Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 12 Aug 1981, p. 16

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&PA,"GE 16, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1.2, 1981, WHITBY FREE PRESS F=ree Press rmporiumn EmpoiumAds wiII only be aiccepted subject to the following Conditions. ARTICLES--] ARTICLES ~FOR SALE FOR SA LE 10,000 TU COLO dit loner for sale. Ai 656&4115. ANTIQUES à COL Butter churner V1 radio $50; plan< Mahogany manfie ciosed bookcase1 wardroba 3150. Cali CHESS COMPUTER *'l0 Levais" plus j Cali 668-4870. On@ GO KART, asl 655-3282. LAWNMOWER fai working condition. wheels. Asking $1 6638. 4 x 8 SLATE POOL Ti Complote wth Asking 380. Calil 6 FRANKCLIN-TYPE S« usd, $200. Cali 655-4 SINGLE HUNG Wl colonial grill and stori 50, Asking $150. Cali DESIGNER WEDOII sîza 1314.paris and of lace. Asking 3200. 666-3M3. OAK CHAIR $10. FI $15. Vacuum Cleane Llghf Fixture $15- I .d Handpainlad Plate WVInton Handpaintec Collector's Item Royal $20. Royal Abert Oi Record Player $20. Oe 18 - 0' ROUND CEI sharpened. Assorti 3" - 5" topa. 31.75 i FIREPLACE SCREE $15. Blacir FIREPUA good condition, $8. 10"~ AQUARIUM, $1 SPOOL TABLE $70.9 579-6929. TAKE THE EASY W, staad of throwing a place your articles fc Oeil 68-6111. MPOT Air Con- king $M0. Cali Jul.29,B1<K) LLECTABLES 50; Mahogeny 0 sf001 350; a $150; glass. $150; mlrrored I985-M97. JuI.8.81(P) i $200. Pay$ at postai games. Jul.22,81(M) Ikng 3$0. Cali Jul.8.81(M) ýr sale. Good Raise & iower ;65. Calil 683- Jui.29,81(S) 'ABLE for sale. accossories. 1 8M712 days. Jui.29,81(W) 'TOVE, nover 4245. May 20,81(L) NDOW with 'ms. Size 88 x I 68"796. Jul.1,81(N> INO DRESI sequins, lots Oelil anytlme May 20,81(S) lIoor Poilsher c er $15. Neon 4 Royal Winfon 312. Royal id Bowi 312. al Winton Cup 1 .ip $20. HI-Fi r aIl 668-6080. c Jun.24,81(P) DAR POSTS, id sizes from t ach. BRASS N, Like new ICE SOREEN, 36 x12" x 15. Antique 3 Cali evenings b Aug.12,81(G) d AY OUT. In- garage sale Ior sale here.. FOR SALE: Antique Four-Poster CRADLE, oak, original finish, ex- cellent condition, $200. Antique Pine Harveat TABLE, drop-leaf, netural' finish, good condition, $225. Antique Wicker BABY CARRIAGE, Victorian Circa 1890, with umbreile, wire spoke moti wheais. excellent condition, ex- cellent for window dispiey - rofali, naturel wicker with uphoistered padding, $350. Bowmanviiie ROOKING CHAIR, Circe 1850, caned seat and beck, £150. eowmanviîîe ROCKING CHAIR, Circe 1850, uphoistered In beige voivef, $150. Antique Victorien Ladies SIDE CHAIR, carved back, arms & legs, uphoisfered ln tapestry, with matching footstooi, excellent condition, quality place, $325. BOSTON ROCKER, strip- ped, needa f0 be assembied, $50. Phone 666-2815 evenings. Aug.12,81(G) FOR SALE]1e T)R. 1967 CADILLAC, 4 peint, radiai tires, pow power brakes, power power seats, cerftifie $1,800 or besf of fer. Oa 1969 VS MALIBU, o 72,000 mi., radio, tirai eda body work. As it 668-4078. 1971 TORONADO, r omissioin, wIi sail AakIng $35 or boaf Barry aI 723-092 aller 1972 VW BEETLE, ruri tion, neads body work cerfified. $200.OeIli 6 f p.m. 1973 GRAN rnechenicaliy sound.A or bastffler. CeIl 655- 1975 CAMARO RALL' mpeed, standard, redit tiliad. AskIng $3,400 3336. 1975 GRAN TORINO BF 351 auto., power stIao brekes, air, radio, exci dtfion, 65,000 mi., mcý aill. Asking $2,600. Mt to eppreciafe. Cali 6664 CARS sali quickiy li >crium section. Cali 66 door, new over steering, r windows, id. Asking ail 655-8052. Jun.3,81 <O) one ownar, os with rima, s, $300. el Jul. 15,81(P) neads tran- for parts. ciller. Oel Jui.1 5,81(0) nning condi- ,k and Ici be 68-7470 afftor Aug.5,81(S) TORINO, Asking $450 -3879. Jui.1 81(e) Y SPORT, 4 al ties, car- t 0. Oeil 655- Jui.8,81 (L) IROUGHAM, )ring, power celaenf con- oving, muet lual b. sean 2958. Jul.15,81(H) 2 n the Em-h 88-6111. When the advertIsed Item la sold, disposed of, or unavailabie for whatever rason, the Item wiiI be deemed lo have been sold and a commission wiil be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iiiustrated beiow, regardiesu if price la stated with "beat of fer'. Ithe Item sa NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wiil be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 wil.1 appiy payable ln advance ofl publication of the flrst ad. Otherwise a $7.50 charge wiii ap- piy If bIiied whIch must be paid upon receipt. The above minimum charges willI be appiied 10 the final commission due but ln any case the higher amount wiii be charged. Minimum charge:, 38.00 pre-paid, $7.50 biiiodi. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertisements musi be piaceci on an exclusive base with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run et ieast one month If not soid. RATES (If article I sold): 5% of advertis.d prie up ta $400.00 * 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: SoId Item advertiaed for $120.00. Commission due 38.00 <minimum charge lae38.00) Privafe actverting onlyl Please notify the WhIiby Free Press immediately when Item lasoi0d go that we may delete If from the foiiowing Issues. Ail ads not fifting the Emporium guidelines w111 be treeted and charged per week as regular classified ads on a pre-paid basIs such as: services, heip wanted, etotI hng, reai esiate, and personai message type ads, or ada nof quofIng price or quantity. Privaie ciassified ada may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIEO SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: If ln doubt cali: OR DELIVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 668-6111l 131 Brock St. N. P.O. Box 206 Whltby, Ont. Whitby, 1L1N 551 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON 1975 MONTE CARLC power stearing, powei originel peint, radia.i certflied. Aaking $2,5( 2702. 1975 MUSTANG Il F cylindar, power stai brairas, eutometic, AI new radiais, 63,000 n $2,000. Oeil 668-9604. 1i976 MERCURY WAGON, new tires, Iracir, power doar loi ditioned, traiter hifch, roof rack, aerfified. As Oei l 655-8052. 1079 CHRYSLER CA blue, 49,000 km., ex ditîion, 4 dacir, powî power brairas, certifie $5,500. Oeil 68-1436. 1979 DUICK Park Avt gray, four door, axai lion. Low mileage wit lons. Asiring 38.49! 5062 alter 5 p.m. :j1EPA 1 PIONEER Car Sterso, 2 ampe, cassette dockj equalizor. Asking SMC hoard. oi 668-M32. DON'T THROW OUT YOUR GOOD.AS-NEW USED ARTICLES. FOR AS LITTLE AS $6.oo YOU CAN PLACE YOUR ADVERTISEMENT UNDER THE EMPORIUM SECTION 0F THE WHITBY FREE PRESS. IF YOUR ARTICLE DOESN'TSELL THE FIRST WEEK YOU DON'T PAY EXTRA FOR MOI INSERTIONS. WE'LL KEEP ON RUNNING YOL AD FOR AS LONG AS 3 MONTHS. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALLTHE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MANAGER NOW A 668-6111 D, 350 auto., r brakes, air, s & snows, 500. Cail 797. May 27,81MT ýASTBACK, 8 ering, power ,MIFM radio, niles. Asking Jul.8,81(H) STATION AMIFM, 8 ýks, air con- iair sfsocks, ,sking $2,995. Jun.3,81(C) ARAVEL LE, celient con. or steerlng, led. Asking Jui.15,81(O) enue, silver elient condi- lth many op- 15. caîî 576- Aug.5,81(E) 4 speakers, and graphic 0- muet ba un.27,81(W) RE JR F: THE WORLD IIS YOURS.../F. YOU KVO W THE RIGiYIT PEOPI E.. Whetever you move the Welcome Wagon hostess is the righi persan to heip you tind a place in your new communîiy. Cali 861!1_1523 or 570-7521 Ford Custom Fibergiasa TRUCK CAP. Asking 3350. Ca1i1723-9989. J u 115,81 (p) CHEV 350 HEADS, good con- dition. Asking $75 or best of fer. Calil 668-042. Jui.29,81(B) 1973 FORD TORINO PARTS: 302 Engine $200. Transmission for same $85, Radiator $50. Front end. tenderb, grill, bumpers, drums, etc. Compiete car 3350. Cai 855-3006. Jul.1 .81(R) 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS SEDAN PARTS. 429 motor, windshieid, front end, grill, fenders, rad, air conditioning unit, etc. Asking $200. Cai 655-300W. Jun.3,81(R) POUR 14" RADIALS, Unîroyal steel beited, raised white-Ietter tires. Under 10,000 mi. on ail tires. Asking $200. Cali 655-4108. Jun.117,811 CH1) CUSTOM ROOF RACKS f0 flit full- Bize station wagon. Asking $80. Cal 1576-6592. Jui.1S.81(O) 3ABNEEDS Paeffo Combination CARRIAGE fl'ROLLER, excellent condition. red, $150. Colonial Bed, couid be made f0 canopy, wiih mattreas. M35. Perego Strolier, daluire size. na"y. $45. Cai 683-1574. Jui.1 .61(S 4 b Z BE (Ei 6 he ig x bl TE un 661 HO:iIUSHOLWI Two Kroeler LIVING ROON CHAIRS, tweed, beige and brown, good condition, $75 for pair. WIN. DOW FAN $15, Cali 655-4245. May 20,81(L) CHESTERFIELD & Bad, metching chair and rocking chair, $150. Cali 68-9771.- May 13,81(Z) Burgundy & goid 3 PC. SEC- TIONAL CHESTERFIELD, rotating bar ln mid-secf ion, includas mal- ching lampe. $150.-Oeali666-2339. Aug.5,81<B) Smaii 3-SEATER COUCH, arm chair and foolafool, in good con- dtion. Asking $100. EXERCYCLE $40. Cali 668-6533 efftorS5 p.m. Jun.10,81(G> WALNUT DININO ROOM SUITE compiefe with buffet and hutch. 2 monthsolod. $850. Four piece chesterfieid suife, excellent con- dition, $450. Oelil 576-5062 afler 5 p.m. Aug.5,81 (E) 7 square yards of BROADLOOM, iffaer sweat. Asklng $200. Oelil F23-9989. Jul. 15,81(P) IEDROOM SUITE, feair look :nglish), 6 fi. dressing table with fi. mirror, Continental padded eadboard wifh aide tables & ghf s, 2 wardrobes. A bargain at 650. CARPET (Engiish), app. 5 yd. 5 yd., ail over design ln maroon, iack & pinir. Asking $200. EAIWINE TROLLEY, 2 fier, nusuai design. Asking 385. Oell 68-1946. Jul.29,81(C) JOUSED 1MUSICAL GDODSINSUMENTS CUSTOM.MAOE SHI embroidored home,j wide. Asklng $200or Calil668-0495. MOVINO? If you househoid Ilams you, quickiy, place your ac Whltby Free Press En lion. Oel 668-6111 fori HOUSEHOLO SALE mirai ranga $250; grec range $250; kitchan aectric lirapiaca 32f ciothes dryar $25; washIng machina 325; baqua $30; f wo Hoov cleaners, $100 and1 Iloor polisher $20; sol cases $25; green aresa Irons 3SM and $10.COeil Speed Qusen DISHWA onergy saver, ln axa dit Ion, 330 or boaf offt 0495. A dmirai 6 cycle convE pertone PORTABLI WASHER, chapping good condition. $200. Z339. FRIGIDAIRE RANGE, $35 or boaf offer. Oelil 30" VIKING STOVE, $75 7658 affer 6 p.m. MEERS with approx. 1e' )r boafoffer. Jul. 1,81(C) have extra iwant f0 sali id undar the nporium sec- details. - White Ad- on Kenmora 1suite 350; 5; white GE white GE iwagon bar- ver vacuum $30; Viking if of 3 suit- rug 340; two 668-7014. Jul.8,81(s) ASHER with aellant con- or. Oeil 668- Juil ,81(C) iertIbie cop- LE DISH. block top, . Cail 666- Aug.5,81 (8) 21", white. 555-4089. Jul.15,81(F) '5. Oeil 579- Jun.3,81(P) MOYCLECL1 1975 SUZUKI 125 MOTOCROSS, excellent condition, many new pertsa. Aaking 3450. Oeil579-572. JUI.8,81(O) 1977 YAMAHA YZ, ccimplateiy rebulIt. Aaking $65. Cali 723- 9m8. Jui.15,81(P) 1981 850 SPECIAL, 2,500 km., chrome, highway bars, KG becirreat, ail warrant y checksa, car- tified. Aaking $2,700. Calil Larry et 668-8666 aller 4 p.m. Jul.8,01 (B) PARTS FOR A GT0U Roar rim, hub, spokes & brairas $0; rear kncibby, nover ueod, $30; rear shocira $25; front forir systsm $100; Iront rlm with huba, spokes & brakes $50; front tire $15; Iront tuba $5. COeil728-2578. Jun.24,81(W) DRUMS - Premiler - 4 drums com- ploe wif h cymbale and stands. Sacrif ice ef 3875. Oeil 666-2958. Jui.15,81(H) CLASSICAL GUITAR (Eko), new, with case, $120. OeIl 608-9482 Aug.5,81(M) GIBBON EDO Basa Gultar, ex- cellent condition, $300 wlth case. Oei l 668-832. Jun.27,81(W) GUITAR AMPLIFIER - Paavay, 60 watts a sida, aaking $325. Cail 668- 6297. Jul.1,81(N) 12 STRING FENDER GUITAR. Just like new. Complote wif h case. $285. Cail 655-3006. Aug.5,81<R) PIANO FOR SALE - Mendeison, upright, recenly- tuned, asking $895. Cal 1668-1140. Jul.15,81(N) METAL OFFICE DE Becir Chair, black, goc muetosal. Asking $1! 2958. "SK &High id condition, 50. Oelil666- Jul.15,81(H) Sears CaiebrIty Poiwer 12 ELEC. TRIC TYPEWRITER, 9 mci. oId. Peid $269, akIng $20.COei 723. 0855. May 27,81(M) If's not work to wolk. , rSo why not walk ta work? Three-year.oid BAY GELDlNGî over 15 handa, Part thoroughbred, halter broren, good disposition. Aaking $40 or baf offer. Cali 655. 3006. Jui.22,81 (P) 30 GAL. AQUARIUM, hexagon with wrought iron stjknd. 2 mont ha oid. Ail accessories Inciuded. Asking $150. Cali affer 6 p.m. 571- -0701. Jul.22,81<K) SELL YOUR UNWANTED ARTICLES NOW Use thîs handy f orm ta mail ln your Emporium ad. 1 have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the followl ng ad- vert isement placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. (don't torget Io Include your phone number) r- 1 enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. M I Ci Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. M I E Bill me for $7.50 after first publication of myTO Card No. Exp. Date WHITBY Nama (please prnt) FREEPRESS ________P.O. Box 206 Address 131 Brock St. N. CiyPoatai Code Whltby Li N 5S1 * ~ ' % ~A.U a La %.t i .....a..... i5i~j'I','., .~. ,', * ~ - i i i i >,i r i 44 -, 4.,Ê. -4*,1,4*4",d",)-.i, " ' - - 4 " -, ý 4 0 '16't e"i '44.4 ý4 1 4, À

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