Oshawa -Whiýtby Miss Oshawa Exhibition, Maureen Mullen will be in attendance at renamed Oshawa-Whitby Agricultural Exhibition on July 16 at 8 p ticipate in the crowning of the Miss Oshawa-Whitby Exhibition. Mullen, 19, is a resident of Whitby and wîll give up. her title exhibition takes on its new name and format this year. Young ladies between the ages of 18 and 23 wishing to enter the pa@ do so by telephoning 723-8735 (evenings only) or by contacting tht Model Training Centre, Oshawa. - Photo courtesy of On July 16 at 12 noon, the gates wll open to the newly re-named Oshawa-Whitby Agri- cultural Exhibition. It was decided the fair needed a new name to include the town it now residesi. The fair originally started in the town of Whitby back i 1883 and since then has moved several tinies becomig the very popular Oshawa Fair. In 1979, new fair grounds were located and purchased just for- th of Wbltby at the cor- ner of Conlin and Garrard Roads, dlrectly behind the Oshawa Garden Centre on Thickson Road. New members were elected to the board to better represent the town of Whltby and finally a decision to make an of- ficial name change took place, thus the birth of the Oshawa-Whitby Agricutural Exhibition. Over the years this fair has given thousands of spectators and com- petitors top quality competition in livestock shows, tractor pulls, deinolition derbys and many other fun events and 1981 wil prove to be no exception as in- dicated by the following schedule. Thursday, July 16, the gates wil swing open at 3 p.m. with the midway and at 4 p.m. the North Oshawa Lions beer tent will open for the remainder of the day. At 7 p.m. the evening of special entertainment will take place with per- f ormances by the Rebels Drum and Bugle Corps. Thursday is Ladies' Day and alI escorted ladies wil be guests of the fair and receive free admission to the fair grounds. The ladies spotlight the evening with the Miss Oshawa- Whitby Exhibition pageant scheduled for 8 p.m. Lovely ladies from a.l over Durham Retîion between the ages of 18 and 23 wll be competing ini street drus, evening gown and bathing suit competitions for the title and a chance to represent the fair at the Miss C.N.E. contest in 198. She wil also win prizes including a self- improvement course wlth the Runway Model Training Centre. For further information on how to enter, phone: 723-8735evenlngs. The official opening ceremonies will take place Thursday evening at 8:30 p.m. The beer tent has been enlarged this year to accommodate a large dance floor. There will be free live entertain- ment nlghtly by the Par Four and for those who wish, steaks may be purchased hot off the bar-b-que in the tent. A bus servic city of OshaN provided bel hours of 6 p.: p.m. on opei Check daily ft schedule. Friday wi fair gets ult start of major com- petitions ini agriculture, horticulture, needlecra- f t, domestie science, and junior girls and junior boys exhibits. For further information on entering these even- ts, phone: 723-458. One of the great crowd pleasers, the Heavy Horse Show, commences on Friday, July 17 at 12 noon. Com- petitions ini four horse, six horse and unicorn hitch will take place ibetween the giant Clydesdale, Percheron and Belgian horseS. Friday evening will be highlighted by the- demolition derby at 7 p.m. Dozens of drivers wili be crashing their way to glory and prizes. Due to popular demand, this year the Oshawa- Whitby Agricultural Exhibition will be having two nights with the newly demolition derbys, the mi. to par- second event to take place on Saturday at 7 when the p.m. On Saturday, July 18, geant may the competition i dairy e Runway and beef cattie will start at 1 p.m. This event also O.W.A.E. includes the 4H and ce from the junior exhibitor section. wra will be At noon, the light horse ýtween the competition gets un- m. and 10 derway with hardness ýning day. ponies, hackney and or the time roadster horses. These ponies and horses are Il see the noted for their style and EWING POOLS Incudes: 14 Gaugegavanized steel wals' 30 Mi Lîner * Bull Nose Copn & rd Bottom* Main Drain* Sklmmer * Two returns Hayward uand filter wlth %* H.P. Super Pump * Ladder Divlng Board * Maintenance Kit * Vacuum Kit * Chemicals for one year plus à CEMENT DECK 3WALL AROUND THE OUTSIDE 0F POOL FOR ONLY *6595 Specials on alichemicals., accessories and solar blankets tool EWING POOLS LTD. 1251 Simcoe St. Na Mon-Fri.9-9 saturdoal10- 4 OSHAWA 728ul1113 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15,41 981, PAGE 17 tider way tomorrow speed and wlll definitely be an exciting event to watch. The Central Ontario Appaloosa Horse Club will be having their show on Saturday. This wîll be a point show and will include such ex- citing classes as the flag and barrel racing. The bus service from Oshawa will run bet- ween the hours of 1 p.m. and il p.m. on Satur- day. Sunday things get un- derway bright and early with the Arabian and Haîf-Arabian horse show scheduled to start at 9a.m. This show has a total of thirty-eight classes and will run all day. At il a.m. the second horse ring will corne alive with the exciting American saddlebred horses. This division will have sixteen classes including four cham- pionship classes. Sharing the ring with the Saddlebreds will be the open division horse show with ten classes. These are: open line; open youth showman- shipl18 years and under; open trail; open western pleasure; open junior equitation stock seat; open steady hands; open english pleasure;j grooms class; open junior equitation hunt seat; and open mystery class. At 10 a.m. the sheep competition starts with Suffolks, Dorsets and Leichester breeds showing their best. A sheep shearing demon- stration wll take place during this show. The OId Tyme Fid- dlers Contest gets un- derway at 2 p.m. with lots of good old toe tap- ping music for everyone to enjoy. This will be one of the clouing events and wil certainly leave everyone witb a true feeling of country at- mosphere. -The DOOR WITH 4 WEATH ER SEALS (Patent Pendlng) MORE THAN 2" Thlck Why buya reguler 2" door wlth ONLY 3 EALS When you con have one, of ours lnstelled on your home-at LOWER COST Safety glass, heavy.duty hardware, baked In attractive acryllc enoael. (20 years gueantee agalnst peeling.) Cleanlng that old plain alumlnum 1door lesa frustratlng job. SAVE $3500 *JULY16-3191981 SCashlCharge and Carry $249 (reg. 239.95> Measured and Installed $249 (reg. 269.95> Compete prîces, incîulng taxes and standard colours. (White, Biack, Brown) Special Colour-Acrylc Cream Enamel $15.00 Extra ALSO AVAILABLE - DISCONTINUED AND DISPLAY MODELS AT $80' OFF REG. PRICES. SALE PRICES VALID ONLY FOR ORDERS PLACED AT THE FACTO RY/SH OWROOM BUY DIRECTLY FROM FACTORY " MORE SEALS THAN OTHER OUALITY DOORS " THICKERl THAN OTHER DOORS " MORE ATTRACTIVE LOOKING THAN OTHER 2" DOORS. 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