Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Sep 1981, p. 15

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SPECIAL ROfWDEO PULL-OUT SECTION WHITBY FREE PRESS, W tDN ESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 198 1, PAGE 15 Piggin' string used mi Ladies goat tying contest This is a timed event for women and the timing starts when the competitor leaves the roping box. A goat is staked at the opposite end of the arena and the competitor must race to the' stake, touch it, then move the rope down. The compe- titor must be thrown on its back, and a "piggin' string" is used to tie three goat's together. she throv of the timing stops, but in legs order for the time When to be officiai, the vs her goat must remain hands free and tied for six sec- steps back the onds. Junior steer riding This is an event for the younger of the competitors, which also serves judging is done on the same basis as bull riding, but, to make the event a as training for the littie easier, the rigorous bull riding young cowboy may competitions they use two hands if he will be entering in wishes. the future. The WHfVBY PARKCS & MECREATION DEP'T FALL PROGRAMS & COMMUNITY SERVICES 500l Victoria St. W. Whitby 668-77 65 mWnLD WEST flODZO BAT. SEPT. 12 2 .z SUN. SZPT. 13 2 P.n'. IROQUOIS PARK FAIRGROUNDS * DARLTDACE DfONC RIDINC * *-~ERWRESTLING* SADDLU DI1 DII1C *LADIES DARREL RACZIG * CALI' ROPIU1G* * DULL RIDING * PRESENTED BY -TOWN 0F WHITBY -WHITBY CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE -CHOO RADIO CALI 668-7765 FOR INFORMATION $5.00 ADIJLTS $3.00 CH' DRIA& SENIORS""eM RODEO PARKING LOT MARK[T SAT. SEPT. 12 10-5 P.M. IROQUOIS - NIE PARKING LOT BOOTHS $1 3.00 TABLES $3.75 DALL 687765 FOR RESERVATION INFORMATION GENERAL REGISTRATION INFORMATION DATE: Swim registration: Saturday, September 12,9:00--11 *00 .m. Generai registration: Thursday, September 17,7.00 -9-00 p.m. LOCATION: Iroquais Park Compiex 500 Victoria Street West WhItby, Ontarlo PLACE: AquatIce - Whitney Hall Other Programs - Lobby of roquois Park Arena TIME: Se» above TELEPiiONE: 668-765 Laie rsgistrations wiii be acceptsd by mail for progrmas other than Aqualtie at 575 Rossiand Road East, WhIiby, Ontaro, LIN 2M8 or ln person aitroquois Park Compiex betws.n 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. AM choque* shouid ha made payable to the Town ai Whttb REFUNDS The Recreation Deparment reserves the righi 10 cancet any ciass ln whtcfi registttan faits 10 rech te minimumn requirelTents. In the case of canclatitaf due ta the above, a fuît refund wltt h Isaued 10 the regtatrants. A paillai refund witl bu tssued If receipi ls received aitfthe Recrea- Doan Deprinent belotre comptiton of the second ciasa. The amaunt of refund wil bu ihe program fes. ics83.0. There wilt be no refund after conipiction of second cisa. DANCERCISE Foe. $MW 0oeghiw'cka. Clasae wlIN be hqid eathie C*ngnnial Bulding on Thunsday nigitta from 7:00pin. 0830 p m.,m qQjpy1 si POWER SKATING Power skating teaches youngsters cantrol, bi SPECIAL BUS EXCURSION prorailWeeiily .7 icla toung hot KITCHENER FARMERS' MARKET AND years. At roquais Arena - Mondays, Wednesi TOUR 0F SELECTED FACTORIES& Brookiin Arene - Tuesdays, Thuredmys and Fr MENNONITE COUNTRY Fo.: $40 for 9 tessons. For this excursion, you wiii need a comfortabie pair of shoeseand PRE-SEASON HOCKEY large shopping bagsl The Recreation Depariment of VWhitby sa POWER SKATING TRAINING hostlng a retum engagement ta the Kitchener ares with a few more troquais Arena -September 19 &20, 9:00- 11:0 activies added In ta make your day a speciai one. & 4, 10:00 - 11:00 arn. and October 106& 11, fror ttinerry - AM Fs.: $M500 Kitchener Ferrmera' Market Note: <Hockey School for beginners Walking tripe to, local factoris such as: above) Arraw Shirt Company (men's ctathing, ladies îîngerie) SHINNY HOCKEY John Forsyth Ca. (mn's clothing, ladies tops, troquois Arena - Mondays, 9:00- 11:00 arn., st yard goode - cash onîy) ting September 17. Broakiin Arena - Wednesdi Genesco af Canada <shoos, boots, ilippers) Foe: $200 par persan Penmans Factary <portswear, socke, beddtng, taweie) PARENTS & TOTS Mape wiit be given out and yau can go ta the factory af yaur choice. Iroquois Arena - Thuredmys, 10:00.- 11:00 a.m. Reium ta market et noon for s deiicious smorgasboard lunch et 11:00 arn., starting September 21. Bingeman Park, Berkeley Room. Foe: Adultes-.50s, children -.254 Itinery - P PUBLIC SKATING SCHEDULE The aftemoan wiil b.e pent tourlng the EtImIra - St. Jacobae rolnMmdlAn e:6547 Woalwich area. The tour includes ferme warked the aid way, hor- Bo&i eoa ms-e:6547 se-crawn vehicios, Biacksmith shoas, buggy factorise and covered Sundsys: 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. bridge. After the tour, you wiii retumn home by 6:00 p.m. Wsdnesdays: 3:30-4:45 p.m. Reglater~ By mail or In persan eaIiroquois Park Arena Office, (StartIng September 22) Monday ta Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., prior ta Sep- Iroquois Park Arons - Tel: 66&7765 tember 28 Sundaye: 2:00 -3:45 p.m. Date af Trip: Saturday, October 3,1981 Tueedays: 3:30 -4:45 p.m. TMme: Departure, 7:00 a.m. from Iroquois Park Compiex; (Starting September 22) return, approx. 6:00 p.m. Fs.: Adults - $1.00; ChIldren -.75s Further tnfo: 668-7765 Fs.: $17.00 PD DAY PUBLIC SKATING SCHEE SPECIAL NOTICE Iroquois Arena The Whtby Parkas & Recreation Department le always înterested In Thursday, Ocoeber 29, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. receiving applications f rom quailfied part tîme Inetructors wh Thursday, November 18, :00 -4:00 p.m. wish ta teach a night or daytlme course. Appiy troquais Park TusaDcme , 10-:0pm Campiex Of fice or cati 668-7765. PLEASE NOTE: Casses are f lied on a "firsi DANCE FIT < .ages16 years &over) Time: Mondays, 8:15 - 9:15 p.m. and Wednesdays, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m., serling September 28 - December 7. Location: St. Johns Anglican Church, Brock & Victoria Street. Fes: 33W.00 for 10 weeks, twiceiweek. SLIM &SWIM A 12 week intructionai exercieand ftness programme foiiowed by a swim and sauna during the aduit swim period at troquais Park. Location: Whitney Mati aircondIiioned>, Iroquois Park Commenclng: Sepember 21et, 1981. Registration: Monday, September 141h ta Friday, September lBth. DAYTIME CLASSES - twice weekiy for 12 weeks; %A hr. exercise ln Whtney Hati foiiowed by 'A hr. swim and sauna ai troquais Pool. EVENtNG CLASSES - once weekiy for 12 weeke; 1 hr. exercise ln Whitney Hall folowed by 'A hr. swim and sauna at Iroquois Pool. DAYTIME CLASSES.- Tueedays & Thursdays, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. EVENINO CLASSES - Mondsys & Wednesdays, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m., 8:00.- 9:30 p.m. these classes avaliable on bath nights). Fee: 324.00 for 12 weeks YOGA - EXERCISE AND RELAXATION YOGA 1 - BEGINNERS Whitney HatlIroquois Comptex, Thursdays 7:30 - 9:30 p.m., starlng October let. Fee: $35.00 for 10 weeks YOGA il- INTERMEDIATE Fo: $20.00 for 8 weeks. CREATIVE MOVEMENT Tro be heid ai Whitney Hall, Iroquois Arena on Wednesdays, 2:00 3:00 p.m. starting Sep- tember 30, or Thursday evenîngs 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. startlng October 1 St. TAKE-A-BREAK MORNING TENNIS - LADIES Location: Iroquois Park Camplex Days. Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. - Beginners, *Intermediate, *Advancsd <We need s minimum of 10 people par group to offer these igysis). Dates: September 22 - October 29. Numbers: 20 maxlmumigroup. 1 chilparticipani for baby- sitting service or limit of 20 chIidren at any ans lime. Fs.: 336.0 for 6 ws.ks <Inciuding babysItting) TENNIS LESSONS Fs.: =2.OC per persan for a minimum af 4 participants, for 8Bons hourtesasons. SEMI-PRIVATE TENNIS LESSONS Calii 6687765. Fee: $Q.00 per person, 5 iessons ai local tennis courts SKATING -HOCKEY LEARN TO SKATE Atiftrouois Arena - Wsdnesdays, 9-.00 -10&00 &.m. andior Fridays. 9-00.-10 a&m., siarting Sepiember 23. At Brc-kIcln Arona - Frlday. 2:00 - 3:00 p.m., starling September 25. Fes: 327.00 for oncelwe.k for B ws.ks U45.00 for tWcstwsek for 8 ws.ks. HOCKEY SCHOOL At troquais Arena - Fridays, 4:00 - 5:00 p.m., starting Sep- tomber 18 - Navsrnber 20. Foe: S24.001for10 weeks. SESSION IlaietIroquais Armna- Monday and Fridlay 4:.00 - 5:00 p.m., starting November 23 -December 18. Clrildren - AdulEs - stance adn manoeuverabiiity on skates. This new method of usIng their natural abIIity ta the maximum patential. This oc.key players who wlsh ta Improve their skating. Age:, 7-14 Wmys & Thuusdays, 4:00 -5:00 p.m., September 21 - October 8. -ridsys, 5:00 -6:00 p.m., September 21 - October e. M s.m., September 266& 27. 10:00 a.m. -.12:00 p.m.; October 3 om 10-W a.m. - 12:.00 naon. re te availabie on Fridmys from 4:00- 5:0 p.m. - Ses writs-,up startIng September 14 AND Thursdays, 8:15 - 10:00 a.m., star- laye, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.. starting September 23. n.,iarting September 17. Broaklln Arona - Mondays 10:W0- MINOR HOCKEY REQISTRATION Registration Dates: DULE Nednesday, September 12, 6:00-9:00 p.m. Saturday, September 12, 9:00 &m. - 12:.00 noan Location:. Iroquois Arena, front foyer. Contact: Mr. Jim Williams, 6689940 Fs.: lot boy.- 380.00 2nd boyifamily - $125.00 3rd or more boysifamlly - $150.00 PRIVATE & SEMI-PRIVATE LESSONS rimes avaliabie: Saturdays, 10:00-10:30 sm.; 10:30 - 1 1:00a., 11:00 - 11:*30 a.m.; 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 faon. Fs.Privateliesons-l1per clae-$24.00 Semi-private leesons -3 perclasa -318.00 Brooklin Ame Thursday, October 29, 1:00 -3:00 p.m. Thureday, November 18, 2:00 -4:00 p.m. Thursday, December 3, 1:00 -3:00Op.m. corne, firsi served" basis - enroliment on regisiration nightl s )s beiow are lIssed progressively. each day anci lime represents __________MON. TUESOA- Y WEO. THURSOA Y FR1 J TSA TURDA V mom &Me ___ 6006:45 60"-45 9 00am Shrimp 515 515 515 _ _ 600-645 5:15 6f» 7.00 900#m 5.15 515 5:15' 5A5 Yeiiow<Shark) ___ 6451 700 9008M 600 700 Orange (Prebeginner ___ 645-7:30 745 7.30 7,100 Red (Beginner) ___ 6:006:45 745 9008M Surivai ____ 730 Maroom (Junior 600 700 6:45 745 900 ar Blue (Pre-infermediale) ___ 600 7.00 Lite Saving 1 900&mn Green (Intermediate) 645 745 Grey (Senior) _ 7__ 30 73o Lite Sa ving Il, Ii 9 00am White (Senior +) ___ .0745 RLSS Bronze 7:30 ____ Leaders 83 ________ 5:00 5:.00 500 500 530 Swim Club 6:,30 6:00 6:30 630 7.03 2 Y3 ADUL T INSTRUCTIONA L LESSONS IE VE NItiGSo TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THLJRSDAY Red Cross Stroke Improvement 8:30 P.M.8:0PM DAVYTIME INSTRUCTIONAL LESSONS TUESDAY WEONESDA Y THURSOAY Mom &Me 2.30pm 915a8M____________ Shrirnp 230 pm 9158M ____________ Yellow (Shark) 230Pm 915@m Orange (Pre-ba ginner) 2-30pm 9 ISan Aquabics --900&m Red Cross Siroka Improvement 2:30pm 91l5a& INSTRUCTIONAL RA TES: Mom & Me - $2400. Children - S2f1.- Aduils $24 00 RLSS - $2400, Leaders - $2500 Commencing Monda y. September?151. 1981 Business Swim (AdulEs) Parents & Tais - Monda y Io frîday. 12 00 - 7 3OPm PUBLIC SWIM AOULSWIM4 Monda y Wednesday Friday Saturday 7:-30 3pm 7f.00 Pm 2.30-5 00pom 7:00-L8.00 pm Monda y 839-930pm Wednesday 8 319 3Opm Frday e00900pn' SaIurdey 80900pm Chidren Passes - i135ý 00 Adults Passes- 101$800 $100 beeniors- z - %9# %^ Family Pas 50 O0estly 6 *k'*'~ . Sunday 2:00-500prn -FAMIL V SWIM- Sundays. SV--630 pm, Parents musE accompany ctifldren SENIOR CITIZENS'SWIM - Monda ys, 1:30- 2:3Opm SWIMMING RA TES M Mun wMLIK k encouraged. Also. the classes

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