WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY.JLLY .9. 1981,PAGE 13 OPEN MONDAY AUGUST 3 8:00A A.M. -6:00P Omo Patio Slabs ,he quick easy way to a new or expanded patio. 1299 x 24" Grey 140 each 24"1 x 24" Grey 250 each 1299 x 24" Coloured 169 each 24Yx 30" Grey 298 each Add 40t Der slab f or deiivery. Interlocking Brick 3 plecasper sq. f t. Stock cotai brown but avllta. bie In rmd, chercoët, gold, ulmon end natural. 119 sq. ft. ou rreg. 1.35 Add 10* sq. f t. for delivery. Colorlok Masonite Siding ragLlu1l Colorlok siding is finlshed wlth a special space age coating guaranteed to retain its painted surface for years. Calorlok is easy and econarnlcal ta instali and has a 15 year finish guarantee. We have a camplete range of accessaries available. 999x 16' White 77 8 8 Dai. aur reg. 84.95 Extorlor 41 x 81 Masonite SUd lng Exterior Siding Ptenkad Panets - the look aWd"f01t of ugh- aown cedaer wtth daapty mboe aedntural surface texture. %Il wtda aque o ut groovea on $11 con- tarm epelrse the Individuai plank destgns for mdi. ded deptt, end naggedne. Edo@* aasMptapped. Surface ta avattabie preataind Un à a etice of Nwo vartable toned naturel coloura - Grand Can yon and Yellowstone. 2450 sheet aur reg. 26.88 Concrete Blocks r DD 104 per block for dellvery, 793 8 9 &ach each Gioss Latex White 2199 gallon aur reg. 27.19 Aiykd Gloss White gallon aur reg. 31.95 FREE ESTIMATES On houses, cottages, garages, fen- ces, decks, additions, etc. On big jobs like houses, cottages just bring ln your blueprint and leave III with us for 7-10 days andýwe wiii return it to you with a materiai iist and prices. Denait Latex Wood Stain Available ln cedar, wal- nut and redwbod. 588 aur reg. 6.88 Limited Quantifies Cedar Doors Coear doors are 1 M" thlck and enhance the outelde &p. ,?sarance of your home. -0130 2-8x6-8.N764 2.lOxO.lOC.#7g1 2-IOxB.t01 Handsome design Attractive Carved Fumtures eye tevat featurîng 1/4 Paneis window window 82188 139115 13911-5 «Chh tc. mach Ourreg>9988 ou( eQe15495 - Our reg,15495 I%~AJAX WHUTBY 282 Monarch Ave. 223 Srock St. N IMon.Tues... 8-6 Mon.Tues... .E R ?Yd.-Fri.. 8-9 Wed.-Fri...a BIMI J 8-6 ." Saturday .. A~C1~S0~ 86-1881 668-6821 8-6 8-9 8-6 OSHAWA 100OBond SI.W. Mon.-Fri. .8-9 728-1617 COURTICE Btoor SI. Eot Oshawa Mon.-Wed. ...8-61 Thurs.-Frt...8-9 Saturdoy . . 8-5:30 728-1611 PORT HOPE 116 Peter St Mon. Thurs8-5-30 Frlday . .8-9 Saturday 8-4 885-2423 0 Det.vef v ava. table. 0 Not att items stocked at att storesý 0 Phone ofrder s acceted BUILD Cuprinol Wood Stain A decorative water repellant stain to highlight the naturail beauty of wood. Does not peel, crack, chaik or flake. Contains powerfui resins and wood long iastIng pro. preservatives for tection. SAVE5% j 1