WHITI3Y I RLU P.1RI SSWl UNI.SUAt\,JIl[V. I 9181.1PAGIi19, Whitby Free Press YOUR DI.NING PLEASURE withBarry Murka r.... Magie at the Magie Car Second invitations to restaurants are getting to be a habit, and last week we returned to the Magie Car at 145 Kng Street West in Oshawa. Our hast for the evening was one of the partners, Nick Palladino, and he made us feel right at home as soon as we arrived. ýWe were ushered to a table by a very charming young waitress by the name of Michele and no one could ask for more at- tention than she gave us during the evening. For openers, Michele brought us a bottie of Vin de la paix, which is a very smooth red California wine. Joy or- dered the Teriyaka chieken with baked potato. For dessert she had homemade carrot cake with hot sauce. I stayed with the old faithful and had a small New York sirloin with baked potato and it was delicious as far as bath of us were concerned. Nick and his partner, Maârk Valliere took over the Magie Car a lîttie over two years ago, and since assuming owner- ship, have turned it into one of the most popular dining places- in Oshawa for bath lunch and dinner hours. The decor as you may know is made Up of variaus items pertaining to the auto industry, dating back a few years ago. You'll find it bath pleasing and in- teresting. Nick told us that he and Mark are after the family market and with this in mind put a lot of ef fort into Sunday Brunch which yau can have for only $5.95. This gives you quite a selec- tion. There is the salad bar, and chaice, of Hip of beef, scrambled eggs, Swedish vegetables, breakfast sausages, peameal bacon, dessert table, tea or coffee, juice and muffins. During Sunday Brun- ch which is served from 10 a.m. ta 2 p.m. there are two magicians wan- dering around among the tables performing their tricks. The children and aduits alike, get a real kick out df this and it has becomne an extremely popular feature at the Magie Car. By the way, dinner is served from 4 to 9 p.m. and an weekends you wauld be wise to phone ahead and make reservations. The lounge at the Magic Car is being renovated ta a piano lounge, and Nick tells us they have been loaking for some goad local talent ta play here. During dinner there will be soft music and then, if yau care ta, you can go into the lounge and enjay a drink and the music from a baby grand piano. Nick told us that business has increased by 40 per cent, since he and Mike taok over. He attributes the growth ta consistency in the quality of the food, at- mosphere and assuring the patrons of good ser- vice. He has noticed that many people return again and again. The prices at the Magie Car are very reasanable and a young couple could have a very enjayable evening out for less than $40.00. We can readily put the Magie Car an aur list of the better spots to dine in Durham Region. Dining Guide Le CHALET DINING ROOM. 100 L)undas Street, Whitby 668-4377 Long a favourite eating spot for people in Durham Region. Le Chalet specializes in Seafood, Steaks and Roast Beef. They feature a businessmen's luncheon from $3.00 and up. Dinner for two is from $15.00 and up. A salad bar is included with full course meals. Ail major credit cards are accept ed. TIE (GREAT WAL.. 116 I>undas Street West. Whitby.' 668-7021. A favourite eating spot for ('hinese food loyer-,. A large sekec- tion of Canadian dishes also served, Prires range*Trom $2.50 and up for lunch, and $3 4i and up for dinn'r (Open (rom il an> I arn weekdays. Fridav and Saturday open tiii 2 M0 a.m. We are imuw full% licensed For the past three years the Simcoe Hall Women's League have been planning ta enlarge their centre for handicapped children. Plans ta expand the present centre had ta be abandoned because it is situated on flood plain land. Ta ease preýent over- crawding and accam- modate increasing enrolment, the league has been forced ta pur- chase land at Bloor Street East and Townline Road in Oshawa for a new children's centre. They have overcame mayprobleins and are nwready ta show the plans for the new centre ta the public and make an appeal for funds.. The plans wîll be on display at the Oshawa Ctre <autside the United Cigar Store) from August 1 ta 8 in- clusive. Members of the Simcoe Hall Wamen's League wilI be on hand to answer questions about the exciting new centre and ta better in- form the public about the role the Simcoe Hall Children's Centre plays in the community. The Children's Centre Fund Raising Brochure will be available and donations ta, the building fund wilI be greatly ap- preciated. Pledges may be made over a three year period* and donations are tax deductible. The Simcoe Hall Wamen's League has ta raise $550,000 towards the cost of the new building. The children's centre serves handi- capped children in the Region ofDurham and the surrounding area and if each persan in the service area donates $5 their goal will be met. In the past the people of the region have been very generous ta the Simcoe Hall Children's Centre. They urgently need support for this prajeet. Donations will alsa be accepted at the Simcoe Hall Ad- ministration Office, 387 Simcoe Street South or at the Children's Centre. By ,arranging ,the "6show and tell" at the Oshawa Centre during the week August i ta 8, the Simcoe Hall Women's League hope ta calleet their funds quickly, s0 that graund can be broken and con- struction started in the faîl 0f this year. For more information about this praject con- tact Jean Achmnatowicz a t 655-4051. Attersley at Su nnycrest Mayor Bob Attersley was on hand recently as the residents* council of Whitby's Sunnycrest Nursing Home held an autdoor barbeque. The event offered the seniors a chance ta, enjay a beautiful summer day and lunch on freshly grilled ham- burgers as well as meet the mayor. Seen here are: Norah Parent. president of the residents* council. Attersley. and council members Mary Summiers and Nellîe Niason. -Free Press Staff Ph<>to I - I&I THE WA TERMILL -lwy. 12, N. of Manchestei 985-3766 Corne in and enjoy a quiet meal in a friendly atrnosphere. We offer a com- plete buffet for your dining pleasure on SunIdays from 12 noon to 10 p.m. ~fori only,$5.50 per person. FRIDAY1 Bal Pc4 Yi L SATURDAY SPECIALS Roast Beef ked White Fish Short Ribs ork Tenderoin 'OUR CHOICE '4.25 Simc oe Hall seeking funds for newN home 1 STEAK HOUSE& TAVERN- 110 DUNDAS STREET WEST 668-4377 SUN DAY AND MON DAY SPECIALS PRIME RIB AU JUS or ROCK CORNISH HEN Inicudes salad bar. choice of potato and vegetable of the day. $ 7B95 Wednesday is Ladies Night' SURF &TURF Il13u95 oir PEPPER STEAK PRESIDENT incudes salad bar and choice of potato. $9M95 'OMM k'61, à N'w "w , 1