Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 Sep 1981, p. 12

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concerned parents wlI appreciate these ideas: STUDENTS We have a large selection of textbooks, reference books, Colos Notes, and lterature. 10% 1/2 PRICE or Iess. 1%dlscount on cash purchases over 110.00. WE TAKE TRADE-INS. 1h. Book Between 120 Dundas St. W. Whltby - 666-2442 Pç11ly Colona Muic CcnLro WELCOME' The RELLY COLOMA MUSIC CENTRE wetcomnes JUDY ANAKA to their staff. Judy Is a tralned Vamaha Electone Organ lnstructor and she brlngs her experlence and enthuslasm to our new Vamaha Music School. Judy taught ln Saskatch- ewan for the last couple of years. She Is looklng forward to meeting the people of the Durham reglon and we would like you to meet her. Please plan to attend our Open House, Thursday, Sept. 10, after 7 p.m., meet Judy and observe a demon- stration group lesson. She 18 also quallfled to teach piano, havlng completed Gr. X wlth the Royal Conservatory of Music. If you are uriable to attend the Open House and are lnterested ln lessons, call Judy at 433-1220. 0 YAMAHA pelly Coloma 1540 DUNDAS ST. E. Mu&SicContre IB. NAI CONSUMER BEAT Ready or flot, its back to school time signaIs the euti tf sumiuuîtr aud tht' rtluittaiit rt'tuîrutif kitis ttî thet hrieBs.: reading. *riting aînd *riihîîatir. If vtinre piar- enuts tif laktisettlr.vti mna, fatt' thet' trt't' sItio: refuiuîts and etxehangt's. rit- toff, anîd rt'alit its. Theît>'trveeBs tif shtpping foîr liukiistlttl eeds arte really nti tifferetifrtîîu leiug aise î st ieutr al vear rtîntl. Shoi1iarti d. etompîarte prit'ts. read the' fine print. make a shoppinîg list antIstick ti it. Ifts *vcnir mîn'. (;et full value ftor it. Refun.ds and exehanges -l want nvit iuoev haek!* This faîtîliar crv is often fol- ltiwed I)v lassle and frustratitin ftor the t'tîusi mer and tht' ner- chant. This îay t'oine as a shtitk Lu vtu. luit nierehants are undthr nu) legal tbiigatiton ti gOve a refund tir an exehange unless the' gtmtds are defective tir ve tarI~>i% o tît live up t) sales t'laiuus. 1lltwevt'r. mutst re-spitisille uît'rrhauts realize that a fair refîîîî<taud ext-hange ptilit'v 1$ g> t d jjiliierelatitons. itl heljis thtîu gt't. and kt'e1i. their. enstimuer. "I>r obr mligtion is ttî miake sure vtîuî îîîtlrstaud thtrre>fiînd and t'xc-h<iiuge i n iieffeet 'where ' vt u lîî. iusu mîer self-rt'liaut-t'is always eheaper thait ltgai hasslt's aller stie whenî shopiniig for haek-tti- sehtîtl tluthts and et1uiijimeut. reîîîeîmler tht'se htandv titis: - (Jtîu1aristiu slutp. Htad tht' advt'rtisemeuts. ctîuîîare piîcts, guaranitees anI service agreemnets. - Avtiid impiulste lutying or faddv trends, Uuiless vtiu have unliiitt't funds voni shoiuld ask vtirself: Dotî1Ireallv nt'td titis hie? ("ani I afftird i ? Is titis the' lest price? - Shtip ai replutalle stores. Wateh tinr fotle razzlt'-taz- zît' eut-rate tintlet that tipentd las-t w-etk. lInt'xehangt ftr ltiw prices Vtin înay. nut t it alltiwed to rettru anvthiitg. ,\sk vtiur friends whcre thev Iîuî speeifiv itemus. Check the' s;ttîres reputatitiî thrîutg V vtîur Itocal Better Biisiîîess bureau tir Chiamber tif Cti- muerce. - Examine the' nierehan- (lise earefullv'. ake sure that elthing and shties rit prtîîer- ly. Lotok cltsely at both shtîes tir gît ve.s: defeetive mnerelhaî- dise shtuld be eatighi at tht' potlint tif.sale. If voti*re huviing a tvpewriter. tir stonie tther mieehanleal item., have it dentonstraîed trir take sure there is an utwtindititinal e- fiui tir exehiange plicy in ftorce. Alitve ail. lue seîitit'al tif extravagant sales edaims. If it stunds t> gotîtlttle truie. it prtilallvis. Ail this tltiesnt inean thai lîargaliîs are suspeet. ()lvi- tiusly ittt. Merehants and iiîauifae-iuîrers etiniett ftîr t itr tdtllar. anti frt'tuiently aie- <'cpt a ltîwer 1profit lu the' htîpe that thev will selI uttre tif souiietlîiîg uand ituis make an etpiAl. or-greaîer. pirofi thrtîngh higlier sales. CALL NDW!. Agi m. g mmd toWvh.- AI wm em geff g,.,, utie lh frQ.wid. dsel.arIWKs.s0 ro 30 LB- POR% BO-NfS le@ BONUS NO.o2 b«§/2"HGdONLY39' îb mi"vsy 30.v mrebutUor th MgAX HRHP«22 EWSRE 66HRp O V.S, 2SELE V ., 6725 AW*YONBE T0NEYthe 686-2108te97"et622ne STi ORE«*uRS USFI ..9pm O.&ST ..6pm OGDSAC AICLEI Stimt'tiînt's von ivill lit' tf- ft'red etîtptins wotrh a dis- cotit if vuis huîv lîtftîrt'a certain daitti r voisî uighlit' abletg) lîuîy t4o tif soetitng with tlt' steoutditemum ai lower hriet'. (Butv tînt'antiget a steond for 1I e.> Tht'mini- facturr r iuerehaîti atuîrallv l)uilds lu hisproirt m argin andt hîipes tht' int-reaseti volumet wiIl resulinl grt'ater saltes. Tht'st' and other genulue muarke'ting -tri vks oftifhe îradt'** liell> keep prices dowu îhroiîgh htnesî oetiietiîî lietwteu nxerehants. Thev hllp vot inake vtîur euustinier do'llar- go furtîter. Whert' vois shtiuld he on gutard is lu the' area tif tricks tif tht' îarkt'tplat't'that are dishouest. illegal tinl that grey area tif îriekt'rv that rt'- quires etiusmîuer.self-rtliace and a kuîîwledgt' of htiw the' nîarkttlace wtîrks. Rip-Offs Htîw iîuut'hshîiuld that piair tif rîuiers eot? V/lai is a fair 1riee for a elîilds sweater*?- Htîw will vti knîiw whether tîne' rand of ehildren's sticks wi Il la.si longter tItan aîutier? If vtinre unhappv witlu an itenm hecause it tutu) t live up tg) vtiur t'xîettatîins. tir vtis bîiughit soîmetlîing and then realized vtmu paid t> .tuîeh ftr it. voisî uîavlie iueliued ti shouît rili-îifF'. There is ut) -riji-tfr lt'gis- latitîn in On)tarioî althtngl tht' Cotmuiuer lPrtectitun*X' anmd thte Busintess Prat'tives Art îîrovitI& ample ootî1îm iutv for vou ttî seek legal liell)inlu ti'- OU ases tif fraud tir mis- Backmto- Sohool! Brlng ln your qusllty used clothlng"Infant to size 12. Top demend right now for boy' s tfllend wlnter clothlng. 215 Dundas St. E., Whltby Speclists ln »sving you money on qualilty used chlldrsns mear. New Per ego strollers for sal rt'l'rt'st'tatin t hi ute înarket- pîlacet. lt'5t'ctiier t'~prottetioni Iaws (-ait loit'îî1ared lu uthe referet' in a iekey gaine. lit' mav ltlow thut' whistlt' on a buisiness and 1îenali7e any lItsiut'ss wieitli 1lavs dirty or breaks the' rdes. 'Ile etnsîtîner gaine voin rt iitvtilvt'tlin is îuut'i more etîuu1îltx thaît a hotekey gaint>. bîut tdt' lIaytrs v et e iît'jlst as %vigbrtînîusv. 'lite ideat is lu ie t arioî Ministry of Ctîîsuiur and C omm ercial Relations is, the' referet'. If vot tiuk tint' tf the players bas lîrtken tht' rides, ive s Vaul - wve i'ah eale tk> helÎî. Realities The' finluai R*of tlhe three lis. is to ret'tizt' that back- to-sclionl shopjping tinie is onîe îf tht' îuanv seaso nal periods lu our lives. Easter. Christ- mias. Mtther's Day. 1irthdays and anniversaries. ail seeni ttî eall for extra uuont'v. Tht' real- ivy is thaï tht're is ueverenoutgh Iiniy te k goî around. Bt' care- lfui ht'fort' von hli n u redit. 1iartieuîlarly to i 'savt'*uîoiney ou a"'sale,*. If vois didn't ueed th iteminits no hargain uno mnalter what tht' price. At todavs rates 1htirrowed iney' cati it(1 very ex1iensive indeed. Ftor further informatitou on cotiuetr rights and rt'sp<insi- liilitit's. writet' o the Ontario Niuisîarvtif Consumner and] Ytiugt' Street. Trontoi. Ontarioi. NI îA 21-16).tir tt'leliutîe (416> 963-1111 . Colleet calis. w <lroi tte. Leaming with Newspapers Educators are discover- ing that newspapers are ex- cellent study aids for the classroom. Teachers are using newspapers to increase reading ability and to spark discussion on cur- rent events. E ven grocery ads from the local newspaper can be used in math problems, and there are many other newpaper features that lend themselves to class- room activities, teachers have found. PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, Sj-.ýPTFMBER 2,198 1, WHITBY FREE PRESS BACK TO SCHOOL SECTION

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