Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 Jul 1981, p. 29

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WHITBY FREE PRESS,.WEDNIL'SIAY,JULY 22, 1981. PAGE 29 La CALL APROFE "-GIVE YOUR FURNITURi7ý A FACE LIFT" I ~> RICHARD'S ~IFURNITURE REFINISHINO <FREE ESTIMATES 600 EuclId St., Whitby lm RICK FORESTALL 666-2992*~ SCREEN & GLASS REPAIRS Whiîby Aluminum Home Improvement Centre REPLACEMENT WINDOWS - DOORS - SIDING DISTRIBUTOR FOR 2 PLUS?2 PATIO DOORS 900 HOPKINS ST. UNIT 3 (AT BURNS ST.> WH ITBY, ONT. 668-2252 14. et~. 686-1853 $CASH *CASH *CASH! $ s TURN VOUR UNWANTED MERCHANDISE INTO fqASH. s We handle estates, bankrOptcies and liquidations. Antiques our speclaltyl 21 years experience5 5deallng ln fine antiques, furniture, glass and5 china. Free appraisals. Let us selyour merchan-5 dise to the hlghest bldder. 1614 Charles St., Whltby 66-71Days .579-6250 Evgs. sAUCTIONEER: BILL WANNAMAKER s Ease tihetax. bite. Cal n~îtt ticndlil sc that ytî gc a frech<>ok (catIIc. tIIwo I sc t i<..là iite:' RICHARD S. PRICE 354 REGAL BRIAR ST., WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N 6N 1 579-8508 PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING ALL TILING JOBS DON E. BAINIOOM AND ITCHEN. WALUS OR FLOORS. O3EICES1 WHITBY FABRICS FOR? F'REE . FS7Ilf.4TES Custom Sheers And Drapes CALI 1W F ALSODO ..LTERATIO.NS LEIGH HALL 215 Dundas St. E., Whîtby 666-3981 j 668-4821 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your ad for errors on the first day of publication, The Whitby Free Press wili not be liable for fallure 10 pubiish an ad. or for typographic or other errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up 10 a maximum cosi of the f irsi inserion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the righi to ctassify or reteci ait advertisemsnts, Box numbers are avaitablo et an additionai charge of $2100, PRE-PAID ADVERTISEMENT DISCOUNT: You mey charge your Ciassified Adverfisemont 10 your Chargex or Visa Account and recoîvo a discount on the prîce ofi the ad, Ploase have your Visa card roady when caling. DEADLIN ES: Deaiîne for Emporiur. Ads is Friday noon phro 10Publication, Oeadiina for Ciassitied Ads is Monday noon prîor tb publication, CALL 668-6111 -----s - I111IL [MOHAWK Pl" eaOVATION$ Aý PETS & ~SIJPPII 'LIES DOG KENNELS CUSTOM DOG KENNELS FOR SALE. 576-5606 THE DURHAM BOARD 0F EDUCATION TRUSTEE VACANCY Applications are invlted f rom qualified Separate Sohool Electors for the position of Sohool Trustee. The appointment is to replace Mr. G. An- drews, who has represented Scugog, Uxbridge, Brock, Ajax, Pickering and Whitby Separate School electors. The present term expires at 1982 il 30. Applicants must be 18 years of age or over and a Canadian citizen. Applications will be received by Mr. K.D. Munroe, Director of Education and Secretary of the Board at 555 Rossland Road West, Oshawa, Ontario L1J 3H3 until 4:00 p.m., August l4th. ln-. tervlews will be scheduled wlth qualified applican- ts as soon as possible af ter that date. A.S. Winter, Chairman ARTICLES FOR SALE SWIMMING POOL MANUFAc- quniiL has 1980 stock betng of. fèred ai a fraction of regutar setting price for eariy spring deiivery. $1,690.00 is complete price of pools equtpped with f Mier, pump, motor, patio, watk about dock & fenctng. Smail deposit witt hold tilti dettvery date. Offer good oniy white suppty tasts. Cuitltoi fres 1-800-268-5970. Toronto 1. 416-748-3340. SWIMMING POOL MANUFAC- TURER wil fase and mnsao new 1981 family size pool complote with waikway, sun dock and fon- ctng, on a rentai basts with option to buy. Vour choice of style. Try before you buyi Cali Impel Pools tollires 1-800-268-5970. Toronto 1-416-746-3340. W.E. McCracken, Vice-Chairman ARTICLES FOR SALE URINE-ERASE guaranteos ramovat of urine stains and odors f rom carpets. Free brochure. Reldeit Chemicats Ltd., Box 7500, London. TENT, 2 room Woods, potyethylone floor, onIy usod 6 limes, $195. Phono 668-1578. MASSEY FERGUSON DIESEL, Atlitd front end motor, new tires and new chains. AskIng $3,800.00. Cai 668-7948. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: Kirby vacuum cleener, coder poste - wett seasoned, f loor modet T.V., radio, stereo, record ployer, dresser with mirror, suitcases, movie camera, antique knick-knack table, othor Items & everything reasonable. Cati l668-9922 or 668-1865. SELL ARTICLES you no longer wani qutckty - place a ciassified Ad. Cati 668-6111. 1977 PONTIAC TRANS AM, 400 motor, perfect condition, reasonable. Must soit, Cati 668- 9922 or 668-1865. 29 FOOT 1980 MASTERCOACH, push out dining area, steeps 6. To viow at 410 Rossiand Road West, cati 668-1880, 1974 PMC 15' TRAVEL TRAILIER, tuiiy equipped, inctudtng eiec- tronic brake control & easy liftt equattzer hitch. cati 668-6895. HE,1 O.HEKIN I T-> E WANAiTED:E AUCTION SALE THURS., JULY 23 -6 P.M. At PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on Shirley Road, 4 miles south of Port Perry. With varlous good antique pieces, collec- tables, rldlng lawn mower, 71/h h.p. Scott outboard, good old f rldge, AdmiraI range, new crib, baby furniture, numerous toys, -good lînen, wall mirrors, china cabinet, f illng cabinet, table saw, barbeque, good carpet- ting and many more ex- cellent Items. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICE 985-7492 YARD SALE - Behind Brown's Foodmaster ln Brooktîn, Saturday, Juty 25. Baby ciothes, househoid items, N scale train set and mower 930 am. to 4p.m. QýbRSNAS HAPPY BIRTH DAY MOM 7'II.4ýVKS iFOR fr21ERV7IUv<.0vlOI. C. TIM PEUXK KEN CRATITON 9185-3490 668-5438 HIGNEST PRICES Paid for GoId and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, jewelery, dishes, fur- niture, crocks, o11 pain- tings and sealers. FRIEN DLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., TRACTOR TRAILFR TRAINING For Class A & D LicenIse Cal PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 Ontme f hai.ou CTon71Pm#a 1 -800-268-9689 Day Eve. & Sai. courses CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS I MPROVEM ENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramic TiIing, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Ca11668-4686 A&R HOM e IMPROVEMENT No Job Tee SeuIl. Bathrooms, rec ronms and fenclng. For free estimate caîl: 579-6545_. ADVERTISE VOUR SERVICE IN THE NEWSPAPER READ BY MORE WHIT8Y RESIDENTS THAN ANY OTHER PAPER. CALL 668-6111 ~TRAE1 ~SCHOOL-'L LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS or Straight Trucks Cal I The canadian Institut* oi Tracior Traiter Training Ltd. 416-247-7496 1264 Weston Rond Toronto, Ontarto NOM 4R 1 EstoUshed 1971 JOG FOR LIFE AND BREATH CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ALBERTA For our many public accoun- lng and Industriel clients, we seok CAs ai aitletva (student, finaliat, manager, partner), ln ail specializations (audit, tax, computer. ln- sotvency, emallbusiness, controtiership) ln a wide range of locations (rural to metropolttan). 1 wilt be con- ducbing interviews shortty in the Whttby area. To arrange an Interview, ln order tb Iearn of specifIc opportunities, salary leveis, retocatton assistance packages, speciat recruilment Incentives, fac- tuai data on houslng and living cosis, and lifestyte consideration. cailme collect at (403) 420-6690. I wiltsond you e copy of **Movîng to Alberta & B.C - Mr. Hugh Moncriafi, M.B.A. Prasldent MAYFAIR PERSONNEL LIMITED 1428, 10025 Jasper Ave. Edmonton, Alberta. c 3I~-g---m 6 The Ontario Ministry of Government Services has a reqLirement for approximately 2,044 square. metres (22,000 square feet) of useable of- fice/warehouse space in an existing building zoned for use as an Industrial Therapy Workshop for a ten year lease with a cancellation option after 5 years and a 5 year renewaî Dpt ion af ter 10 years. Municipal services, on or in close proximity to public transportation and parking for approxi- mately 22 vehicles are required. lnterested parties should reply in writing to: Leasing Supervisor, Central Region Realty Services Branch l3th floor, Ferguson Block 77 Wellesley Street Toronto, Ontario to be received on or before August 5, 1981. In reply please quote Project No. HE-L-6795. Information provided should include location, ren- table area of space available, and rentai rate per square metre or per square foot. The Ministry of Government Services will evaluate the suîtability of space offered but will not necessarily lease any of the space identified. It is the responsibility of the interested parties to deliver the submission according to the date and location stated herein. T.O. 113 ® Ministry of Services O)ntario ADVERTISING SALESPERSON REQUIRED For fast-growi ng local newspaper. Smail, f ri end ly off ice. Great opportunity for someone who Is bright, ambitious, energetlc and enthusiastic. EXPIERIENCE NOT NECESSARY! WRITE YOUR OWN TICKET! AIi interested parties apply in person Wednesday to Friday at:- WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-6111J DAYCARE REOUIRED for 1 year oid, movtng mbt Whttby area end of Augusi. catt colteci 298-0207 evenings. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS OR WAITER (must be over 18). Appiy n person 666-2811. % MPMEf FREELANCE TYPIST avaitabie. Types 70w.p,. Cati Jenny et 666- 3525 (PARTNTS/ C~0O0RNOS FOR RENT NICE MODERN APARTMENT in Whitby's quiet residenliat area. Woutd suit mature single lady. $340 montly înctuding utlitiios and cabte, Phono 666-2439 or 725- 6174, RENT VOUR extra roomn now Cati Ctassif ieds ai 668-6111. WW VACATION .RENTALJ CLEARWATER Savon furniahed mobile par- manent homes, air con. diiîoned, pools, tennis. shuf- f taboard. clos. tci guif beaches and major attractions Chiidren wetco<Te Cati 683-5503 oR, 683-5824

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