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING SINDIVIDUAL QUOTATIONS ARE REQUESTED by thîs of- fice to provîde SNOW PLOUGHING AND THE REMOVAL 0F SNOW ai the folîowlng locations: AJAX OHi, BOWMAN VILLE OH 1 & 0H3, PICKERING OHi & OH 2, WHITBYVOH2, 0H3 & 0H5 OUALIFIED CONTRACTORS, please contact promptly the MAIN. TENANCE DEPARTMENT for forma and apecificafions. Quotationa willi be received for the above untli 12:00 noon, Friday, October 9, 18 yteDURHAM AREA HOUSING AUTHORITY 218 OUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY, ONTARIO LiN 2H8 OU-.7770

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