Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Sep 1981, p. 21

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDÂY. SEPTEMBER 16, 1981.ý PAGE 21I NIGHEST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, jeweîery, dishes, fur- niture, crocks, oil pain- t Ings and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., IOSHAWA. CARPENTRY' HOME REPAIRS I MPROVEMIENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tiiing, Drywaii, Rec. Rooôms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES C'alil668-4686 SCREEN & GLASS REPAIRS Whitby Aluminum Home Improvement Centre REPLACEMENT WINDOWS - DOORS - SIOING DISTRIBUTOR FOR 2 PLUS 2 PATIO DOORS 900 HOPKINS ST. UNIT 3 (AT BURNS ST.> WHITBY, ONT. 68-2252 686-1853 RICHARD'"S GIEYURIFURNITRE F ACEKIFT il 600 EuclId St., Whltby i Wu SIERVICE.Ml moa en d modela of typewrlters. Dîckson Prnting, 218 Harwood Ave. B., ANu, 083-1 OU. MR. SCRAP Will pick up any kInd of metal at any time FREE 0F CHARGE. CALL 666-3176 WHITBY FABRIOS Custom Sheers a Drap@$ IVE ALSO DO ALTERATIONS 215 Dundee St. E., Whitby OPP Poto ffce 668-4821 BANKAUPTOIES are kliling amal businesses. If your printar has gorie ouf af business we have a bonus tor you. Cali Lou Dîckson ai 831968 for details. A MANDY REFERENCE BO0K *Grammar for people who hate Grammer". Ideal gîfi for tudents or office workers. $3.95 per copy ai Dîckson Prntlng, 218 Itsrwood Ave. S.. Ajax. 083-1968. McCARTHY' GENERAL CONTRACTING eSIGN PAI NTING e CERAMICTILE e DRY WALL e STUCCO " INTERIOR & EX- TERIOR PAlINTING " ETC. FREE ESTIMATES 683-7179) ALL TILING JOBS DONE. MINNON AND KITcHIN. WAUS ce F10015. FOR FREE ESTIMA TES CALL LEIGH HALL 666-3981 TRACTOR TRAILIER TRAINING For Class A & D License Call PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 0w.hd 1Cfdcu.toifr.. 1 -800-268-9689 Day, Eve. & Sat. courses ART~ICLES FORRSASALE1 NEW à USED Off Ice Fumîture ai big sevinge. W. have a warehouse full ln Aax. Dlakeon Prinilng, 218 Harwood Ave. S., Aax, 683-1968. NATURAL GAS FIREPLACE. Cal 666-2418 afier 6 p.rn. c> EERS URINE-ERASE guaranteas removal of urine sMains and odors from carpete. Free brochure. ReldelI Chamîcale Ltd., Box 7500, London. CONCORD HPL1IO, AM/FMI. Sterea/Cassette, Dolby, Sendusi alloy head, FF/FREW. Jusi back f rom fufiy servîced. Cali Alan fram 9 to 5 at 666-2400. Tenders are invited for the lease of two homes located at Squires Beach, Pickering. Occupancy October 1, 1981. Tenancy to be on a month to month basis. 1. 1952 Montgomery Park Road - Three bedroom detached brick bungalow. Please quote File No. M767-25. T.O. 172 2. 915 Susan Drive - Three bedroom detached brick bungalow. Please quote File No. M767- 38. T.O. 173 Proceed south on Brock Road f rom Highway 401 East, turn east at stop lght to McKay Road and foiiow road to intersection of McKay Road and Montgomery Park Road. Turn right at Intersection and proceed east on Montgomery Park Road. The properties are accessible to the Pickering "GO" Train, and services by Dial-A-Bus and a school bus. These propert les may be viewed f rom 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Thursday, September 17, 1981, when a representative of the Ministry of Government Ser- vices wUit be ln attendance at location No. 1 noted above. "OPEN HOUSE" signs will be posted. Tender documents may be obtained f rom the representative on this date or f rom: Ministry of Government Services Public Tenders Office Room M1-43A, Macdonald Block Queen's Pari, Toronto, Ontario MiA 1 N3 Telephone (416) 965-1152 A certif ied cheque or money order for the f irst month's rent must be submitted with the tender documents, and wiii be promptly returned to un- successf ul bidders. Seaied ienders wiii be received until 3:00 p.m., Friday, September 25,1981, at which time they wiii be opened in public.- Tenders wiil be opened in Toronto. NOTE: For further Information please contact Martha McBurnie, Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Toronto, Ontario, Telephone (416) 965-2040. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Ministry of ® Government Ontario Services S0,7 ARTICLES FORR SAELE VEGETABLES - TREES PLANTS FOR SALE $1 a basket. Beete, potatoas, carroie, cucumbare. $3 up trees, epruce, ash, maple, cedar, oak, Pins. Plante, raspberry. rhubarb, peoni, fris, forsythia. Ail very reasonabf y prîced. For more infor- mati on cali 655-4525. SWIMMING POOL CLOSE-OUT Ali 1981 stock will be soid at a fraction of the regular selling prIce. Most sizes ln stock. Easy terms available. Free dellvery. Caîl toli f ree: 1-800-268-5970 Toronto: 1.416-746-3340 FFORAISALE1 1978 DODGE OMNI, 5 door, haich- back, Zîebarted, Mchelin snowa, 4 epeed, certîfiad, excellent con- dition. Phone evenînge or weak- ende 725-952. 1978 MALIDU CLASSIC, V6, 2 tons gray, wfih air, excellent condition, $3.750. Cail 668&9815. 1974 GALAXY, 60,000 mles, auto- matlc transmisfion, for parts, $150. Cali 668-4593. IVI)TRCYCLE1 1909 IIARLEY DAVIDSON, biack eportster, 900 cc (kicker), exten- ded front end custom seat, sieey bar. Caf f 723-0943 or 576-4711, Ask f or Steve. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTH ERS ALL PERSONS having dlaims against the estate of ELTON BEVERLY BRANT, late of the Town of Whitby, ln the Regional Municipaiity of Durham, Retired Labourer, who died on or about the Sth day of June, 1981, are required to file proof of the same with the under- signed on or before the 30th day of September 1981, after whlch date the Estate will be distrlbuted having regard only to the dlaims of which the un- dersigned shalh then have notice. DATED AT Napanee, On- tario, this 4th day of Sep- tember, 1981. PEARCE & OLSON, Oj T CERAMICS CLASSES SPECIAL HANDPAINTING SEMINARS FULLLINEOFMAYCO DUNCAN & FASHEN HUE PRODUCTS PEEL SLIP HUGE GREENWARE SELECTION CALLCERAMIC ACADEMY 668-7219 mate for 2 bedraamn apartment. $16300 per manih Cai 66-2485, HOUSE OF FULLER Christmas is around the corner. Earn ex. tra cash. Equal op- portunity. To buy or selI1 cal1: PAM ROWAN 576-6096 PART-TIME IIELP to lfîft and dlean furnîture. Twa dsys s weak. Ideal for semli-retIrad person. Phone 985-8161 or 294-1890. EARN EXTRA MONIEY. Show aur sxcltlng lins of Chrstmas carde and gIfte ta frIands, nalghboure. No experlenca nesdsd. Our beautîful catalogue makes h easy and proffiable. Write today 'for free Chrîsimas catalogue and In- formation. Monarch Greetlng carda, 217 Cannon, Hamilton LON 3K3 or phone (416) 527-3891. INSIDE SALES, persan wlth know- lsdge oI prlntlng aîýd forme, large ares flrm, salary. P.O. Box 561, Whltby, Ontario. CHLD CAREI TWO EXPERIENCED mothers are offering babyelttlng In he Brook- lin aras on a weekiy or hourly basle. For more Information pisase. cali 655-3582. WANT TO CLEAN homes ln West Lynde ares. cali 668-0395. EXPERIENCED CLEANINO women tuant full or half-day work In Whltby or surraundIng as. Cali 668-7566. LIVTOTCK MORSES *OARDED. Excellent care. Individual feedlng program. Large box stalle and daiiy turn-out. Engllsh rîdlng Instruction avallablo. Gaydan Manor, Sunder- land. 705-357-3856. OFFICE IN ONEI uombînatlon desk and filng cabinet, new but scratch and dent In manufacture. Loos than $100. Dlckson Prlntlng, 218 Hsrwood Ave. S., Ajax, 683- 1968. 1976 GMC liALF TON. 3W, auta- matic, power sfearIng, power brakos, sun roof and other extras. Askîng $4,800 certifled. Cail 668- 5145. WA TD -Fo rW oo TDe ch ist goMn wthaR iQtental. Cal 668 AT RED WING ORCHARDS Open this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, 10 arn. to 5 p.m. (weather permittlng). Featuring MachIffsh andl Cortlands f rom our dwarf trees. Haîf . bushel, bag $4.75. Con-" tainerse provided. Watch this ', weekly for avail- abliý f other varieties. 4or idef Hwy. No. 2 between Whitby and Ajax jusitW#s,rof Durham Road 23. 66é8'3311. ~EALESTATE1 QFOR SALEMRENT FOR SALE - New 3 bedroamn bung- alow, garage. electric heat. 10w taxes, $569W000 Plus serviced lois $12.000 Oakwood Sunny Acres 324-3801 (Lindsay), VOLUNTEERS needed ta work with people under emotional airaas. Training and supervision provided. INTERE8TED? Nexi training saerta September 29. Corne and MI1 oui an application. Interviews Sept. 17 - 23, 9 am. ta 3 p.m. Whihy COmmunîity Cars, 185 Brock Si. N., Suite i02, Witby, 00841651 or 61184M&3 N ARICtLE 00 FOR RE NT TYE rTERS for reni, manuel and eîactic, by the weskend, month or week. Dîckson Prlnting, 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, 683. 1968. GARAGE ID SALES SOOIYGARAGE SALE - An accumulation of 15 familles' trinkets and fressures. Siove, beds, dishes, tent, pîng pong, etc. Raîn or shine. 184 Marîgold (off Oshawa Boulevard North) Satur- day, Sepiember 19 from 9 ar.. 104 P.m. BETA SIGMA PHI SORORITY GARAGE SALE - Septembar 19 from 9 a.m. ta 3 p.m. 16 GeVrie Court, Whitby. MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE - September 19 and 20,9:30 to 4:30. No. 1 Renfleld crescent, Otier creek, Whtby. The famiiy of the 4ate JULIE S. BODOLAY, Ruth, 8111, Sieven and Kenneth, wîsh to thsnk ail friands and relations for their waonderful hsip and support durlng thîs try- lng time. Thank yau for the many floral tributes, carde of sympathy, donations ta Heart Fund and Si. Marks Church. Heartfelt tharike ta ail thos who suppled us with fraye and baskets of food and fruit ta sustain us. Thanka f0 the Rev. Brlan Goa for hie worde of com- fort - those of the staff of the Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hoapîtal for the thoughtfui halp they gave. Thanka aIea to ithe paîl bearers and also to the Unied Church Women of Si. Marks for providing the lunch- eon. God biases you ail. WATCH FOR the Dickson PrlntIng Monfhîy Muller. Full of humour' ad InfordàtIon. C.I 683-1908for costs on&veMtIsng spece. PICK VOUR OWN APPLES FREE ESTIMATES RICK FORESTALI K666-2992 ATTENTION OISPLAY & CLASSI FI ED ADVERTISERS Pisase check your ad for errors on t ha fi1st day of publication. The Whtby Free Press wiii flot ba fiable for failure ta publish an ad, or for typographic or other arrois ln publication bayond the cost of the spaca occupled by the en-or up ta a maximum coat of the f irst insertion. The Whltby Fret Press reserves the right ta classify or rjeci ail advarisement s Box numbers are avalabie ai an addltional charge of $200. PRE-PAIO ADVERTISEMENT DISCOUNT: You may charge your classîf lad Advrtsement t0 your Chargex or Visa Accaunt and racelva a discount on the price of theadac. Pe.se hava your Visa card ready when calling. D)EADLIN ES: Deedline for Emporium Ads is Fridsy noon prilafta publication. Deadlina for Classified MS iS Monday noon priai ta publicationM CALL 668-6111 .......... wO%.9ffý 1 m

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