Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 23 Sep 1981, p. 24

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PAGE 24, WEDNESDAVý, SEPTEMdÊEk 23,19g1',WHITÙY-FkE]5PRESS Free Press mnporiumn EmpoiumAds wiII only be occepted subject to the following Conditions. ARTICLES RTLE FOR SALE FO0SL 45 RECORDS, Rock & roll from the '50s 10 the laie '70s. Over 2,000 recorda. $1,500 for lot. SOFA, green 3-seatar, $75. LOVE SEAT, contamporery style, black & white, $65. DIL PAINTING, Reynolds, harbor scane, suit contemporary or modemn living room grouping, original cil & canvasa, $65. PANA- SONIC STEREO SYSTEM with 2 speakers and record changer $95. Two Tetefunken SPEAKERS, 3 way, new, rated for 60 watts rms, $150 for pair. Custom PINE BAR wiih servlng counter and preparation counter, worih over $80, asking $485. Open CURIO CABINET, wainut, storaga com- partment et bottom, $50. DRAPES, Royal blue, gold and white design, iined, 96" lengih x 12' wldth, $95 for pair. 9 x 12 ORIENTAL RUG, Royal blue, goid and white design 10 match curteins $125. OUT- DOOR PLANTS and shrubs and plantera, W wlne barreis, from $10 10 $25. Hastings RINGS à BEARINOS for 302 Ford angine, new, $80 for lot. Oeil 668-4725. Sept.9,81(D) ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES Butter churner $50; Mahogany radio $50; piano stool $50; Mahogany mantie $150; gose- ciossd bookcase $150; mirrorad wardrobe $150. Cali 9853907. Jul.8,81(P) BICYCLE, 16" convertIbie, $20. Baby Carrier for aduit bika $7. "*Safe-T-Ryder" car seat $25. Con. crete double iaundry tubs $5. 'Big Whee'$13. Cali 6682301. Sep.16,B1(D) LADIES FUR COAT, Muskrat trimmed with Blue Fox, size 10, asking $50. Cali atter 6 p.m. 868. 8780. Sep.23,81 (B> CHAIN LINK FENCE, 5' high, 30' long, compiete top rails and end post. Asling $40. Cai666-3995. seplOBi <R) One GO KART, asking $50.Oeil 655-3282. Jul.8,81<M) CE CREAM FREEZER, portable, 8 fI. wide x 6 f. high x 16 fi. long, on truck chasis. Ideal for meat itorage. Two 2 horse motors, working excellent. One motor nsar new. Runs 10 degrees below 0. Asking $3,000. Oelil 649-3343. Sep.9,81<j) MIARY KAY Showcase & Businest Supplies. Asking $80 or best of- fer. Oelil6684744. Aug.26,81 (J) 4lx 8 SLATE POOL TABLE for sale. omplete wth accessorles. Asking $80.COeil 668-8712 days. Jui.29,81 <W DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING, aimoat new. Appreised value $445. PrIce nepotiable. Phone 263-8025. Aug.26,81 (S) PROSONIC AMIFM STEREO RECEIVER with cassette tape playerlrecorder. Matchlng speakers and a B.S.R. Automatic/ manuel turnteble. Both have a one yer warrenty. Both brand new end stIll ln original boxes. Asking $275. Must see 10 appreciate. Oelil 6830669 (Ajax). Sep.23,81(H) AIR-TIGHT WOOD BURNINO STOVE Fermer, Rancher, double loor, hata 2,000 sq. f t., 2 yra. oid, excellent condition, $380. Oeil ~68-8189. Sep.23,81<(F) ELECTRIC WATER HEATER, 60 galion, ln good condition, $75. Boy's Bicycle, suit age 5-7 yrs., $40. Fire Screen, 36" x 26", and tool set, brasa colour, $30. Baby Car Seat $15. Baby Bicycle Carrier 110. 0' Eiectric Bseboard Heter weuh thermostat $60. Phone 668- 48M. Sep.2,B1(F) OAK CHAIR $10. Floor Polisher $15. Vacuum leaer $15. Neon Llghi Fixture $15. Royal Wlnton Handpalnted Plate ;12. Royal Winton Hendpainit Bowi $12. Coiiectora Item Roy ý, Winlon Cup $20. Royal Abert .,$20 HI-Fi Record Player $20 Ca 668-608. un.24,61(P) FOR SALE: Antiquý t.uur-Poster CRAOLE, oak. orig . *nish, ex- DAR POSTS, rLE.A REAL) When the advertIsed Item is sold, disposed of, or unavaliabie for whatever reason, the Item wiii be deemed to have been soid and a commission wlii be charged based on-THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iliustrated beiow, regardiess If price Is stated with "b>est offer. If the Item la NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wiii be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $600 wiii appiy payable ln advance of publication of the fIrat ad. Otherwise a $750 charge wiii ap- piy If biiied which must be paid upon receipt. The above minimum charges wiii be appiied 10 the final commission due but ln any case the higher amount wiii be charged. Minimum charge: 16.00 pre-pald, $7.50 bilied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertisements muai be piaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atieaat one month If not sold. RATES (If article la sold): 5% of advertlaed price up to 540.00 *2% of balance over$400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertised for $12000. Commission due 56.00 (minimum charge ia $6.00) Private advertising onlyt Please notify the Whitby Free Press immedlately when item 18 sold s0 that we may delete tI from the foiiowing Issues. Ail ada flot fitting the Emporium guidelines will be treated and charged per week as regular classlfied ada on a pre-pald basis such as: services, heip wanted, ciothing, reai estate, and personai message type ads, or ads flot quoting prIce or quantity. Private ciassified ads may appear In the Emporlum section under appropriate headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: If ln doubt cati: OR DELîVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 668-6111 131 Brook St. N. P.O. Box 206 Whitby, Ont. WVhitby, LlN 551 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON ~NDTI E TNOTIVI BABY NEEDS ~~J~REPAIR/PARTS 00 1 ~~~RPAT )a """' ro Ford Custom Flberglas TRUCK TWO ER78-14 RADIAL SNOW Parego Combination CARRIAGE ach. BRASS CAP. AskIng $35.COeil 723-998. TIRES mounted on two AMO raliy STROLLER, excellent condition, "N, Lîke naw .0E SOREEN, Jul.15,81(P) wheia, $110 or beat offer. Two red, $150. Colonial B.d. could be 36" x 12" x DR78-14 RADIAL TIRES (raiaed made to canopy, wth mattresa, 15. Antique CHEV 350 HEADS, good con- white lattera) Firestone 721 steel $35. Perego Stroiler, daluxe size, Oelil evaninga dition. Aaking $75 or beat offar. beited tires mounted on AMO raliy navy, $45. Cel 683-1574. Oel 68-0)482. wheeia, $160 or besi offer. Ail four Jul.1,81(s) Aug.12,81(G) Jul.29,81(B) tirea wIll sai for 5325 or beat offar. _______________________ Please celi 686-1886 between 2 p.m. and 10 p.m. Ail tires Ilke now. BABY FURNISHINGS à ITEMS. JEEP JERRY'CANS, two stsal, ar- Sep.23,81(D) CrIb , mattreas and dresln voltupus.lngo cndition. ______________ orange & white, $125. Piypn SALE Aaking $40 eech. JEEP WINCH, 2 $5 Two ottie ars, $ and $.b tons pilgpower, ovaraized 12 beck pte$1.g chairs,$ad $5. b needa tran- craft cabie, pull power forward and Swing-O-Metic $15. Joiiy Jumper Il for parts, reverse wlth cebies and control on a stand $20. Oelil 668-2702. ýt of fer. Oelil boxes. Aaking $250. Cali 655-3990 Sep.2,81<L) Ir5 p.m. allier 4:30 p.m. Jul.5,8(O) ep.3,81S) ABY STROLLER $15. Two Dorai barrai, 650 FOUR 13" SUPER LUG MAGS, 4 Ca et 1 ach eil65-140. kit, new duel boit Ohev, $175. Threa Uniroyal needa body RWL BR7813 TIRES $120. COeil anar. Aaking 666-309. ~C> E ~- i 668-8362. Aug.19,81(C) rBww'W1ATS 1973 FORD TORINO PARTS: 302 or, good run- Engin. $200. Transmission for t"/' 1979 BARRACUDA, 14 foot ski iot certif lad, sema $85. Radiator $50. Front boat, 75 horsepowar Johnson ail 571-3968 end, fenderb, grill, bumpars: HEV OR DStînger, stainiess sisal prop, red drums, etc. Complote car $350 H O L and silvor matai fiake, perfect Sap.16,81<P)COeil 655-3006. ~condlion. Must sai - asking JUI.1,B1<(R) IS YOURS ... -IF $4,300. Oelil 655-3990 sitar 4:30 anning condi- p.m. Sp2,1S 10 ndt be CUSTOM ROOF RACKS 1 fi t full- YOU KNO W THE 668-7470 alter sîze station wagon. Asking $60. Aug.5,81ls) Cl17 52 Jui.15,81(o) R/GHT PEOPI E...SE ____ ____ ____L OESOC TORINO, REAR WINDOW for Dodgo 1/2 ton Wherever you maie the Wecomr Uc im ffOCK Asking $450 truck. New. Fils year 1975-80. Wagon hostessi s the righl prissnto ý5-379. Asking $25. REAR CHROME nlp you ifld a place ln your new One Triumph Lana Fox cuiback Jui1. 1.81 (B) BUMPER for 'h ton truck. New. communiy. SADDLE. Perfect condition, $450. - Asking $50. Cati 668-7960. 666-1523 or 579-7521 Tlaphone 655-4067. SPORT4 351, Aug.19,81(L-) Cali - Aug.19,81(S) lomaiic trans- ___ t.raiiy tires, ýnted. Asking .Sop.23,81<S) SELL YOUR UNWANTED ARTICLES NOW Use this handy f orm iD mail ln your Emporium ad. :anE be ceti-1 have read the Emporium guidelînes above and wish to have the following ad- r basi offar. vertîsement placed under thîs section of the Whitby Free Press. Sep.9,81fT) .- -________ ___ EBARON <4_____ ndition, fuiiy -____ seats. 54,000 ___ _______ iving. Asking. buyers oniy. -___________ Ssp.16,811H) - ________ -- -- _ __ __ LY SPORT, 4 dntfre oicueyuphe mb) iai tiras, car- --___dn ogl1 nld orpoerubr l00. Cati 655- Jul.8.1(L) I enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. Ju ,8() Charge $6.00 to my Visa account.MA L venue. sîlver Bill me for $750 after f irst publication of my O allant condi- ad. îh many op- a$.paaapmt 5. Oelil 576- Card No. Exp. Date N-ans-p-lase p'in-)-FREE PRESS 'ARAVLLEP.O. Box 206 eerîng, 131 Brock St. N. Jui.15,61(O) S osaCodltyb l S ~~T2 ~INSTRMENTS HACKNEY PONY MARE. Raglstered, 49". 5 yaars old. Bey with white marklngs. Mater broke. Would maka excellent chlld's saddle pony. Aaking $400. Calil 655-3M0. Aug.19,81(R) :' HOUSEHOLO 47 square yards 0f BROADLOOM, bitter sweet. Asklng $20.oil 723-9989. JuI.15,61(P) ENGLISH PUB-STYLE COUCH & matching swivel rocker, green & goid plaid, Olefin fabrlc. Bean scotch-guarded. Asklng $325. An- tique wrought Iron & brsas DOUBLE BED with box aprIng, $210. Antique LOVE SEAT & mat. ching chair, blue & gold upholstery, $200. Set of dark pins 5' COFFEE TABLE & two round END TABLES, $130. Oelil 668-8189. Sep.23,81 (9 LOVE SEAT, Immaculete con- dition, rareiy used. Bargain et $180. "No Barter". Oelil anytime 68-3989, Whtby. Sep.9,81 (P) RUQ, 9 x 12, burnt orange, good condition. Asklng $40. Oelil 666 3995. Sep.16,81(R) CUSTOM-MADE SHEERS with embroidered hems, approx. 16' wide. Asklng $200 or beat offer. Oelil 668-0495. Jui.1,81(O) Speed Queen DISHWASHER wih energy sever, ln excellent con- dition, $300 or bast of fer. Oelil 68- 0495. Jul.1,81 (O) STEREO, AMIFM, 8 track bulît in with turntable. Excellent condi- tion, $185. RECLINER $25. 2611 BLACK à WHITE T.V. $75. DOUBLE BED with headboard $75. Two pairs of DRAPES, $40 and $30. Oelil668-0776. Aug.19,81<M) HOUSEHOLD SALE - White Ad- mirai range $250; green Kenmore range $250; kitchen auie $50; electi lfreplace $25; white GE ciothes dryer $25; white GE washing machine $25; wagon bar- baque $30; two Hoover vacuum cleaners, $100 and $30; Viking floor pollaher $20; set of 3 suit- cases $25; green area rug $40; two irons $20 and $10. Oelil668-7014. Jul.B,81(S) SKLAR CHESTERFIELD and Chair. Contemporary style, rust colour. In very good condition. Asking $240. Oelil 668-8316. Sep.23,81 (P) SELL UNWANTED ARTICLES quickiy. Oelil668-6111 to place your ad ln the Emporium Section. GIBBON EDO Base Guitar, ex- cellent condition, $30 with case. Oei 668436. Jun.27,81(W) CLASSICAL GIJITAR (Eko), new, wlth case, $120. OCIli668.942 Aug.5,81(M) 12 STRING FENDER GUITAR. Juat like naw. Complets with case. $285. Cali 655-3006. Aug.5,81(R) GUITAR AMPLIFIER - Peavey, 60 watts a aide, asking $325. Oei 668- 6297. ORGAN, 1979 Gelanl keyboard, basa pedai patterns, automatl< chords, volume padal Includas bench. As Oeil 668-0630. BLACK MANX STI female, 1 % years oic $1 or fret to good hoil 1576. STAF F0R DSH tRI TERRIER, 9 weaka OKO regiatered. Askii 663995. AQUARIUM KIT, c galion capacity, elî flIter, charcoal, wor menta. Asking $18. C 30 GAL. AOUARîUI wiih wrought iron stei old. Ail accessorli Aaking $150. Oeil afti 0701. Jul.1,81(N) il F-20, dual ils, 8 rhythm c& manuel kingu b1o30. &drum $1,30. Aug.26,81 (T) UMPY CAT, I, very amali. me. Oell 66&. Aug.19,81<K) E BULL oid, femeale.t ng $300. Oell Aug.19,81(R) complate, 4 ol end orna- ,ocirnc pump, Jall 868-6563. Sep.2,81 (M) IM, hexagon tnd. 2 montha as included. or 6 p.m. 571- Jul.22,81(K) SELL ARTICLES you no longer want quickiy - place your ad ln the Whitby Free Press Emporium Sec- tion. Oeil 668-6111. 17 FT. RAMBLER HOUSE TRAIL- ER, eiectric - gea fridge, sloops 6, toilot, eiectrlc brekea, complote with hitch. Aaking $2,500 or beat offer. Phone 668-8344. Sep.16,81(V) 1960 MASTERCOACH TRAILER, puah-out diing area. Peid $13.803 - asking 112,500 or besi offer. To be sean et 410 Rossand Road Weat, Whltby and 10 Inquire cati 668-1680. Sep. 16,81 (d) WGDODS 18 - 0' ROUND CEt sharpened. Assortec 3" - 5" tops. 51.75 ai FIREPLACE SCREEP $15. Bleck FIREPLAC good condition, $8. 10", AQUARIUM, $ SPOOL TABLE $70.C 579-6929. 1971 TORONADO, amission, wlilssel Asklng $350 or beat Barry lit723-092 aelle 1972 FIREBIRD, 3504 hoiiey, headera, shifi exhauat, new rad,r work on righi rear qui $80 or best of feor. Cal 1972 IMPALA, 4 doo nlng condition, nc Asking $395. Ce (Oshawa). 1972 VW BEETLE,, n lion, needs body wci certif led. $200. Oeil i 4 p.m. 1973 GRAN mechanicaliy aound. or besi offer. Oeil 655 1973 GRAN TORINO 4 barrai. gouges. eutc miasion, floor shift, bucketa. newiy peun $2,000. COeil655-3006. 1974 DODGE CORI runnlng condition, c f led. Asking $400 or Oelil 668-1564. 1974 IMPERIAL LE door), excellant coi, Ioadad, whte leather2 miles of highwey drh $3,500 f irm. Serioua Oelil 668-522. 1975 CAMARO RALI speed, standard, radi tif ied. Asking $3,40 3336 1971 BUICK Park Arý gray, four door, exce lion Low mileege wi rions. Asking 56.49, 5062 afier 5 p.m. 1979 CHRYSIER CJ blue, 49,000 km., asc dition, 4 door, powg Pow« r biakscertif 35.W50. Oeili666-1436. 1975 SUZUKI là excollent conci parts, Asking $41 1977 YAMAHA rebuilt Aaking 1981 650 SPEC chroma high% backrest, aIt war tfif e<l Asking $2 668-86m6 aler 4ç 25 MOTOCROSS, lîtion. meny niew 150. Oelil579-0572. YZ, compleiely i$850 COeil723- Jul. 15.811F) ýCIAL, 2.500 km., way bars, KG irranty checks, cer- 2,700. Oelil Lary ai condition. Asking $4 0394 il DO Oetil723- Aug.26.81<Si 111SALE 1975 CUSTOMIZED W TON TRUCK, 302 angine, red velvet on. terior. AMIFM cassette plus lots more Certîied. 13,000. Cali 668& 1585 Aug.26.81(A) 1 * MOIORCYCL ES 150 ROSSIGNOL SKIS, Tyrolea cu SALES/RENTALS] 160 bindinga with ski brekes, 0 ~Muneri ski boots. Waa $275 1975 HONDA 360 CBT, needs bat- Asking $150. Usad one wintor. tory and horn, 10w mileage. $8W0 Cati 668-9698. u.6,1M as is, $700 with battery & hom.Ag2.1M Fiee 165 SR15 MICHELIN ZX------- RADIALS, 15", $200 for f(ive or $50 each. Phono 668-3660. Ask for Ron or Lynn, Sep.16,81<Gi U LR c Ig te i îl

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