WIIITBY FREE PRESS, Wl DM SI)Y, AUGUST 5, 1981 , PAGE l<n Davis to break ground for warehouse tomorrow The officiai ground- breaking cerernony for a muiti-million dollar storage and distribution centre for the Liquor Control Board of On- tario wiIl be heid tomorrow morning at 11:30. The ground-breaking wilI be done by Ontario Premier William Davis, Consumer and Cor- porate Affairs Minister Gordon Walker and by Ontario Revenue Minister and Durham West MPP George Ashe. The long promised LCBO warehouse is scheduled to open by mid-1984 and will replace ail outside storage facilities in Metropolitan Toronto Architect's drawing of wareho use and will take away some of the workload from overburdened ware- houses in London and Ottawa. According to Con- sumer Affairs Minster Gordon Walker, at least 75 per cent of al existing LCBO retail stores will be served by this "more efficient" computerized centre. "The storage and retrieval of stock in the new centre will be mostly handled by the computer system. This Budget costs town $29,322 When the Ontario government handed down its budget in May, Treasurer Frank Miller announced that munici- palities wll have to pay increased fees for many items. Municipalities will have to pay increases in the gasoline tax and O.H.I.P. premiums and for the first time, they will have to pay vehicle license fees beginning in 1982. Before the budget, both the Town of Whitby and the Region of Durham paid only $2 for licence plates for their vehicles. In a report to Whitby Town Council, treasurer AI Claringbold said that the provincial govern- ,ment's budget will cost the town approximately $29,322 in 1982. The town will have to pay an additional $7,632 in O.H.I.P. premniums. Increases in gasoline tax will mean the town will have to dish out an additional $6,534. In 1980, the Town of Whitby paid only $150 in licence fees for its vehicles. In 1982, the figure will jump 110 times to $15,156. The Region of Durham will also be faced with increased costs for these items. According to the region's finance com- missioner, Jack Gar- tley, the budget will in- cur additional costs of $71,000 for O.H.I.P. premiums; $35,800 for vehicle registration (in- cluding police vehicles)- and $14,300 for increases in the gasolîne tax. The increases at the local level are not pleasing to WestWard Councillor Joe Bugelli. "I think this is grossly unfaîr," Bugelfi said. "It's creating dual taxa- tion." The councillor also said that the provincial government is shoving these costs on the muni- cipalities to create more revenue for itself. "Now we're going to be trying to find money that the provincial government had to find in the past, " he said. Bugelli suggested that Whitby Town Council send a letter to the pro- vincial government "demanding" that-these changes be dropped., However, Regional Councillor Gerry Emm opposed the idea saying that "this is not the way to do it. " Instead, the town's delegates to the up- coming convention of the Association of Muni- cipalities of Ontario will support any similar move made by that body, whose primary function is to be a voice for the concerns of local governments at the pro- vincial level. Durham Regional Council recently passed a resolution requesting that the provincial government remnove these cost increasing measures. keeps overhead down and production up," Walker said. Projections provided by the ministry cdaim that by 1990, the Whitby warehouse will be required to store up to 3.7 million cases of wines, spirits and im- ported beers during the peak Christmas period and to distribute over 110,000 cases a day. "The centre will not only provide better ser- vice for LOBO customers throughout the province, it will also help create construc- tion-related jobs in an area hard hit by layoffs in the auto industry in rýecent years," Walker said. NEARLY NEW SI tOPS Minci WHITBSYOSAWAI 106 CobornS.E 73 CeHna S, 57-99 IF YOU ARE INVOLVED IN AN ACCIDENTI 1. Calthre Police. <Don't admit iability; let the police decide). 2. CaiN your Insurance agent. <Expiain the problem.) 3. Cali Home. <Vouli1 be at ieasf one hour late.) 4. Coli OSHAWA CAR CARE LTD. (It's yotir choice where your car is repaired.) We have the most up to date equipment to repair any car on the road today. We guarantee satisfaction. NEW CAR RENTAIS onllî $5 -0 per day - no mileage. 660 Drake St. Oshawa 576-1019 DY$POýRTS'AOENCY 23IIQ*ALAD E 1I 86- 1723' 17M0NAÀcftAVE. UNIT 21,AA Don't forget Earlybird SPECIALS for your> Hockey Sohool needs AIL HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Summer Skate Sharpenung $ 1 a.50)Pair (ALL SKATES) TRADE IN your OLD SKATES for a DISCOUNT on your NEW SKATES. AU. AO~I*LA0 4Y.41 . UAT. " j1 (AM"se uImm NAu » n mm. kidw NsUS m