Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Sep 1981, p. 29

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HIGH"Eff PCES Paid for Gold and Silver coins, oid guns, clocks, leweIery, dishes, fur- niture, crocks, oli pain- tings and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENT METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tiling, Drywali, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Declcs ,and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES - Cail 668-4686 SCREEN & GLASS REPAIRS1 ,Whitby Aluminum Home Improvement Centre REPLACEMENT WINDOWS - DOORS - SIDING DISTRI BUTOR FOR 2 PLUS 2 PATIO DOORS 900 HOPKINS ST. UNIT 3 (AT BURNS ST.> WHITBY, ONT. 66&-2252 Q3jVIjjS WE SERVICE Il meNss end modela of typewrters. Diceson PrntIng, 218 Harwood Ave. B., Aa, 683.1968. MR. SCRAP WiII pick up any klnd of metai at any time FREE0F CHARGE. CALL 666-3176- WH ITBY FABRIOS Cuatom Maierà &Drapes IVE AL.O DO ALTERATIONS 215 Dundee St. E., Whitby OFF 1>04t1Office 668-4821 IANKRUPTCIES ares Nlliing amail busînesase. If your printsr has gons oui of business ws have a bonus for you. CeIl Lou Dlckson aai 3198fordetails. A NANCY REFERIENCE BOOK "'Gramme' for people Who haie rammae'". idesi glft for tudenta or office wodrs. $3.95 per copy ai Dckaon Pinting. 218 Harwood Ave. S&, Aax,03-96S. 686- 1853 TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For Cîass A & D License Caîl PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 Oh@dof lsa ouafTCalnilfie 1-800-268-9689 Day, Eve. & Sat. courses WATCH FOR the Dceson Prlntlng Monthiy Mallsr. Ful of humour and Information. Calil 63.1%68 for costa on advertising spacs. DUPLICATE BRIDGE Centennial Building, Whitby. Wsdneadays ai 7:30 p.m. Seon begina Septem- ber' 10. New membera weicome. Cail 66&997 or 068-3M0. LOOKING FOR AUCTIONS? Check the Cîassified Ads on Page 28 of this edition. ATTENTION DISPLAY & CIASSIF1EO ADVERTISWS PIn«s check yocir ad for errors on the tiret dey of publication. The Wiltby Free PesawiIi not be luabie for tellure to pubiish an ad, or for typographic or other emrrruln publication beyond the cosi of the spece occupled by the error up 10 a maximum coat of the firei insertion. The Whtby Free Pessa reserves th rtght io ciasefy or rejeçi ail advertisements. Box numbers are "avalbe ai an edditional charge of 12.00. PRE-PAID ADVERTISEMENT DISCOUNT: You may charge your Clssifiod Advertlsemeni io your Chargex or Visa Account and recetve a discount on the price of thoead. Mle»hmv your Visa card ready when caiiing. DEADLIN ES: Dediine for Emporium Ada ta Fiday noon pror Io publication. Deadlino for Oassifiod Ada la Monday noon prior 10 publication, CALI 6068-61 11 0,0 ilb e CERAMICS CLASSES SPECIAL-HANDPAINTING SEMINARS FULL LIN E 0F MAYCO DUNCAN & FASHEN HUE PRODUCTS PEEL SLIP HUGE GREENWARE SELECTION CALLCERAMUC ACADEMY 668-7219 GARAGE SALES GARAGE SALE - Household gooda and somo restaurant oqulp- ment. Anderson Street, R.R. 1, Brooklin, second houss north of the 5th ino. Saturday, Septembor 12 starting et 11 a.m. MUSIC LESSONS AGAIN. PIANO LESSONS Theory Instruction. Experisncsd Teacher. B. Mus. - Grad. Study U. of T. ALL AGES. 655-4974 IfIGNLAND DANCING LiSSNS Experisnced, quaillfied teicher. Memnber of British Association of Teachers of Dancing. Otter rsoN aroa. 666-1477 Jiii Northey, B. Mus., A.R.C.T., la now accsptlng students for PIANO & THEORY TUITION ai ail leva. Oel (Oshawa): 579-1558 MUSIC LESSÃ"NS - Experisnced O.R.M.T.A. piano-thsory teacher hem rsceniiy moved to Whltby. Phone 668-1837. CALI, NOW TO RESERVE VOU R SPACE: 668-6111 a StARTICLES 7 FOR SALI 1L TREES - SHRUBS - VEGETABLES For sale. Evsrything very resson- ably priceci. Potîtoes, tomatoos, canrota, bots, dlii cucumbora, diii, corn, zucchini, cauliflower and broccoil. Aiso trees $2.50 up. Spruce, mapie, codar, oak, ash, pins. Peonies, iris, Miac, rhubarb, forsythia, raspberry plants. Alil iimtod suppiy. For more informa- lion ciii 655-4525. NEW & USED Office Fumniture ai big savlngs. Ws has a wrehouss full ln Aax. Dickson Prlnting, 218 I-Iawood Av@. S., Aa.,683-1968. SWIMMING POOL CLOSE-OUT -Al 1981 stock wiiI b. soîd at a fraction of the regular seiiing price. Most sizes In stock. Easy terms availabie. Free deiivery. Cali tolI f ree: 1400.2685970 Toronto: 1-416-746-3340 WASH ER, Drysi. Frldge. Stove and Wood Buming Stovs. COeil 6& TYPEWRITERS for rerit, manual and eiecirIc, by the weekend, rmth or weeL k.lkaon Pernting. 218 Manwood Ave. S, Aia. 83- 119"8. AUTOMOBILES FOR SA.ELE 1969 NOVA, California body, new 350. 4 speed transmission and ciuich. Regular gas, AM/FM, Lear- Jet cassette. Asking $2,500 or best offer. Oeil 579-099. 1973 BUICIC CENTORION, power stsering, power braNea, air condi- tlonlng, power windows. Oertilsed. Besi cash offer. Oeil 668-8344. 1972 FORD for parts. Cati 579- 6966. 196a HARLEY DAVIDSON, black sportater, 900 cc <NcNor>, salon- ded front end custom seat, 815sY bar. Oel 723-0943 or 576-4711. AsN for Stevo. SUPPLIS OFFICE IN OMEt Combîntilon dek and fillng cabinet, new but scratchaM dodnt ln rmanufacture. Lms then $100. Dckaon Printlng, 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, 683- OSHAWA OBEDIENCE CLASSES. Startîng Sepiember 15. For f uriher information cmii 655-4066 or 571. 3405- Long distance 1-623-3712. FEMALE SPRINGER SPANIEL (apayed), 7 yeersoid, very docile,- needa loving home. Oeil 668-1063. GARAGE SALE - Antiques and househoid Items, wash stands, schooi gIngsrbmead mentie docks, round oak table, rocker, frame, hanging lampa, being heid ai 80 Rossiand Road West, Oshawa, Frlday and Saturday. 4 - (APARTMENTS/I C~0DSORRN1 S FOR RENT LARGE I 8EDROOM basement apartment wlth laundry facilities, frldge, hydro, stc. lncluded. $200 per month.COeil 66-4725. TO T0RJITNT WANTED TO RENT - Smail win- terlzed cottage ln Bancroft area. Calil66R-3029. Fordson SUPER Major Tractor for parts. Nsed not b. running. Oelil 655-4995. EARN EXTRA MONEY. Show our exciting lins of Christmas carda and gifts t0 fMonde, noighbours. No expsrience nsoded. Our beautiful catalogue miNes lh easy and profitable. Write today for Ires Christmas cataloguesandin. formation. Monsrch Grsstlng Carda, 217 Cannon, Hamilton L8N 3K(3 or phone (416>527-3891. BABYSITTER WANTED ln my homo. Four days per wesk. Have two childron - ages 3 ysars and 18 montha. Oeil 665-808. RELIABLE PERSON wentsd to cars for 5yeu bnd 1 ysarold ln my homo. For Information cali Oô&- 6996 &ftsr 6 p.m. INSIDE SALES, peraon wlih know- ledge of printing and forma, large aiea f irm, aiary. P.O. Box 561, Wfitby, Onterio. EXPERIENCEO CLEANINO womnen weni full or haif-day work ln Whitby or surrounding are&..Oel DAY CARE AVAILABLE in West Lynde houas after October 15. Ail days. hall days or lunch time. Hol lunches..Calil6860878, WILL BADYSIT in my homne. Palmerston aie. For more Infor- mation caîl 668I-2603. WHITBY WELDING LTD. Manufacturers of steel mlii equlpment requires skiliIed personnel for the foiiowlng positions: e, Horizontal Borlng MilI Operator eMachiniste eFitters aFltter*WeLWers e Welders aBurner (Optical Traclng) e Shop Supervisor - Fabrlcating CONTACT: MR. FRANK RINALDI 668-8835 WE ARE LOOKING FOR A VERY SPECAL PERSON. WHO ARE WE? On. of Canadas Iadlng audio-visuel production houssa pro- duclng AIV shows, complote major conventions end motion pîcture films. WHAT DO WENEED? A personabie, super typlttlrscsptionist/bookk..per who la pmeparsd to work on convention planning, IncentIve shopping, co- ordinats day-to-day production activities and - malce coffse (if the production manager doosant make l fîrati1). If you wouidIliNs to loin our famlly ciii Eunics Mogg ai 668-831. Curi Communication International Limited 924 Brook Street North, Whltby WEST HILL WHITBY PICKERING OSHAWA AJAX A NEW CAREER THE CO-OPERATORS One afCanada's Ieadlng multi-Ilne insurance companles is Iooklng for career minded people ln YOUR area as sales representatîves. The Co-operators offers salary plus commissions, company car and a full benefits package includlng lfe insurance, retirement plan, fuîly paid O.H.l.P., dental plan, etc. For further Information cal 1: WEST HILL, PICKERING 439-1224 AJAX, WHITIBY, OSHAWA 728-1661 ELECTROLUX CANADA NOW OPENING IN WHITBY. Requ ires 2 fuil-time and 1 part-time people-ln the line of sales and ser- vice ta the public. Appîy at: 122 ATHIOL STREET WEST 668-1501 TORONTO STAR Requires person 17 years or older ta assist in promatlng our home dellvery system in Whitby. Attractive commi- ssions and flexible hours provide great potential for extra incarne. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: MR. DANKO 728-5117 10Oa.m. - 6p.m.- GIVE YOUR FURNITURE A FACELIFT RICHARD'S FURNUTURE REFINISHINO 600 EuliId St., Whltby FREE ESTIMATES RICK FORESTALI ~666-2992 w au -1 . ---- -M ----------------- - - , . - 1 N, -lm 4 - ---! - Il 1

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