SPECIAL RODEO PULL OUT SECTION PAGE 14. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1981 WHITBY FREE PRESS ~o~eCD=~ =Cmrz= TO OUR CORRAL AND SEE OUR ROUND-UP 0F FALL FASHIONS 10% YOOFF WITH THIS COUPON SIZES 121½ -241/2 38-44 »Friday, September il * Western Band * Mechanical Bull *Rot ary Flapjack Supper * Beer Garden .round-UP) the whole family and stampede dlown for a f la pjack supper at 6:00 p.m; then.. DANCE TO THE LOG CABIN BOYS!! It's gonna be a real WHOOP-Up"'l 00%ms Sponsored by: Whitby Chamber of Commerce ~ LOWREY MAKES LEARNING FUN -JjjjjjkGIVE YOUR CHILOREN THE B ~GIFT0F MUSIC WITH A LOWREY ORGAN OR PIANO. LOWREY PIANO & ORGAN CENTRE 360 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY 666-3544 "n"919- in - &W £a#-n *1 LOWOREY* Cowboy hats @old by C of C Cowboy bats wiIl be sold by the Chamber of Commerce and there will be a dance spon- sored by that organiza- tion. The hats wilI be $3.50 each - there will be 500 available in aduit sizes, medium and large. The hats are made of straw, off white in colour, with a feather band. Referring to the ex- cellent quality for the price, Mandy Crawford of the Chamber of Commerce remarked "How they make the hats for that prîce " The hats will be avail- able from downtown merchants in the Whit- by core. For further in- formation or purchasing large quantities, contact Shirley Acker at Cham- ber of Commerce, 668- 4506. - v'nor su'- - 4Jnu su -,9 t I lit Agnes Disney's Fashionable Half Sizes 108 Brock St. S. Whitbyý 668-4375