1PAGE 20 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1981, WHITBY FREE PRESS Free Press mporium EmoimCou1668-6111 EmoimAds wiII only be accepted subject to the following Conditions. l. 01 C AflA ANTIQUES à COLLECTALES . Butter churner $50; Mahogany radio $50; piano sf001 $50; Mahogany manf le $150; glass. clos.d bookceae $150; mlrrored wardrobe $150. Cali 968&3907. Jui.8,81(P) BICYCLE, 16" convertible, $20. Baby Carrier for aduit bike $7. "Safa-T-Ryder" car seat $25. Con- croe double laundry tubs $5. 'Big Whe.l'$13. Cal 668-2301. Sep.16,81 (0> CHAIN LINK FENCE, 5' high, 30' long, complte top rails and end post. Asking $40. Cail 666-3995. Sep.16,81(R) One GO KART, asklng $50. Cal 6553282. Jul.8,81<M> ICE CREAM FREEZER, portable. 8 f. wldo x 6 fi. hlgh x 16fi. long, on truck chasis. Ideal for moal storago. Two 2 horse motors, working excellent. One motor near now. Runs 10 dogreos blow 0. Asking $3000. Cati 6493343. Sop.9,81 (J> MARY KAY Showcase & Business Supplies. Asking $80 or best of- for. Caeil668-4744. Aug.26,81 (J) 4 x 8 SLATE POOL TABLE for sale. Complote with accessorios. 4skng $80. Calil668-8712 days. Jui1.29,81 (W). DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING, almost now. Appraised value $445. Price negotiabie. Phono 263-8025. Aug.26,81 (S) ELECTRIC WATER HEATER, 60 galion, in good condition, $75. Boys Bicycle, suit ago 57 yrs., ~4( Fîre Scroon, 36" x 26", and ttoipi set, brass colour, $30. Baby Car Seat $15. Baby Bicycle Carrier $10. 8' Eioctric Baseboard Heaer with thermostat $60. Phonoe6M8 4"86. Sep.2,81 (F) OAK CHAIR $10. FI $15. Vacuum Cleane Llght Fixture $15. F Handpainfed Plate Wlnton Handpainte Coiiector's Item Roye $20. Royal Abert Cu Record Player $20. Ci 45 RECORDS, Rock & roll f rom the '50s f0 the iate '70s. Over 2,000 records. $1,500 for lot. SOFA, green 3-seater, $75. LOVE SEAT, contemporery tyle, black & white, $65. OIL PAINTING, Reynods, harbor acene, suit contemporary or modem living room grouping, original oul & cenvasa, $65. PANA. SONIC STEREO SYSTEM with 2 speakers and record changer $95. Two Telefunken SPEAKERS, 3 way, new. rated for 60 watts rms, $150 for pair. Custom PINE BAR with serving counter and preparetion counter. worth over $80, asking $485. Open CURIO CABINET, wainut, storege com- parment et bot tom, $50. DRAPES. Royal blue, gold and white design, lined, 96" ength x 12' wldth, $95 for pair. 9 x 12 ORIENTAL RUO, Royal blue, goîd and white design to match curteins $125. OUT- DOOR PLANTS and shrubs and plantera., ½ wine barrais, f rom $10 f0 $25. Hastings RINGS & BEARINGS for 302 Ford engine, new, $80 for lot . Oeil 668-4725. Sept.9,81 <D> ô' I ROUND CEDAR POSTS, aharpened. Assorted izes f rom 3" - 5" tops. $1.75 each. BRASS FIREPLACE SCREEN, Like new -1 15. Black FIREPLACE SCREEN, good condition. $8. 36" ax 12- x 10- AQUARIUM, $15. Antique SPOOL TABLE $70. Oelil eveninga 579-692. BELL UNWANTED quickly. Caili M88 you.r ad ln the Emporit FOR SALE: Antique Four-Poster CRADLE, oak, original finish, ex- cellent condition, $200. Antique Pine Harvost TABLE, drop-leaf, natural finish, good condition, $225. Antique Wickor 1BABY CARRIAGE, Victorien Cima~ 1890, witfs umbreile, wire spoko motel wheels, excellent condition, ex- cellent for window displey - relail, naturel wlckor with upfiolstorod padding, $350. Bowmanville ROCKING CHAIR, Circe 1850, canod seat end beck, $150. Bowmanvilîi ROCKING CHAIR, Circe 1850, uphoistorod ln beige velvot, $150. Antique Victorien Ladies SIDE CHAIR, carved back, arma & legs, uphoistered ln tepestry, with matchlng footatool, excellent condition, quality piece, $325. BOSTON ROCKER, strip- pod, neoda f0 boe ssembled, $50. Phono 666-2815 ovenîngs. Aug.12,811G) FLtA*r- Mnà U When the advertised Item la sold, diaposed of, or unavailable for whatever reason, the It em wili be deemed to have been sold and a commission wIll be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below, regardiesa If price sa stated with "best oltor". Ilithe Item le NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wiil b. mun for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 wilI apply payable ln advance of publication of the firait ad. Otherwise a $7.k charge wiil ep- piy If bilied whIch muet ba paid upon receipt. The ebove minimum charges wiii be appiied to the finef commission due but ln eny case the higher amount wili be cherged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-paid, $7.50 bilied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertisements must be pleced on an exclusive besis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run etîeat one month If not soid. RATES OIf article la soid): 5% of advertIaed price up to 840.00 2% of balance over $«0.00 EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertised for $120.00. Commission due $6.00 (minimum charge la 86.00) PrIvete edvortising onlyl Please notIfy the Whltby Free Press Immediateiy whon Item la soid 50 that we may delete Il from the foilowlng Issues. Ail ads not fittIng the Emporium guidelinos wli be lreated and charged per week as rogular classified ada on s pre-paid basis such as: services, heip wanted, clothing, rosi asiate, and personal message type ads, or ada not qu.o.tng price or quantity. Prîvato ciassld ads may appear ln t ho Emporium section under appropriaté headinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSî FIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECI FIED. MAIL. ADS TO: If ln doubt ceil: OR DELIVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM il-61 131 Brock Si. N. P.C. Box 206 686 , Whîtby, Ont. Whitby, LiN 551 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS 15 THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON AUOOBL AUTMOILSRi FOR SALE LIVES. 1971 IUKUIAUU, r amesalon, wlll sel1 Asking $350 or beat Barry et 723-092 ef ter 1972 FIREBIRD, 350'4 holiey, heaers, shift I exheuet, new rad, r work on rlght reer que $80 or beat offer. Call 1972 IMPALA, 4 dooi nIng condition, ne Aaklng $395. Ca (Oshawa). 1972 VW BEETLE, ruf tion, needa body wor certlfied. $200. Oel 6 4 p.m. 1973 GRAN mechenicelly sound. or boat offor. CeI1655 1974 DOOGE CORC runnlng condItion, ci fled. AskIng $400 or Cali 68-1564. 1974 IMPERIAL LI door>, excellent cor, Ioaed, white lether. miles of highwey dri $3,500 flrm. Serlous Oei l 668-5220. 1975 CAMARO RALL speod. standard. radl tif led. Asklng $3,4C 3336. THE WORL IS YOURS. YOU KNQP RIGH T PEI Wtrerever you moe thi Wigon hotesxs 5te rigt hep you find à place &I communsty. LUI or needs tran- for parts. 1971 offer. Cali 9gre .5 p.m. tion Jul.15,81(O) tlon - ~5064 4 barrol, 650 - kit, new duel needs body 197 arter. Asklng blut Il 66-8362. dîtl Sep.9,81(W) P0'A r, good run- t certlfled. MIi 571-3968 Sep.16,81(P) 4 ýnning condl- Fci k and'to be CA *8-7470 ater Aug.5,81(S) ClH dit TORINO, Ca Aaking $450 -3679- Jul.1 ,81(B> :)NET, good Rol an be certi- R r beat offer. 66( Sep.9,81(T) - AN ,EBARON (4 aul nition, fuiiy 6 seata, 54,000- Iving. Asklng lo buyers only. En Sep.16,81(H) sor en LY SPORT, 4 Ca Mla tires, cor- I00 Oelil 655 - Jul 8,81(L) .JF 0PLE. -ý he Weicome 5?t peln o1 M jour ne* 9 BUICK Park Avenue, sîlver ), four door, excellent condi- n. Low mloeage with meny op- na. Asking $8,495. Oeli 576- 2 aitor 5 p.m. Aug.5,81 (E) 79 CHRYBLER CARAVELLE, e, 49,000 km., excellent con- on, 4 door, power ateerlng, cor brakos, certlfied. Asklng ,50. Oeli668-1438. Jui.15.81(O) ANOMOTIVE ord Custom FIborgiess TRUCK AP. Aaking $350. Oeli 723-9989. Jul.15,81(P) HEV 350 HEADS, good con- ion. Asklng $75 or beat offer. ill 668-0482. Jul.29,81(B) DUR 13" SUPER LUG MAGS, 4 t Chev, $175. Three Unîroyal WL BR7813 'TIRES $120. Cali 36-3096. Aug.19,81f0) N Emporium Ad wlll soul your tomotive parts qulckly. Oeli 8-61 11 now. 73 FORD TORINO PARTS: 302 ngine $200. Transmission for me $85. Rediator $50. Front nd, fonders, grill, bumpors, rums, etc. Complote car $350. iiil 655-3006. JuI.1,81(R> Il ~ FOUR 14" RADIALE steel beltod, ralsedi tires. Under 10,000 mi. Asking $200. Oeil 655-4 S, Uniroyal whlte-lettor 1 on ail tires. .4108. Jun.17,81fH> CUSTOM ROOF RACKS tc0 fit full- size station wagon. Aeklng $60. Oei l 5764592. Jui.15,81(O> REAR WINDOW for Dodge 'h ion truck. New. Fits year 1975-80. Asking $25. REAR CHROME nuMva ii ro- ',1- n-- r6'.., .-w HACKNEY PONY Registered, 49", 5 yej wlth white merkInga.F Would make excell aaddie pony. Asklng 655-3006. One Triumph Lane F SADOLE. Perfect cor Telophone 655-4067. Asking $50. Oeil 668-7960. ________ Aug.19,81fL) g ' ~HUS A13Y N E [)S 47 square yards of 81 bîttor sweet. Aaklnç 723-9989. Perego Combination CARRIAGE STROLLER, excellent condition, red, $150. Colonial Bed, could bo made to canopy, with mattress, $35. Perogo Siroloer, deluxe size, nevy, $45. Oeil 683-1574. Jui. 1,81f S) GET RID 0F IT NOM~ Cali 668-611il f0 place your Emporium ad. BABY FURNISHINGS à ITEMS. Crib , mttreas and dresa ln orange & white, $125. Pleypen $35. Two waikers, $10 and $15. Two poitie chairs, $7 and $8. Baby beck peck $10. Hlgh chair $15. Swing-0-Matic $15. Joily Jumpor on e stand $20. Oeil 668-2702. Sep.2,81(L) BABY STROLLER $15. Two Dorel Car Seats $15 eech. Oeil 655-4140. Aug.26,81i5) LOVE SEAT, Immac dition, rareiy used. $180. "No Berter". 668-3989, Whltby. RUG, 9 x 12, burni ci condition. Asking $41 3995. CUSTOM.MADE SH embroidered hema, wlde. Asking $200 ci Oei l 668-0495. Speod Oueen DISHW, enorgy savor, ln exc dition, $300 or beat ofl 0495. r MARE. ara old. Bey Halter broke. Ilent child'a g $«. Oel Aug.19,81<R> Fox cutback ndition, $450. Aug.19,81(S> ýROADLOOM, g8200. Oel Jul. 15,81(P) tculato con- .Bergain et Oeil enytîme Sep.9,81 (P> ®range, good 40. Oeil 666. Sep. 16,81(R) IEERS with approx. 16' )r best offer. Jul.1,81(O) VASHER with coellent con- ffer. Oel 668- Jul.1,81 <C) SELL YOUR UNWANTED ARTICLES NO' Use this handy form to mail ln your Emporium ad. I have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the following ad-' vertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. ____________________________________(don't forget fo include your phono numnberi C I enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. ~M I E- Charge $6.00 to my Visa acoou nt. M I El Bill me for $7.50 after f irst publication of myTO ____ UJ Card No. Exp. Date WH ITBY Noe(please print) FREE PRESS ____ __ __ ___ __ ___P.O. Box 206 Addreaa 131 Brook St. N. City ostalCode Whitby Li N 5S1 AN AD IN THE EMPORIUM SECTION WILL SIEIL ALMOST ANYTHINO FOR YOU. IL "CALL 668-6111 STAFFORDSHIRI TERRIER, 9 woeks CKC registerod. Aakli 666-3995. AQUARIUM KIT, c gallon capacity, ee flîtor, chercoal, woc monta. Asking $18. C 30 GAL. AQUARIUI wlth wrought Iron star old. All ecceasorie Asking $150. Cali aftE 0701. E BULL j ld, femalo. ing4300. Cali Aug.19,81(R) 'omplete, 4 ctric pump, ol'and orne- Sep.2,81(M> M, hoxagon nd. 2 montha tes ncludod. er 6 p.m. 571- Jui.22,81<K) 17 FT. RAMBLER HOUSE TRAIL' ER, oiectric - gas fridge, aleepa 6, toilet, eleci rie brakes, complote with hitch. Asklng $2,500 or bosi offer. Phono 668-8344. Sep.16,81(V) ': HOUSEHOLD STEREO, AM/FM, 8 track built ln with turnitable. Excellont condi- tion, $185. RECLINER $25. 26"' BLACK à Wl-ITE T.V. $75. DOUBLE BED with headboard $75. Two pairs of DRAPES, $40 end $30. Calîl 668-0776. Aug.19,81(M> HOUSEHOLD SALE - White Ad. mirai rangse$25; green Kenmore range $250; ktchen suite $50; electrIc fîrepiace $25; white GE ciothes dryer $25; white, GE washing machine $25; wagon bar- boque $30; two Hoover vacuum cloaners, $100 and $30; Viking f loor polishor $20; set of 3 suit- cases $25; green ares rug $40; two Irons $20 and $10. Call 66&-7014. Jui.8,81(S> 1975 HONDA 360 CBT, nooda bat- tory and horn, low mîleago. $600 as la, $700 with bettory & horn. Five 166 SR15 MICHELIN ZX RADIALS, 15", $200 for f Ive or $50 oach. Phono 668-3660. Ask for Ron or Lynn. Sep.16,81<G> 1975 SUZUKI 125 MOTOCROSS, excellent condition, meny new parts. Asking $450. Oeil 579-572. Jul.8.81(o) 1977 YAMAHA YZ, compietsly rebulît. Aaking $650. Cali 723- 9989. Jul.15,B1(P) 1981 850 SPECIAL, 2,500 km., chrome highwey bars, KG backrest, ail werrenty checks, cer- tif led. Asking $2,700. Oeil Larry et 688666 after 4 p.m. -Jul.8,81<B) MUSICAL Qà INSTRUMENTS CLABSICAL GUITAR <Eko>, nsw, wlith case, $120. Oeil 668-94182. Aug.5,81<M) GIBBON EDO Basa Guitar, ex- collent condition, $300 wlth case. Caeil 6684832. Jun.27,81(WV) 12 STRING FENDER GUITAR. Juat lîke new. Complote wlth case. $285. Oeil 655-3006. Aug.5.81 (R> GUITAR AMPLIFIER - Poavey, 60 watts a aide, esklng $325. Oelil 668- 6297. Jui. 1,81(N) ORGAN, 1979 Gelantl F-20, duel keyboerd, basa podais. 8 rhythm petterna, automatic & manuel chords, volume podai & drum beat. Includos bench. Asking $1,300. Oeil 668-0630. Aug.26,81 (T) H1 TRAILER, Pald $13,803 Dot offer. To îsand Roed r InquIre cel Sep. 16,81 (J) FOR SALE ARCTIC CAT Kitty Oet, excellent condition. Asking $200 or besi of- fer. Oeil 728-2578. Sep.9,81(W) 150 ROSSIGNOL SI 160 bindings with Mluneri skI boots. Asking $150. Used Oeil 668-9898. cERAI BOX TRAILER, 4x condition. Asklng $41 0394. KIS, Tyrolea ski brekes, Was $275- 1one wlnfer, Aug.26,81<M> 100. Oeil 723. Aug.26,81(S) 1975 CUSTOMIZED 'A TON TRUCK, 302 engine, red veivet ln- lerlor, AMIFM cassette plus lots more. Cerlfied, $3,000. Oell 668- 1585. Aug.28,81<A) ARTICLES IARTI~jCLESI D R SALE 1 j FOR S.SALE1 loor Polîsher er $15. Noon Royal Wlnton $12. Royal ýd Bowl $12. i Winton Cup ip $20. HI-Fi ail 668-6080. Jun.24,81 (P) Aug.12,81<(G) ARTICLES il1i to place ium Sect ion. 1980 MASTERCOACI push-out dining ares.F - askIng $12,500 or bei be seen et 410 Rosi West, Whltby and to 688-1880. m 1 1 zý-ý q 79 )y n. m 52 71 je w ,b or AI H lti al DI, VY 36 N ut 58 D7 ný ari nc ru al 4ftý4 gr^nd%à à &nd% -