PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY. AUIGUST 19, 1981, WIITBY FREE PRESS Whitby Free Pres s.... ENTERTAINMENT ,,with Barry Murkar Heavy Metal will determine future of animated movies Heavy Metal is a feature length amimated cartoon. It is a Canadian production that cost $9 million to put together. Columbia Pictures, which bombed out with American Pop is waging a gamble that this feature wil turn the animated cartoon business around, rather than bury it forever. This cartoon features a lot of bare breasted women and as the movie progresses, the breasts get larger and larger. This is not Wall' Disney stuff. The story is based on Fantasy magazine. Dan Goldberg and Len Blumn have worked toget.her on this one and on other projeets and for the most part have been successful. They are in demand. To their credit, they collaborated on Meat- balis which'did very well and their current project, Stripes, is financially up there with Superman II and Raiders of the Lost Ark. Goldberg was born in Hamilton and while at McMaster met Ivan Reitman who wanted to make movies. It was Reitman who really got the trio together when one day he jokingly asked Goldberg and Blum if they could come up with a comie story on summer camps. The resuit was success in the form of Meatballs. In this latest venture, Goldberg gives Reitman the credit as being the leader in the project. Goldberg is a littie worried about the suc- cess of Heavy Metal and describes the tale as being weird. Reitman wanted a fir- st class screenplay and got Goldberg and Blum interested. They found the prospects too ex- citing to turn down. Goldberg was not a particular fan of Fan- tasy magazine. It came out in the US. in 1976, first being introduced in France. It was popular, but Goldberg feit the stories needed some humour. .Another problemn they found in working with anirmators was that they intended to become so wrapped up in move- ment, backgrounds and design, they forgot what the real story was ahl about. They had a lot of problems in producing the film, but eventually got around them and now it has been released. All of those connected with Heavy Metal feel that if it fails, it spelîs a lot of trouble for the future of animated films.- Consumer1 Announces C ategory Ontario Consumer Minister Gord Walker today announced a new addition to the category system used to classify films in the province. The new A dilt Accompani- mient category wilI permnit people 1 4 years of age or older unsupervised cntry. Children under 14 years of age may attend films in this category if acconîpanied by an aduit aged 18 or older. Only filins which are classifled on o>r after August 1, 1981 will be affected by this new category. "A difflculty with the pres- ent systern is that on one hand certain restricted films might well be suitable for viewing by teenagers in higli school, and on the other hand some films currently classified as "aduit entertainmnent" are inappro- priate for younger audiences but are open to them " "The change will serve to both clarify and tigliten the ex isting classification system," said Mr. Walker. The Hestricted category will continue as it lias in the past with admittance limited to aduits aged 18 and over. Any filmis which do not faîl in the Restricted or Aduit Ac- M inister New Film companinent categorie wil have unres icedmittnce. However, an advisory clarifi- cation of content will acconi- pany ail advertising. The two advisory captions are "Par- ental Guidance"'. intended to alert parents that certain language or scenes may be too mature for so>me children and "Family" nheaning suitable for ai. Mr. Walker also annGunced his intention to change the composition of the censor board through an amendment to, The Theatres Act which will be introduced in the faîl. The censor board currently c(>nsists of the director, assis- tant director and five full- time members, three of whom are civil service positions. "We intend to abolish the civil servant positions and establish a new board of censors with a minimum of 25 part-time positions to be filled on a rotating basis, by a broad cross-section of community representatives to ensure continuity"' said Mr. Walker. 1 There will also be a new .formaI appeal procedure from idecisions made by the board .of censors. *CINEMASHOWCASE H ELD OVER EYEOFTHE NEEDLE 2:30,4:35,6:45,9:00 i'LACCOMPANINN ZORRO STARRING GEORGE HAMILTON 2:30,4:35,6:45,9:00 r 1 1TH WEEK RAIDERS 0F THE LOST ARK'E Warnlng - Some scenes may b. frghtsnling Ontario Theatre Board PA ITA L 2:35, 4:40, 6:50, 9:05 HELD OVER 6TH WEEK ARTHUR 2:30, 4-40,6:50,9:05 &DOt GAETANE GLLESCH SCHOOL 0F DANCING " SMAUL CLASSE M1 " DXMS AVABE<VI * YM. & UP AIL LEVELS Begins Sept. 14 * ALLT-TAP-JAZZ-AoeOBTUc- 8A1ffW AM HLAND * EMM oAM oeN TEA ASS0UTM & MMBAMASOATM NTUACHRSOF AUM ACEMMIEEAE Cal: 576-796 lisDurvuet IE. 723-0520 576-767 Whlby (oppouit -Mt SUPERMAN Il Parental Guidance Advised Mon. - Thurs. 7:30 Frl.,, Sat., Sun. 7:00 and 9:15 CINEMA WHITBY 668-3618 N