G 1 10l. W1 D\Nl SID)\N -y ,:),191~Vl JB Saca-b 900,1981 SAAB 900, 3-DOOR. Fuel Injection engine developlng SAE net 118 hp (87 kW). 5-speed manual transmission or automatlc transmission. MARIAN AUTO LTD. 25 GRENFEIL AT KING 728-5179 F R 1:l'1PR ESS Mayor favors three year term By MICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staff Whitby Mayor Bob At- tersle has given guar- ded support to the idea of having a three-year term for municipal poli- ticians. Last week, the On- tario Minister of Housing and Municipal Affairs, Claude Bennett, said that lie supports the extended term for local government. Bennett's announ- cement wiil probably be well received by local politicians from across Durham Region, many of whomx have been ad- vocating such a move since the report of the Regional Review Com- mittee was handed down Iast year. One of the review committee's recom- mendations was that the termn for local politi- cians be extended to three years from its present two years. However, Tom Wells, the Ontario Minister of Intergovernmental Af- fairs quickly rejected it. Attersiey said that the three year term has many advantages and disadvantages. One of the major ad- vantages, he said, was that new councillors would have a greater opportunity to evaluate the job and to becom the job and to become- used to it. "It takes a good six months for any new councillor to get a feel for the municipality," Attersley said adding that the extended term would "probably mean more time to implement new ideas. " The long-time municipal politicians point out that when a newly elected person joins Whitby Town Council, the budget process is already un- derway and he or she has a difficuit time trying to deal with it properly. "With a three-year term you will get more continuity," he said. However, there is one big disadvantage. "The one big disad- vantage of it is if the electorate isn't happy with the job a councillor is doing, then it takes a year longer to show their displeasure," he said. The three-term, At- tersley believès, will cause candidates in a municipal election to consider their positions more carefully. "After ail, it will then be a three-year senten- ce," he said. The mayor is also con- fident that the elec- torate will display "a greater degree of seriousness" if the term was extended to three years. Both the candidates and the electorate would have to approach an election knowing that a three year term means a greater commitment to the job, Attersley said. As of press timne, it was not known whether or not Bennett lias any plans to introduce legis- lation giving local politi- cians a three year term but he was quoted as saying that he would like to see it in place before the 1982 municipal elections. Medi*ator appointed in ITT dispute The Ontario Ministry of Labor has.appointed a mediator in the current contract dispute between Whitby's ITT Canon Electric Ltd. and its 120 striking em- '~ ~ In Fui] OIlour! 11½'Ix8%4" Pictoijal book format BuKarMsthe Queen has beeri grac±oualy ploesed to perrit thie Royal JubilceTrusta, or which ahe w patron, to publiBh this Offciai Souvenir for the Wedding of H.R.H. T7he Prince of Walead the lady Diana Spencer on 29 Juiy 1981 at St. Paul'a CaLlhedral. TisJ laviahly-illuatratoed. perment record o! the joyoua oooà m isl available ini Canada by mail by special arrange- ment with the publiakicz. 11weoover photograph. taken by Lord Snowdoni. depicte Diana ini low-cut green t.affeta with a diamnond necklaoe. Charloe in hm tfull-drem naval uxuforni.at Fighgrove. the estate whÀch will beooee Uw c ouplea new home The eight-pfge oenter .pJSd. and many of Uic cther pagS~. rarry ul-coour studio portrma i odmicroyal pair Greaare ham been taken to ewvur that Uuu special aouver will remain a valued *LAffl Ii §61 84'bmk *& * PnrÊW cc Suroeng gio jnpw *amu@W oa* hPUl csioearth2maghcNAxb * ArIe h. oeidy. (the ~gEhWiI cbwiz~Bmd ft =royalm mpuiu * Fm&=~ mea d1 t rbah Maîl to: TH ROYAL WWDOING Box 345. Station A. Toronto, Ont. M5W 1C2 Enclosed is a cheque or money order (no cash pease) for $ -or charge it to my Visa or Mastercharge Account, Phase send ...-book,'s at $6.45 each (încluchng postage andi handling). Malte choque payable to Canada Wide Feature Services timted. AIow 3-4 weeks for "mhvry. NAMTII 1111111PRO1111111 111 11 POSTAL COS IWL1 ..j PHONIE MOI LL1.11L1.1J ~lIilI>ulîNlîhîL!. Lheque LN#sa L>asercharge ACCOUJNT NO Whîby I rec Prcm 1i 1 1- -1 SP EXPV" sâttp - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m - --- -- - ployees. A spokesman for Local 1090 of the United Auto Workers, representing. the em- ployees, said last week that Terry Mancini, a ~1 316 SUM MER FILM A SPECIALI Bring a roil of filM in to be developed and receitve a 2nd SET 0F PRINTS AT HALF PRICE lorger 4ý" 'Studio' prints now avoulable et the samne low price. BBENJAM IN MBM PUBLUSHING & PHOTOGRAPHY INC. 131 B ROCK STREET NORTH WHITBY 668-6111 lI<1 R: $e 1) Q- 0. 7Tues. -if,. 0-. 11,l if e I (I 6o** Toronto mediator, has been appointed to try to get talks between the two sides going again. Steve Nimigon said that the "only -way the strike is going to be set- tled is to get back to tlie negotiating table." The strike is now 31 days old and since it began neither side has made any move to return to the bargaining table. Although it was not known for sure as of press time, mediation efforts were due to begin today. "Both parties are locked into their position," Nimigon said. "Someone has to find the key to open tliose positions. " The union officiai said that Mancini is "well known in mediation cir- cles. " "We're hoping the govermrnent will prevail on our side" througli the mediation process, Nimigon added. Co ilege a ccepting fees Durhiam College, Oshawa, is still accep- ting student applica- tions and providing ad- missions information during the mail strike. The college suggests prospective applicants visit the Admissions Of- fice, Simcoe Street Nor- th, weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., or phone 576-0210, exten- sion 262. The college is now ac- cepting tuition fees. Ful fees must be paid by August 5 for first year students. R.eturning students must pay tlieir full tuition fee by August 24. Durham is currently accepting applications for ail progranis except food and drug, electro- nic techniques, sports administration and design arts, which are already filled. In- terested students may stili apply to be put on a waiting list for these fiiled programs. Published by Gracious Permission of Her Majesty the Queen 1 .~ An Exclusive SPecial Soluveni ROYA WEDDINR 1 1