.WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 198 1, PAGE 15 Sweet Adelines open house The Oshawa Chapter of Sweet'Adelines wilI hold an open bouse for prospective members at the Glen Stewart Park Clubhouse, 201 Cabot Street, Oshawa on Mon- day, September 21 from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. AUl women who are in- terested in learning more about this organi- zation are invited to at- tend. Cbapter presi- dent, Nancy Jeyes will outline "An Evening With Sweet Adelines" and details of the cbap- ter's activities for the coming year. Sweet Adelines is a non-profit organization of women from al walks of life who share a common interest and a desire to sing and to pro- mote harmony. The Osbawa Chapter is one of over 700 chap- ters of Sweet Adelines Inc., which exists throug!-,ut Canada, the Uniteo States, Sweden, Japan, the United King- dom and the Nether- lands. Members of the chorus will model their costumes and present a prograin of songs demonstrating four-part harmony, barbershop style. Refreshments will be served. For more information please cail 725-0113 or 725-8310. Sloggett at the' arts s ta tion Paul Sloggett is seen here standing next to oneC of his paintings that is currently on display at the Whitby Arts Station Gallery. The show, entitled "Selected Painting 1979-81" will be on view at the gallery until October 4. Sloggett, 31, was born in Cambeilford and grew up in Oshawa. Currently a resident of Pickering, Sloggett is a teacher of art at both the Ontario College of Art, wbere he graduated in 1973, and at York University in Toronto. His work has been included in numerous exhibitions in Canada and the United States and is also represented in many public art collections. The selection on display at the gallery represents the development of his work* witb shaped canvas and color. Sloggett said that most of bis work is in- fluenced by his interest in geomnetrie shapes. His paintings are also influenced by his interests in archery and the out- doors, especially witb rock crystals. The Arts Station Gallery is located at the corner of Henry and Victoria Streets and is open Tuesday to Thursday from 12 noon to 5 p.m. and 6 to 9 p.m., Fridays from 12 noon to 5 p.m. and on Saturdays and Sundays from 2 to 5 p.m- Free Press Staff Photo GAIL DORFMAN SCHOOL 0F BALLET BALLET <est. 1974). - for the "once-a-weeker" as weli1 as the more serlous student of dance - for children f rom 6 years, teens and aduits - includes Pointe Work for more advanced students and Cecchetti Examination classes MODERN - a contemporary torm ot training knt DANCE Jazz danfcing, etnphasizing Individu- ality and the joy of movement - for Mèens and aduits DANCERCISE - have a good workout-while having fun ln this aduit exercise and dance class FACULTY: GAIL DORFMAN - former teacher at the National Ballet School HEATHER DAVIS - former teacher at the Vancouver B allet and Hartford. Connecticut Ballet, Sohools ROBERTA MOHIER - modern dancer, teacher and choreoQrapher MOVEMENT, MONSTERS end GIGGLES -creative dance for 3 to 6 year REGISTRATION - OPEN HOUSE $07 IROCE ST. N., WNITBY THURSDAY, SEPTIMBIR 17 - 6:30 - 9:30 p. IFOR FRTHrER IN1FORMATON CALL-668-1 251